Somewhere on campus, among the flower beds.

"Hah~ha! Hiss~ha!"

"Meow~ (The owner is wicked, he secretly eats delicious food, he won't let me eat it, hum!

Little Rosie nestled in the middle of the flower bed, breathing the strange mist escaping from the soil with a big mouth full of enjoyment.

The fog was so strange that it couldn't be detected by the naked eye at all. It seemed that only Rosie could see it, not even the white cat Heroic Spirit who had been following her.

At this moment, the white cat Yingling was jumping up and down behind Rosie anxiously: "Rosie! What are you doing! The master is gone! Hurry up and find the master!"

"Can you hear me! The master is lost!"

Of course, Rosie couldn't hear what the white cat said.

Because of the special effect of the red scarf, the white cat was pulled out of the body and forced to become a heroic spirit. Moreover, because Rosie was not very happy recently, the red scarf couldn't even store the slightest 'happiness'. Cats can exist because they are special, and there is no way to 'protect' or something.

So, no matter how the white cat called beside Rosie, the little black cat didn't respond.

Rosie didn't even realize that Ji Ruo was 'lost'...

She also didn't realize that with the inhalation of a lot of strange mist, her 'category' began to change again...


"It turns out that there is a mass grave below the school, so there is a strong resentment around it, which will affect the people in the school subtly!" Ji Ruo exclaimed.

School doctor: "???"

"Cough! When did I say that!" The school doctor almost choked to death on his saliva.

"Ah, I'm sorry, you haven't said it yet." Ji Ruo scratched his head: "That's not it, I heard a lot of weird talk on campus, and I thought about it subconsciously... Normally, if there is something in the general school Legends and the like, start with 'there's a mass grave under the school'..."

"It's not like this! There are no mass graves under the school!"

Ji Ruo thought for a while: "Then, is there anything on it?"

"No!" The school doctor said angrily, "Do you still listen?"

"You say......"

The school doctor looked around cautiously, and then he pulled the curtains and said in a serious manner, "I'll tell you, don't spread the word!"

Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian looked at each other and turned serious.

"do not worry!"

"We promise not to spread the word!"

The school doctor nodded with satisfaction and whispered: "It is said that in this school, there is a confinement room that cannot be found, and there is a big devil locked in there...

That big devil has the power to deceive people, and no one has ever seen what he looks like. You should also know that in addition to a strong physique, martial arts practitioners are also very determined.

Powerful warriors can even condense the will of the martial arts as if they were substantial, affecting the world!

But that is a powerful warrior.

Our school has always been the most mysterious martial arts school in Daxia. When many students first came to the school, they were either excited or timid... In short, when they came to an unfamiliar place, their emotions were inevitably a little unstable.

And this gave the devil an opportunity to use some unknown means to deceive people's hearts, so when each freshman first entered the school, his temperament was more or less than before. There are some changes.

For example, people who were originally introverted suddenly became sharp-edged, or sharp-edged people became introverted, or suddenly became arrogant, irritable, and aggressive...

The devil seems to be able to use this to become stronger.

There is a saying that the big devil is secretly accumulating power and intends to..."

'Snapped! ’

With a light sound, the entire ward suddenly fell into darkness, the windows suddenly opened, and the night wind howled into the ward.

The fascinated school doctor who was talking was startled, turned his head and said angrily, "Ji Ruo classmate! Why did you suddenly turn off the light!"

Ji Ruo scratched his head: "I'm thinking that at times like this, it's better to tell stories with the lights off..."

"Then why did you open the window!"

"Isn't it a bit hot...Teacher, you can continue." Ji Ruosan said with a smile.

The influence he received seems to have not been completely eliminated, and he subconsciously wants to play a prank.

"It's over!" The school doctor said angrily, "Turn on the light and startle me!"


Liang Shixian hesitated for a moment: "Is there no one to take care of the school?"


The school doctor smiled: "Didn't I say it, it's just a legend, what should I do? Are you really going to go to that confinement room? Well, classmate Liang Shixian, it's getting late, you can rest well, although classmate Ji Ruo gives You eat a raw fruit, but the raw fruit does not care about concussions.

But if you have iron shirts, it's not a big problem. You can rest here tonight. "

After speaking, the school doctor left the ward.

After a moment of silence, Liang Shixian asked, "Ji Ruo, what do you think? This legend, I think... what are you doing!"

He was seriously analyzing the authenticity of the legend, when suddenly Ji Ruo took off his shoes and tossed them gently.

'pat. ’

Ji Ruo looked at the direction pointed by the shoe tips, put on the shoes again silently, looked at Liang Shixian, and said with a smile: "The teacher really scared me just now, it turned out to be just a legend... Monitor, you have a good rest, I'm going back."

Liang Shixian was stunned for a moment: "Ji Ruo you... Really think it's just a legend? But what happened to us..."

"Oh, monitor, didn't you say it's feudal superstition! Besides, it's impossible for such a thing to exist! This is not a mountain of beasts, and there is no strength limit. If there was such a thing, the school would have come forward long ago. It's done!"

"It seems... too."

"So, monitor, take a good rest, I won't accompany Rosie is lost, I have to find her."

"Rosie got lost?!"

Liang Shixian exclaimed, then quickly lowered his voice and said, "Then why don't you look for it? That little guy... It's not good to be discovered by others!"

"The squad leader, you are alone in the infirmary tonight, will you be afraid?"

"Go, go! Go and find Rosie! She can't get lost, this school is full of dangers for her!"

"Let's go here. In fact, I wanted to look for it just now, but you suddenly woke up, monitor..."


After Ji Ruo left, Liang Shixian lay on the hospital bed, looking at the ceiling, a little lost.

He recalled over and over again the bits and pieces of the two days after entering the university, and the legend kept reverberating in his mind.

"Is it just a legend..."


"There is such an exciting place in the school!"

Ji Ruo was a little excited.

[Absolute sense of direction] is the ability at the conceptual level, not limited to the four directions of the south, east, and northwest.

In theory, this ability could guide Jiruo wherever he wants to go.

Just now he tried it with [Absolute Directional Sense], and the so-called 'non-existent confinement room' in the legend actually exists!

"If you have a chance in the future, you must go shopping!"

Ji Ruo secretly made up his mind that it would be a pity not to see such an interesting legend.

By then, it must be a wonderful adventure!

But that's a matter of the future, and now the most urgent task is to find Rosie first...

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