I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 3 Chapter 561: coin

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"You have read the Nordic mythology, and I must have some understanding of my deeds." Loki continued while avoiding Zhang Heng's arrows, "I like to cause trouble everywhere, so when the gods encounter problems, Every response will ask me if I did it, but after they have eliminated this possibility, they will come to me next time. Do you know why?"

Zhang Heng heard no answer, but continued to open the bow. Two arrows shot at Rocky. The latter reluctantly snapped his fingers and avoided the past again. At the same time, he asked himself and answered, "Because they know that I can solve them." Trouble, I lost the hammer of Thor and I found it for him. Sever lost her blond hair. I let the dwarf use gold to create more beautiful hair for her, even more eye-catching than her original hair. , So you see, I’m not busy with destruction all day long, I can solve the problems, those tricky questions that others can’t solve..."

Rocky hadn't finished speaking yet, and was forced by Zhang Heng several arrows to leave the place.

"Hello, you know what it means to shoot me all the time?" Rocky said silently. "Did you accidentally break your finger when I snapped it?"

Zhang Hengwen finally stopped his hand movements. In just two minutes, he had shot three quivers. The high-strength bow made his arm slightly sore and needed a little rest, but it was like Luo. According to Kee, none of these arrows could hit the target, and Rocky escaped with his snapping fingers.

It seems that he is really trying in vain. This seems to be purely for the purpose of disgusting Rocky, but Zhang Heng is certainly not such a boring person. He is actually trying to explore Rocky. The latter's body moves like a moment. The life-saving ability is really too buggy.

If Zhang Heng wants to kill Loki, he must first find a way to break his ability, or find out the limitations, and the three bags of arrows consumed by Zhang Heng are not fruitless. The good news is that Zhang Heng has already According to Loki's changing position, he calculated that the maximum distance of his teleportation is about 20 meters. This distance is not too exaggerated. It is almost difficult to lose it if you are interested in a relatively empty place, but the bad news It seems that Loki uses this ability without limit.

This means that if he is willing, he can always ring his fingers, and even do the Dan Brown exercise here. In addition, until now, Zhang Heng has not yet figured out whether Loki’s teleportation ability is his own, or What game props do you rely on? If this is his original skill, then in addition to sneak attacks and large-scale AOE damage, Zhang Heng can't imagine any way to kill Loki.

Moreover, if he attacked before, he had already done it once in the Pripyat Hotel. With Rocky’s cunning, it was almost impossible to give him a second chance. As for the large-scale AOE damage... there is now a ready-made Chance, because the engineers of those three nuclear power plants have not yet submerged into the basement under the No. 4 reactor to open the drain valve to drain the water, in theory, the roof of the basement can be destroyed and the radioactive magma on it can flow down, causing a steam explosion.

According to scientists' estimates, such an explosion can destroy the entire Ukraine and Belarus, so destroying Pripyat next to the nuclear power plant is certainly not a problem, but in this case, someone needs to be sacrificed, less than a last resort, Zhang Heng also Don't want to choose this path.

Moreover, Zhang Heng reviewed the Nordic mythology and the description of Loki in the Marvel comics. I don’t remember seeing his ability to move instantaneously, so Zhang Heng still prefers to think that Loki’s teleportation originated from a certain item. Props, which just explain why Loki’s strength can still be used without hesitation after being weakened by 60%.

So Zhang Heng's next thing to do is to find this item, and then find a way to destroy or take away this item from Rocky's body, so that Rocky can only choose to face the battle head-on.

He took two new quivers from his travel bag, replaced the old ones that had been empty, and said casually, "Why, are you going to help me solve my troubles too?"

"Since I came to you, of course I have thought about how to solve your troubles." Loki said leisurely, a sly smile appeared on his face, "but not now."


Loki took a coin from his pocket and tossed it in his hands. Zhang Heng saw the front of the coin with Lenin’s head printed on it, and the national emblem on the back, which shone in the sun. "This contact is just me Self-introduction, by the way, make an initial exchange of intentions, I know you don’t believe me, I don’t believe what I say, so of course you will not accept any offer from me, even if the price is enough in my opinion Sincerity, but you still think that Rocky, the bastard, will only take advantage of the fire, so why don’t we wait any longer? After you have no choice and compare all the options on hand, you will suddenly find that it seems to be honest Rocky. Be kind."

"How did you connect your name with honest honesty?" Zhang Heng asked. He only looked at the coin in Loki's hand and looked away, as if he hadn't noticed it at all. Same as coins.

Loki continued tossing the coin in the air and grinning, "You think you are smart enough to tell who is the enemy and the friend, but sometimes it is better not to be so confident."

Waiting for Loki to toss the coin again, Zhang Heng, UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly fired two arrows without any warning. Loki did not ring his fingers abnormally this time, but used a somewhat awkward one. The movement escaped one of the arrows, and then reached for another arrow.

However, before he could catch his breath, he saw the third arrow also come, but Rocky suddenly found that Zhang Heng's target this time was not him, but the coin in the air.

The third arrow hit the coin in the air accurately, struck it out, and at the same time Zhang Heng also threw away the bone bow in his hand, pulled out the [hidden sheath] around his waist, and charged at Loki Over here.

A look of panic appeared on Loki's face. It seemed that he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. He turned and wanted to escape, but Zhang Heng came behind him too quickly before he took a step and felt it. When the cold came from behind, but when he saw that he was going to die under Zhang Heng's knife, the fear and confusion on his face disappeared. Instead, he grinned, and then snapped his fingers again from the same place. Disappear.

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