The top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain is a place where almost no humans have set foot. In addition, the top of the mountain has been occupied by tree demons, and the tree demons are also actively cooperating with the research and planning of the botanical experts. The distances between them are calculated and look extremely standardized.

The Department of Agriculture has already shipped a large amount of agricultural equipment to the Wanwu Mountain. Looking around, there are not only scientific irrigation facilities, but also artificial greenhouses... just like a scientific planting base!

With the help of the fragments of the Vientiane Mirror, Gu Xingzhou opened a portal, presented all this in front of everyone, and showed the 'planting base' to the masses in all directions.

The live broadcast barrage is full of amazement.

The live broadcast effect is directly full!


This is the plan.

Characterizing the mountain **** wood as 'artificial cultivation', people who are preconceived will have a good impression of the mountain **** tree.

What about the fake five-star planting demon? It's not grown by humans!

In this way, there is a sense of pride.

After that, all the raw fruits issued by the financial secretary were counted on the mountain **** wood—although those raw fruits were originally produced by the mountain **** wood.

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In this way, people will be subconsciously grateful to the mountain **** wood.

Then, let Gu Xingzhou lead the masses to visit the 'Wan Beast Mountain Spirit Medicine Planting Base' through live broadcast, and let the masses watch the pictures of Gu Xingzhou's request one by one, and then the tree demons try their best to satisfy.

The crowd must be excited.

There is pride, gratitude, and excitement.

The price of the elixir was naturally knocked down.


The live broadcast plan was a great success, and Ji Ruo was also invited by the Department of Education to participate in the formulation of the new martial arts system because of this fantastic idea.

Ji Ruo is not very good at this, but he can use [Foresight] to help check the success rate of the plan!

So the new martial arts examination system has also been successfully implemented.

For the new martial arts test, the main body will no longer be placed in the secret realm.

Instead, the points system is adopted, and the tests are carried out by categories.

Swordsmanship, Swordsmanship, Hidden Weapons, Body Techniques, Hard Skills...etc.

After the subject tests are completed, the scores are aggregated.

Of course, in this case, the safety is safe, but there is no way to show the overall quality of the candidates in a more specific way.

Therefore, the Wu Kao will be divided into two parts.

One part is a test of various subjects, and the other part is a one-on-one combat.

Wudou adopts a promotion system, school-level, municipal-level, provincial-level...etc., step by step, and finally select the champion!

And the top ten of each school will be able to independently decide whether to apply for a senior martial artist to lead the team and go out to practice...

Even so, the time span of the martial arts exam was dragged on for too long.

But I have to admit that this is a good way. Even Ji Ruo's [vision] shows that this new system is highly feasible.

Therefore, the new martial arts test will start from the second year of high school. After the literary test, there will be a small test for three days and a large test for seven days, all the way to graduation.

As a generation of candidates who have been devastated, they do not need to compete in martial arts to advance. They only need to pass the test of each subject, and those who basically meet the comprehensive quality standard can enter the school.

Those whose watches have recorded scores in previous martial arts exams will not be invalidated, but will be directly added to the comprehensive assessment for reference.

In other words, if you don't have to take the test again.


"I'll be free all of a sudden."

Ji Ruo, who had sold a few self-created martial arts to the Department of Education, slumped on the sofa and suddenly felt a little bored.

Now that he is the champion, he naturally does not need to take the new martial arts exam.

Glancing at the admission notice on the coffee table - he has already been admitted to the best martial arts school in Daxia in advance, what martial arts exam is he taking?

And because the price of low-level elixir has plummeted, he doesn't have to go out and sell elixir fried rice to do good things now.

Iron Sand Palm's proficiency growth is almost stagnant. After most people are familiar with Ji Ruo, Xiao Honghua doesn't give it much.

Moreover, those low-level elixir are now the same price as cabbage. Many restaurants and food stalls sell elixir delicacies. Who would come to him to buy fried rice?

The marrow-washing elixir is good, but—

That thing is good for diarrhea!

The fertilizers the tree demon brothers need are also provided by Daxia officials.

Aunt Jinglan's family is obsessed with chasing dramas, and there is a special chef to take care of the diet...

Gu Xingzhou settled in Wan Beast Mountain, and broadcast live broadcasts every day to take the audience to visit the "Wan Beast Mountain Spirit Medicine Planting Base".

Everyone settled down.

Even Liang Shixian was detained by the hospital for donating blood frantically some time ago - a good thing is a good thing, but such a frantic blood donation is not good!

So Liang Shixian was forcibly 'detained' in the hospital...

Ji Ruo's various abilities and martial skills have also temporarily fallen into a bottleneck, and there is no way to make a significant breakthrough in a short period of time.

All of a sudden he seemed to have nothing to do except wait for school to start.

"Meow~ (Master...

Rosie recalled the scene of Ji Ruo selling martial arts just now, and asked cautiously, "Meow~ (Are you rich now?

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Meow~ (Then, can you buy me a mobile phone?

"Of course you can." Ji Ruo said, "I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. I have been meeting with those leaders during this time. I feel that my red scarf is about to fade... Let's go and buy it now."

The vividness of the red scarf is related to the happiness of the wearer.

Although it can store 'happiness', but because it can passively increase learning ability and understanding, the stored 'happiness' is actually being consumed all the time.

If there is no "happiness" in the account for a long time, the color of the red scarf will gradually become dim.

"Meow~ (Okay! Go buy a mobile phone!

Rosie jumped off Ji Ruo excitedly and led the way.

During this time, she was already very familiar with human society - at least the environment around Ji Ruo's house.

She knew where the mobile phone shop was and wanted to go there for a long time.

"Hey, wait a minute..."

Ji Ruo patted his head and suddenly remembered something very important.

"Rosie, are you literate?"


Rosie looked bewildered.

Ji Ruole said, "It's useless for me to buy a mobile phone for you if you don't know how to read."

The boy's eyes lit up, and he suddenly knew what he was going to do while waiting for the start of school.

"Let me teach you to read first, and then buy it when you learn it, how about it?"

"Meow~ (But Master, you promised me...

"Okay, I can buy it for you first, but then I will teach you to read, so you have to study hard."

"Meow~ (Okay!


Going to the mobile phone store, Ji Ruo bought a small black smartphone for Rosie, and by the way, she used her ID card to get a card for Rosie.

Back at home, Rosie couldn't put it down and played with her new mobile phone. Although she couldn't understand the text on it, she still happily poked lightly with her paws.

"Meow meow~ (It's so fun, I'll even go around in circles, haha.

Ji Ruo glanced at it and was speechless.

This little guy somehow clicked into the settings, and is now clicking 'restore to factory settings' over and over again.

Because this phone was just bought, there was nothing stored in it, so it was formatted very quickly. Rosie formatted it repeatedly, watching the 'circle' during formatting over and over again, and had a great time playing. almost.

"Okay, I also bought a mobile phone, should I study?"

Ji Ruo took out the textbooks he had used before and placed them on the coffee table.

Looking at the piles of various textbooks that were taller than herself, Rosie trembled subconsciously.

"Meow~ (Master... do you have to learn these?

Ji Ruo said cheerfully: "Yes, you have to learn UU reading"

"Meow~ (this is too much...

Rosie quietly closed her eyes and returned to the consciousness space.

"Sister, the master wants to teach me how to read! There are so many books! What should I do? Do we have any talent to study hard?"

The white cat was stunned for a moment: "Study hard? How can we demons have that kind of talent? What are you thinking?"

"No?" Rosie complained, "but those books look really good!"

"Don't be afraid of my sister, okay... eh?"

Before Bai Mao finished speaking, he was suddenly pulled out of his mental space as if he was caught by something.

Rosie didn't understand what was going on. She felt an itchy neck and opened her eyes in a daze.

Ji Ruo was tying her a red scarf.

"Little Rosie, let me tell you, this is a red scarf that only good children can wear. Wearing it will make your learning ability stronger."

This red scarf was exchanged when I gave it to Hu Wang last time. Now that Rosie needs to learn to read, it is just right for her to wear it.

Rosie is not very big, and she is a pure little milk cat. It is definitely impossible to wear it normally, so Ji Ruo wears it upside down, with the big triangle in the front and two red scarves on the back.

"So lovely."

Ji Ruo said with satisfaction.

And at the moment when the red scarf was tied, a golden cat several times bigger than Rosie disappeared in a flash.

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment.

How did he feel that the heroic cat that appeared behind Rosie had a confused expression on his face?


(Volume 2: The Original Accumulation of Happiness, End~) Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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