I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 305: The end of evolution and the upgrade of monsters

Chapter 308 The end of evolution and the upgrade of monsters

Emily put on a thick protective suit.

Sheila's body paralysis has subsided. She had to wear protective clothing, but she thought the protective clothing was too ugly, so she chose to summon the undead armor.

In the face of the ubiquitous poisonous gas, Sheila just modified the mask according to the style of the gas mask Ji Ruo gave her. Not only does it not look bloated, but it has a special style.

The close-fitting undead armor perfectly outlines Sheila's beautiful figure, which makes Emily envious.

Sheila also deliberately displayed constantly beside Emily, according to Ji Ruo, this is a new round of faith struggle.

This time, the battle of beliefs was mainly about mental damage, and Emily was about to cry.

But there was no way, she didn't have a battle armor, and the goddess of life didn't make it for her - there's no excuse, if she just made a set of armor for Emily, Sheila might laugh at her later.

"Ji Ruo, don't you really need to transform?" Sheila raised her hand and fanned herself gently: "It's really hot here, I'm sweating all over my body in my battle armor, I'm so uncomfortable, I don't know why you guys to come here."

"No need." Ji Ruo shook his head slightly, he and Liang Shixian were naked, walking on the ground like purgatory, smelling the strong smell of sulfur, and not even a drop of sweat.

Because of the experience during this period of time, Ji Ruo's Bajitian·Xunxi has reached a new level, and he has been able to speak without dissipating the breath in his body.

Liang Shixian is still a little worse, but it's coming soon.

The water in the two people's bodies evaporates in a high temperature environment, but because the pores are closed all over the body, the steam cannot leave the body, and can only circulate and circulate continuously in the body.

The internal organs were tempered and strengthened by this breath, which further improved the physical quality of the two.

Qi and blood and the true essence of martial arts are also becoming more condensed. A lava purgatory-style star swirled with billowing black smoke, gradually condensing and opening up in the two people's bodies - of course, the black smoke is only a virtual image of artistic conception, not real , otherwise it looks like you are smoking, and it is still smoking directly in the body, which is even more outrageous than the epic lung.

"Speaking of which, Sheila, you can actually thicken your armor, or simply make it into a double layer, and fill the middle part of the two layers with gas, which should have a certain heat insulation effect."

"Really? I'll try it." Sheila, who was already too hot, tried it immediately, and was pleasantly surprised to find that Ji Ruo's method really worked.

On the other side, Emily was already dizzy, staggering behind the three, stubbornly reluctant to leave.


Liang Shixian exhaled a long breath of hot air, the breath condensed like a piece of training, and it was like an air blade, making a mark on the cooled hard lava.

When Ji Ruo saw this, his eyes lit up. Bajitian·Lava·Kan's training content did not include any attack methods, or the entire Bajitian was completely a guide for living in harsh environments. If you want to obtain attack methods, you have to yourself Start developing.

This is the case with attack methods such as scabbard and sword flash, which were originally only used to break open the hard metal shell of metal creatures to obtain food.

Liang Shixian said: "Ji Ruo, I can't hold it anymore, I feel that my internal organs are getting familiar, let's go here first today, let's go back and fix it."

"Okay, but squad leader, remember to persevere more next time you can't bear it, and try to deposit that breath into the lava star."

It is absolutely impossible for the original version of Bajitian to take effect so quickly, and you cannot leave in the middle. You must live in an extreme environment for a whole year without any equipment to achieve the effect of cultivation. .

Ji Ruo's version was optimized with the help of the system teacher, and can be stopped and continued at any time.

After all, it is the fantasy martial arts rewarded by 'God rewards diligence, the second'.

Speaking of fantasy martial arts, Ji Ruo had also triggered a fantasy-oriented achievement before, and the reward was King Kong's Indestructible Magic.

It's just that Ji Ruo didn't pay much attention to the practice of this martial art, and until now, he has not entered the second level, the diamond forging body.

In this regard, Liang Shixian is much better than Ji Ruo. He is a major in hard work, and he has more experience in this field and is not bad in talent. Forging.

"I see. By the way, I found that the breath from Lava Kan's practice can complement the Vajra Gang. When this breath was quenching the internal organs, it inspired my Vajra Gang that had already entered the body. Qi, the progress of my Vajra body forging has increased a lot."

"Can it still be like this?" Ji Ruo was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it seemed reasonable: "It seems to be the same, 'Xunxi' is the kung fu of training the internal organs, and it can be regarded as a surprise.

That's it for today, let's go back first—"

With that said, Ji Ruo managed to guide the scorching aura in his body into the lava Xingxuan, which had begun to take shape, and planned to leave.


The ubiquitous rich and harmful gases and volcanic ash condensed by the elemental force of explosive fire in the Flame God Domain affected everyone's perception to a certain extent, so that no one noticed that the breath exhaled by Liang Shixian was originally a stab in the pitch black. On the cooling lava, the dark lava is constantly turning red and bright at this moment.

While the two were talking, the dark lava had heated up again, turned into liquid lava, rose from the ground, and condensed into a lava lizard!

"Be careful!"


The lizard hissed, and the long lava tail swung fiercely, forcing several people back.

The lava sputtered, and more and more jet-black lava was reactivated, and the lava monsters woke up and surrounded several people in an instant.


Emily, who was dazed by the heat, was woken up by the fright and exclaimed—she knew very well that her flesh and blood could not withstand these high-temperature melts, and once touched, it would definitely be disfigured!

"Stay behind me!" Liang Shixian let out a low growl and took a stance: "Iron cloth - ooh, ooh, it's so hot, so hot, so hot!"

His skin was stained with the sputtered melt, and was burned with black marks one by one. If it weren't for his high level of hard work, he was afraid that his skin would be burned on the spot.

But even so, the melt was still very hot.

Ji Ruo's face was dignified, and he watched as the ground around him and others started to activate, but the standing area was getting smaller and smaller, so he quickly took out four 'Dragonflies' from his four-dimensional pocket and distributed them to everyone.

"Put this on your head, let's fly out?"

Just as he was talking, Ji Ruo, who felt a change in the 'system collection card book', changed his face.

"Why at this time!"


[Dear host child, your lovely pet Rosie has completed the evolution~]

As soon as the prompt appeared, the set of cards condensed from the void, opened it in front of Ji Ruo, and stopped at Rosie's page in the blink of an eye.

Rosie in the card state still maintains the evolutionary form of the black egg.

The next second, the card was removed from the card book, activated automatically, and released Rosie in the black egg state.

Above the black egg, the pitch-black demonic energy kept wandering, shrinking, condensing, and transforming.

"Meow~ (Master! I'm back~ I miss you so much!

Rosie fell into Ji Ruo's arms, her little head kept rubbing against Ji Ruo's arms, it could be seen that she was really very happy.

But at this moment, the situation was urgent, and Ji Ruo didn't care to catch up with Rosie, so she carried the little guy and flew into the sky.

"Wow! Such a cute kitty!" Sheila's attention was immediately attracted by Rosie's cute appearance.

She is a girl, and naturally has no resistance to such cute things, and as a necromancer, Sheila's favorite color is black, so it can be said that Rosie grew out of Sheila's aesthetics.

"Rosie, you evolution—"

After being temporarily out of danger, Ji Ruocai took a serious look at Rosie who had evolved into a new form.

After some inspection, Ji Ruo was stunned to discover: "You really evolved? Why hasn't anything changed?!"

"Meow~ (of course it evolved!

"Where has it evolved? Why can't I see it?" Liang Shixian, who had planned to bless him with [Common Language] through magic and blessing, finally understood Rosie's cat meowing for the first time, and came over and followed curiously. Look at Rosie.

It was astonishingly discovered that there was really no change at all.

Rosie was about to explain something, when Ji Ruo suddenly discovered that the group of lava monsters below knew that they could not attack Ji Ruo and others who could fly, and the lava surging on her body turned into a pair of lava fire wings, fluttering and flashing. Fire wings flew up.

"Not good! They will also transform, so let's go back a little bit, let's get out of here first!"

At this moment, the earth below the few people has been fully activated, becoming a sea of ​​molten lava, the temperature is getting hotter and hotter, even the air and light are scorched and distorted, and even Ji Ruo's vision has been affected.

"Meow~ (transformation? Master, I will too! Rosie suddenly jumped out of Ji Ruo's arms, stood proudly in the void, the cat's tail swept, and said triumphantly: "Meow~ (Master, let you see my strength, hehe~

"Don't make trouble, Rosie, come back soon, aren't you still a one-star monster, where did you get your strength!"

"Meow~ (The owner looks down on cats~ hum! Rosie pouted and said, "Meow~ (Also, my name is—

"Meow! (Ross Edsey!

The strange and powerful pressure continued to spread along with Rosie's voice, and her body changed instantly.

The first is the sudden increase in body size, a pair of black and purple wings grew on the back, and the black thunder flashed, smashing on Rosie and turning into armor.

The moment she said her 'real name', Rosie turned into a black giant tiger. Unlike the previous cuteness and cuteness, Rosie at this moment looked exceptionally handsome and mighty!

"Fuck!" Liang Shixian and Ji Ruo couldn't help but swear.

"Give it to me—be quiet!"

Rosie let out a tiger roar, and the tiger head looked around. As far as the eyes could see, the black thunder was born and slashed at the lava monsters one after another.

The lava monsters roared in severe pain, but they seemed to be affected by some mysterious force. They opened their mouths wide, obviously they were roaring because of the severe pain, but strangely, there was no sound at all.

The peculiar coercion became stronger and stronger, and those lava monsters who were not taken into account by the black thunder had a stagnant expression, as if they had seen some abnormally terrifying existence, their expressions fell in horror, and they shivered in the activated lava.

Rosie flicked her tiger's tail proudly, and said, "Master, how is it, am I good?"

Ji Ruo was stunned. Hearing the words, he smiled and gave Rosie a thumbs up, saying, "Amazing! Awesome!"

"Hehehe~" Rosie was happier immediately, grinning slyly, the majestic and handsome tiger's face was full of joy, and there was a little naive feeling in the hideousness.

"Rosie, you are so handsome now." Liang Shixian couldn't help but leaned over, and Sheila and Emily also flew over, and asked expectantly, "Can you let me touch?"

"Who are you!" The moment she saw the second daughter, Rosie's smile faded, and she said with a stern face: "What is your relationship with my master! Say, are you trying to seduce the master and make him ignore it? I!"

"You little idiot, how did you learn all these messes?" Ji Ruo gave Rosie a brain break and said, "They are my friends, this is Sheila, this is Emily, this is a Oh wizard."

Rosie's eyes flashed, her sharp vision seemed to be able to see through everything, completely ignoring the thick protective clothing on Emily's body, and saw Emily's face.

Emily's image at the moment is not very good, because the temperature here is too high, her sweat has not stopped, the whole person in the protective suit looks like it has just been fished out of the water, with strands of hair sticking to her head superior.

Even so, it is difficult to hide the natural beauty of the elf, Emily is still beautiful.

Rosie snorted proudly and said, "With pointy ears, you're not a normal person at first sight. Master definitely doesn't like you!"

"You fool, they said we were friends!"

Ji Ruo patted Rosie on the head again in a fit of anger, and then began to check Rosie's current state—

[Name: Rosie (Rosie Idsey real name liberation)]

【Category; Very Hungry Demon God】

[Stage: Growth stage (one-star combat mode unlocked)]

[Characteristic: insatiable greed (unlimited demand regardless of the nature)]

[Talent: Customization (Currently: Divine Power, Communication, Elemental Control, Killing Field. Click to expand for more details)]

[Note: Little Rosie has two names~]

[Note: The appearance of the battle form seems to be customizable~]

[Note: But it seems to be blacklisted somewhere~]

Ji Ruo opened his mouth wide.

This evolution is too outrageous, isn't it? !

The remarks have grown from one to three, not to mention, his own talent has directly become custom, and a battle form has been unlocked.

The very hungry devil means that Rosie still can't fill her stomach? Also, what are the characteristics, what's the matter with 'insatiable greed'?

Blacklisted somewhere? Where exactly?

Rosie has changed a lot, but for Ji Ruo, there are still more surprises.

Although Ji Ruo doesn't need Rosie's help in fighting or anything, it must be a good thing that Rosie can become stronger. In case of any unexpected situation in the future, Ji Ruo happens to be no longer by her side, and Rosie can also protect herself. .

Rosie changed back to her original form, and said anxiously, "Meow~ (Master, go down and pick up some delicious food, I've been able to rise as a star!

"Pick up something delicious?"

Ji Ruo bowed his head in confusion, then stunned.

However, he saw that the lava monsters below Rosie who had previously been slashed by black thunder had turned into pitch-black cooling lava~www.readwn.com~ a piece of crimson diamond-shaped crystals scattered on top, exuding pure fire element breath.

And after what happened just now, Liang Shixian also took out the [real glasses] and put them on. After reading Rosie's information, he followed and looked at the ground.

"Ji Ruo." Liang Shixian said blankly: "Those crystals seem to be condensed from the essence of a monster. What are they called magic cores?"


Magic core?

He had never heard of such a thing on a monster. It contained all the essence of a monster. And according to Rosie, this thing seems to be edible? !

Is this so special-

"Experience medicine? Fight monsters to upgrade?!"

Sorry, sorry, I forgot to save the manuscript when I went out to travel, sorry~

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