The people in the Five Spiced Mala Tuan couldn't agree more with the stuff on their heads.

Although they even lied down in the feces in the simulated battle, but in their opinion, the simulated battle is a simulation!

It doesn't matter what happens in the simulated battle, the state will be refreshed after leaving the battlefield anyway.

But the reality is different, the nausea is really disgusting.

Ji Ruo ignored them and followed the white devil ants to the nest.

Originally, it was thought that the nest of the termites was under the ground, but in fact—it was indeed underground.

They hollowed out a hundred-meter-high hill, and the ant roads in the mountain crisscrossed. There was an unknown amount of underground space below the horizon, and the number of ant colonies was extremely large.

Inside the mountain, it looks like a huge translucent glazed mine. Looking up, you can even vaguely see the white devil ants in the passage above.

There is a small hole at the top, and the moonlight spills in and is constantly refracted in the glass crystals, making the entire nest look bright.

The white devil ants walk through the ant tunnel without interfering with each other and in an orderly manner, like a huge and sophisticated instrument and its components.

Ji Ruo touched his chin: "This ant nest is really beautiful."

Liang Shixian explained: "It is said that monsters like white devil ants were actually just ordinary termites thousands of years ago. They have evolved under the influence of the arrival of the secret realm, and their size has skyrocketed and their strength has greatly increased.

They still maintain most of the habits of thousands of years ago. In order to support their fragile bodies, they have evolved hard exoskeletons, but they also gain weight and easily overwhelm the nest, so the queen ants let some worker ants evolve. A special gland organ that allows them to secrete a special mucus that crystallizes the soft soil.

Therefore, the appearance of this lair at the moment is not naturally generated. "

Ji Ruo heard the words and glanced at Liang Shixian in surprise: "Squad leader, you have a wide range of knowledge! I remember that this is the knowledge that is only involved in the sophomore year?"

Liang Shixian smiled and said, "As a monitor, you always have to learn more, otherwise, if my classmates ask me in the future, will I not be able to answer it, so it's not a joke? Besides, the subject of monster creatures and anatomy is actually quite interesting."

"The squad leader is awesome!"

Ji Ruo gave a thumbs up, and then led the members of the club to follow the white devil ants to the lower level of the nest.

These materials must be transported to a specific location for storage, and the knowledge of monsters and creatures is quite good if Ji Ruo has mastered it.

He knew that whether it was white devil ants or any other ant clan, the queen ant was the strongest existence in the entire clan, but most of the time it only existed as a reproductive machine.

Under normal circumstances, the queen only needs to do two things: eat and live.

Everything needed for life is taken care of by its descendants.

"Everyone, be careful next time."

Ji Ruo suddenly said solemnly: "The villagers we are looking for should be in the place where the white devil ants store their supplies, everyone will pay attention to it when the time comes."

In order to facilitate the queen to eat, the place where the white devil ants store their supplies must be very close to the queen.

Judging from the scale of this ant nest, the ant queen is estimated to have the strength of three stars or even four stars!

A monster with inconvenient movements like the queen ant may not have a strong fighting ability on a single unit, but it can control an entire group, and it is naturally extremely powerful in spirit.

Simply put, the queen ant is very good at mental manipulation and mental attack.

Although [camouflage] and [the sense of being substituted] are strong, they are not omnipotent.

For example, when Ji Ruo faced Aunt Jinglan and Shan Shenmu in Myriad Beast Mountain, these two abilities had little effect—the low level of the two skills was on the one hand, and the difference in strength could not be ignored.

So be careful.

Everyone nodded sternly, although they still felt that it was outrageous that they and others could really sneak in...

Ji Ruo and the others followed the white devil ant colony downward, and the further down, the thicker and firmer the crystallized soil.

Moreover, because these crystals were solidified by some kind of body fluid secreted by the white devil ants, the smell was naturally not very friendly. Ji Ruo even recalled the scene of himself stealing the school septic tank.

Ji Ruo whispered: "I don't know if Grandpa Shanshenmu will accept this stuff, but I'll take a few bucks and take it home. It's a bit unreasonable to go out without bringing some souvenirs..."

"Meow~ (Master, what did you say?


"Meow~ (I heard eating! What delicious!

Ji Ruo: "..."

Passing through the dark crystal wall corridor - the thickness of the surrounding crystal wall is probably seven or eight meters. This crystal wall contains a lot of impurities, so the outside light can hardly pass in.

When I came to the material storage room, there were actually a lot of luminous stones inside.

"So lovely."

Ji Ruo quietly took a few luminous stones and stuffed them into his pocket: "Let's start, everyone, be careful, and if you need to communicate, just leave it to me."

"it is good."

They gently put down the pretended wood or plant roots and began to search.

There are a lot of things in this material storage room, but there are not many things that humans can use - the things collected by the white devil ants are naturally only used by the white devil ants.

Ji Ruo walked towards the depths alone, and there was a tree trunk in front of a white devil ant that seemed to be a simple coffin, he was going to take a look.

The further he walked in, the more unpleasant the smell in the air became. Even Rosie was about to faint, and even Ji Ruo felt a little bit irritating to his eyes—his beauty contact lenses did not have the function of blocking out odors.

But even so, Ji Ruo still did not stop.

After a while, Ji Ruo tiptoed to find the tree trunk that looked like a coffin.

"Sure enough..." Ji Ruo sighed as he looked at the corpse lying in the hollowed-out tree trunk, which had shown signs of slight decay.

One of the three missing villagers.

The corpse's face seemed to have been painted with delicate makeup, but because it had already begun to decay, coupled with the bumps along the way, the makeup on its face had already been spent. It was not scary, but it looked a little disgusting.

Its fatal injury was a penetrating wound in the back of the head. In addition, his clothes were also damaged in many places. It stands to reason that there should be many wounds left on the corpse. Injury, if no other wounds were found.

"Has the body been disposed of?"

Ji Ruo frowned. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The teenager walked around the simple coffin, and found a few lines of small characters on the side of the coffin, the name of the deceased, the date of birth and death, and so on.

"Niu Dabao... Niu Li's father, why didn't the special effect of the red scarf bring him back?"

At this moment, Niu Li's father has been confirmed dead, but because of this, Ji Ruocai is even more puzzled.

Where did Niu Dabao's heroic spirit go?


Suddenly, Ji Ruo's body lit up with a faint white light.

The white cat showed a form in a dazed way.

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment: "Dabai? Why did you come out? Didn't you say you don't have the power of incense?"

The white cat also found it strange. She looked at the deeper part of the cave blankly, and said, "I don't know, the master... There seems to be an incense without the owner..."


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