A month later.

Great Qin Empire, Xianyang City.

Since the end of the last imperial meeting, the entire Great Qin Empire suddenly burst out with a sense of energy, perhaps because of the imminent war, which made everyone's spirits tense.

Wen Chen, who is preparing various strategic materials, maintains the operation of internal affairs.

The military generals, one by one, could not wait to start a war with the Xiongnu immediately and make meritorious achievements.

Now it is already August, you only need to stay up for a few more months, and when the spring of next year begins, Qin Shi Huang will go north and directly fight a decisive battle with the Xiongnu!


Bai Yi was under the service of the palace maid's sister.

Completed a simple wash.

Although there were no toothbrushes and toothpaste in the Daqin era, this does not mean that the ancients did not clean their mouths and keep their breath fresh, brushing teeth is a habit passed down from generation to generation.

As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, the method of brushing teeth of the ancients was recorded.

Some people use branches, others use salt water, just like modern salt white toothpaste, even if it imitates the way the ancients clean the mouth and teeth.

"Little beast! Little beast! I'm here for breakfast! "


With brisk steps, Huan Yin Yan jumped in from outside.

The bell tied to the ankle also made a crisp sound.

This little niko seems to be in a good mood.

After all, you can come to yourself with three meals a day, eat and drink, lie flat and reward a lot of small items, among which there is no lack of a variety of delicious breakfasts, can you not be happy?


Bai Yi does not hate this kind of life.

The only pity is that after returning to the Qin Huang Palace to live for a month, he has not seen the rumored son Fusu, or the son Huhai, which is one less opportunity to teach the bear child.



Left the comfortable embrace of the palace maid.

With a slight jump, Bai Yi crossed a distance of more than ten meters and landed steadily in front of a wooden table with exquisite workmanship.


Sticking the fleshy paw out of the panda's pocket.

Took out a steaming breakfast piece by piece.

As long as the items are put into the panda's pocket, the time inside is completely static, and the food will not become cold, or lose freshness, which is definitely better than the refrigerator of later generations.

Soy milk, buns, fritters, purple sweet potatoes, corn, rice dumplings, siu wheat.......

Nutritionally balanced and rich in variety.


Many delicacies have not appeared in the Daqin era.

For example, purple sweet potatoes and corn are synonymous with ultra-high yields, but because the daily lying flat reward is cooked, it cannot be used as seeds, and can only be eaten directly.

"It's so fragrant!"

The beautiful eyes of the yin are shining.

Just smelling this fragrance makes people's stomachs growl, and they can't hold it at all!

In the era of Daqin.

Cooking methods and ingredients, that is very lacking.

Compared to later generations, it is far from the same.

And the palace maid sister who was responsible for serving Bai Yi was standing obediently on the side, although they also wanted to eat, but they were still very clear about their identity.

They are just palace maidens, and they have no qualifications at all.

Of course.

A palace maid who can be sent to serve the white lady.

Basically, they are carefully selected existences, a total of ten people, each of whom has a good appearance of about 90 points, although it is not the top beauty, but it can also be called first-class.

[Don't stand still, sit down and eat together.] 】


Bai Yi beckoned his fleshy paws and motioned for the palace ladies and sisters to sit down.

He doesn't have any hierarchy.

After all.

Even the Great Qin Empire's Qin Shi Huang was in power, and Bai Yi maintained a normal attitude, let alone others.

Moreover, these palace ladies and sisters take care of themselves comfortably, which can be said to be extremely intimate, they want to eat grapes directly into their mouths, and they want to blow the wind and come over to fan the fan.

What's wrong with having people sit down for breakfast?




In the face of a warm invitation from Bai Yi.

The ten palace ladies and sisters all looked a little embarrassed.

After taking care of Lord Rui Beast for so long, even if Lord Rui Beast can't speak, they can understand the meaning of seven seven eight eight, but they have a low status and are not qualified to eat with Lord Rui Beast.

If you sit down rashly, once seen by others, it is easy to be held accountable.

Not to mention.

Now Princess Yin Yan is still around.

"Don't worry so much, the little beasts let you sit down and eat together."

"With me and Xiao Rui Beast here, no one can treat you guys."

"Let's sit down together."


After hearing the white beast heart words, Huan Yin Yan also said in greeting.

One is Daqin's protector beast, and the other is Daqin's most favored princess.

They want to protect people, no one can move at all, even if it is Qin Shihuang, the most noble Qin Shihuang in the Great Qin Empire, he will look at the face of Bai Yi and his daughter, and will not move a person.

Unless it's a rebellion.

"Thank you, Lord Rui Beast, Her Royal Highness."

After getting permission from both Bai Yi and Yin Yan.

The palace maid who was originally cautious dared to reluctantly sit down and have breakfast with Bai Yi.

"Little Rui Beast, today's breakfast looks so hearty."

"There are a lot of things I haven't seen at all."

"It's just that why is it salty soy milk, obviously sweet soy milk is better to drink."


Huan Yin Yan looked at the food on the table and smashed her small mouth from time to time.

The only pity is that what she likes to drink is sweet soy milk, and although salty soy milk is delicious, it does not meet her taste.

The origin of soy milk is very long.

However, it is not a product of the Daqin era.

Instead, it was not until the Western Han Dynasty that cuisine began to appear gradually.

According to legend, Liu An, the king of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty, was a filial son, and during his mother's illness, Liu An used soaked soybeans to grind soy milk for his mother every day, and Liu's mother's illness soon improved, and since then soy milk has gradually become popular among the people.

When Liu An was refining pills on the Bagong Mountain in Huainan, he occasionally put gypsum into soy milk, which was chemically changed into tofu, and tofu has since appeared, which is recorded in many texts.

Soy milk is a milky white liquid that is made from soybeans that are ground and then mixed with water. It is a favorite drink, but also a nutritious food for all ages, and it enjoys the reputation of "plant milk" in the West, so soy milk has been passed down to this day.

[Hmph, sweet soy milk is all evil doors, only salty soy milk is king! ] 】

It seems that he is dissatisfied with the idea of Yin Yan.

Bai Yi filed a protest.

He wants to justify the name of salted soy milk, sweet soy milk is an outlier!

"Obviously sweet soy milk is more delicious, sweet and refreshing in one mouthful, sweet and sweet casually, down its throat - throat sweet to the heart. , with the last sweet potato bun, the taste makes people eat ten more servings! "

Food related to your hobby.

Snack goods Yin Yan is also inch, want to justify the name of sweet soy milk!

[Children only eat sweet soy milk, such as salty soy milk, is varied, you can add fritters, seaweed, or soy sauce, squeezed vegetables, but also can add soybeans or hot sauce, its fresh, salty taste, only to make people intoxicated. ] 】


It seems that he knows that he can't convince Xiao Rui Beast.

Yin Yan only snorted softly to indicate that his concept would never change.


Yin Yan.

Ten palace maids.

Sitting down in turn, the atmosphere between everyone seemed to be completely without the difference between master and servant.

Fortunately, because my daily life is more salted fish, I have won a lot of small rewards for daily salted fish lying flat, including a variety of small snacks and small delicacies, providing forty or fifty people with no problem with a full stomach.

Moreover, every meal can be eaten in a different style.

The little life is a good life.


Opening her small mouth, Yin Yan took a small bite of roasted wheat.

Take another bite of fried dough sticks, soft and crispy.

Take a sip of salty soy milk, the beans are fragrant.

Take a bite of sweet corn, sweet and soft.

These are just commonplace breakfasts in later generations, and an ordinary family can enjoy these breakfast snacks.


This is the Daqin era.

These ways to eat have not yet come out, and even many ingredients have not reached the Central Plains.

Only those who have the whiteness of the system can feast and enjoy these delicacies in the Daqin era.

Even if Huan Yin Yan is the princess of Daqin, she has never eaten these delicious snacks in the past ten years.

Since she ate a breakfast that Bai Yi took out three or four months ago.

Suddenly felt.

The breakfast I ate by myself before, what kind of fun, compared with the breakfast taken out by Xiao Rui Beast, it is completely a heaven and a place, and the two are not comparable at all!


"It's delicious! This purple sweet potato is also so fragrant! "

"I have never eaten such a delicious breakfast, and I owe it to Lord Rui Beast."

"It is the honor of my life to be able to receive food from Lord Rui Beast."


The lady of the palace maid who tasted the white gourmet snack for the first time.

At the time of the first bite.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

At first, I was able to maintain the style of a lady, but the more I went to the back, I watched the movements in the hands of others gradually accelerate, and I also unconsciously accelerated the movements in my hands, and the entire wooden table suddenly turned into a battlefield of food!

After a moment or so of incense, the entire wooden table suddenly became empty.


Bai Yi was stunned suddenly.

On weekdays, the quiet palace maid sister, as well as Yin Yan.

Today, such a terrifying combat power broke out, and it was only a moment of incense, and he witnessed with his own eyes how foodies were cultivated.

It's Yin Yan alone.

I directly ate a basket of xiaolongbao, two siu wheat, two bowls of salted soy milk, a fritters, a purple sweet potato, and a corn.

Isn't that too good to cook?!

Even Bai Yi, who has a relatively large appetite, is about the same amount for a meal.

No, no, no.

If you let them eat like this again, I am afraid that I will not be directly hungry in the future.


After breakfast.

Yin Yan, who seemed to realize that he was a bit of a gaffe, had a slightly red face.

Originally, when he and Xiao Rui Beast ate breakfast, because of Xiao Rui Beast's slow and leisurely nature, he could take his time and there was no need to speed up his own cooking.


This time the number of people competing has increased.

And the amount of breakfast is so small, if you don't speed up the speed of cooking, you will be snatched away by others.

Therefore, the speed of Yin Yan's dry rice is a little faster than usual.


It's all Xiao Rui Beast's breakfast is too delicious, it's all Xiao Rui Beast's fault!


A palace maid hurriedly ran in.

It seems that there is something important to convey as well.

"What's wrong?"

Huan Yinyan, who was consuming food after eating, asked a little curiously.

The place where the Protector Rui Beast Bai Yi lived was near the Qin Emperor's palace, and generally no one could enter except for the father emperor, her, and the ten palace maids responsible for serving the little Rui Beast.


Suddenly, a strange palace maid came in.

Let Yin Yan be a little surprised, not knowing what happened.

"Lord Rui Beast, Her Royal Highness the Princess, Your Majesty has given orders."

"Xia Hunt is ready, and I invite the two of you to move to the outskirts of Xianyang City together."

"Watch this summer hunt and heroic meeting."


The little palace maid said carefully.

At the same time, he also stopped peeking at Lord Rui Beast.

No way, looking cute is easy to provoke women, this little palace maid only regrets that her ability is insufficient, and she cannot be transferred by His Majesty to take care of Lord Rui Beast.

[Haojie will? 】

Bai Yi was slightly stunned.

Then, I immediately remembered that this seemed to be an event held by Old Zhao to recruit talents.

According to the original history, there was no such paragraph at all.


After obtaining the title of Admiral of the Five Tigers from the Qi Luck Q&A Space, Lao Zhao began to prepare for this matter, and it was handled by the Great Qin Right Prime Minister Feng Quan, which was basically of extremely high quality.

A month's time.

The entire Great Qin Empire who was confident in their own courage and martial arts basically participated in this huge event.

Some people want to be added to the knighthood.

Others want to prove their strength.

All in all, the Great Qin Empire will never lack heroes and heroes, but many of them live in seclusion and have not been discovered by Qin Shi Huang for the time being.

"Okay, we'll go over together right away."

[Forget it, just go to visit, maybe you can meet some acquaintances. ] 】

Idle nothing to do.

The first time I encountered this kind of grand event that has not been seen in history, I naturally wanted to go up and have fun.

One man, one beast.

Directly followed the convoy of Qin Shihuang Yingzheng and headed towards the outskirts of Xianyang City.

This hero meeting.

The army responsible for escorting and maintaining order.

It is the trump card force commanded by Tianbao General Yuwen Chengdu, the Beiwen Army, a total of 8,000 people, each of them is a brave fighter, once formed into a military formation, its power cannot be underestimated.

Under their escort, the frame of Qin Shihuang's victory was quickly sent out of Xianyang.

Everyone came to the location on the outskirts of the city, where there was a hunting ground for the royal family, and there were also people who guarded it.

In the hunting ground, there are not only small animals such as elk, rabbits, and pheasants, but also large beasts such as tigers, cheetahs, and wild boars, which can be said to be full of dangers and challenges.

Of course, no Great Qin person would be afraid of a large beast.

Daqin was originally based on martial arts, and everyone's blood was full of belligerent factors.

In the open space near the royal hunting ground, a high platform was built so that Qin Shi Huang could watch the hunts and competitions below.


Taking a step, Qin Shi Huang slowly walked to the high platform and sat on the main throne.

On both sides of him, there were the right prime minister of Great Qin, Feng Qubian, the left prime minister Li Si, Zhang Liang, as well as Wang Yi and Wang Bian's father and son, they were all commander-in-chief generals, so they did not plan to participate in this kind of competition for courage and martial arts.

Of course. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a disciple.

Han Xin still has a very clear understanding of his bravery.

Therefore, he also chose to watch the battle, rather than rushing up to find abuse without measuring his strength, which is completely incompatible with his own behavior.

[Old General Wang Yi's body looks good. 】

[Obviously a month ago, after hearing that he read the Sunflower Treasure Book of the Legendary Soldiers, he almost left the palace on the spot. ] 】

[If it weren't for the strong dissuasion of his family, and the timely arrival of Old Zhao, I'm afraid that this old boy would have come directly to the real thing, and he was so ruthless to himself, he was really a ruthless person. ] 】


Sitting on the upper throne of Feng Quyan, Li Si and others, on the same level of cushion as Qin Shihuang Yingzheng.

Bai Yi silently glanced at the old general Wang Yi, and thought secretly in his heart.

Didn't expect that.

In order to pursue the soldier's reason.

Even after the palace, there is not necessarily a success rate, and the old general Wang Yi was able to make a ruthless effort, intending to take a knife directly to himself.


The corner of Qin Shihuang's mouth twitched.

He asked Bai Yi to handle this matter, but he didn't expect Bai Gang to be so pitted.

If he hadn't heard the news and arrived in time, the old general Wang Yi, who had made great achievements for the Great Qin Empire, would have really spilled blood on the spot.

Although it will not cut off the descendants.

After all, his son Wang Ban and grandson Wang Li are both gone.

However, people are so old, and let him play such a sting-exciting, what if he loses too much blood and dies?

The generals of Daqin who did not participate in this summer hunt, as well as the civil officials who just came to make a scene, were also gathered here at this moment.

In front of them, a variety of cooked meat and wine are placed.

Heroes from all over the world first went through the summer hunt to prove their bravery, and only those who obtained enough prey were eligible to participate in the next ring competition, so as to eliminate some people who were indiscriminate.

Then after the results of the competition, the title of the five tiger generals was decided.

Of course.

Yongwu is recognized as Yuwen Chengdu.

Naturally, there is no need to participate in the first round of selection, so as not to bully people when the time comes, and directly blow the self-confidence of others to the skin, so you can directly advance to the second round.

The civil officials, on the other hand, are responsible for drinking and writing poetry to enliven the atmosphere of this autumn hunt.


The heavy drums of war were beaten.

Every knock is like knocking on the hearts of heroes and heroes, and people can't help but boil their blood.

The prologue of the summer hunt was gradually opened.

Under the high platform, the heroes and heroes who participated in the summer hunt this time were all holding longbows and riding horses, all looking full of spirit.

Fan He, Lu Xuan, Guan Ying, Xia Hou Ying, Zhou Bo, Cao Shen.......

Xiang Yu, Long He, Zhong Lixiang, Yu Zizhi, Ji Bu, Ying Bu.......

Meng Tian, Zhang Han, Wang Li, Xin Sheng, Li Xin.......

In the list of battles, there are many names that Bai Yi is familiar with, and they are all fierce generals who have established a great name in later generations!

They lined up and stood majestically below.

Of course, this is just the person who can be named, and there are a bunch of unknown young generals, so I won't tell much.

[Good fellow, almost all of the fierce generals of the late Qin period have gathered here. 】

[Even Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu who rebelled in the future, actually participated in this heroic meeting held by Old Zhao. ] 】

[It looks like only fourteen five-five. 】

[This kid should not be in order to get the title of Admiral of the Five Tigers, just to prove his strength, but to be the first in the world. ] 】

[If he grew up to the peak, even Yuwen Chengdu would not be his opponent. ] 】

[However, just at this age, wanting to defeat Yuwen Chengdu at the peak-peak is undoubtedly a fool's dream. ] 】


Bai Yi thought a little pityingly.

Yuwen Chengdu's force, if placed in other eras, can definitely be called the first in the world.


His luck is a bit bad.

During the Sui and Tang dynasties, a monster named Li Yuanba appeared.

During the Great Qin period, a monster named Xiang Yu also appeared.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Xiang Yu is only fourteen or five years old now, and he is far from growing to the peak, so Yuwen Chengdu can still maintain the title of the number one in the world.

"In the world of Xuan, there are indeed many heroes and heroes who have not yet been born." While listening to Bai Huang's heart, Qin Shihuang said to Yuwen Chengdu, "Chengdu, do you have the confidence to win the leader?" "

"Please rest assured that Your Majesty will never lose!"

He wears a double phoenix gold helmet, a chain gold armor, and a phoenix wing golden eagle.

Yuwen Chengdu looked majestic.

At this moment, he exuded a strong fighting intent.

I finally met so many heroes, just to fight hard, and at the same time I can hone my strength, maybe there is a chance to break through to a higher realm!


"The courage of Chengdu is rare in the world."

"I believe that with your strength, it is naturally easy to win the title of the head of the five tiger generals."


Hearing this, Qin Shi Huang Huan Zheng suddenly stroked his palm and laughed.

From Bai Yi's heart, he already knew that the only threatening Xiang Yu was just a child who had not dried up at the moment.

The head of the five tiger admirals.

Already doomed from the beginning!


The high-pitched and long sound of the horn sounded in the ears of everyone.

A eunuch was ordered by Qin Shi Huang to walk to the high platform, plucked up his maximum strength, and shouted: "Your Majesty ordered, the summer hunt begins!" "

Immediately, the eight thousand back-backed troops in charge of the escort also shouted in unison: "Your Majesty ordered, the summer hunt begins!" "

The shouts of nearly tens of thousands of people almost resounded in the sky, and even the flowing clouds in the sky were almost stopped.

Daqin's black water dragon flag was constantly fluttering in the summer breeze.

The majestic and spectacular military power of the Great Qin has shown an unrivaled momentum, which is far superior to the military appearance of the armies of the previous six countries, and it is not comparable to the army of the Xiongnu and the Hundred Yue!

Among the many heroes.

A young general with a lion helmet and beast belt, silver armor and white robes.

Riding a robust war horse, he rushed out first.

This person's face is like a crowned jade, his eyes are like shooting stars, he has tiger body ape arms, a wolf belly, and a longbow in his hand, which looks majestic.

"Who is this person?"

Look at this sale.

Qin Shihuang Huan Zheng suddenly became interested and asked.

"Your Majesty, this person is Xiao'er Wang Li, skilled in bowing horses since childhood, and his martial arts are good."


Hearing His Majesty's inquiry, Wang Ban replied.

This is an opportunity to show your face well in front of Your Majesty, naturally you can't miss it, if you are valued by Your Majesty, you can even get the top five in the next Haojie and be canonized as the general of the Five Tigers.

That's definitely the future!

Although there have been two Marquis of Che in the Wang family, who can refuse the temptation of one Marquis of Che.

It's just a pity.

The six countries have been pacified.

If you want to give birth to another thoroughfare, it is not a small difficulty.

In addition, his son Wang Li is a general of the Brave Battle Faction, not the commander of the Battle Faction, and the focus is on Brave Wu, so I don't know how much effort it takes to ascend to the position of Marquis of Che again.

[Is the king leaving?] These are the last fierce generals of the Great Qin Dynasty in the late Qin period. 】

[According to the original history, he participated in the Battle of the Six Kingdoms of Qin, and after unification, he followed Meng Tian against the Xiongnu for many years, and after the death of Old Zhao, he commanded Lishan Prisoners with Zhang Wei to fight the rebel army. ] 】

[It's a pity that he was defeated by Xiang Yu in the battle of the giant deer, and his life and death are unknown. ] 】


If you calculate it numerically.

Wang Li's command ability may be far inferior to Wang Yi and Wang Bian, but he is also a first-class general.

Force 96.

Commander 92.

This is the attribute of Wang Li, the last famous general in the late Qin period.

In the end, he was canonized as a general and marquis of Wucheng, and was called a famous general of Qin by later generations, and his strength should not be underestimated.

It's just a pity.

He wasn't very lucky.

Directly met the first fierce general of the late Qin period, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu.

Coupled with the touching combat effectiveness of the Lishan prisoners, the discipline was even worse, and under Xiang Yu's broken cauldron, in the end, he could only drink and hate the battlefield.

"Unexpectedly, this young general turned out to be a famous general."


Qin Shi Huang said quite satisfied.

After all, the Wang family has contributed to the Great Qin Empire for generations, and its descendants are even more worthy of attention, at least in terms of loyalty, there is no doubt about it, and it is quite convenient to use.

Among the heroes below, people from the land of the Six Kingdoms don't know how many.

"Since General Yuwen does not participate in this summer hunt, then the first place will be accepted by my king!"

"Hugh is going to sneak away! The first name this time must be me Xiang Yu! "

Seeing the silver-armored young general sneaking away directly, the young and vigorous Xiang Yu suddenly couldn't hold back, and rushed out directly after him.

Its roaring sound, like thunder, shook the surrounding trees, and even some mounts were frightened and began to run around.

Let the Chu Jianlong on the side be a little helpless.

If it weren't for the young master, he would definitely participate in this competition and prove his title as the number one in the world.


He would not have come to Xianyang City, the capital of the Violent Qin.

After all, if their true identities are discovered by tyrants, I am afraid that heads will fall to the ground in minutes, and then there will be no need to think about the great cause of restoring the country, which is extremely risky!

In this summer hunt, the main competition is archery, and everyone can only use bows and arrows, or hunt beasts with their bare hands, and cannot use other weapons.

"Hahaha! Although your boy is extremely powerful, when it comes to archery, he is definitely not my opponent! "

Wang Li said with a laugh.

He had also seen Xiang Yu's divine power, obviously he was only fourteen or fifteen years old, but he could carry a giant ding, which could be called a monster-like power.

Have to admit.

There are many capable people in the Great Qin Empire, and I am afraid that my hope of achieving the top five in the brave martial arts is not great.


When it comes to archery, he will never be vain.

After all, he has received an excellent education since he was a child, it can be said that he is skilled in bow horses, and there are no arrows within a hundred steps!

He had already rushed into the middle of the hunting ground, and the people on the high platform could no longer hear the sound here.

Then, he lightly stretched the ape's arm, bent the bow and took the arrow, and directly shot an arrow through the elk's neck, and the blow was fatal!

On the arrows shot, there is a special engraving of Wang Li's name, which is used to indicate that this is Wang Li's prey, and it is not counted if others shoot it.

"Don't be happy too early!"

Being ridiculed for not being able to use archery, Xiang Yu was not annoyed.

After all, he was still young, and his main cultivation was the halberd method passed down from generation to generation by the Xiang family, and although he had cultivated the archery technique, it could not be called proficient.

After all, today's Xiang Yu is far from growing to the peak.

If you change to Xiang Yu in the peak-peak period, the halberd method in one hand is unparalleled in the world, and the archery technique with the other hand is even more terrifying to countless people!

Looking around, Xiang Yu saw a jackal sneakily approaching, as if he wanted to take away the elk that had been shot.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yu, who could not find his prey, suddenly (Nuo Li Zhao), his eyes lit up.

Then, not to be outdone, Xiang Yu jumped down from his horse and rushed directly to the jackal, grabbing his head, and the strong wrist strength made the poor jackal unable to break free no matter how he struggled.

As the saying goes, jackals are all copper-headed iron bone tofu waist, and the head has always been the strongest place.


The jackal, who was grabbed by the head, suddenly became fierce and began to roar.

He also tried to grab this human who grabbed himself and directly pounced and bit him to death.

However, Xiang Yu, who originally wanted to leave him a way to live, saw that this jackal was so ignorant of evil, and his little temper suddenly came up.

Directly exerted force in his hand, directly pinched the head of this jackal, and the red blood suddenly stained the cyan grass, splurging everywhere.

Such a violent scene suddenly made the surrounding heroes and heroes stunned.

And this operation?

This strange force....... It's probably too scary.

Pinched the jackal's head with his bare hands, this kid who doesn't look too old, I'm afraid even if he faces a tiger and a black bear, he can wrestle.

"This kid's strength is too terrifying, right?"

"Butcher Fan, do you think you can wrestle with it to win?"

"Now, I may still have a little hope, but this kid is far from growing to his peak, and if he grows to his twenties, I'm afraid I'm no match for him."

"Are you thinking too much, is this level of strange power that a normal person can have?"


The heroic heroes who were watching suddenly straightened their faces.

At the beginning, they had not yet put this fourteen and fifteen-year-old kid in their eyes.


After Xiang Yu Xiaolu's hand.

No one dared to underestimate his strength, and even regarded him as a big enemy!

Even Fan Yu, who has good strength, twitched at the corner of his mouth at this moment, although his arms have the power of a thousand pounds, but in terms of potential, compared to Xiang Yu, who can almost be called a muscle-flesh monster in the future, it is still too much worse.

After all, Fan Peak-Peak is about 98 points of force.

And the force of Xiang Yu at the peak of the Western Chu Overlord Xiang Yu has a full 110 points, and even now it has an evaluation of 97 points of force.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, if you grind and chirp again, it will be difficult to win in this summer hunt."

"Let's go! It is rare to compete with the world's heroes, and if you can't even pass the first selection, then you can really laugh generously. "

"Rush! Rush! Rush! "

"The name of Admiral Wuhu, I Xiahou Ying have taken it!"


Then, it was like remembering something serious.

Everyone recovered from Xiang Yu's strange power, and one by one, they rushed out and killed.

Although the opponent is only a beast, this is only the first selection, but no warrior wants to lag behind others!

As it is called.

There is no first.

Wu Wu has no second.

Every warrior wants to compete for the title of the number one in the world!

For this reason, even if they know that there is little hope, everyone will fight their all, there will be no slack, they don't want to even pass the first selection, so they go straight home.

In that case, it would be a disgrace!

PS: New books are on the shelves, ask for a wave of subscriptions! ............。

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