Ji Ruo asked Rosie to hold up her communication brooch and record all the scenes in front of her.

These are all very good materials, so don't waste them.

"The most important thing now is to stabilize the foreigner, don't let him find clues, and don't let him sneak away."

Ji Ruo heard the words and nodded: "Don't worry, he can't run... But we still have to finalize the content of the celebration. By the way, how did we do the celebrations in previous years?"

The old man named Lauder recalled a little and said: "Praise the greatness of Kerris, the nobles provide some dark beer and food, we will praise the kindness of the nobles, let's eat and drink together, and return before the curfew at 8 o'clock in the evening. Family......"

Ji Ruo was shocked.

Go home before eight o'clock in the evening, is your house so strict?

"You can't do this." Ji Ruo took a step forward and analyzed carefully: "That foreigner is a traveler. As the saying goes, reading ten thousand books is worse than traveling ten thousand miles. I can't scare him, what if he feels bored and has to leave?"

Everyone looked at Ji Ruo in shock.

"It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books... Is there such a saying?"

"Cough cough..." Realizing that he had said something wrong, he coughed a few times. If it weren't for the bonus effects of [Pretend] and [Sense of Being Substituted], it would not be what it used to be. , he has been exposed.

"This is not important, the important thing is that if we follow the previous method, we will definitely not be able to keep the foreigner. This kind of celebration is not fun at all..."

"I think it's very fun. There is no work in the celebration, and you can still meet the nobles and gentlemen in high places, eating and drinking..." After speaking, the man licked his lips: "Last year's broth, I'm still drooling just thinking about it..."

"But that foreigner is a traveler. We think the celebration is fun because we have a celebration once a year, and there is a one-year buffer, so we will find it interesting and interesting." Ji Ruo said: "But Would you still find it interesting if we celebrated every day?"

People are thoughtful.

A man named George said weakly: "That can't be lived every day. The nobles don't have money, and we can't afford it... There aren't that many people for Keris to eat."

"Anyway." Ji Ruo said sternly: "As a traveler, even if he does not celebrate similar celebrations every day, he is estimated to have dozens of times a year. Therefore, in order to keep him, our celebrations must be more interesting. , be ingenious."

Lauder thought for a while and said, "What you said makes sense, then what should we do?"

"I just happen to have some ideas, you guys take note... First of all, let's..."

George asked his question again: "But the nobles spend so much money every year for celebrations, and they do too many activities, and it's not enough..."

"Isn't there enough funds for the event? It's simple, we'll go to the nobles later to see if we can apply for more event funds. I've also thought about the rhetoric. In previous years, we gave sacrifices to live sacrifices. Sun-baked, the meat quality is definitely not very good, maybe Keris has been tired of eating it for so many years?

I heard that the foreigner is handsome, has good skin, and has fine skin and tender meat. Keris must improve his food once in a while, and he must be in a good mood. If he is lucky, the aristocrat may be blessed by Keris or something. …”

Ji Ruo made a fool of himself and directly took over the planning of this celebration.

With the title of [Diplomatic Spokesperson], no matter whether the plan is feasible or not, as long as the plan is said, it will make people feel a sense of trust subconsciously.

Of course, Ji Ruo didn't just plan it by himself. He also discussed with everyone and asked if there are any interesting customs or stories in the local area. When the time comes, there will be something like a stage play, which the traveler will definitely like to watch.

"How can you be sure he likes to watch it?"

Ji Ruo is full of confidence: "Trust me!"


Half an hour later, the general celebration process has been finalized.

The contents of the celebration include but are not limited to 'thanks to sponsors', 'thanks to Keris', 'artistic performances', 'night market mini-games with local style', 'beer barbecue party', 'love song duet'...etc. of.

Although it seems that something strange has been mixed in, the content of the general event is still much richer than before, and everyone can't help but look forward to it.

Some people volunteered to rehearse the show, and some people were craftsmen who could help build the stage and various play facilities...

The main core idea of ​​this celebration is carnival.

To highlight the "crazy", you must play until midnight.

The rest is to highlight the content of "Huan"......

Ji Ruo clapped his hands, let everyone look over, and said: "Okay, that's all for now, if you have any talents you want to show, you can register with Old Lauder, there is still a little time before the celebration starts, everyone can Rehearse first.

Now, come two people with me and go to the noble master to apply..."

Ji Ruo looked around for a week: "Do you have any confidence!"

Everyone hesitated a little, and whispered: "Yes..."

"If it happens this time, our future celebrations may be held according to this standard... I ask again, do you have any confidence!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was excited about the new celebration content: "Yes!"

"very good."

Ji Ruo nodded with satisfaction, clenched his fists and cheered, full of confidence: "That foreigner will definitely not run, and the nobles must also find it interesting. Brothers, we will win this one!"

"Will take it!"


Earth Mother Continent is a pure Western fantasy type secret realm. Originally, Ji Ruo planned to find a local adventurer's union to register, but he had already asked before he came, and the gods who were caught said, Although there are adventurers and bounty hunters who hunt monsters for a living in this world, there is no corresponding guild.

Faith can create gods. If there are corresponding unions, then those unions will inevitably have corresponding gods.

Faith is limited, UU reading www. The gods of uukanshu.com can't just watch their faith be shared, it is enough to have major churches - local and regional minor gods are not counted, just like Mor, the **** of theft, this eighteen-line minor **** , There is not much faith at all, so the gods are too lazy to care.

Moreover, when people believe in minor gods, they also believe in other gods at the same time, and this belief is graded.

For example, Mor, as the **** of theft, has the goddess of the night on it, and the **** of darkness on it... Gods can exist, but apart from the main god, no sects are allowed to be established.

In this world, the hierarchy is extremely strict. As the main source of faith, the status of human beings is the lowest.



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