"Whew-(Boss, isn't I unruly)"

The majestic white-tiger.

At the moment, he looked a little aggrieved.

He was originally the overlord of Mount Tai, ordinary brown bears and tigers are not its opponents, it can be said that it is an existence at the top of the food chain, even if it faces hundreds of elite soldiers at the same time, it can also maneuver with ease.

Even, with the advantage of being familiar with the terrain, you can kill them one by one.

However, this beautiful day, until it met a passing iron eater, was instantly reversed.

You dare believe it.

A cute iron-eating beast.

Suddenly pulled out a sharp blade, and then looked at himself with longing eyes?

Although it tried to resist, it was useless, and it was beaten to the ground with only two fists, almost returning to the west, and then the iron-eating beast took the sharp sword and put it on its head, threatening itself.

"Come with me, eat fragrant and spicy food, and eat meat without hunting."

"Don't follow me, chop off your tiger's head now and make you a barbecue to eat."

"Give you five breathing kung fu options."


Facing the influence of white love.

Bai-Hu suddenly shed moving tears, and then silently surrendered.

No way, people under the roof, have to bow their heads, can become the overlord of Mount Tai, it relies not only on super physical fitness and hunting skills, but also on the wisdom beyond ordinary beasts.

It could naturally feel that this cute-looking iron-eating beast contained terrifying power in its body.

Far from what it can resist.

After all.

Bai Yi normal has 110 points of force, coupled with the blessing of the Holy Dao Xuanyuan Sword, it has directly soared to 120 points of force, and if you want to hammer a white tiger with 100 points of strength, it is not as simple as eating and drinking.

"Goo goo - (almost vomited, since I am my little brother, I must have a culture, what big fish and meat do not have)"

"Woo-woo-(got it, boss)"

The white tiger casually spat off the severed head and spit it directly to the ground.

Then, as if stepping on garbage, he kicked away the body of the old Confucian, and also conveniently placed it on it, although he did not eat it, but he could not let others hunt by themselves.

Tag your prey.

In this way, other carnivores, smelling their own breath, do not dare to approach rashly.





Seeing this scene, all the Confucians present were immediately dumbfounded.

One second he was still angry, and he was worthless to argue with Qin Shi Huang, and he was even able to retreat with his whole body, but the next second he turned sharply, not only losing his life, but also the treatment of the corpse was very touching.

Peed by a white-tiger.

Even, no one dared to guard his corpse.

After all, being marked as prey by a white tiger, even if it does not eat, does not mean that everyone can touch it at will, if you want to touch its prey rashly, it is undoubtedly a challenge.

When the time comes.

Inexplicably eaten by the white tiger, there is no place to seek justice.

This old Confucian could have retired with success, but unfortunately he met Bai Yi before leaving, which caused him not only to leave a good name of integrity, but also to leave a joke in history.

It is a joke that a generation of Confucianists, in front of everyone's eyes, died from the random nibbling of the white tiger.

"Bai Yi, are you back?"


Qin Shi Huang Huan Zheng walked out of the camp tent and said.

Although he didn't have any emotional fluctuations on the surface, after ten years of getting along with Old Zhao, how could Bai Yi not understand his hidden joy.

Come to think of it.

Bai Yi glanced at the corpse of the old Confucian on the ground again.

If there is no mistake, it must be this old Confucian who spits fragrant fragrance in his mouth, trying to find death to leave a name in history.

Old Zhao Ren did not kill him, but this old Confucian must not have imagined that he had just returned with his freshly collected little brother Bai-Hu, and he happened to hit the muzzle.

This luck.

It's really back to the extreme.

Since this is the case, Bai Yi suddenly lost his psychological burden on his little brother to kill someone.

Anyway, even if he didn't kill him, Old Zhao would definitely arrange someone on the way to kill this old Confucian, the vast majority of Confucian people are annoying, and the truly far-sighted and reasonable Great Confucians are only a very few.

[Just came back and helped you solve a big trouble, can't you thank me for this?] 】

"This is?"

For Bai Yi's voice, Qin Shi Huang decisively chose to ignore it.

Then, he looked at the mighty Bai Hu riding under Bai Yi, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

White - Tiger.

In ancient times, it was a symbol of the beast.

Along with Xuanwu, Suzaku, and Qinglong, they belong to the four holy beasts, and their nature is yang, and they have the power to subdue the demons and monsters of the world.

At the same time, the white tiger is also the god of war and the god of killing, with a variety of divine powers such as warding off evil spirits, praying for disasters, praying for prosperity and punishing evil and promoting shan, becoming rich, and tying the knot.

It is thought to have been formed from the 340 stars in the sky.

And because the white tiger is the god of war, in ancient legends, many fierce generals are considered to be the white tiger star to the world, such as the Tang Dynasty general Luo Cheng, Xue Rengui father and son.

[The little brother I just took is also my mount. 】

It is impossible to go everywhere and be able to ride in a carriage.

Because, the roads of the Great Qin Era, except for the roads built by Qin Shi Huang Zhengzheng, are basically very touching, and the potholes are unbearable.

Some difficult roads.

Even needing to stop and walk, Bai Yi didn't want to waste so much effort.

Therefore, with the agile white tiger, no matter what path he takes, he can walk on the ground, adding a lot of convenience to his life, and it is more suitable for him to sleep lazily.

"You can borrow it..."

[Ask if it agrees or not.] 】


As soon as Old Zhao spoke, Bai Yi knew what he was going to fart.

Indeed, riding the legendary holy beast White-Tiger, it is also very windy to go out, and it is almost 100% return.


I just tamed it myself.

There is no guarantee that it will not be attacked by the wild.

Only in the presence of oneself can he tame this overlord of Mount Tai, and if Old Zhao is allowed to take care of it alone, unless Yuwen Chengdu protects it all the time, otherwise there will definitely be problems.

For the sake of Old Zhao's life safety, it is better to refuse directly.


It seems to understand the meaning of Qin Shi Huang's victory.

The intelligence of this white tiger is far beyond that of ordinary beasts, about the IQ of a ten-year-old human child.


Its throat-throat growled, and its dark blue pupils reflected dangerous colors.

The iron-eating beast riding on its body, because its combat effectiveness far exceeds the limit of what he can resist, plus the tube eats the meat, so the white tiger can not resist, and even obediently tamed.


This does not mean that it does not have its own dignity.

You, a weak human being, what qualifications do you have to ride on your own!


Qin Shihuang said with a little regret.

He can naturally see that this white tiger is seriously resistant to himself, not because of insufficient personal charm, purely because of the concept of respecting the strong, it will only accept people stronger than it to ride.

It's a pity.

Originally, he also wanted to try what it was like to ride the holy beast White-Tiger.

"Let it guard outside, Bai Yi and Er, and enter the tent with Xuan."


For the order of Qin Shi Huang's victory.

These Confucians naturally did not dare to refute anything, and obediently followed behind, after all, they were stared at head-on by the white tiger, and the pressure was too great, for fear that it would suddenly burst out and gnaw them to the bone.

It's clear.

Deterrence in front of the white tiger, very well done.

Inside the Qin barracks tent.

Qin Shi Huang sat on the main throne, and Bai Yi sat on the side cushion.

"Shu, prepare to choose a day to seal Zen on Mount Tai."

"However, the Spring and Autumn Warring States period has lasted for a full eight hundred years, and no princes and kings have performed Taishan consecration during this period."

"I have summoned you here today to discuss the Dharma of Zen."


Sitting in front of him, Qin Shi Huang said in a positive voice.

I don't know how long has passed since the last large-scale Taishan consecration, which is too long ago that the literature cannot be queried.

In order to carry out a formal Tarzan consecration and prove his orthodoxy.

Qin Shi Huang chose to gather many Confucians to discuss important matters together.

If he hadn't known about the formal ceremony of Tarzan's consecration, he wouldn't have been willing to come to see this group of guys who hated people, and he would have gone it alone with the army.

Like the old Confucian who was not afraid of death before.

After all, it is only a very small minority.

Most of the Confucians who opposed Qin Shi Huang's government simply chose not to come.

And at this moment, the more than sixty Confucians who came here all hoped to take advantage of this opportunity to gain His Majesty's appreciation, so as to soar into the sky and enjoy full glory and wealth.


After hearing Qin Shi Huang's question.

Directly prepared various etiquette systems, one by one, rushed to report.

"Your Majesty, Mount Tai is a legendary sacred mountain, Your Majesty should wrap the wheels with grass, so as not to damage the grass, wood, soil and stones on the mountain, as long as you break a grass, it will definitely cause the wrath of the god of Mount Tai, and the matter of this consecration will hang in the air."

"Wrong, wrong, wrong! Your Majesty, Taishan Feng Zen should follow the ancient method, sweep the floor, cover the mountain road with mats made of licorice, and His Majesty will go up the stairs to be sincere. "

"What you say is ridiculous!"

"The true method of sealing meditation should go up step by step from the foot of Mount Tai (bhed), and release it to convey His Majesty's sincerity to the heavens!"


Many Confucians have their own opinions.

But Bai Yi listened more and more confused, how these guys said more and more outrageously.


And a fool.

It is believed that Tarzan sealed Zen, facing the god of Tarzan, should return to the purest state.

What is the purest state?

Naked - body too!

Just imagine, all the civil and military officials of Daqin maintain this purest state, it is definitely a scene with spicy eyes, at least Bai Yi is not despised by it.

Moreover, Qin Shi Huang will never accept this kind of proposal, which is no different from cerebral palsy.

He still wants to face!

More than sixty Confucian priests had their own opinions and began to argue, all of them wanting their proposals to be approved by His Majesty, so that they could become the chief heroes of Mount Tai's consecration.

Even, after arguing to the back, they directly began to fight, and all kinds of shoes and hats flew all over the sky.

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

[Discussing with them the method of Taishan sealing meditation is like watching a group of clowns acting, it really makes people laugh out of their teeth. ] 】

[However, this time Old Zhao's Taishan Sealing Zen is not calm. ] 】

[Not only did the Confucians in the land of Qilu obstruct him in every way, but in the end, he encountered a torrential rain, which was considered to be that the heavens did not approve of him. 】

[Those Confucians even used this as an excuse to constantly publicize that Old Zhao was not orthodox and undermine his reputation. 】

[If you want to complete this trip to Mount Tai Zen, it can be said that it is extremely difficult. 】


Bai Yi shook his head and thought silently in his heart.

He has also heard a little about this history, and Qin Shi Huang has always been eager to prove his merits and orthodoxy through Mount Tai's consecration.


It can only be said that it is not very lucky.

Not only did Confucians obstruct in every way, but the sky was not beautiful, and it happened to meet a rainstorm.

Therefore, it is definitely not an easy task to let Old Zhao safely spend this time of Taishan Sealing Zen and fulfill his wish perfectly.


Listen to the white beast heart talk.

Qin Shi Huang was stunned.

His own Taishan sealing plan had not yet begun, and Bai Yi, who knew the history of 3,000 years, directly told himself that this Taishan Sealing Meeting failed miserably, and directly poured him cold.

Looking at the arguing Confucian in front of him, Qin Shihuang Huan Zheng suddenly felt a burst of distraction, slammed the armrest, and angrily reprimanded: "Shut up for Er!" "




Seeing that His Majesty was angry, these Confucians suddenly closed their mouths one by one, not daring to make a second attempt.

Even a fool can see that His Majesty's mood seems to be a little irritable now, if he doesn't know how to offend Tianwei at this time, it is really that he has lived too long.


Everyone was like a shrunken turtle.

Remain silent.

"Ridiculous! How ridiculous! "

"Er, as a Confucian priest of Langya County, actually fought a lot because of discussing the sealing of Mount Tai! Have you put it in your eyes? "

"Moreover, the rituals of sealing meditation mentioned by Er and others are all outrageous."

"Do you really think that you don't understand anything at all?"


Qin Shi Huang said in a high-pitched tone.

Because he learned in advance that Taishan would fail to seal Zen, his mood at the moment also became bad, and these Confucians in front of him were suddenly reduced to his punching bag.

In front of his imperial power.

All of them shivered, not daring to gasp loudly.

Seeing this, he had previously maintained the state of an invisible person, and he had no face to urinate on people, and he also had to stand up and said: "Your Majesty, Taishan sealed Zen, after all, no one has done it for eight hundred years." "

"Xu knows about this, so he will consult with Er Wait."

"Now that most of the methods of sealing meditation have been lost, you are just summing up based on just a few words, and the old minister thinks that we should give more time to let everyone sort out a complete set of sealing methods."

"How long will it take?"

"It will take two months to return to Your Majesty."


Qin Shi Huang said coldly.

As the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, he occasionally came out for a period of time to perform Mount Tai Seal, and there was still no problem.


On the eve of the imminent use of troops against the Huns.

Spending a lot of time on Mount Tai's consecration is undoubtedly an unwise choice.

What's more, now in the middle of August, in the middle of summer, if you stay here for another two months, it will not be an easy task, and there will definitely be many people suffering from heat stroke.

To put it simply, he did not have so much effort to spend time with this group of Confucians.

[There is no need to pay attention to them, if you follow the methods of this group of Confucianists, even if you discuss it for another two months, it will be useless. ] 】


Bai Yi thought disdainfully.

It's not that he looks down on this group of Confucians, it's because this group of Confucians only has this ability.


Why don't you do it, drag your legs to the first place. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If Old Zhao really waited for them for two months, Bai Yi dared to pack a ticket, and the method of sealing Taishan Zen they gave would still not satisfy Old Zhao, and it would waste time.

At that time, after winter, the matter of Mount Tai's sealing of Zen will naturally cease.

"How big is Mount Tai, how can the god of Mount Tai be angry because of a grass, if this is the case, the beast in the mountain does not know how many times it will be punished."

"Taishan is so high, if you want to climb up step by step, I am afraid that Taishan will not be able to seal Zen, and I will die of exhaustion first."

"As for the practice of sealing meditation while maintaining a pure body, it is even more nonsense."

"Moreover, do you think that Mount Tai is closed and needs to walk up?"


Qin Shi Huang said in a deep voice.

For the absurd methods proposed by these Confucianists, he refuted them all without leaving them, beating them all back and recreating them, and did not accept any of them, and did not agree with them.


Now there is also the most realistic problem, which is in front of Qin Shi Huang.

Tarzan, high three li also!

Even the carefully repaired road required a five-hour walk to reach the top.

Now, these Confucians actually plan to let Qin Shi Huang win the government, along the narrow and steep mountain road, step by step, and there are even outrageous people, planning to let him go up the steps, or step by step.

He won the government of Qin Shi Huang and received a reward of twenty years of life yuan in the Qi Luck Q&A space.

Now he has returned to his youthful peak at the age of twenty.

Naturally, there is also this physical strength.

However, among the ministers accompanying him, there were many elderly people who had made a lot of contributions to Daqin, and if they were allowed to walk up, I am afraid that just going up and down would make half of them sick.

This is not a scene that he Qin Shi Huang wants to see.

[Why listen to these Confucian babbles, it is better to follow your heart.] 】

[Old Zhao, you are also the first emperor of the three emperors and the five emperors, a little self-confidence, take out the momentum of your self-created emperor title! ] 】

[What is the method of Taishan sealing during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, that is all in the past tense! ] 】

[Now, only Daqin's Taishan Seal Zen! ] 】


Bai Yi directly made a new proposal.

In the original history, Old Zhao was tossed half to death by this gang of Confucians because of Mount Tai's method of sealing Zen.

Right now.

Just go it alone.

Seal Zen as much as you want!

As long as it shows the national prestige of Daqin, there is no need to pay attention to the suggestions of these Confucianists.


A Confucian priest stepped forward and said: "It is precisely so, there is no road above Mount Tai, and the carriage cannot move forward, even the three emperors and five emperors all go up the mountain on foot, why did Your Majesty break this convention?" "

Qin Shi Huang said in a deep voice: "Rules are dead, people are alive, when the time changes, in the past, the three emperors and five emperors could not build a road on Mount Tai, and today they will open a road!" "

Chun Yuyue was suddenly shocked, and quickly said: "Your Majesty, this move will definitely anger the god of Mount Tai." "

"Why not! The will of Heaven is the will of Heaven! Qin Shi Huang said in a loud voice, "Since Er and others can't discuss a method of Taishan sealing meditation, then use my Great Qin sacrifice ritual to sacrifice to the god of Mount Tai!" "


Qin Shi Huang appeared to be extremely domineering, and there was no room for negotiation in his words at all.

Heaven and the world, only I am honored!

Hearing His Majesty's thoughts, the faces of the Confucians suddenly changed.

However, under the pressure of other Confucianists, they came here to offer Taishan Zen Sealing Method, but they did not get any benefits, so they rejected all their plans, and when they returned, their reputation also became a helper.

This makes these Confucians how willing.

Among them, following the ancient law, the stubborn urine Da Ru Chun Yue immediately stood up and retorted on the spot: "Your Majesty! Don't do it! "

Zuo Cheng Prime Minister Li Si said: "Doctor, do you think His Majesty's proposal is not good? "

Li Si is also an old man, and he doesn't want to be tossed by this gang of Confucians.

Therefore, when His Majesty proposed to sacrifice the god of Mount Tai according to the sacrificial method of Daqin, Li Si definitely raised his hands and feet in favor.

It was all good.

This Chunyue is not a bar essence, this has to be inserted.

"Your Majesty, the great thing of the country lies in sacrifice." Chun Yuyue said bitterly, "If you don't follow the ritual law and sacrifice to the god of Mount Tai, you will definitely suffer the punishment of heaven, and then Daqin will definitely be in ruins." "

"Could it be said that my Great Qin Rite is not in line with the etiquette law?" Qin Shi Huang said in a deep voice, "Or do you think that with the protection of the Protector Beast and the Holy Beast White-Tiger, my Great Qin will be ruined?" "

"That's not what the old minister meant..."

"Okay! Needless to say, the matter was decided. "

After Bai Yi's suggestion, Qin Shi Huang directly closed the matter.

Once settled.

Next, it is difficult for anyone to persuade.

Moreover, he already knew how cement was made, as long as 20,000 Qin soldiers and Langya County recruited some conscription, it only took ten days to build a road from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

Of course, this road is estimated to be barely accessible to horse-drawn carriages.

But that's enough.

Subsequently, Qin Shi Huang drank away many Confucianists, and in his opinion, these Confucians did not play any role at all, but were just adding chaos to themselves.

[That's right, it's supposed to be done!] 】


Bai Yi has long been unhappy with this group of Confucians, and now being able to drive them all out is naturally very happy.


Daqin performed the Taishan Consecration.

It is the turn of this group of Confucianists, who can only play tricks, to point fingers.

Everyone retreated in turn, leaving only Qin Shihuang and Bai Huang, who were still in the camp.

In front of others, Qin Shi Huang was an emperor above ten thousand people, with endless majesty, so that everyone did not dare to offend, and could only obediently obey.


In the final analysis.

Qin Shi Huang is also a human being, with joy, anger and sorrow.

Therefore, when he is alone with Bai Yi, he will still show his sad side, instead of maintaining a strong state all the time.

"Bai Bin, do you say that this Taishan canonization will be successful?"

[What to panic, the ship to the bridge is naturally straight, what should be successful, will always succeed. ] 】

"But, didn't you say that Xu would fail?"

[That's just the original history, but the real history, in your own hands, since you entered the Qi Luck Q&A space, the trajectory of history has changed. 】

Bai Yi looked a little crying and laughing.

It turned out that it was the content that he was thinking about in his previous mind that was heard by Old Zhao.

No wonder he looks a little unconfident now.

That's not going to work.

Everyone can have no confidence in this Taishan consecration, but Qin Shi Huang, who is the backbone of the main heart, must not have confidence.

It seems that he also needs to be a spiritual teacher to enlighten him.


[Is it true that there is still less history that has changed?] 】

Zhao Gao, who pointed out that the deer was a horse, had been killed in advance.

Xu Fu, who refined the golden pill and went to sea as the king, has also landed on the ground and slaughtered all over the house.

Now, Old Zhao has obtained countless rewards from the Qi Luck Q&A space, constantly changing the life of Daqin, and the holding of a heroic meeting has wiped out the heroes of the Daqin Empire.

Both the five tiger generals.

Or the Twelve Tigers.

Which one is not a famous general in the late Qin period, but they all fought against the Great Qin.

Now, they are all fighting for the Great Qin Empire!

There are so many things that have changed that even Bai Yi can't finish it for a while, and the original history can only be used as a reference, but it cannot be regarded as absolute.

"That's true, too."


Think of it this way.

Qin Shi Huang's originally gloomy mood suddenly improved a lot.

Indeed, it is man-made.

Originally, the factors that led to the death of the Second King of the Great Qin Empire had been cleaned up, and now his goal was not only to consolidate the stability of the territory of the Great Qin Empire, but also to spread the Black Water Dragon Banner of the Great Qin Empire to every corner of the world!

Conquer the world!

Compared with this wild hope, what is a Taishan Sealing Zen!

[Don't worry, with me, I will definitely help you spend this Taishan Sealing Zen in peace. ] 】


Bai Yi patted Old Zhao's shoulder and said.

I still have 14,000 lying points, which is also a small savings, and it is a big deal to open a hang for you and make you refreshed.

Who made you a shovel officer.

One person and one beast, they are also old friends who have known each other for ten years.

Nowadays, old friends encounter difficulties, can't turn a blind eye?

"With your words, Xu will be relieved."


Bai Yi's words are for Qin Shi Huang Yingzheng.

It was as if injected with a burst of strength, instantly cheering it up, and the burden in his heart was directly put down, in his opinion, Bai Yi was never without purpose, and what he said must have a basis.

Regaining his self-confidence, Qin Shi Huang quietly waited for the construction of the cement road.

When the construction is completed, it is the time when Tarzan is consecrated.

Ten days of time.


Under the joint work of the Daqin warriors and the servants of Langya County, coupled with the characteristics of cement that was convenient for construction, a cement road from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain was successfully built, which could accommodate the free passage of horse-drawn carriages.

In this way, the pain of walking is eliminated.

Bring three hundred elite soldiers of the Great Qin and be guarded by the Tianbao general Yuwen Chengdu.

The civil and military officials of Daqin accompanied them, and the remaining Daqin soldiers were stationed under the mountain, and Qin Shihuang sat in a six-horse-drawn canopy carriage, preparing for this Taishan consecration.


The wheels of the carriage rolled on the concrete road.


It seems that the heavens are going to oppose Qin Shi Huang's government.

The originally clear sky, when the convoy stepped on Mount Tai, suddenly there were dark clouds, thunder rolled, and the next moment a torrential rain poured down.

In an instant, the Langya County Confucians who came to watch the ceremony were directly drizzled into soup chicken.

However, these Confucians did not laugh angrily, and all remained in a state of ecstasy, as if they had found some suitable excuse.

"Hahaha! That's true! That's true! "

"Such a person who is not worthy of the position also dares to vainly try to go to Mount Tai to seal meditation, and have they asked the opinion of the god of Mount Tai?"

"Huh, Emperor? This son's achievements are mediocre, and his tone is very crazy. "

"In the past, Qi Huangong tried to seal Zen on Mount Tai, but was dissuaded by the audience and returned embarrassed, and now this tyrant tries to seal Zen on Mount Tai, and after our persuasion, he still does not see the Yellow River and does not die, this is the difference between Ming Jun and Dimming Jun!"

"The heavens are angry, Ru this dim monarch still does not quickly leave Mount Tai and go back to Xianyang!"

"If you refuse to adopt our Taishan Sealing Zen method and act wantonly, this is the end of not following the etiquette law!"


Onlookers of Langya County.

Ten days ago, more than sixty people who were directly drunk back by Qin Shi Huang's government, as well as many Confucians from Langya County, naturally came to see the excitement.

To be precise.

It is to see how Qin Shi Huang failed to seal Zen and then left in ashes.

They just took this opportunity to publicize this matter and hit this tyrant's prestige in the Six Kingdoms!

These Confucians kept talking about the wind and cold, and even dared to rush directly to the vicinity of the Huagai carriage to insult and sneer, they were not afraid that Qin Shi Huang would kill them, because killing them proved the weakness of this tyrant's heart.


Qin Shi Huang clenched his fists tightly.

Although he was quiet on the surface, the bruises on his forehead showed his inner uncalm.

See here.

As the Great Qin Protector of the Kingdom and the Beast, Bai Yi naturally had to stand up and support the shovel official.

[Why should you be angry because of the words of the ants.] 】

[Ru Nai Qin Shi Huang won the government, the three emperors of merit, and the five emperors of virtue, and became the emperor. 】

[Ru, as the number one in the world, the emperor who has achieved the great cause of unification, calmed the chaos in the world, and created the foundation of all worlds! ] 】

[Ru Nai is recognized by heaven and earth, the first place in the monarch list, why worry about the failure of Mount Tai's consecration this time? ] 】

[If even you are not qualified to perform Mount Tai Zen Sealing, I wonder who else in this world has this qualification to come to Mount Tai for Sealing Zen? ] 】


Bai Yi's words.

It was like a blow to the head, and instantly woke up Ying Zheng.

His clenched fists also slowly loosened, and the original anger dissipated without a trace at this moment, and he turned a deaf ear to the insults of the Confucians outside.

"It's the devil, thank you, Bai Yi."

Oh, yes.

Tarzan's consecration is about to begin.

There is no need to feel angry about some insignificant people, and there is no need to kill them to vent this anger.

As long as the Taishan Sealing Zen held by himself, it will be successfully completed.

Then, it is the strongest proof!

You can smash the mouths of these Confucians and prove to them that they are qualified to seal Tai Zen!


Qin Shi Huang wins the government!

When he is an emperor of the ages, Taishan will definitely succeed!

"Forget it, although it will waste points, but Old Zhao will hold it once in his life."

"As a best friend who has been with you for ten years, let me help you."

"Open the System Store."


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