I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 223: Everyone, give the land lord more incense!

The three souls were condensed into human shapes, and their bodies were equally petite. They looked around carefully, and found that the place they were in was a dilapidated small temple, and the 'Land Meow' was behind them, and a little further behind. There is a clay statue of a god, the kind of cat's head and human body can barely be seen, and the details are all vague.

This inexplicable sense of sight made the three souls a little shocked.

"God, where is this?" Ma Feitian asked cautiously.

The white cat said: "This is my earth temple. I have regenerated the crops, relieved the pain of the injured, and helped you gather your soul. Now that the divine power is exhausted, we can only live here for the time being."

The three souls were even more shocked. This is where the 'Turtle Meow' usually lives?

It's too broken!

Ma Feitian was even embarrassed to say that the place where Meow lives on this land is even more broken than the old house before his house was rebuilt...

Hearing Bai Mao's words, the three souls couldn't help feeling guilty.

They usually don't pay much attention to this land temple, so that the white cat doesn't have much incense offerings, but when the accident comes, the white cat chooses to help them without hesitation, and even exhausts his own divine power for this...

"Thank you." Sanhun said sincerely.

"You're welcome."

Ji Ruo squatted outside the Earth Temple and grinned: "This is what we should do."

The three souls turned back and saw Ji Ruo and Rosie who were 'gigantic' outside the temple. They couldn't help being startled.

Ji Ruo quickly apologized, and then briefly introduced the current situation to them.

Sanhun was silent, and then thanked again.

"I said no thanks." Ji Ruo thought about it and said, "By the way, Uncle Niu, I just made a small slingshot and planned to give it to Niu Li. Do you have anything to say to him? I can help you convey."

"I..." Thinking of his wife and children who are still alive, Niu Dabao's face shows a painful color, but when he thinks that he is staying with 'Land Meow' now, it is not impossible to see each other again in the future. Stabilize a little: "Just let them live well, don't be too sad for me, my wife's side... Let her find someone to take care of herself."

Ji Ruo scratched his head: "The first part is okay, but the latter part is fine. You can tell her yourself when you have a chance in the future. I don't think it's appropriate."


Niu Dabao smiled bitterly: "I'm like this now, how can I tell her?"

Ji Ruodao: "My family's Dabai can entrust their dreams... By the way, Dabai, can you let them entrust their dreams to their relatives?"

The white cat nodded and said: "Yes, it's not difficult to support dreams, even if you don't have the power of incense fire, you can support it, but the dream state may be a little blurry..."

As she said that, she suddenly looked at Niu Dabao and said, "I still have a little divine power left. If you want, I can let you temporarily possess the slingshot made by the master and go back and see your child."

After coming to the Temple of the Earth, the white cat has learned more things, and has a clearer understanding of his divine position.

The gods are born with knowledge, which does not mean that the gods are born with knowledge of everything.

In fact, the gods here refer to incense gods or belief gods. What kind of wishes or beliefs are contained in the incense or beliefs they harvest, the gods will naturally know related things.

This kind of "knowing" depends on the believer's own cognition, so God is not omnipotent. God is only God in the eyes of his own believers.

That's why the white cat suddenly understood so many things after accepting the land **** position of Babaozhai.

Niu Dabao was excited: "Is it really possible?!"

The white cat nodded: "Of course."

She looked at the other two who were eager to try, but hesitated to speak, for fear of abruptly disturbing the ghost of the cat god, and said, "You will have to wait for a while, wait for me to gather up my supernatural power.

Moreover, not everything can let you entrust your soul body. The slingshot made by the master can, and these three pieces of paper can be used. I don't know about the rest. "

The pupils of the three souls shrank, and the earth **** in their stockade was actually called Master Ji Ruo...

However, they are now being favored by the plan, and the plan is not harmful to them, so they are also very wise not to talk too much.

They can still exist now, but it's all thanks to Ji Ruo and Cat God...

Ji Ruo was also a little curious: "Why does my slingshot work?"

The white cat shook his head: "I don't know that either."

"All right."

Later, with the help of the white cat, Niu Dabao's soul body entered the slingshot to live temporarily.

The thumb-sized Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly emerged from Ji Ruo's hair, glanced at the situation in the Earth Temple, and jumped down.

"Da Bai, congratulations on moving to a new house."

The white cat quickly said, "Hello, little master."

"Hey, don't be so polite." The little guy looked at the situation in the temple, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Do you have a broom or something in this temple? You have moved to a new house, so you need to clean up, so it's more comfortable to live in this way. I'm here to help too.

The old guy can't get in, hehe. "

Ji Ruo smiled helplessly, lowered his head and rushed to the slingshot and said, "Uncle Niu, sorry, people can't be resurrected from the dead. You can only keep it like this for the time being. I'll take you back and accompany Niu Li well, he's sad."

The rubber on the slingshot shook slightly, and [Common Language] made Ji Ruo understand this abstract 'language'.

Niu Dabao is saying, "Thank you."


The villagers built a simple mourning hall in the center of the stockade, next to the five icons.

"Folks, I know you are sad, but the situation is urgent now, please wait a little longer for the condolences..." Hu Yonglin persuaded bitterly.

A message was sent above, asking the warriors stationed to evacuate the villagers as soon as possible. The other villagers were fine. Most of the warriors stationed and the Wuxiang Mala Group had already gone to help the villagers pack their bags.

Even the families of the other two deceased were more sensible.

But it's Niu Li... This little guy is very young and has a particularly stubborn temperament. He doesn't listen to anything, and he can't accept anything.

The villagers sighed aside. The village chief found Hu Yonglin and said, "Xiao Hu, can you give us a little more time? This child is very sad now..."

Hu Yonglin sighed and said, "Village chief, it's not that we are not friendly, it's just that the order above is urgent. You know, village chief, the situation in Babaozhai is not optimistic."

"Oh, I see." The village chief shook his head slightly, and then asked a few villagers to forcibly pull Niuli—Niuli's mother had already fainted from crying.

"I'm not going! I'm not going! I want to be with my dad!"

Niu Li kept struggling.

People living on the border have no way, or it is very difficult to practice the 'Yi Wu Dao'.

They have been accustomed to seeing all kinds of demons since they were young. Before practicing martial arts, they were already accustomed to the existence of demons. The threshold for penetrating the mind is higher than that in the territory, so they can only practice the 'body martial arts'.

And the 'Body Martial Dao' has too high requirements on the qualifications of practitioners, and there is no one who can achieve it.

Therefore, most of these villagers only have the strength of Martial Apprentice Realm and have not entered the extraordinary.

As for why they are not allowed to live in the territory - this question...

Why don't everyone live in the capital? Why aren't all people well-fed? Why don't everyone have a car and a house...

How can there be so many whys!

Ji Ruo followed the roar of Niu Li and squeezed into the crowd.

"Everyone, I'm Niu Li's teacher, can you let me have a word with Niu Li?"

The villagers who were pulling Niu Li hesitated for a while, and when they saw the village head nodded slightly, they let go of Niu Li.

After breaking free, the little guy once again threw himself in front of his father's coffin and burst into tears.

Ji Ruo leaned over and said mysteriously, "Niu Li, how about I found your father for you? Isn't the teacher amazing?"

Niu Li cried for a while.

you tell me this? !

The villagers onlookers were also stunned. Is this the time to say this?

Ji Ruo didn't seem to see the expressions of the people around him, and continued: "The teacher took a lot of effort to find Uncle Niu, and almost died outside."

Everyone: "..."

Although, it's a bit inappropriate for you to ask for credit now, isn't it?

The village chief was about to say something, but he was about to say something when Ji Ruo suddenly took out a hand-made slingshot and said, "Here, Niu Li, this is what Uncle Niu asked me to give you, do you like it? "

Niu Li stared blankly at the slingshot, and subconsciously reached out to take it.

Inexplicably, a special sense of familiarity arises spontaneously.

He held the slingshot and rubbed the bark, feeling like he was holding Niu Dabao's big rough hands.

Ji Ruo stood up, rubbed Niu Li's head lightly, and said, "Be obedient, don't let Uncle Niu worry, understand?"

Niu Li was stunned, then wiped away his tears fiercely, and nodded vigorously: "Well! I will be obedient!"

Ji Ruo smiled: "What a good boy~www.readwn.com~ The villagers were about to thank Ji Ruo when they saw this, but Ji Ruo suddenly turned around and said loudly, "Don't be idle, everyone, quickly pack up and run Way! "

Villagers: "?"

Ji Ruo continued: "Also, don't forget to pay respects to the land master in the future, give more incense to the land master, and the land in our stockade can be dedicated to work!"

Everyone: "???"

"You don't need to kowtow, the land master of our stockade doesn't like this."



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