I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 216: The truth of Wan Beast Mountain

"Little Jiruo, where are you? Why can't Grandpa see you?" Shan Shenmu asked in a slow tone.

As a demon of the plant genus, the most important thing in the mountain **** wood is lifespan. Now that he has no worries about food and clothing, and everyone takes care of everything, he naturally develops a slow-moving temperament.

Human scholars told him that this is called health preservation, and most of the elderly are like this.

Ji Ruo just wanted to answer, Gu Xingzhou said from the side: "Shan Shenmu, you can't see the other party when you make a phone call, you have to make a video."

"Then you quickly give me one."

"You dig me out first..."


"If you don't dig me out, how can I operate it for you?"


Then the phone hangs up.

Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian looked at each other with strange expressions.

After a while, Gu Xingzhou sent a video communication request, if he clicked to accept.

It is also late at night in Wan Beast Mountain. The body of the mountain **** tree is getting bigger and bigger. The crown of the tree even seems to stretch into the sky, and the stars are twinkling between the leaves. At first glance, it looks like the fruit of the mountain **** tree.

The location of the camera seems to be a little far away, so that Ji Ruo can clearly see the whole picture of the mountain **** wood.

And in the land next to the mountain **** wood, there is a small round thing, looking closely, it seems to be the head of Gu Xingzhou...

Gu Xingzhou muttered in a low voice: "It's a shame that I still use professional live broadcast equipment to help you open the video, why are you burying me? Hit the cook when you're full, right? It's not as fast as you to unload the grind and kill the donkey.. …”

Ji Ruo didn't hear Gu Xingzhou's whisper and said in admiration, "Grandpa Shanshenmu, you are so beautiful now, and the fruit looks like a star."

"These are the stars." Shan Shenmu said kindly: "You human scholars know a lot, not only did you help me completely sort out the geology of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, but also came up with a way to bring me one step closer and let me touch the starry sky. …”

"Really? That's really congratulations to Grandpa Shanshenmu." Ji Ruo and Shanshenmu started chatting at home.

"Cough cough."

Liang Shixian coughed lightly and said, "Ji Ruo, let's get down to business."

"Ah, yes." Ji Ruo said, "Grandpa Shanshenmu, can you help me contact Aunt Jinglan? I have something to ask her about Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain."

"About Ten Thousand Beast Mountain? You can ask me. Grandpa can check it for you."

"Check?" Ji Ruo was curious: "How do you check?"

"Everything that exists will leave a record in the leyline. Grandpa, I have already controlled the leyline of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains. If you want to ask, just ask, I can directly query all the past records in the leyline from the leyline. Information, I know what Jing Lan knows, and I know what she doesn't know."

"So it is." Ji Ruo suddenly, after congratulating Shan Shenmu again, went straight to the topic: "Then can you tell me why the geological changes occurred in the area at the foot of the mountain when I participated in the martial arts test? Was it controlled by someone? of?"

"This, you know, wasn't the ground-turning dragon besieged to death by the monsters occupying the top of the mountain at that time? That guy was a monster born in the earth vein, a child of the ten thousand beasts mountain range, and he has control since he was born. The ability of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range will make the earth shake with every move...

However, that guy is lazy and usually sleeps most of the time, so in most cases, the leylines of Ten Thousand Beast Mountains are very stable.

And it was precisely because of that guy's death that the ley lines at that time became disordered because it lost its control.

Not only the foot of the mountain, but the mountainside and the top of the mountain are also changing, but the change is not large. "

"That is to say, is it really the fault of those demons?" Ji Ruo frowned: "But why do they suddenly want to besiege the earth-turning dragon? It seems that even if they kill the earth-turning dragon, it is difficult for them to digest it in a short time. Earth-turning dragon..."

"That's because the ground-turning dragon woke up early." Shan Shenmu suddenly pulled out Gu Xingzhou, who was buried in the ground with only one head exposed, and said, "A lot of children like you come to Myriad Beasts every year. Mountains, injuries, deaths and the like are not uncommon.

The ground-turning dragon found that the flesh and blood of those children seemed to be affected by hands and feet. Xiaogu should know exactly what the hands and feet were, but I don't know.

After those corpses are devoured by the demons, the demons will generate a lot of wisdom in a very short period of time, and then become the king of their own race, and through wisdom, lead their own race to extinction..."

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment. Is that why those goblins could talk? !

However, flesh and blood are passive? when?

This kind of thing should be ubiquitous, then your body should also...

Gu Xingzhou said unwillingly: "What do you mean by the flesh and blood of those children? We Daxia will not do such a thing!"

He looked at Ji Ruo and explained: "Subji Ruo, this matter is considered top secret, but now the secret realm martial arts examination system has been abolished, and the level of confidentiality has dropped. Based on your merits, you are qualified to know.

It's not that your flesh and blood are passive, but that there is a secret door in our human martial arts... The specific situation is a bit complicated, you just need to know that this secret door is not harmful to us humans, and The reason why this secret door is left is to make the cannibal demons pay their debts with blood..."


Shan Shenmu continued: "In short, because of knowing this, the ground-turning dragon was very angry. It found the monsters on the top of the mountain to discuss it, and wanted to kill all the human children who came in this year and teach you humans a lesson.

Those demons were worried that humans would go crazy for revenge, but they didn't agree, and they also coveted the power of the floor-turning dragon... In their opinion, it is much easier to surround and kill a floor-turning dragon than to face angry and crazy humans.

So the dragon is dead. "

"Ah this..."

Ji Ruo opened his mouth, is it so sloppy?

Good guy, I originally planned to find an alliance, but it turned out to be dead... Where is the reason for this?

Liang Shixian asked, "Grandpa Shanshenmu, what happened later?"

Shan Shenmu said: "Later, when they were dividing up the earth-turning dragons, a four-star peak cat demon came to the top of the mountain... To be honest, I can't tell what kind of cat demon she is. As soon as she came I saw the demons on the top of the mountain were dividing up the corpse of the dragon, and they came together to get a piece of the pie. Those stingy demons naturally wouldn't agree.

They were full of confidence after they had just killed the floor-turning dragon, and wanted to eat the cat demon, so they started fighting.

Although the cat demon doesn't fight very well~www.readwn.com~, it is very flexible and fast.

Although she was injured, she also took advantage of the chaos to steal the Dragon Ball from the Earth-Turner, and it seemed that she stole something from the Moon Swallowing Toad... In short, she survived and escaped successfully. "

Saying that, Shanshenmu shook Gu Xingzhou, which he hung with branches, and said, "Those demons don't know the importance of the ground-turning dragon to the ten thousand beasts' mountain range, and they attributed all the subsequent geological changes to snatching the ground and turning the ground. On the cat demon of Dragon Ball.

Later, the cat demon met Xiaogu and was almost beaten to death by Xiaogu. After forcibly pushing the ground-turning dragon ball, it disappeared... The information after that is very vague even in the records of the leylines. I also don't know where the cat went. "



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