Qu Fei is gone.

Although she couldn't leave early because she chose a class, there are a lot of vacancies in the last row. It's okay to change seats or something.


Qu Fei stayed away from Ji Ruo, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became.

Although Ji Ruo is right, she is a girl!

Ji Ruo made her make such a big embarrassment, how could she have any good face towards Ji Ruo.

Across the distance, Qu Fei glared at Ji Ruo fiercely.

"Those classmates were right yesterday, this guy is not a normal person!"

She muttered to herself angrily.

Ji Ruo saw her looking at him, and he waved to her happily, like a good friend.


Qu Fei snorted coldly, turned her head away, and stopped looking at Ji Ruo.

She resumed her lectures.

After a while, she was lying on the table again.

Although she also knows that sleeping in class is wrong, but listening to what she has already heard and learned is really sleepy!

She fell asleep.


A soft sound.

Qu Fei raised her head suddenly, and a small note slowly slipped from her forehead.

A few words were written on the note - "Don't sleep, listen to the class well."

Looking up at Ji Ruozheng and looking at him with a smile, Qu Fei was angry and did not dare to attack, her nose was crooked with anger


After Ji Ruo's unremitting efforts, all the dozing students in the classroom woke up.

Ji Ruo also gained a lot of title proficiency because of this.

It's just a pity that he has no students around him now, so he can't brush the proficiency of Palm Lei.

The small electric current does no damage, and the attack distance is not outstanding.

He and Qu Fei were the only two students in the last row of the classroom, and now Qu Fei had run to the front of Ji Ruo because of the 'cannonball' that Ji Ruo had just fired.

There was an entire classroom between the two, and Qu Fei lay down again. This time, she was covered by the heads of other classmates in front of her, hiding behind the 'bunker', and the 'crosshairs' in Ji Ruo's line of sight couldn't aim at her.

After thinking about it, Ji Ruo picked up little Rosie, walked over quietly, and rubbed a small palm thunder on the back of Qu Fei's neck...


Qu Fei opened her eyes, her eyes were red.

She didn't dare to speak loudly, the voice seemed to be forced out of her throat, and the voice was low and suppressed.

"Are you so sick!"

She was a little desperate.

What did you just lean over to do it before!

Find yourself guilty...  

Ji Ruo said seriously: "Student Qu Fei, I'm doing it for your own good. If you don't believe me, look at my sincere eyes..."


Looking at the big word 'sincere' in Ji Ruo's eyes, Qu Fei's whole person is not well.

A big man with text contact lenses? !

"Don't run away after class! I want to duel with you!" Qu Fei said viciously: "Go to the ring, my mother will kill you!"

Ever since I felt a little good about setting up the arena, Qu Fei only spent less than half a class, and the mental activities are so complicated that it is hard to describe.

Ji Ruo frowned.

Is this an appointment?

"Student Qu Fei, although you may not understand it well, I really do it for your own good, you will know later..."

"To shut up!"

Rosie pointed at Qu Fei, looked at Ji Ruo, and grinned, "Meow~ (Look, Master, she's in a hurry!

Qu Fei: "..."

She took a deep breath: "It's a man, don't run after class!"

She didn't plan to doze off anymore, so she just watched Ji Ruo here, constantly thinking about how to concoct Ji Ruo in the ring later.

What Wude? What to bully the small? She wants to give Ji Ruo a good beating now!

If you don't care.

While listening to the class, I continued to 'wake up' the great cause.

What a great opportunity to study in such a good school!

sleep what?

How much sleep can you sleep two years early?

As for Ji Ruo's own study... He has the blessing of a red scarf, and his learning ability and understanding are not weak, but now it is even more terrifying.

These basic theories can be remembered and understood if Ji Ruo closes his eyes.

The science teacher caught sight of Ji Ruo 'shooting' small notes everywhere, awakening the students who had fallen asleep one by one.

"This kid has a good shooting talent..."

He didn't think about the hidden weapon. With his eyesight, he could naturally see the notes that Ji Ruo fired. Although the range of the notes was a bit far, it was not using some peculiar hidden weapon technique. It was fired with a rubber band. ......

After thinking about it, the science teacher said: "If you are interested, you can exchange your points for practice hours at the shooting training ground after class.

Ten points can be exchanged for one hour. During the duration, all individual firearms in the shooting training ground can be used at will, and the ammunition can be used unlimitedly during the duration.

Plus five points, you can also ask the shooting teacher to give pointers..."

This sentence was not said in the morning.

Ji Ruo silently wrote down this information and planned to take Rosie to see it after class.


"Jingle bell~"

The school bell rang, and the science teacher announced the end of the get out of class.

Ji Ruogang was about to leave.


Qu Fei grabbed Ji Ruo, gritted her teeth and said, "I knew you would run away! If you have the ability to do such a thing, you have the ability to enter the ring with me!"

Ji Ruo thought about it and said, "Student Qu Fei, you misunderstood me, I didn't want to escape.

I just think it's good for you and me not to go to the ring.

I don't have to waste my time, and you won't lose face..."

"Stay stubborn!" Qu Fei snorted coldly, "I must beat you up today! It's too impersonal!"

"Yes! I must beat him up today!"

"Yesterday I pretended to be a senior~www.readwn.com~ It's okay to deceive our feelings, thinking that you haven't broken through the Qi pulse state, and don't want to have the same knowledge as you, you still don't know what's wrong today, disturbing people's dreams! I can't bear it! "

"You have to go to this arena today, or you have to go if you don't!"

Many classmates gathered around, and Ji Ruodan didn't hide themselves much when they saw the note, and everyone saw Ji Ruodan and forced them to wake up.

Although Ji Ruo played very accurately and never hit other students, but...

He was indeed outraged.

Rosie shivered in Ji Ruo's arms, surrounded by so many people, she was a little scared.


Ji Ruo sighed: "I'm obviously doing a good thing, it's okay if you don't appreciate it, why are you still scaring my cat?"

Helping new students quickly integrate into the campus, urging students not to fall asleep and study hard, is obviously doing a good thing!

"Doing a good job?!"

The students looked grim with anger.

"Okay, let's go to the ring, no matter if you win or lose, you can't hold grudges after the fight."

With that said, Ji Ruo separated from the crowd and walked slowly towards the ring with Rosie in her arms.

"Don't worry! We'll cover the medical expenses for you!"

The students are gearing up and eager to try.

Daxia's quality education is very good, but Ji Ruo has not been exposed to specific educational content yet.

The surrounding students obviously have not been in contact with them either.

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