I hate being in pain, so I think I'll make a full defense build

Chapter 510: Defense Specialization and the 4th Floor Area (4)

Chapter 510: Defense Specialization and the 4th Floor Area (4)


Chapter 510 – Defense Specialization and the 4th Floor Area (4)

Maple hurried to the 4th Floor Area and joined Sally and Kasumi, who were already waiting.

“Sorry to keep you waiting!”

“It’s okay, we were just discussing this area while waiting for you, Kasumi.”

“Is your equipment ready?”

“You wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking, right? Iz-san made it that way!”

Saying so, Maple revealed her silver earrings and newly acquired ring, poking out her ears.

“Wow. Now they won’t be hidden in your hair.”

“It looks like everything’s prepared. Shall we head out right away then?”

Accompanied by the upgraded Maple, their first destination was an area with stronger gravitational pull. Kasumi activated her flying device after checking the map.

“We’ll save Haku’s Super Enlarge for now.”

“Good idea. Depending on the situation ahead, we might need its power.”

“Then let’s fly!”

The trio flew under the sun after leaving the town, landing near their destination after a while.

“There’s nothing... right?”

Before them stretched an expansive grassland seemingly endless. The breeze was pleasant, and monster-like creatures inspired by herbivores roamed around. However, they didn’t feel the strong gravity they were warned about beforehand.

“I heard a bit about the 4th Floor Area before Maple arrived. Apparently, they divide the areas differently from magic circles.”


“It’ll be quicker to see than to explain. Please wait a moment.”


Kasumi took out a card from her inventory. Holding it up in the air, a purple flame erupted, revealing a large red door.

It delineated a clear boundary, reminiscent of the atmosphere of a boss room door, separating this place from somewhere else.

“Most quests in the 4th Floor Area involve traversing sealed alternate realms related to combat. Shall we enter? Beyond this point should be what we expected.”

Kasumi explained.

She glanced back to ensure everyone was ready. Maple and Sally nodded, indicating they were armed and prepared.

“Alright, let’s go.”

As Kasumi opened the door, the same purple flames overflowed, enveloping Maple and the others. Before they realized it, the surroundings transformed into a desolate night wilderness.

“Wow... Ah!”

A heavy sound was heard from behind Maple. The imposing red door slammed shut, severing the connection to the original world.

“To return to the original world through the normal route, we must defeat the boss or return here. Otherwise... you might be forced out through logout or a complete party wipe.”

Kasumi explained.

“So our goal is to clear it and exit from the deepest part?”

It was natural to prioritize completion over retreat, and neither Maple nor Sally objected.

“That seems to be the case. However... it is indeed heavy.”

Sally remarked.

“Gravity... although it was mentioned, looking at the debuff, it seems to be more about reduced movement speed and forced descent. Kanade and Hinata also had similar magic, so it might operate on the same principle.”

Luckily, they had saved Super Enlarge. Kasumi summoned Haku and simultaneously enlarged him, ensuring both a means of transportation and reliable firepower.

As they began to move, six purple magic circles unfolded around Maple, emitting sparks of lightning with the sound of thunder, and beasts clad in purple lightning emerged from each circle.

These creatures, larger than wolves by more than a size, emitted enough intimidation with just one look.

“Maple! Kasumi!”

It was difficult to fight on Haku. Understanding Sally’s short call, they jumped off and the beasts charged towards them.

“They’re fast...!”


“Loving Sacrifice! Self-Offering Love!”


Ignoring the reduced movement speed and forced descent, the creatures closed in, trailing lightning as they bounced around. In response, Maple extended six white wings from her back, deploying a double-layered defense field.

Sally used ‘Loving Sacrifice’ to replenish Maple’s depleted HP, then threw an item to the ground, releasing a green mist with sustained healing effects.


“They’re moving aggressively.”

Kasumi and Sally narrowed their eyes at the beast that jumped to gain the upper hand.

Now that their long-range attacks were sealed, it was difficult to punish the creatures as they jumped around while maintaining an appropriate distance.

Though they aimed to counter the creatures as they lunged in, the beasts intensified the purple lightning sparking from their fur, roaring as they surged forward.

Even though they were just monsters on the way, the intense lightning, not inferior to Velvet’s, enveloped the surroundings in purple light, covering the area with the power of six beasts.

Sally, judging that evasion without skills was impossible, temporarily abandoned evasion altogether to prioritize checking Maple’s condition.

“We’re okay! It looks like these attacks aren’t piercing!”

“Alright, that’s a relief!”

“In that case, let’s attack! Sally, one by one!”

“Got it!”

The strongest fortress of Maple Tree withstood the lightning without faltering, protecting the two of them.

As long as they confirmed that fact, there was nothing to worry about. It was now their turn.

“First of the Swords: Heat Haze!”

Ignoring factors like movement speed, Kasumi engaged in close-quarters combat using a skill only she could execute. Darting into the creature’s space as it landed, Kasumi dealt significant damage with a slash before twisting her body to circle behind it.

“Seventh of the Swords: Crush!”

A heavy blow lifted the creature’s body, sending it flying. As it wasn’t affected by forced descent, its trajectory carried it neatly to Sally’s waiting position.

All the lightning raining down in an attempt to defeat Sally was nullified as Maple shielded her.

“Fire Ball! Water Wall, Quintuple Slash!”

The flames, the water, the damage effects, all scattered within the lightning with equally vivid brilliance.

Originally a five-hit skill, Sally’s attack turned into ten strikes with her two weapons, each followed by three additional strikes. A total of forty hits. Despite appearing lighter than it actually was, Sally’s dagger sent one of the beasts flying, erased from existence.

“Keep it up!”

“Yeah, let’s wrap this up quickly.”

“Just hold on a bit longer. Next one’s mine!”

“Got it!”

As if to regret not having a means to break through Maple’s defense, the trio systematically dismantled the beasts one by one, eventually breaking through their encirclement.

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