I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 98: Do you think this is growing grass?

In the end, the mountain **** wood hard stuffed Ji Ruo with fourteen fruit, saying that it was an integer to remember...

Ji Ruo originally only planned to replace one.

There are a lot of people who need fruit in the whole summer now, and the inventory here in Shanshenmu is definitely not enough.

Moreover, Ji Ruo can't just give birth fruit to others.

The first is that there are too many people who need to bear the fruit of life.

Ji Ruo can give the fruit of life to those in need without any psychological burden.

As the saying goes, wool comes from sheep. These fruits look precious, but they are actually exchanged for people's defecation.

But he can't send many people!

The second is that Ji Ruo is not good at explaining the source of the fruit of rebirth.

"It'll cost you money." Ji Ruo carefully put away fourteen fruits of different shapes - one of the reasons why fruits of life are precious is that this thing does not have a specific shape, it belongs to what it wants to grow into. It looks like it grows into a spiritual fruit.

Shan Shenmu said indifferently: "What's the cost of this? Before I changed it, it might have been a little more troublesome for me to condense the fruit of life, but now, if you and Jing Lan help me control the geology of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains , I have been integrated with the Myriad Beasts Mountain.

This kind of fruit, as long as the essence of life is enough, I want to bear as much as I want, and it is not a precious thing. "


Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment, and his breathing suddenly became rapid.

If the essence of life is enough, how much do you want to bear in life? !

What is this concept?

This is the fruit of life!

Although it cannot live and die, it is the fruit of life that can flesh and bones!

Listening to the meaning of the mountain **** wood, why does it look like long grass? !

The teenager remembered the missing limbs he had seen in the flag-raising square but was still infected by his singing voice, and said that the students who dreamed of becoming an excellent logistics staff and contributing their own strength to the Great Xia Anding... ..Although Ji Ruo is not familiar with those people, but...if there is a chance, he can tell the news to the senior management of Daxia!

Those surviving students, those surviving warriors who survived the exams have been saved!

Saying goodbye to the mountain **** wood, and agreeing to send fertilizer to his old tree home after a while, Ji Ruo returned home with excitement.

He didn't know how to contact the senior management, and it was not appropriate to ask the school's teacher - if the teacher asked, how did Ji Ruo know the news, how should he answer?

It is not enough to go to the big leaders of Yuncheng.

Not to mention whether people will see him or not, even if they do, Ji Ruo can't guarantee that the other party will believe what he said.

Ji Ruo is just a student.

After searching the Internet and thinking about various methods, Ji Ruo finally decided - send an email!

Regardless of whether he will be believed or not, send anonymous emails to the official mailboxes of various divisions.

Do your best, listen to destiny.

It's unlikely to be useful, but it does.

The relationship between him and the mountain gods is not special. The mountain gods, or the tree demon tribe, is a peace-loving race.

For them, sun, rain, and fertilizer absorption are perfect.

They don't like to fight and kill.

At that time, Shanshenmu brought the group to the top of the mountain with great fanfare and found that the so-called 'Shenshu Brothers' was actually an oolong, and the first reaction was to want to run.

I don't want to have any revenge with the monsters on the top of the mountain at all.


It took about an hour for Ji Ruo to edit the email and send it to the official mailboxes of the various departments in Daxia that he knew.

His idea was good, but he overlooked one point.

Recently, because of the martial arts exam, the divisions of Daxia have been very busy.

There are a series of issues such as the placement and compensation of injured or dead martial arts candidates and inspectors, the formulation of the new martial arts test system, and the allocation of resources.

The departments are busy, and the society is asking.

Their mailboxes are full every day, and many messages cannot be processed in time. Most of the emails sent out in one draft are mostly advertisements, and they will be deleted directly by the official mailbox system without even reading them.

Ji Ruo has never submitted a manuscript, so I don't know, it is a taboo to submit more than one manuscript.

His emails were white.


The next day, Ji Ruo woke up early, took a shower, and saw in the mirror that short black stubble had grown from the roots of her hair—this was natural hair growth.

Ji Ruo's white hair is just washed out of melanin, and the newly grown hair is naturally black. Ji Ruo also knows this.

But... there is a layer of black stubble under the white hair, and it doesn't look good, so I plan to sing and wash my hair a few times, and then wash my head white again.

"Little Rosie, do you want me to wash you into a white cat?" Ji Ruo asked with a smile.

Rosie trembled and shook her head frantically: "Meow meow~ (No no no no! I'm not a white cat!

The past few days, Rosie was quite happy with Ji Ruo in human society.

There is no danger here, there is good food and drink, and there are so many interesting people or things, and she likes it here.

My sister said that if she was 'exposed', she would definitely be retaliated by humans, and she would definitely be thrown back to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, and she might even be beaten up!

So she won't reveal it anyway.

"Ha ha."

Ji Ruo laughed, picked up Rosie and put it on top of her head.

"Let's go! Go out and set up a stall!"

The good mood of the day started like this, and the red scarf on Ji Ruo's chest stored his 'happiness' at the moment.

Ji Ruo can clearly feel that the happiness in the red scarf has increased.

There is no progress bar, and no specific data is presented. Happiness is happiness, how can it be expressed in numbers?


Gu Xingzhou carried a large mountaineering bag and walked slowly in the direction of Yuncheng.

He didn't ride or run, he just walked and watched.

After leaving this time, he has no plans to come back.

So before he left, he had to take a good look at the mountains and rivers of Daxia~www.readwn.com~ and keep all this firmly in his heart.

This warrior crossed the green mountains and waded across the river.

Use your heart to remember, and use your body to feel it carefully.

He wanted to keep all this in mind.

"It's so beautiful, it's a pity... I won't be able to see it in the future." Gu Xingzhou sighed with emotion.

He thought of Ji Ruo, Liang Shixian, and the high-spirited teenagers he had seen over the years as the director of the Education Department, and suddenly laughed: "If you can't see it, you can't see it, haha!"

In order to let more people see this beauty, in order to let future generations, all teenagers, feel this beauty, someone has to sacrifice!

"Going to the border gate to slay the demon demon... Well, I can't think of it, let's go and go! Hahaha!"

"May my summer be prosperous and prosperous."


Those news items were seen by more and more people. The songs that Ji Ruo sang, the words that Ji Ruo said, and the happy appearance of Yuncheng No. 1 middle school martial arts candidates were seen by more and more people.

Because of the accident of this martial arts exam, the atmosphere of the whole summer was a little dignified.

These things that suddenly appeared in Yuncheng were like a ray of light, piercing the haze in the hearts of many people.

Some people want to come to Yuncheng to experience the atmosphere.

Some people want to come to Yuncheng to see the young man who can say those words.

Some people want to come to Yuncheng to see the little cat who only helps to wash vegetables...

In short, many people suddenly came towards Yuncheng.

Some people are confused, some people find it new, and some people just want to see the boy.

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