I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 258: Look at my watch, does time stop?

[Congratulations to the host children for triggering the achievement of the function: one stroke per person, writing miracles! 】




[Acquired skills: relative time stop (you can create a temporary time stop field by drawing the dial, the range of the field depends on the 'moment' or the size of the dial, the time outside the field is relatively static, and the time inside the field continues to flow.




The relative time stop lasts for 'one night'. )]




[Note: Dad said that the past is the past, and will never come back. 】




[Remarks: After school that day, I ran home and Father Sun hadn’t set off yet. It’s great, I won my time once. 】




[Note: I can't go back to yesterday, it's such a pity... So, let's use the time to remember. 】




[Note: Who said time waits for no one? Hey, I've been waiting! 】




[Note: Look at my watch, does time stop? 】




[Note: You must be able to finish your homework before school starts! (confident face)]








Unexpected joy!




Unexpectedly, a new achievement has been triggered!




Ji Ruo was overjoyed, his heart was worthy of a super-functional achievement with six notes, and he was able to draw the field of time still...




The simple watch he just drew on his wrist suddenly flickered, and the condition for triggering the skill has been met. If you can choose to turn it on or off, it is—the size of the time static field generated by [Relative Time Stop] is the same as 'Time' or the size of the dial.




Ji Ruo's hand-painted dial is easy to draw, only four scales are drawn. The hands are long and thin on one side and short and thick on the other, forming a straight line, and the 'moment' is exactly six o'clock.




Feeling the feedback given to him by [Relative Time Stop], Ji Ruo's heart arose with enlightenment, this watch could open a six cubic meter time stop field at any time according to his intention.




"A twelve-hour clock... yes, a twenty-four-hour mechanical dial or something is too strange..."




Ji Ruo didn't hesitate, and immediately opened the time-stop field.




In an instant, with Ji Ruo himself as the center, an unobservable hemispherical field suddenly appeared, just as the night wind was caressing, a leaf fell to half, and suddenly freezes in mid-air.




And the grateful Keris' cry of joy also stopped abruptly-because his size exceeded the coverage of the time-stop domain, most of his body was outside the domain.




The body in Keris' domain is still active, but the body outside the domain has been stopped, and the two time states are superimposed on Keres at the same time, causing his body to not even regenerate...




"After being stopped by half, can't it be regarded as a complete god..."




Counting thoughtfully.




After thinking about it, Ji Ruo lifted this time-stop domain.




Kerris' grateful voice resounded: "Thank you Director! I will work hard, I will do whatever you ask me to do! Absolutely obedient!"




He didn't know what happened just now, and while he was grateful, he counted down excitedly in his heart.




There is only one hour, fifty-nine minutes and thirty seconds left! victory is in sight!




"It's better if you can think that way." Ji Xiaoxiao had a weird smile on her face. Keris thought that Ji Xiaoxiao was satisfied with his current attitude. In order to get out of trouble, he also showed his favor to Ji Xiaoxiao. smile.




"It's my honor to work for the director!"




Although he said that, Kerris was constantly cursing Ji Ruo, Ji Xiaoxiao and others in his heart. Of course, the one who was scolded the most was naturally Rosie.




"Call it out if it hurts. Call it if you want. You don't have to bear it. Two hours is quite a long time." Ji Ruo said with a smile.




"I don't want to call anymore, it's my honor to be able to serve you, it's only two hours, I can bear it!"




"Are you sure? Two hours is a long time."




Keris licked his face and said flatteringly, "Sure!"








Ji Ruo smiled and asked Ji Xiaoxiao to start drawing circles around her with a wooden stick.




Kerris looked at the circular dial that encompassed his entire body, as well as the inexplicable nicks and incomprehensible words on the inner ring of the dial, and his heart tensed for no apparent reason.




It looks like it's some kind of ritual magic circle... However, Keres didn't perceive any abnormal changes in elemental power at all, thinking that this should be drawn casually.




"Remember the time now."




Ji Ruo said suddenly.




"There's still one hour and fifty-eight minutes!" Kerris reported the time subconsciously. Here, he moved a little bit of thought, not accurate to the second, and wanted to save this part of the time.




Ji Ruo saw his careful thinking and did not correct it, but said, "I mean, let you remember where the moon is now."








Kerris doesn't know why.




However, Ji Ruo smiled and clenched her fist lightly: "Stop."




So, the wind stopped and the clouds were quiet.




The rustling of the leaves rubbed no longer sounded, and the other sounds in the forest also stopped abruptly.




When Kerris looked up at the moon, a night owl happened to fly by, but at this moment, the night owl suddenly stood still, its wings no longer flapped, nor did it fall.




Everything seems to have suddenly turned into a very real picture, the real is real, but it does not move, it is eerily still.




Kerris was stunned.




Time seems to stand still...




Ji Ruo said with a smile: "Two hours isn't very long, you have to hold on."




With that said, Ji Ruo chopped off another half of the pork.




Rosie didn't hear what was going on outside the window, she didn't know what was going on, and she ate very seriously.




Kerris was desperate.












Ye Owl flew over from here.




Kerris' three faces were sluggish, and he kept mumbling, "Devil... Demon..."




Three days!




He spent three whole days in an instant!




During this process, the moon above the head is still, and the external time does not pass.




Just now, apart from Keris, Ji Ruo and Ji Xiaoxiao, no one knew what Keris had gone through.




"One hour and fifty-eight minutes left."




Ji Ruo rubbed her sore wrist and said cheerfully, "My kitten can eat a little bit, you can hold on."




"Ah!! No, no! Please!!!"




Keris roared in an unusually hoarse voice, "He's going crazy." He looked at the little black cat that looked harmless to humans and animals in extreme horror.




How can this cat eat so much! It's been three days! ! !




In the past three days, Keris has lost count of how many times he has been disintegrated and practiced, and even the speed of his body's self-healing has become slower-it was originally a god's characteristic that has almost no consumption, but it is just because of the continuous interruption. Limb rebirth, consumes most of Keris' power...




"A mere two hours, I can take it." Ji Xiaoguai shouted, imitating what Kerris said earlier.




"I was wrong, I don't dare to talk nonsense anymore, please let me go, woo woo... I don't dare to eat meat anymore, woo woo woo..."




After staying in the Time Stopping Field for three days, Keris' voice became hoarse, his tears dried up, and his mental state was extremely trance.




When Ji Ruo saw that it was almost done, he smiled and said, "It's alright, alright, save the rest of the time. Let's film first."



He doesn't plan to continue feeding Rosie anymore. Kerris's current mental state has reached a critical point. If he really drives Kerris crazy, where will he find a new 'Pig Head Three' to shoot this episode ?




Moreover, Rosie can't really keep eating it...




The Time Stop field can only last 'one night' at a time, that is, eight hours.




Although it can be turned on repeatedly, Ji Ruo will be tiring if you use the "Human" palm method to cook all the time.




And Ji Ruo found that although time would flow normally in the time-stop field, it felt as if it was temporarily stripped from the entire time, and could not enjoy the complete benefits of 'time continuity' at all.




For example, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth or elemental power, there are only so many in total, and it will be over after you have absorbed it. Unless you close the domain, you will not be replenished at all.




This is probably the remark 'I can't go back to yesterday, it's a pity... So, let's use the time to remember. ' meaning.




The time in the Shijing realm can be used for study or thinking, but it cannot be used for cultivation.




Of course, if you carry a lot of spiritual fruit with you like Ji Ruo, then you can use it for cultivation.




Closer to home.




Not to mention that Kerris's divine power is not much left, even if he thinks about himself, the Martial Dao True Essence stored in Xingxuan is almost exhausted, and the three shadow clones have long been dissipated because their power is exhausted - the consumption is still second. , mainly mental exhaustion.




He didn't expect the 'big hungry devil' to be able to eat so much!




"Meow~ (Master, is this over? I still want to eat...




Rosie looked at Kerris and licked her lips incessantly. She was so hungry that she wanted to continue eating.




Keris has been stunned into a cat-frightened pig. Hearing the cat's meow, he shook his head frantically. There was no shadow clone to press on him, nor was he bound by a contract, and he did not escape.




Without permission, He did not dare to run.




Ji Ruo rubbed Rosie's head and said, "Next time I have a chance to eat, I'm not tired if you're not tired. Be good, be obedient."




"Meow~ (Okay...




Rosie squatted beside her obediently. Although she was still hungry, she didn't play small.




Ji Ruo said with a tired face, "I'll take a little rest first."




When Kerris heard the words, there was no reaction, because he knew—




"Okay, let's start shooting!"




Before Kerris had finished thinking of an idea in his mind, Ji Ruo then became energetic again, the three shadow clones also reappeared, and his state was fully restored.




But after thinking about it, Kerris decided to finish thinking about it.




—— Ji Ruo can stop and rest from time to time, no matter how long the rest is, it is only a moment for Ji Ruo.




Fortunately, he just stopped for a while and didn't bring him with him. Otherwise, if he experienced the feeling of being abandoned by time again, he would really collapse.




He stood up numbly, but he couldn't stand still—the previous experience had made him unfamiliar with his own body.




Muscles become slack due to constant regeneration...




"Are you still taking pictures?" Ji Xiaoxiao saw that Kerris couldn't get into the state, so he couldn't help but jumped up and gave him a slap: "Are you playing a big game?"




"No no no no no..."




Kerris quickly denied it, shaking his head like a rattle.




He has three heads. At this moment, because of his panic and eagerness, he can't shake his head. The middle head is bumped by the left and right heads, which looks very funny.




"Then give me a good photo!"




"Okay, okay..."




Keris shivered and forced himself not to look at Rosie who was under Ji Xiaoxiao. When he saw him, his legs were weak and he was extremely afraid of cats.




"Have a more vicious expression!"




"You can't do anything other than arch, right!"




"A sense of power! A sense of power! How can such a big man be soft like a bitch!"




"You are such a pig!"




Ji Xiaoxiao turned into a tyrant on the set, roaring again and again, and even Ji Ruo was scolded by him.




"Where did you learn acting? You can't be so exaggerated with your acting skills!"




"You are afraid of the balls, you are a messenger of justice, this is the last episode of the first season, you are so afraid of a fart!"




"Timeline! Pay attention to the timeline! Fuck!"




Keris was scolded bloody, but because of the 'low coffee status', he did not dare to refute at all, and tried his best to cooperate.




Ji Ruo also had blue veins jumping on his forehead.




The knowledge brought by the title of [Super Director] is extremely comprehensive. In addition to the knowledge that is useful at first glance, there are also things such as 'the temperament of the irritable director', 'the annoying arrogance of the celebrity', etc. some mess.




Ji Xiaoxiao is good at not learning, but this big director's bad temper is very good, and he even integrates several 'techniques' to bring out the old and bring forth the new, and take it to a higher level...




I have to say that when the demons are not good at learning, their ability to learn is a bit outrageous.




Ji Xiaoxiao scolded more and more vigorously, and gradually felt a sense of ecstasy.




Sometimes Ji Ruo is clearly acting fine, but he also has to pick on the bones, trying to scold Ji Ruo in every way possible.




I won’t say anything about changing the script on the spot. After all, if Ji did not have a script at all, this could be tolerated, but Ji Xiaoxiao scolded for so long and was not satisfied with anything, and the shooting progress was almost stagnant.




Seeing that the filming of this episode took longer and longer, Ji Ruo's face darkened.




"Stop first."




Ji Ruo called to stop, and Ji Xiaoxiao kept jumping and shouted, "If you say stop, stop? You direct me to direct? Can you..."




Ji Ruo sneered as he opened and stopped the field, shrouding Ji Xiaoxiao inside.




No one knew what the two experienced in the Shijing realm, only that Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly became bruised and his tone softened.




"This one is over, the next one..."




Ji Ruo sneered: "No more reshoots?"




"No, no, this one is perfect, old guy, your acting skills are incredible, go through it all over again!"








The Beware Magic Band was watching a play while nibbling on melon seeds, and for the time being, they won't be able to make a move. It only took a few days since Ji Xiaoxiao returned to the First Martial Arts School to inform them that they wanted to learn musical instruments.




They have only learned a few songs in total. Whether the bgm is available on site is not very important for the time being. It is enough to add it in later editing. The most important thing now is to shoot enough material~www.readwn.com~Because The most important transformation and battle plot in this episode has already been filmed, and Keris has become a model actor again.




After Ji Xiaoxiao stopped making a fuss, the filming was over in less than 20 minutes.




"Okay, let's go here first today."




Ji Ruo stretched, looked at Kerris, and said: "After filming the next episode, you can finish the filming, and we will continue tomorrow night... I remember that you still have the 'Order in the Forest' in your authority. The creatures' this one, right?




Tomorrow, you can call as much as you want. Give me some pressure. Since it's the end of the first season, let's make a big scene. "




Kerris said weakly: "Respected human beings, my godhead status is not stable now..."




Ji Ruo raised her brows: "What do you mean? Can't call it?"












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