I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 132: The school's characteristics - simulated battlefield

In this school, credits are very important, which can be used to pay in combination with points, exchange for some special and powerful martial arts, and even get detailed guidance from martial arts teachers.

Generally speaking, taking classes is the main way to obtain credits, but taking classes is actually similar to the 'guaranteed salary', and the credits and points awarded are only enough for normal life - of course, it is not ruled out that there are such Players who have saved a lot of scholarships in their study life before college.

The exchange ratio of money and points is 1000:1, but the scholarship is different, and the exchange ratio with points is about 10:1.

In addition to taking classes, there are many ways to earn credits and points.

For example, participating in various school-organized activities, or activities that students spontaneously plan and report to the school, and approved by the school, or... fight in the ring.

In a ring match, one point is fixed, but the points are not fixed. Of course, the premise is that you can win.

Winners get credits, losers lose credits.

You can graduate from this martial arts school with 1,000 credits. In theory, even if someone doesn't attend classes all the time, they will be able to graduate normally if they earn enough 1,000 points in the ring competition... If you win a thousand games, it doesn't really matter if you go to class or not.

People like that probably won't learn much in school.

The path is chosen by oneself.

In addition to playing in the ring, there is another way to get more credits and points—

mock battle.


The simulated battlefield is a large field covering an area of ​​three square kilometers, which looks like a super-giant egg.

Ji Ruo came to the simulated battlefield and carefully read the rules of the simulated battle.

Mock combat is a major feature of the first martial arts school. It uses some unknown means to simulate almost all environments and conditions, and even death can be simulated!

In a simulated battle, one can die. Everyone can die three times a day. If there is more, it may have some negative effects on people. In short, it is disgusting to die, and it is easy for people to feel bad about it. Death loses awe.

Ji Ruo looked at the posts about mock battles on the campus forum, and was surprised to find that in mock battles, sometimes even the race was not fixed. To the identity of 'Demon Race' or 'Monster Race' or even some other races, confront each other.

"Mock Battle" claims to be able to provide students with the most realistic simulated battle.

"Teams, individuals, battlefield scenarios, environments, battle rules, monster simulation..." Ji Ruo looked at the series of simulation rule-making conditions in front of him, and directly clicked on a completely random one.

"Generation Simulation: Desperate."

"Battlefield Scene: The Jungle"

"Situation: One dozen five (disadvantage)."

"Whether to accept?"


"Desperate?" Ji Ruo touched his chin: "Am I going to hit five by myself?"

Ji Ruo swiped his finger and glanced at the rewards and punishments of this mock battle.

If you win, you will get ten credits, and if you lose, you will lose five credits.

He can choose to accept or not to accept it. If he doesn't accept it, it will be random again. Under normal circumstances, most people will choose to give up this kind of "desperate situation" simulation.

One to five, the odds of winning are extremely slim, and it is even equivalent to directly sending credits to the opponent.

But Ji Ruo is not afraid, he mainly wants to experience this so-called simulated battle, it doesn't matter if he dies anyway.


Ji Ruo didn't think much about it, so he made a choice.

The 'mode selection window' suddenly popped up a circular card with 'one' written on the front and 'one dozen five' written on the back.

"Meow (Master, what is this?

Rosie looked at the card curiously.

"Fun stuff."

Ji Ruo smiled, he suspected that this so-called simulated battlefield was the fantasy creation mentioned by Gu Xingzhou.


According to the description on the "Instructions for the Use of Simulated Battles", Ji Ruo inserted the circular card into the card slot of the watch, and then stepped into the simulated battlefield.


"Five on one? Hahaha, good luck!"

Sunlight penetrated the treetops and dappled the grass.

Five young people in 'Geely suits' were lying in the deep grass and talking.

"Old Zhou, you don't need to hide, right? It's like this, what else to hide? Wouldn't it be better to just rush over and kill your opponent?"

Zhou Yishu said in a low voice, "No, even if there is only one person on the other side, we have to make a good plan so that there can be no casualties."

A person next to him said indifferently: "Causes and casualties are casualties, and there will be no real dead people in this simulated battlefield. When the time comes, I will go up and bear it, Lao Zhou, you guys can seize the opportunity and take them away in one wave... Five dozen One, free credits."

"Don't be careless!"

Zhou Yishu frowned: "The role of the simulated battlefield is to allow us to be as familiar as possible with the various situations we may encounter in the future, so that we will not be blindsided if we encounter similar situations in the future.

Avoid casualties as much as possible. "

"But, it doesn't matter if you die in this simulated battlefield!"

"Huang Honglun!"

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Zhou Yishu scolded: "If you say this kind of disregard for life again, I will report it to the school! Although the simulation battle is only a simulation, it should be taken seriously. A drop of blood, if you really encounter danger in the future, it is possible to save a life!"

The other four suddenly shut up.

Zhou Yishu looked around and said in a low voice: "Also, everything in the simulated battle is relatively real, this battlefield seems to be just an ordinary jungle, but no one can say that apart from our opponent, there are other There are no simulated demons, so be careful!"

"Hu Lao Zhou, you are right, don't be careless."

Zhou Yishu nodded and said, "Even if it's five-to-one, you can't despise your opponent and go all out!"

"Well, go all out!"

So they shrank back into the depths of the grass. The 'Geely suit', which was woven from weeds, seemed to be integrated with the environment. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't tell that there were five people hidden in the grass.

They divided their labors, spread out quietly, moved slowly in all directions, and kept the distance between them at a relatively suitable distance. No matter who was in danger, others could immediately provide support.

First find out the surrounding environment, and then find a way to solve the "enemy"!


"This is coming in?"

Ji Ruo looked back in surprise.

There is no door behind him, nor anything else that seems abrupt. After entering the simulated battlefield, he appeared in this jungle.

And no matter how you look at it, it feels like this is a real jungle.

Rosie looked around curiously and sniffed lightly.

"Meow (Master, are these things fake?

"Yes?" Ji Ruo said uncertainly: "In the simulated battlefield, all the scenes and things are simulated..."

Rosie jumped off Ji Ruo and took a bite of the tree trunk beside her.

"Bah! Meow (the master said nonsense, this is obviously a real tree.

"Real simulation..." Ji Ruo raised the bowl watch.

A map is being displayed on the watch.

As a relatively weak party, he has certain privileges in this mock battle.

For example, he was able to view the map of this battlefield, and the initial position of the 'enemy' was marked on the map, and some potentially dangerous areas were marked on the map in different colors.

"It doesn't seem to be completely 'desperate'."


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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