"Can't see the students?" Chen Mo scratched his hair in distress, "In other words, there is no way to find someone to play with me? Damn it! Then I'm the principal! It's not a good idea!"

"What? It won't work if you don't do it? Chenzai, what are you doing to break the rules! I'm going to find Ji Ruoyan!"

"Can't go to the master? Che, what about the principal." Rosie pouted, "I'll go to the master myself, you bastard, play by yourself."

With that said, Rosie jumped up from Chen Mo's shoulder, spread her limbs, her talents switched, and thin fleshy wings grew under her ribs.

Rosie suddenly evolved into a cat that could glide. With a slight sweep of her tail, she gracefully glides in the direction of Ji Ruo.

"Goodbye~~~ Meow?! Pia~"

She didn't glide very far, she slammed into an invisible barrier with a dazed face, her whole body was tightly attached to the invisible barrier, and she slowly slipped.

Rosie slid to the bottom of the invisible barrier. At this moment, she was still in the air, with nothing under her feet, but she seemed to have stepped on the ground and could not continue to fall.

Seeing this, Chen Mo clapped his hands happily: "It's interesting, it's so interesting, you still play like this!"

"You are too much!"

Rosie looked back at Chen Mo angrily: "Why don't you let Ben Miao go! This is imprisonment! You idiot!"

God knows what Rosie has learned from her phone...


Chen Mo was also confused: "I didn't do this! I thought you showed it to me specially..."

"I wouldn't do such a thing!" Rosie rubbed her little face hard, which was a little numb just now.

"It's not you, it's not me, who could it be? It's just the two of us here, and you still don't admit it!"

"Is it really me?" Chen Mo also became suspicious: "But I really didn't do it... Wait, I seem to know why."

"Say it!"

Chen Mo scratched his head and said, "I made the ID card, and you filled in the content, so... we are the same principal now, and we are both restricted by the rules set by the dog Chen Zai, so we can't take the initiative to see the students. , you can't leave me too far..."


Rosie was shocked: "I'm also the principal?!"

Chen Mo spread his hands: "It should be... I can't see Ji Ruo for the time being, and neither can you."

"How can this be!" Rosie fell into the air in despair, "What if the owner secretly finds other new pets behind my back... I don't want to be the principal, I want to be you! I'm not right! Get me dismiss!"

"If I could do it, I would just quit it just now." Chen Mo said helplessly.

"Then I can't see the master anymore?"

"No, there seems to be another way..."

"Then use it!"



"It's done!"

'Heart Demon Ji Ruo' solved the problem of other members of the Wuxiang Mala Group's heart demons talking about their own dark history without much effort - he first beat all the heart demons, and then tore the curtains, They blocked their respective mouths, of course, the inner demons themselves were also bound.

Be careful that the demons are still struggling, 'woo woo' wants to resist, and then 'inner demon Jiruo' will serve one by one, and it won't take long for all inner demons to be honest.

"President... Why don't you kill them..." Xu Dong said with a bit of resentment, seeing that the demon who looked exactly like himself was treated like this, it felt strange... .

"Hey, isn't this all solved!"

Ji Ruo jumped off the table and said, "Let's talk to your own demons. It's better to face bravely than to suppress blindly... Well, little guy, let's talk too."

"Okay, okay!"

'Heart Demon Ji Ruo' jumped into Ji Ruo's palm. Although there was a big difference in body size between the two sides, he was not afraid of Ji Ruo at all—Heart Demon was lawless.

"I've figured out my new name," said the little guy.

"Oh? What's it called?" Ji Ruo asked curiously.

The little guy said proudly: "I am your inner demon, so I must be named Ji, and other inner demons of the same size are not as strong as me, so I am the overlord among inner demons—"

Ji Ruo nodded again and again, and his heart was worthy of being his own demon. Not only was he not dressed in black like other demons, but his thinking logic was so clear.

The little guy raised his chin and said, "My new name is Xin Jiba!"


Ji coughed a few times: "Cough, this name is not good, you can change it!"

"Indeed, it seems to be a bit suspected of driving." The little guy touched his chin: "That's called Magic Jiba, how about it?"

"Pfft! What's the difference between this and just now?!" Ji Ruo said, "Also, do you have to add a prefix? It sounds weird."

"It's really troublesome." The little guy muttered and thought again, and after a while—

The little guy's eyes lit up: "How about calling Ji Bei! Ji Bei!"

"You can't say it like that, this is swearing!" Ji Ruo rubbed his brows: "Forget it, I don't count on you anymore, let me think of one for you... You will be called Ji Xiaoxiao in the future, the surname is Ji, The body is small, simple and easy to remember.”

"Okay." Ji Xiaoxiao pouted: "It's just a temporary name anyway, so let's just leave it like this?"

"Temporarily? What do you mean?"

Ji Xiaoxiao looked at Ji Ruo, made a 'super big' action, and said seriously: "You are already so old now, how long can you live? Anyway, I must not live as long as I am, after all, I am so old now. smaller one.

When you are gone, isn't the name 'Ji Ruo' mine? "


Yes, the logic is very clear!


"Don't you think it's weird that you curse yourself to be short-lived!"

"What's wrong?" Ji Xiaoxiao said in surprise: "I'm your inner demon, I don't want you to die, who do I want to die?"


It makes so much sense!


The other members of the Wuxiang Mala Group have all found their own demons to talk to each other-because of Ji Xiao, they have a lot in common with each other, and these inner demons seem to be a bit dull, unlike Ji Xiao Small and so agile, it is easy to establish the most basic friendship with their respective bodies.

The inner demon problem has been temporarily resolved. Ji Xiaoxiao suggested that everyone play rubber bands together to further deepen the relationship between the inner demon and the main body.

Ji Ruo responded, so the team members also responded.

They are about to leave-

"Eh! Eh!"

Zhang Wanshan, who was pressed and rubbed on the ground by his inner demon, finally couldn't hold back any longer: "President Ji, are you going to leave like this?"

"Yes, does President Zhang have anything else to explain?"

"I heard what you said. These guys are all demons, right? There is no conflict between our two societies. Let's join forces to solve these demons, how about?"

Everyone in Shueisha has been pinned to the ground by the demons for a long time.

It's not that they don't want to stand up~www.readwn.com~ but, once they move, they will continue to be beaten by the demons - there are more than thirty demons besieging them, all of them are in the Qi pulse state.

There are only twelve people in Shueisha, so how can they be the opponents of the demons?

But they didn't give up either. In this club activity room, there were not only twelve of them, but also eighteen members of the Wuxiang Mala Group.

The two sides joined forces, and it was not impossible for them to fight, so they all lay on the ground and waited - I didn't expect it! If they even planned to leave like this!

"Jointly solve the inner demon?" Ji Ruo said in surprise: "Our side has already solved it."

"I know, but..." Zhang Wanshan blushed.

Can't you help us if you solve it!

Why don't you play cards according to the routine!



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