The senior took a stance and said while demonstrating: "This boxing method has only recently been incorporated into the education system, and I have only learned it not long ago.

However, I personally feel that this boxing method is more suitable for daily practice than other martial arts.

This classmate, you are practicing wrong! This boxing first focuses on self-cultivation, how can you fight with such a murderous aura? Look at me! "

Ji Ruo: "…"

Think about it too, this senior is playing a simplified version of Tai Chi 24, and Ji Ruo is playing a complete Tai Chi, can it be the same?

The simplified version of the 24-style, of course, pays attention to self-cultivation, almost no lethality!

Ji Ruo will be able to do it, but the key is that playing a set of twenty-four poses will not increase your proficiency!

So Ji Ruo always subconsciously wants to play a complete set of...

"No! No!"

The senior corrected Ji Ruo's boxing technique over and over again, and even taught him to get angry: "Why are you so stupid! This fist is not like this!

You learn from me! "

Ji Ruo: "…"

He had never been so silent in his life.

After being corrected over and over again, let alone this senior, Ji Ruo's anger has also been pulled up. This Tai Chi fight is not effective at all in self-cultivation...

The more he fought, the more frustrated he became. He wanted to say: "Senior, why don't you learn from me, my style is better than yours, not only can I cultivate myself, but I can also help others to cultivate...

However, before he could speak, the smart watch suddenly heard a 'di~' sound.

At the end of the morning exercise, some credits and points will be credited to the account.

The senior raised his watch and glanced at it, and said with hatred: "I've never seen you so stupid, you can't understand just a few tricks after tossing and turning! My name is Zhou Yishu, I'm going to class now, come back tomorrow. Here, I still don't believe it, I can't teach you!"

After that, the senior Zhou ran to class.

"Remember to come tomorrow! I'll teach you boxing! You can practice when you go back!"

Ji Ruo: "…"

Liang Shixian said with emotion: "This senior Zhou is really a good person..."

"Yeah, yeah..." Ji Ruo was very speechless. During the whole morning exercise, he didn't hit a complete set of punches. Zhou Yishu kept correcting him... If it wasn't for the martial arts rewarded by the system, the kind Zhou Yishu The seniors almost couldn't teach him.

The key is that people are also kind, and if they don't know what to say...

Too **** up!

Liang Shixian smiled and said, "But Ji Ruo, you finally seem like a normal person.

Before, whether it was the palm technique or the sword technique, you acted like a monster... I thought you were the kind of martial arts prodigy mentioned in the novel that has been rare for so many years, haha!

It doesn't matter if the boxing talent is not good, let's learn slowly, I will accompany you. "

"Squad leader, listen to me explain to you..."

"It's okay, I understand." Liang Shixian patted Ji Ruo's shoulder and said, "Your iron sand palm is so perfect that you have surpassed many others. It doesn't matter if you can't do one of the boxing skills. People's energy is limited, so it's good to specialize in one."

Ji Ruo sighed heavily: "Forget it, let's go experience the class we arranged last night... Rosie, let's go."

This little guy has been squatting on the side of the road and staring at the ground, not knowing what he is looking at.

"Meow~ (Come~

Every class in the first martial arts school is a big class, and each classroom can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time.

From the outside, those classrooms are normal classrooms, but only when you enter, you will know that the classrooms are round and stepped, and the podium and the teacher are in the center of the classroom, the lowest 'altitude' point.

The magic is that no matter where the students sit, they feel that the teacher and the blackboard are always facing them.

Liang Shixian lacked offensive means, and Ji Ruo also wanted to systematically learn a deeper level of martial arts theory, so the first class for the two was swordsmanship.

They walked into the classroom and found a place to sit down.

In the center of the circular classroom, the teacher was talking about the theory and practice of swordsmanship. From time to time, he would call a few students to the podium to conduct a simple battle simulation.

This swordsmanship teacher explained the profound things in a simple way, and the truths are interlocking and easy to understand.

The students listened with relish.

Except for counting.

"Monitor, why don't we change the classroom..."

He couldn't help but say.

It's not that he doesn't respect the teacher, but that the teacher is now talking about the broken arrow style, the swordsmanship he sold...

Liang Shixian knew that this swordsmanship was created by Ji Ruo himself, and was a little embarrassed, and said, "Okay, then let's listen to the swordsmanship."

The swordsmanship teacher seemed to have noticed Ji Ruo, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, and he whispered softly: "I'm second."

Then the sword technique, which is about the combination of breathing techniques and moves, focuses on 'full concentrated breathing, thunder' and 'storm swordsmanship' and their matching breathing techniques...

"Complete Concentrated Breathing" was created by Ji Ruo by combining all the basic breathing techniques he knew at the time, and a little bit of imagination, with the help of the [Swords and Swords] buff card bug.

It has nothing to do with the full concentration of the eight classics of breathing except the name, and it integrates the advantages of a variety of basic breathing methods, which can greatly stimulate the human body's potential, and can even make the martial arts realm. The martial artist exerted a strength close to the Qi Pulse Realm.

"The role of this breathing method is not limited to this. Its general framework refers to a total of 27 basic breathing methods. UU reading covers a wide range and can be called omnipotent...even, not only these There is still a lot of blank space in the frame of the breathing method. If you are interested, you can try to incorporate some more advanced breathing methods in it after you master it... The person who created this breathing method has a wonderful idea. Stunning."

The teacher stood on the podium and complimented without hesitation.

After Ji Ruo received a small red flower, the more she listened, the more uncomfortable she became.

He always felt that the teacher was staring at him all the time - although with the characteristics of this circular classroom, no matter where the students sat, they would feel that the teacher was facing him.

But it's just uncomfortable.

He always felt that the teacher was doing it on purpose... He didn't know before he came in, but after he came in, the teacher's praise for the creator of this breathing method was too dense...

Liang Shixian was quite fascinated, but seeing Ji Ruo was so uncomfortable, he hesitated and said, "How about we change it?"

"it is good!"

The swordsman teacher also slightly hooked the corner of his mouth: "I three..."

Afterwards, he taught Taijiquan.

The palm method is about 'the new cultivation method of iron sand palm'.

The stick method, which teaches the dog-beating stick method...


After changing several classrooms, Ji Ruo bit the bullet and stayed for two hours before listening to a martial arts theory class.

Nearly 90 percent of the martial arts theory mentioned in this class is related to Ji Ruo. He knew those things a long time ago, and he even sold many of them!

It was difficult to endure until the get out of class was dismissed, and the credits were settled.

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