I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 230: Can you guys help, I'm really hooked on Q!

Now the entire Centennial Mountain is shrouded in Gu Shaoxuan's "Knife Mountain Hell".

Even if there are fewer blades in the position, it is because Rosie has been jumping up and down to bite.

The Hungry Demon has a good mouth and digests quickly. These blades are condensed from the true essence of the martial arts, the will of the martial arts, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth. It is also good for Rosie. Of course, she is happy to eat.

But she only has one star and can't eat much, so Ji Ruo's activity space has hardly changed.

However, Ji Ruodao didn't care, the gap between him and Gu Shaoxuan was too great. If Ji Ruo didn't have the means of long-range attack, if nothing else, the palm thunder could be released remotely.

But first, the principles of this martial art are relatively scientific. Ji Ruo is now more than 20 meters away from Gu Shaoxuan, and if he wants to shoot a lightning bolt that can traverse more than 20 meters, the current that Ji Ruo needs to withstand must be extremely strong.

The current will be seriously worn out in the process of passing through the air. When it really falls on Gu Shaoxuan, there will definitely be no damage left.

Second, take a step back, even if Ji Ruo desperately shoots an unprecedentedly powerful thunderbolt, and the thunderbolt will not be worn out in the process of passing through, it will not be able to cause much damage to Gu Shaoxuan.

Now Ji Ruo can barely be regarded as the peak of the Qi pulse state, and Gu Shaoxuan is already in the golden body state. Although he was seriously injured, the state is there after all, and he has a golden body of martial arts.

Thunder, who can electrocute the plan, is impossible to electrocute Gu Shaoxuan.

In addition to the thunder in the palm, Ji Ruo can also rely on the sword and the two branches to cut out the sword qi, but it is still the same sentence, the gap is too large, and the damage is limited.

Ji Ruo's main purpose now is to use Gu Shaoxuan's power to help himself refine the medicinal power. Before condensing the power of Xingxuan, Martial Dao will and Qi and blood to condense the true essence of Martial Dao, Ji Ruo's means can't cause much damage to Gu Shaoxuan. .

Unless I explode the shadow again...but there is no need for that, if there is a way to do a decent amount of damage...

"You are so...very good!"

Gu Shaoxuan's 39-yard face slowly dropped, and he stared at Ji Ruo with an unusually gloomy expression: "You have successfully angered me!"

Combining the powerful kick of the Vajra legs, it is purely physical damage. Gu Shaoxuan Tuoda did not use the martial arts golden body defense, plus the facial defense is difficult to practice, a shoe down, Gu Shaoxuan's face is printed With an unusually conspicuous shoe print, the sole pattern is clearly visible.

The damage is not high, but it is extremely insulting!

Gu Shaoxuan was really angry, and this "you are so good" is sincere.

Ji Ruole, who received a little red flower, said, "Then it seems that I'm pretty good, right?"

With that said, Ji Ruo turned over and jumped up while dodging the attacks of the Yin soldiers, following the white line in his eyes, his body kept jumping between the gaps between the Yin soldiers, and the tip of the knife danced!

The teenager kicked his legs one after another, and a pair of white sneakers with gold and red prints wrapped around a giant flying shot and smashed towards Gu Shaoxuan one after another.

Gu Shaoxuan is now ready, he planned to catch the shoes kicked out by Ji Ruo, and then concoct Ji Ruo, but he was stunned to find that these two seemingly ordinary sneakers could not be caught!

Every time I bumped into his hand and bounced back, or jumped halfway in a way that completely violated the laws of physics, I would smash him in the face anyway...

Rao was Gu Shaoxuan, and he was in a hurry.

When Gu Shaoxuan saw that the sneakers that bounced back to Ji Ruo's feet were just right every time, he finally couldn't hold back and said, "What kind of martial arts is this?!"

"Of course it's badass kung fu!" Ji Ruo laughed loudly: "On your face, there is a path I've traveled!"

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!" Gu Shaoxuan snorted coldly, and stopped trying to pick up the shoes, letting the clean soles hit his face again and again.

"The little devil is hard to deal with!"

He made a combo with his palms, and four small evil spirits half a meter long suddenly flashed in front of Ji Ruo, blocking the gap between the Yin soldiers and attacking Ji Ruo's limbs.

Rao Yiruo's reaction, facing so many enemy spirits at the same time, is also a bit stretched.

[Line of Intuition] The planned life path began to flicker, and on average, each white line stayed in Jiruo's field of vision for less than 0.1 seconds.

The sound of the symphony of gold and iron was incessant, and Ji Ruo's clothes were getting more and more torn.

Gu Shaoxuan asked in a cold voice, "I'll give you one last chance, where is the place where the secret realm descends!"

He still hasn't given up on getting the specific location of the secret realm directly from Ji Ruo.

Although Ji Ruo has not admitted it, Gu Shaoxuan has no evidence to prove that Ji Ruo must know.

But according to Gu Shaoxuan's brain supplement, Ji Ruo's identity must not be simple - if you can call such a strong person with a phone call, there will be no delay in the transmission process of the news, can this identity be simple?

He has a way to make the secret realm come in an instant, but there is only one chance, can't go wrong... If not, he has already started, why should he observe carefully on this hundred-year-old mountain and wait for the opportunity?

Ji Ruo didn't say a word, little Rosie kept wandering around him, and her talents were instantly switched to various talents that increase movement speed. Do your best to share the pressure.

King Kong's Indestructible Magic was pushed to the extreme by Ji Ruo, and the golden light was slightly dazzling.

The first stage, King Kong Qi Qi, began to progress slowly under the strong pressure of the surging medicinal power, the evil spirits condensed by Gu Shaoxuan with his true essence, and the 'Knife Mountain Hell'.

The golden body protection qi began to melt into Ji Ruo's body, subtly strengthening the strength of Ji Ruo's body.


Ji Ruo was calculating, Gu Shaoxuan just stood there, the pressure on Ji Ruo was getting bigger and bigger, and it was gradually approaching the limit he could bear.

Time to run away -

Ji Ruo was holding the Vientiane Mirror in her palm and was about to use the 'Vientiane Shuttle' to return to Babaozhai to rescue soldiers.


"It really is here!"

A familiar voice came from outside the 'Knife Mountain Hell', and Ji Ruo held a big grass in her heart.

Gu Shaoxuan was also a little surprised: "You still called for a helper?"

He subconsciously wanted to run, but after careful perception, he stopped again.

No need to run.

"It looks like a fight has already started! Let's go in and help!"

"Golden Bell Jar!!!"

"Qiangqiang~thorn Lala~"

First, there was a symphony of gold and iron, and then the sound of sharp knives penetrating into the flesh.

Liang Shixian folded his hands in front of him to protect him, and he rushed through the mountain of knives covered in blood. Everyone in the Five Spices and Spicy Troupe who followed behind also had their own glory, but they all had a determined expression.

"Squad leader..." Ji Ruo's mouth widened, her eyes slightly red.

Liang Shixian laughed: "Ji Ruo, we are here to help you... This is what we should do, we can't let you carry everything!"

Xu Dong had a lot of colors on his body, and also said with a smile: "Yes, President, don't be so moved, why are you still crying..."

Just by breaking through the mountain of knives, they have already suffered serious injuries, and this is because Gu Shaoxuan did not target them too much.

Liang Shixian's newly learned golden bell jar is like a piece of paper in front of Gu Shaoxuan's **** in the mountain of knives.

Ji Ruo said angrily: "I'm so moved! I'm so ready to run away, what are you doing to join in the fun!"

Everyone: "???"

Gu Shaoxuan laughed: "Hahaha! You guys came just right! Ji Ruo, give you one minute at the end to tell me where the secret realm will come, otherwise, all your friends will have to die in front of you today!"

"Prisoner's Soul Cable!"

Gu Shaoxuan folded his palms together, dozens of chains attacked from the void, and flew towards the people in the Wuxiang Mala Group.

Seeing this, Liang Shixian hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up! As I told you just now, hurry up and stack the Arhats!"

When he came, Liang Shixian had already told them about Ji Ruo's "martial arts", and they were all mentally prepared.

But after all, this kind of thing is still too much. At a critical juncture, people's hearts are different, and they did not stack up at the first time.

"It turned out to be the one who helped me..." Ji Ruo couldn't help but complain, [Transformation] is strong and strong, but everyone is only in the Qi pulse state, even if all the attributes are superimposed, facing Gu Shaoxuan will be difficult. Totally not enough...

Not only that, but now that there are more people, Ji Ruo's own qi and blood is not enough to transfer so many people!

More importantly, at Gu Shaoxuan's speed, before everyone entered the portal, he could catch up and kill them one by one - Gu Shaoxuan still has a plan, and he doesn't know how to do it. If you have the ability to travel through space.

He is very confident that if he can't escape, that's why he is so leisurely.

In such a short time, everyone except Ji Ruo was **** by Gu Shaoxuan's prisoner's soul cable.

It's just a bundle now, and in a minute, Gu Shaoxuan will start killing people.

Gu Shaoxuan will definitely not keep his hands if the transmission ability of the Vientiane Mirror is exposed in front of Gu Shaoxuan, when the time comes...

I'm afraid it's faster to kill!

"Ji Ruo, I'm sorry, we didn't know the situation and caused you trouble..." Liang Shixian was not a fool either. After thinking about the key, he said with a guilty face.

Ji Ruo frowned: "It doesn't matter, squad leader, I don't blame you..."

How to do? Redeem [a cloud-piercing arrow] for the physical reward of [the big boss of a small group]?

It doesn't seem to work. Although this place is not far from Babaozhai, it will take time to come here. Such a little time is enough for Gu Shaoxuan to kill all of them...

"Old guy! Take the stick!"

At this time, Ji Xiaoxiao jumped out from the ground riding the white cat, and threw a long stick with eyebrows embellished with blood veins to Ji Ruo.

"Why don't you guys fit together yet? Oh yes, it seems that you can't beat it even if you fit together. Why didn't he kill you just now?" Ji Xiaoxiao asked very fast.

Ji Ruo frowned as he dodged, he suddenly thought of something, and suddenly looked at the black coffin that Gu Shaoxuan regarded as a treasure.

It seems that there is really a way to make Gu Shaoxuan dare not do it to himself...

But at this moment, his teammates were all arrested by Gu Shaoxuan, and they had to be rescued first.

"Rosie, save people! Xiaoxiao, gas-breaking style!"

"Meow~ (received!


Rosie ran through and jumped quickly, biting off the chains of prisoners.

Ji Ruo and Ji Xiaofen held sword branches, and Dugu Nine Swords, Qi-breaking, bursts of sword light.

This qi-breaking style was originally mainly to break the body-protecting qi, but the body-protecting qi is rounded up, that is, the passive defense function of the power of qi and blood or the true essence of martial arts, which is essentially the power of qi and blood or the true essence of martial arts, so Can be broken too!

"This swordsmanship... can actually break my prisoner cord? Interesting, a swordsmanship that is designed to break energy."

Gu Shaoxuan is sighing with emotion, Ji Ruo has already greeted everyone to stack Arhats.

"Hurry up, hurry up, make up your torso and arms!" At the same time, Ji Ruo swayed a dozen red scarves and shot at everyone: "Ma Liu, put on red scarves!"

[Transformation] In order for this ability to take effect, certain conditions must be met.

The definition of this specific condition is relatively abstract. If there is a standard of favorability, it must at least be at the level of 'best friend'.

Ji Ruo didn't know how other people looked at him except Liang Shixian. Now that the situation is urgent, he doesn't have time to confirm them. If he wants to successfully fit in, he can only rely on the 'red scarf'.

After all, 'unity' is one of the characteristics of the red scarf!

Realizing that the gap between the two sides is really big, the people of the Wuxiang Mala Group no longer hesitated, no matter how nonsense Ji Ruo's order was, they no longer hesitated, and quickly piled up the Arhats.

Gu Shaoxuan sneered: "It's this trick again? Although I don't know what martial arts it is, do you really think that I will watch you fit together?"

With that said, Gu Shaoxuan raised his hand and waved, and a black crescent-shaped blade of light flew rapidly and exploded in mid-air, taking everyone's limbs!

First cut off the limbs, then slowly kill, torture Ji Ruo!

When Ji Ruo saw this, he exclaimed: "It's too late! I'll make up the head!"

He stepped on the shadow step, appeared on the top of Luohan in an instant, and completed the fit!

The rays of light shone, and together with Ji Ruo, a group of 16 people turned into giants, more than ten meters tall!

Basic qualities are superimposed, and qi and blood are universal!

Except for Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian, more than a dozen people in the giant's body were shocked and speechless.

Xu Dong looked dumbfounded: "It can really fit... eh wait! I haven't gone up yet! President, I haven't gone up yet!"

Countless black blades of light flew towards him. Ji Ruo controlled the giant body to block the attack of the black blades for Xu Dong.

Saying that, Ji Ruo raised his hand and squeezed Xu Dong, and threw it fiercely in the direction of Babaozhai.

"Ooooooooo!! President, I can run back ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The shrill screams cut through the sky, Gu Shaoxuan frowned and was about to jump up to intercept.

"Your opponent is here!"

Ji Ruo raised his hand and pulled out the sword branch, and said loudly, "You should be optimistic about my sword!"

The familiar sword intent rose to the sky with a little tenderness and innocence, and the dazzling sword light shone behind Gu Shaoxuan.

The familiar sword intent made Gu Shaoxuan dodge subconsciously.

Although in terms of perception, this sword is much weaker than the previous sword, but Gu Shaoxuan has just been beheaded not long ago!

Could he be afraid?

Hide subconsciously.

"How can you do this sword?!"

He turned his head in awe, but saw that Ji Ruo's sword was not aimed at him at all, but...self-slaying? !

Gu Shaoxuan: "???"

"Are you telling me how cruel you are to yourself?!"

Looking at the shadow at Ji Ruo's feet that was cut into three parts by sword intent~www.readwn.com~ Gu Shaoxuan was stunned.

Ji Ruo grinned: "Think what you like, Uncle Chen Mo, Ji Xiaoxiao, are you ready!"

Chen Mo excitedly said: "Always be ready!"

Ji Xiaoxiao urged: "Hurry up, Xiaoye can't wait!"

"it is good!"

Ji Ruo raised his hand and held it vacantly, like a toast, and shouted, "Shadow Profound Truth·Sanshengchen Chenmeng·Wake up in the morning!!!"

Apart from a shadow that was still recovering, there were two dark figures standing beside Ji Ruo, just like Ji Ruo's huge body at the moment!

Opposite shadows, three people!



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