I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 285: The antithesis of the established villain

"Hahahaha! This gem alone has already paid for itself. I have never seen a gem with such a high purity!"


"You can earn more!"


"Even if you succeed in catching that elf, it won't necessarily sell for a higher price, right?"


"Boss! We made a lot of money!"


Greed, madness, excitement...


The Mine God has never felt such a strong human belief.


Although these few humans are not his believers, they may not even know who they are, but that belief... is purer than any belief that he has felt since his birth!


The mine **** was shocked.


In the words of that shadow, he just changed his 'skin', and the effect is so good?


The mine **** at the moment is made of gems of various colors, and these gems also follow three basic principles-


Big size, high purity, wide cut surface!


Jewels are flesh and blood, gold is skin, and jewels are jewels, and they can sell for a good price at a glance!


That shadow didn't lie to me!


The Mine God thought excitedly, this can really improve the success rate of missionary work!


These human beings are already obsessed with themselves before they even know themselves!


This feeling is really wonderful!




The Mine God was about to introduce himself when he suddenly felt that the body above the chest and abdomen became lighter - the Mine God's thighs, calves, and abdomen were all carved from extremely pure gems, while the abdomen upwards was pure and pure. gold... probably like the heads of those stone giants in the school.


Because it was the first time for the mine **** and the shadow clone, the connection between the gem and the gold was not very firm, and it was easily removed.


A little brother held up the golden head with some difficulty, but without thinking, he opened his mouth and took a bite.


"Boss! This is real gold!"


Mine God: "?"


I am a dignified mine god, can I still give you fake gold?


"I haven't bitten such a large piece of gold before, let me take a bite too..."


"Wait, don't bite there!"


People were dividing the spoils, and the mine gods also sensed something was wrong—it was not the gods who made these people crazy, but the value of the ore that made up their bodies at the moment!


He suddenly got a little angry.


Although he himself does not have any aesthetic ability, he also knows that at this moment, his eyes are dug out, the emeralds between his eyebrows are pryed off, and his body is split, and he is not good-looking at all.


But these humans are crazy about it.


This kind of feeling is like, I dressed up for a date, but when I got to the place, the other party didn't listen to me, just threw me and turned into a beast...


Anyway, the mine **** is also a god, and if humans don't respect him, he is of course angry.


However, just when he was about to make a move, he suddenly saw the shadow avatar gesture at him: 'Don't be impulsive, or I will beat you. ’


"Fairy Wood"


The Mine God felt that he did not understand the meaning of the gestures in the second half of the shadow clone. He was calm because he took the shadow clone as a friend...




Lauren suddenly exclaimed: "Look, these gems and gold seem to be regenerating!"


Everyone sees it, isn't it?


Those gems, gold, and jewelry that they pried off are slowly recovering!


At this moment, Kevin glanced at Mine God's ruby ​​eyes and rolled his eyes, and couldn't help but lose his voice: "Is it alive?!"


Although the Mine God did not hide that he was alive from the beginning, when the jeweled Mine God appeared in the sight of Kevin and others, the 'expensive' body that could shine with just a little light was instantly aroused. The strong greed in people's hearts.

This greed made them subconsciously ignore some obvious details.


When the mine **** saw this, he was overjoyed.


He thought that these people finally noticed him, and then he could preach normally—


"It's better to live, tie it up, take it back, and raise it up! We will have inexhaustible prosperity and wealth!"


Mine God: "?"


The golden mouth was gagged, and the magic rope bound it.


As the **** of mines, he doesn't know magic - only magic ore, how can there be any ore magic?


Because real ores don't use magic, so, of course, fantasy ores don't use magic either.


At most, the ore can only be more conductive to the elemental force, which is the so-called 'magic ore'.


So, after the mine **** was bound by the magic rope, he couldn't even break free.


"What are you doing!"


The bound mine **** chewed the stone in his mouth, and finally said a complete sentence, his expression was very angry.


"I'm a god, how dare you treat me like this!"




Everyone was shocked and looked at each other.


Kevin bowed deeply with a pious face, and said, "Praise the gods, thank the gods for their gifts!"


The Mine God was stunned for a moment: "Where are you bowing? God is behind you!"


Kevin heard the words, turned to look at the mine god, and sneered: "I can't even break the magic rope, what kind of **** is this?"


"That's because I don't know magic!"


"Gods don't know magic? Ghosts believe!"


Lauren rubbed her hands excitedly: "Although I didn't catch Emily, it's not bad to be able to catch such a strange monster. It doesn't seem to be very strong. We really made a fortune this time!"


"We made a fortune."


Kevin said coldly.




'Chong! ’


Lauren's great sword was blocked in front of him at an unknown time, and a magic short gun appeared in Kevin's hand.


The bullet slammed into the blade of the great sword, and the powerful force ripped apart the numbness of the tiger's mouth in Lauren's sword-wielding hand. Even Lauren himself couldn't help but take a few steps back.


If it wasn't for Lauren's timely response, the bullet ~www.readwn.com~ would have hit his lower back.


"Kevin, what do you mean!"


Lauren squeezed the magic thread in his hand, and a fine blood thread appeared in Kevin's throat. He wrapped his only magic item 'Splitting Thread' around Kevin's neck.


The magic silk thread is as thin as a hair, invisible to the naked eye, but extremely tough, even hard granite can be easily cut.


How can Kevin's flesh and blood be carried?


But Kevin didn't seem to be worried at all, and he was still confident: "What do you mean? You can't see the value of this monster, right? Or, do you think we will share it with you?"


Kevin's younger brothers surrounded Lauren from all sides with bad intentions.


Lauren said in a deep voice, "Why can't we share it? The gold and gems on this golden gem monster are of very high purity, and it is still so big. If it is handled properly, although the profit may not be as much as selling elves, it is safer.


And in this way, we can also better divide our interests... not to mention that this golden gem monster will regenerate! "


"That's the problem." Kevin said coldly, "It will regenerate."






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