I Had a Home In 1982

: On the last day of the end of the month, 2W5 has been updated, please ask for a monthly pass

  On the last day of the end of the month, 2W5 is updated, please ask for a monthly pass

   I haven't opened a single chapter for a long time, because book friends responded that once a single chapter is deleted, it will lead to reading from the beginning, which is inconvenient, so Danke try not to open a single chapter, which is annoying.

   But the eggshell update didn’t make it difficult. Eggshell has worked really hard this month, and it’s already working hard. The total update is 460,000 words, right? Considering there are only 28 days this month, that's a lot of words.

The number of words is too many, I know that many readers feel that the writing is too watery - let me justify it, for most readers it is indeed water, but eggshell is not to write a lot of words, and then deliberately remove water, really not, eggshell As an old author, he must know the truth that the quality of a book is king.

It's just that this book is a local farming essay and an era farming essay. To be honest, it's not good to subscribe, so that Eggshell wants to prevent theft, but a friend told Eggshell that if theft is theft, it will make old readers feel bad. , It seems that if the mobile phone of the old reader has a cache, then ~www.readwn.com~ will not see the latest chapter but the cached content, which is very inconvenient.

I honestly told the truth, after hearing this warning, I temporarily gave up the idea of ​​anti-theft, because at first I didn't know that anti-theft would be like this. Reading a book on the web page, which results in that every time the content is modified, it is instantly reflected on the Qidian.com, and there is no cache. I thought the anti-theft modification chapter would do the same—

   Forget it, let’s get down to business and talk about the content. That is, this book is an era farming text. If you want to achieve results and write well, you must have the flavor of the era, and the flavor is even more important than the plot (this is my understanding, please correct me if there is any mistake), so I try my best to Describe the 82 years in my heart from every aspect of life.

What you can see is really what I wrote with all my strength. I can say responsibly that I write almost every night until two or three o'clock, and I really didn't deliberately pour water. It's just that I want to describe the 1982 years from all aspects, try my best to Write the taste of '82, which can lead to a protracted plot.

Another reason for the procrastination of the plot is as follows: I wanted to write this book for a long time, so I had no choice but to forcibly suppress the plot. After all, this book cannot go out of the village and cannot affect the process of factual history. , I'm afraid there's not much to write about this book with a million words. The rest is just rolling around and writing repetitive plots, so there's no need to write it down...

Let me tell you frankly, this book was rejected on the day it was published. The review does not accept the subject matter of the book or the previous content. Anyway, it was rejected. Danke went to the editor-in-chief to approve it. It seems that the reason The content of the first chapter is sensitive.

Then during the writing of this book, I woke up several times in the morning and received the editor's revision notice. It was forbidden here and it was sensitive there. Eggshell went to bed late and woke up late (the child in the middle was crying and coaxing the child to delay sleep) , so the editor sent a notice to work, that is, the eggshell will see it as soon as he wakes up. Can you understand this feeling?

  Open your eyes, open WeChat, and then go to modify the content...

This eggshell is really desperate. It's not a complaint, it's mainly because the subject matter is sensitive. You can put yourself in the shoes and think about it. If you want to write about 1982 and want to write it realistically, you have to start with the words and behaviors of people in 1982. ? It was only two years after the reform and opening up in 1982. In fact, at that time, people, especially those in rural areas, would talk and behave for six or seven years.

   Of course Danke understands this point. Now that imperialism does not die, there are many voices on the Internet that are interfering with social stability. It is more important for the stability of the country and the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

In particular, I have to write about 1982, and I have searched a lot of materials before the 1980s. Damn, at that time, the country was too hard and the people were too hard. Everything today is really not easy, comrades, it is not easy. , we must firmly oppose imperialist oppression and cyber offensive against us, and never compromise!

   Responds to some of the plot questions again. For example, why I wrote Liu Dabiao's disgusting protagonist, and why I wrote the main storyline that helped the production team develop in the next chapter.

First of all, the story of Liu Dabiao is really not written by eggshell to disgust everyone. This is 1982, the year before 1983. In fact, I won't say anything about the society at that time. If you are interested, you can check it or ask about 83XX The social security situation before. So since I wrote about 82 years, especially the life of a fisherman at sea, it is impossible to be just hello and me, everyone, there are some bad people, and there are many.

   As for the protagonist's tolerance of Liu Dabiao? The protagonist has to deal with him, but Tan Tianwen, you can't expect the protagonist to turn his head and kill him! The protagonist immediately made a plan to fight back, but it would take at least a few days, right? Someone can't threaten the protagonist today and the protagonist will slap in the face tomorrow, right?

   In normal times, you are quarreling with people, and someone said viciously that you were waiting for me to kill you and your family, and then did you really hurry up and do him? Shouldn't it be to rush to investigate this person's problems quietly, and use the law to deal with him for some of his problems (now urban literature must speak the law, otherwise it will be easy to report)?

   You have seen many times in the article. The members of the club wanted to lynch the protagonist, but they strongly opposed it. The protagonist made money and then considered paying taxes. Why? Because I am bowing down to 404!

Another problem is the development of the main line. This eggshell explains that because the protagonist cannot leave the village and go to the city to create a world, the main line is indeed poorly promoted. The other is that the real main line envisaged by the eggshell is time. Just text.

So in terms of time, the protagonist decides to help the production team develop one thing, but it does not mean that the decision will be successful tomorrow, it may be a week later to start the next step, and this week, the protagonist also has some interesting things happening around him. Gotta write.

It's the same sentence, you must write out the sense of age and life, otherwise this book will have no future, and the number of words will not be long. If you just push development, you will soon be able to turn Tianya Island into Huaxi Village. How to write when?

I've said a lot, and even some are quite sensitive, so let's get back to business again. It's the last day of this month, and there are still the last 12 hours of the monthly ticket list tour of the new book "I Have a Home in 1982". Eggshell ask for a monthly ticket. I hope everyone can support Eggshell and like 1982's home.

   In the end, the eggshell still wishes everyone good health and family health.

This is the most important!

   (end of this chapter)

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