The reason why necromancers are so disgusting is mainly because all the techniques of these guys are related to the corpse, and the corpse can't rest in peace after death.


More importantly, the fire of the soul used by the necromancer to drive the corpse has nothing to do with the corpse itself under normal circumstances.


It was a loose soul fragment, which was condensed by necromancy to form a temporary stitched soul body that only obeyed the necromancer in order to achieve the purpose of manipulating the corpse.


Because it is a soul fragment, there is no such thing as a memory in the past, that is, the kind that is in a daze, waiting to dissipate.


And these fragments, even the necromancers themselves, can't determine what race they once came from, it may be a monster, it may be a dung beetle, it may be a human... or it may be all!


That's why the world hates necromancers so much.


After death, it is enough to be toyed with the corpse, and it may even be occupied by a large number of non-indigenous people. What is the difference between this and being green?


Therefore, no one likes to see a necromancer.


Sheila herself doesn't like to see, well, she doesn't like to see other necromancers.


By the way, what Emily learned about the necromancer's physical characteristics from the novel is actually correct.


Many necromancers are perverts. After spending time with corpses, they like corpses more and more.


Some even happen to rotting corpses... ugh~


This skip, ahem, anyway—


Most necromancers will inevitably contract some strange diseases because of their long-term close contact with corpses, and some necromancers are not alive at all in pursuit of immortality.


So it's normal for the body to rot and so on, plague-ridden, sparse hair, big sores on the face, pus from the soles of the feet, and so on.


But again, not all necromancers are like that, like Sheila.


If he knew how Sheila's super perceptive ability came from before.


After co-authoring this guy into the dungeon, he quietly used necromancy to summon a skeleton scout and probed ahead.


The skeleton scout was not big, and the skeleton was carried by Sheila.


It is mainly made of fish bones or rabbit bones, especially rabbit bones. After awakening it with magic, the flames of the soul will form two faint green stripes of flames on the top of its head, which looks like rabbit ears. , and can bend and vibrate freely.


Although these small skeleton scouts are armed with small bone weapons, they don't actually have much attack power - for example, even if they try their best, they can't be hurt like a hair.


Besides, these strange-looking little guys look inexplicably cute.


Emily was terrified of Sheila at first, but she was quickly attracted by a few cute skeleton scouts.


"It's so cute, can you let me touch it?"


"How hard is it?"


"Hey—how did this bunny stab me with a bone sword? It hurts! It's not cute at all!"


Seeing Emily's angry chanting healing technique to heal herself, Ji Ruo and Sheila both fell silent.


That's a bone, can it be hard?


But it was precisely because of this little episode that Emily changed her opinion of Sheila a little.


She even quietly asked Sheila if she could teach her this technique. She also wanted to get a cute skeleton pet to play with.


Sheila rolled her eyes, ignoring her.


"Ji Ruo, my scout told me that there is no road ahead, will you really lead the way?"




Ji Ruo gently stroked the seemingly hard wall in front of her, her fingers trembling slightly.


A weak but tenacious peculiar force penetrated the stone wall. Ji Ruo's mind was slowly interweaving and constructing a slightly abstract picture, which was the scene behind the stone wall.


Although he already has divine consciousness, there are not many followers of Ji Ruo himself, and they are all dead, so that Ji Ruo's divine power is not very strong, and those abilities that match the divine position are actually temporarily unable to become stronger. of.


Divine consciousness greatly increased Ji Ruo's perception ability, but that perception was not very clear, even if there was no obstruction, let alone penetrating stone walls.


Right now, that's just wishful thinking.


Therefore, it is better to use the martial artist's method. This method is the more common exploration method of the martial artist. Because of the strong control ability of the physical body, the martial artist only needs to remember some common 'frequency', and then he can use this method to explore soil and rocks. Even the environment hidden behind the metal.


Of course, this detection method will deviate due to the material, thickness, shape and other factors of various occlusions, but it can also guarantee an accuracy rate of about 70%.


And it's not difficult, the key is that it's easy to perform.




Sheila looked at the plan, who was constantly groping on the wall, with some doubts, not understanding what this strange fighter was doing.


As a necromancer, in essence, it is not much different from a magician, but the range of spells mastered is very narrow.


So Sheila also has a strong perception of surrounding elements.


However, from beginning to end, she never felt any trace of elemental fluctuations from Ji Ruo.


Not even when Ji Ruo released his palm thunder earlier.


That's why she was so surprised.


Without elemental fluctuations, rubbing out thunder with bare hands?


Even in this world where gods coexist, it is unbelievable.


Emily was also very puzzled: "Shouldn't we explore the ninth floor to find treasures? What are you doing?"


"Don't worry... I found it!"


Ji Ruo grinned, the palm that was touching the wall suddenly stood upright, and the fingertips pressed against the wall—


Stand up and turn into a fist, smashing it down with a close-range blow!


Wing Chun Inch Fist!


A clear fist texture was printed on the wall, and then, with the fist mark as the center, fine cracks quickly spread in all directions.




The faces of the two women changed greatly, and they all stepped back.


However, the wall just smashed to the ground with a clatter, revealing the 'world' behind it, which was constructed of countless metals.


That's right, it's the 'world'!


Who would have thought that behind this wall there is an incomparably huge space, filled with all kinds of metals, the cold light is dazzling, and the sharp edge is exposed!


All metals are irregular and colorful, as if there is more than one metal.


"Different gold veins?!" The two girls lost their voices.


They did not expect that Ji Ruo would lead them to find such a huge treasure.


Although there are ore veins in every dungeon, and because the veins are disordered, the ore is even tempered by natural roughness, and the purity of the exposed ore is not low... But the people who enter the dungeon are all adventurers—— What adventurer would go to the dungeon to mine!


Moreover, the value of ore of the same volume and weight is not comparable to other loot, and more importantly, it is inconvenient to carry, so in general, these ores that can glow in dark dungeons will be used as 'lighting lights', and generally there is no risk. would target these ores—


But it's different now, this is a whole ore vein!


And it's a rare 'different gold ore', the ore is very pure, and it's not just one kind of metal...


After Sheila and Emily were shocked, they pouted.


High value means high value, but that is, it is not easy to carry.


Space equipment is very expensive!


The value of the ore vein is not low, but there is no need to take it, because it cannot be taken away.


Ji Ruo looked at the overlapping construction of these countless metals, there was no place for a cone, and there were no metal veins that seemed inaccessible, and even [One Line Intuition] could not construct a complete 'white line' for it.


All the 'white lines' are broken... Of course, this does not mean that there is no life here. In fact, every white line is extremely solid. The reason why it is broken is that it is impossible to use walking. , you have to jump.

And as Ji Ruo's eyes shifted, the countless 'white lines' were constantly changing—there was no absolute way to survive!


Even if these metal ores do not move, it is very difficult to live in them.


Feeling the strange, faint and strange magnetic field that seemed to exist, Bajitian was passively revolving, and an orifice that had not been opened in the body was about to move.


"It turned out to be steel... Sunda..."


After Emily was shocked, she lost interest. She pulled Ji Ruo's arm and said, "Ji Ruo, let's explore other places first. We can't bring much of these ores, so there's no need."


At this moment, a piece of metal resembling a beetle moved swayingly towards Ji Ruo and the others, as if he was very curious about a few unexpected visitors.


Ji Ruo glanced at the metal beetle, and there really was a special metal creature in the dark passage. Then, Ji Ruo suddenly took out a marker pen with a strange shape.


"Don't worry, those treasures won't run away. Don't be in a hurry to explore, I'll draw something first."






"There are adventurers coming to the ninth floor so soon? Tsk, it seems that they came down through my exclusive passage..."


Somewhere on the ninth floor, a sneaky figure was walking through the bottom dungeon at a speed like a ghost.


It ignores the complex terrain, like walking on the ground, and quickly places the treasure chests that have been prepared in various places.


"Although it looks like cheating, but there are adventurers who finally come once, but they can't let them find out the abnormality. If they get lucky and go back alive and tell other adventurers that there is nothing but monsters on the ninth floor, it will be bad. This **** hasn't chosen a priest yet!"


As he walked, he took out a large number of treasures from his own divine space and placed them in the positions that had been planned.


Suddenly, a dark shadow emerged from the slanting thorn, and it was a hideous and ugly ogre.


The ogre's fangs are so sharp that it can crush and swallow even the hardest bones. It launched a sneak attack while the gods were not paying attention, and bit the gods fiercely.




The broken teeth collapsed and the gods kept walking.


"Huh? Did something bite me just now?"


The **** was puzzled, shook his head and continued to place it.


He didn't notice at all, there was a dark shadow closely following behind him.


Every time the **** put down a treasure, the shadow picked up a treasure.


One placed and the other took it, and ran all over the ninth floor, except for the various materials of the monster itself, not a single treasure could be found.


"You're done!"


The **** stopped and was a little proud: "Adventurers~ Use everything you have to please the god, try your best to become a priest of the god! Pinch hahahaha!"


The **** akimbo laughed wildly. In the corner, the shadow was carrying the camera, recording everything.






Different gold veins.


"Ji Ruo, people can't go in here. If you want ores, just take the ones outside... ah!"




The purity of the ore inside is not low. It looks like it has been smelted. Whether it is tough or sharp, it is not low. Emily scratched her finger just by touching it.


Countless metals are intertwined, like countless sharp blades with peculiar angles, both sharp and tough.


Even Sheila's Skeleton Scouts can't move normally in it, just walking around will be cut into broken bones.


As a human being, it is completely impossible to walk in it.


"I don't want to mine, I just want to draw something."


Ji Ruo grabbed the marker pen he just exchanged, followed the 'white line' in his eyes and jumped into the mine.




The metal is stressed and makes a soft groan.


The sound continued to be transmitted, and soon it became a piece.


A large amount of metal trembled lightly, forming a layer of small cutting fields around it that were hard to see with the naked eye!


When Ji Ruo's face changed, the 'white line' in his eyes became more than ten times more complicated in an instant, and as the resonance continued, the complexity of the 'white line' continued to increase.


Not only that, that peculiar resonance is still subtly affecting the flow of Qi and blood in Ji Ruo's body.


Let his qi and blood tremble along with it!


With Jiruo's strength, Rao felt a little hard to jump in it.


If you are not careful, your skin will be cut open by the invisible blade generated by the vibration of the metal—because you have to practice the Eight Extremes Heaven, Ji Ruo temporarily dissipates the body-protecting qi of the Vajra Indestructible Magic.


"It's can the human body be so flexible?!"


Because of her surprise, Sheila opened her mouth slightly and looked incredulous. She subconsciously slapped Emily with her elbow and asked in a low voice, "Can you do this?"


"Me? How is that possible!"


"Don't you elves claim to be the most flexible creatures? As the darling of the forest, they usually jump up and down on the trees."


Emily glared at Sheila resentfully, and said, "How do you say that our elves are like monkeys?"


"Cough, my fault, in short, you should understand what I mean."


Emily sighed and said, "Flexibility is flexibility... But we are jumping from a tree. Do you think this is a tree?"


Saying that, Emily stretched out her hand towards the trembling metal ore.


This time, before she even touched it, her little hand was cut open by an invisible blade.


"Look, I can't even get close. If you let me in, I will die."


"...Just say it, why are you reaching out?"


"Isn't that afraid that you won't believe it?"




The two girls looked at Ji Ruo who was constantly jumping in the metal blade forest, with a complicated expression.


Is this really something that a human fighter can do?


Sheila's eyes flickered, and she secretly said: Why did Mother Earth let me approach this guy? Could it be that you want me to be a fighter too?


Sheila was lost in thought.


At the moment, Ji Ruo is concentrating on trying to practice the Eight Extreme Heaven, and she has no idea about the mental activities of the two girls.


In the original book, Bajitian is known as the strongest fighting skill, but in fact, the eight planets with extremely harsh environments can only give practitioners a powerful physique. For example, 'Golden Skyline' is a move created by Miron II.


And at Ji Ruo's place, Bajitian has become a cultivation method that can perfectly fit the Star Jade Realm.


"Roar! (You quack! Can you be calm!


Xu is the noisy metal resonance sound that disturbed the aborigines here, a metal tiger roared up and glared at Ji Ruo.


Ji Ruo is still adapting to the strange resonance that is constantly increasing, and the strange metal magnetic field is also increasing with the resonance.


Facing the roaring golden tiger, Ji Ruo raised his palms between leaps, and his muscles simulated metal resonance, causing his palms to tremble rapidly at a very small amplitude.




"Broken the sheath!"


The sword light suddenly appeared, and the edge was boundless!


Ji Ruo's fleshy palm was like an incomparably sharp sword, carrying a sharp edge that would even cut through the scabbard that he was wearing. scratches.


"Roar? (You dare to scratch me?!


Jin Hu was angry and raised his claws to slap, but Ji Ruo had already jumped long.


The marker pen on the other hand keeps imprinting on this metal world.






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