
Lin Fei said.

After waiting for a while, Han Fei opened the door.

"Feel sorry!"

"I was drunk yesterday."

"How did you get into your room"

Lin Fei apologized.


"I wanted to help you back to your room."

"But I didn't lift it, and then I just switched rooms to sleep."

Han Fei's face was calm.

Lin Fei didn't see anything, so he thought it was true.

"I'll go to the restaurant first."

"Come here after you wash up."

He nodded and walked out of the room.

Han Fei silently watched Lin Fei leave the room.

This guy! This bastard! He! Don't know anything! Don't remember anything! Han Fei suddenly felt a little heartache! She didn't close the room, just leaned against the door.

Her hands covered her face, and two lines of clear tears slowly dripped from her face.

On the ground! On the carpet! "One more thing."

"I forgot to say it."

Lin Fei walked outside the door and suddenly remembered something.

He walked back again.

The scene in front of him! Let him be stunned! What's going on? How did Han Fei cry: ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for an evaluation, ask for a reward, ask for a full subscription

Chapter 394 Exchange 【Seeking full order】

"last night"

"is not it"

"I did what I shouldn't"

Lin Fei walked up to Han Fei.

Although he couldn't remember it, he always felt that it had something to do with him.

Did he do something wrong to Han Fei, he has a big head.

It seems that the debt of my own woman is increasing.


"It's me."

"I thought of something, and it has nothing to do with you."

Han Fei should have nodded at this moment, but she didn't want to admit it.

She didn't even know what she was thinking.

At the critical moment, she flinched.

Women! It's never clear what they think.

"It's not my fault"

"I always feel."

"It's about me"

Lin Fei stared suspiciously at Han Fei's pretty face, trying to see something.

"Don't stare at me."

"I'm not good looking."

Han Fei blushed when he stared at him like this.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Come to the restaurant later."

Lin Fei couldn't see anything from Han Fei's face, so he shook his head and left.

Is this woman dreaming? What's wrong with her dreams, and she still needs to cry? I've dreamed and shed tears without me. I don't seem to have any, my dreams will only make me happy.

Han Fei pursed her lips and looked at Lin Fei's back in thought while walking.

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