I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 308: Bull Horse Demon Dragon

This familiar scene made Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian's faces change, and Rosie remembered something terrifying, and her face was full of horror.

"Quick, quick!" Ji Ruo roared, "Squad leader Rosie, hurry up, eat as much as you can, some strange guys are coming to grab our food!"

The two people and one cat suddenly accelerated their eating speed.

Emily hadn't woken up yet, Sheila was exhausted, and she was stunned when she heard Ji Ruo's words.

what with what? How could that big guy come out to grab food? It's unreasonable to think!

What are you holding on your mind all day long?

Do you dare to think about things in a more serious direction?

But what Sheila didn't know was that they had experienced something similar before.

At the beginning of Wan Beast Mountain, Jing Lan finally got to know Ji Ruo and others because she was attracted by the smell of barbecue.

If it wasn't for Jinglan's early years when she left the secret realm to travel, she was cast a psychological shadow by the warriors of Daxia, and she was even beaten from an aeolian falcon who yearned for the vast sky into a house bird who stayed in the nest all day and did nothing. If they were afraid at the time, they would have explained it there.

But even so, what Ji Ruo tried his best to bake was not enough for Jing Lan to eat in one bite.

And now, Ji Ruo they are also in the secret realm, they are also cooking food, and there are powerful creatures suddenly appearing - all kinds of things, the two events are almost carved out of the same mold, Ji Ruo they are of course It will feel bad for the visitor.

If it was before, Ji Ruo and the others would have run away long ago, but today is different from the past. The strengths of Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian have increased significantly, and the warriors are invincible existences of the same rank. If that big guy is really If they plan to come and grab the food, they will find a way to turn that guy into food!

If you can beat it, eat it, even if you can't beat it... If you can't beat it, forget it, just run away after eating everything, and if you can't eat it, you have to go for a walk - it took a long time for a freak to boil such a pot of soup, it can't be cheap. guy.

Rosie's talent changed, and she no longer had to worry about it. A small black hole appeared in front of her head, and a strong suction burst out from it, and the soup came back like a stream and disappeared in Rosie's mouth.

At the same time, she still has the spare energy to take care of Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian, and the soup that flows backwards is divided into three parts and poured hard!

After all, warriors are warriors, and they mainly rely on their bodies to eat, so they all have a lot of appetite.

If it weren't for the promotion of Qi Pulse Realm, the martial artist would be able to supplement his consumption by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but if he insisted on eating, he could still eat a lot of things.

In the cauldron that spanned the entire crater, the fragrant hot pot quickly bottomed out.

The strength of two people and one cat has grown a little again, but because they ate too fast, it was too late to digest. Except for Luo Qian, Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian were all puffy at the moment, their eyes staring at the boss - they were also supported. arrive.

The behemoth of the cracking earth in the distance has already climbed out of the surface with most of its body, with a pair of huge curved horns on its head, and a horse face under the horns.

The body behind it looked like a lizard again, but there was a pair of fleshy wings on its back—to be honest, even with Ji Ruo’s knowledge, he couldn’t recognize what kind of monster it was.

But this is normal. After all, the evolution mechanism of the monster itself is messy. When the star is low, it is a monster. After the star rises, it may evolve into another monster, and the relationship between the two forms is not very big. , not even of the same race.

Like fish might evolve into things like earthworms...

Sheila said solemnly: "This is troublesome, I didn't expect a bull and a demon dragon to sleep here..."

Ji Ruo, who was urging Xing Xuan to digest the magic nuclear hot pot, stumbled when she heard the words, so that she could not spit it out.

"What? What do you think this guy's name is?!" Ji Ruo asked in disbelief, pointing at the bull-horse Demon Dragon.

"Ox-horse Demon Dragon." Sheila said with a puzzled face: "A dragon-type monster with a bull-horned horse face and a dragon body has the ability to destroy it in an instant.

The terrifying power that destroys a city, even the gods can crush it, is a legendary existence!

You don't even know? "

Saying that, Sheila suddenly shook her head again and said, "No, if you really don't know, why would you have such a big reaction to this name? But if you know... it's not very similar, strange. "

"What's the matter, Ji Ruo, does this name have any special meaning?" Liang Shixian also asked.

He didn't know what a 'bull and horse' was.

"Cough, it's nothing."

Ji Ruo coughed lightly and did not explain.


The bull-horse demon dragon with a body length of several hundred meters was bathed in the hot magma and drilled out of the ground. A pair of red-gold vertical pupils narrowed slightly. Even if they were far away, their eyes were still fascinating and full of oppression.

Without seeing the opening and closing of the horse's mouth, a mental wave with some kind of faint coercion was transmitted, and then Ji Ruo and the others heard the voice of the bull-horse demon-dragon resounding in their hearts-obviously, this was a certain A means of spiritual transmission.

"Do you know what this place is?"

"When..." Ji Ruozheng wanted to reply.


"You have the aura of a **** in you!"

The red-gold vertical pupils of the huge monster narrowed and narrowed, and the eye-catching eyes condensed into a line. When Ji Ruo opened his mouth to answer, the huge monster suddenly turned around and ran away.

Ji Ruo: "???"

Is this a powerful monster that can instantly destroy a city?

It's not like this!

You haven't finished speaking, what are you running for! .

The bull-horse demon dragon fluttered its fleshy wings and flew to a place farther from the top of the mountain where Ji Ruo and others were.

This flight is two kilometers.

The distance between the two sides was not very close, and now they have been pulled away by two kilometers. The size of the bull-horse demon dragon no longer looks so huge, and even the 'mortal body' Sheila can't see each other clearly.

"It turns out that you are all guys who are favored by the gods. Oh, no wonder you can move in such a place with such a weak body." The bull-horse Demon Dragon tugged his neck and roared: "But this is not the place you should come, go back. Come on! For the sake of all of you who are favored by gods, I can give face to the gods behind you, and I won't hold you accountable this time!

Otherwise, if I wake up that nasty guy who plays with fire and cause me trouble, the gods behind you can't protect you! "

Ji Ruo heard the words, and regardless of whether the other party could see it or not, he gave him a thumbs up: "While running, he said harsh words, and he ran so far away, it's really your fault!"

The bull-horse dragon continued to roar: "What! What are you talking about!"

Because the distance between the two sides was too far, Ji Ruo was speaking normally, and did not use real energy or any means to bless him. The bull-horse Demon Dragon could only see Ji Ruo's mouth moving, and even made a gesture, but couldn't hear anything.

"Can you be louder! Ben Long can't hear you!"

The corner of Liang Shixian's mouth twitched. Although he didn't know what a 'cow and horse' was, he had already begun to perceive something.

This is so special, while talking about worrying about waking up a certain existence, while shouting at the same time, the sound is even loud enough to produce a sound wave visible to the naked eye, making the magma that can be seen everywhere turbulent - comparing the two, what is it? Who made the noise a bit louder? Sick, right?

"This kind of feeling...it's true!" Ji Ruo shook his head slightly and said, "I don't want to deal with this kind of guy at all."

Sheila didn't know why: "So, what do you think cows and horses are?"

"That's a long story." Ji Ruo cleared her throat, and in Liang Shixian's curiosity and Sheila's serious listening look, she said, "So I won't say it at all."

Two people: "???"

Ji Ruo took a step forward, used the lion's roar, and said loudly: "Senior, don't worry, we will never wake up the gods here!"


The God of Elements is still in labor reform at the Xuanyuan Academy in Daxia. Of course, it is impossible to be awakened by Ji Ruo and others.

"If you say no, then you won't? Who do you think you are!" Bull Horse Demon Dragon roared: "Also, don't go forward!"

While talking, the bull-horse Demon Dragon took a step back, and a pair of red-golden dragon eyes stared at Ji Ruo fiercely.


Ji Ruo was a little stunned by the actions of the bull-horse demon-dragon, blinked, and tentatively took a step forward.

"Senior, we really have no malice!"

"I said don't move! Don't move!" Niu Ma Molong took another step back and said angrily: "Just talk and talk, what are you doing! Go back and stand with the others! Hurry up!"

Ji Ruo and the others were even more confused by the words of the bull-horse demon-dragon.

What is the situation of this so-called legendary monster?

Ji Ruo took two steps back, and the bull-horse Demon Dragon followed two steps forward, his tone softened a little, and roared: "That's it, don't move, did you hear me!"

Ji Ruo turned to look at Liang Shixian, Liang Shixian understood and immediately put on the [real glasses].

Just because the distance between the two sides was too far, Liang Shixian's sight appeared densely packed with information about a large number of lava monsters. Wherever his eyes could reach, everything showed some real information more or less.

Even an ordinary stone has information presented——【Ordinary Stone】

Because of this, Liang Shixian did not wear these glasses all the time.

The glasses that Ji Ruo gave him are powerful, but they are not very intelligent. Liang Shixian has not practiced any martial arts related to pupil surgery, and he cannot control his sight freely, so that after wearing the [real glasses] , all things within the line of sight will have information presented.

So if he was wearing this thing all the time, Liang Shixian would be no different from a blind man - he couldn't see anything except the information.

But then again, the ability to 'present real information' is very useful.

After using it for a while, Liang Shixian also figured out some of the little tricks he used.

Soon, Liang Shixian found the part that belonged to the bull-horse demon-dragon from the vast information.

Liang Shixian, who learned the truth, immediately stood on the spot.

"What's the matter, monitor, what did you see?"

"Ji Ruo..." Liang Shixian's expression was very strange: "This guy is severely farsighted... He can't see 'near' things, and then, because he lives in magma all year round, he suffers from severe astigmatism and color weakness..."


While Ji Ruo was stunned, a flash of light suddenly flashed.

Defects are good!

If there is a defect, there is a need. If there is a need, you can find a way to help. Since Sheila said that this is a legendary monster, even the gods can crush it... Although most of the gods in this secret realm are not very strong, But since he can live in the Realm of Flame God, and he also calls the God of Fire a 'hate guy who plays with fire', his own strength must not be underestimated.

It is conservatively estimated that it also exists at a four-star level. If a friendship can be established...

As soon as he thought of this, Ji Ruo immediately used the lion's roar and said, "Thank you for reminding me, senior, don't worry, we will leave here now, and we will definitely not cause you any trouble!"

The Bull Horse Demon Dragon nodded in satisfaction, and roared, "Just be obedient! Also, let me state this, I'm not afraid of that annoying guy who plays with fire, it's just annoying!"

"That's right! You're right!" Ji Ruo said while turning around: "Then senior, let's go first."


If they take one step, the bull and the dragon will follow.

dance to tune.

It seemed that he wanted to watch Ji Ruo and the others leave the Realm of Flames with his own eyes.

Ji Ruo immediately said: "Senior don't need to send it, we leave as soon as we say leave, you don't have to keep staring at us!"

"Who's staring at you!" Bull Horse Demon Dragon said: "I'm just going back!"

"So that's the case, then you have to take a good look at the road and pay attention to safety!"

Obviously it was just a simple polite remark, but the bull-horse dragon jumped inexplicably: "Damn it! Who do you think has bad eyes!"

"???" Ji Ruo hurriedly said, "I didn't say that!"

"How could I not be able to see the way back! You are clearly saying that my eyesight is not good!"


You really can't see it!

"Mere humans, do you really think that I dare not do anything to you if you have the protection of gods?"

The bull-horse Demon Dragon opened his mouth wide in anger, and the terrifying energy gathered in his mouth, bursting with dazzling brilliance.

"Today, I will teach you a lesson for the gods behind you!"

The elemental force floating between heaven and earth gathered in his mouth, turned into a fiery dragon breath, and sprayed it towards Ji Ruo and the others.

Along with the dragon's breath, there was the surging dragon's might, and Emily, who was in a coma, was also affected, and when she woke up, she was so frightened that she turned pale.

Liang Shixian roared: "Ji Ruo, open the door!"

At the same time, the Vajra armor has been combined, the fists are smashed together, the true essence is turned rapidly, and the learning of the whole body has been pushed to the extreme, and a thick golden barrier has been unfolded.

He was referring to Ji Ruo's arbitrary door~www.readwn.com~ In this situation, only Ji Ruo's arbitrary door can save them from danger.

The elemental energy contained in this dragon's breath is too huge, and they can't bear it at all.

However, Ji Ruo did not intend to do so, he had better ideas.


The childish voice seemed fragile in front of the dragon breath, but this fragile and childish voice was like an edict from heaven and earth, causing the dragon breath to reverse, return to the original path, and hit the bull-horse demon dragon's mouth with precision, bursting suddenly.

A violent explosion sounded, and the dragon scales on the bull-horse demon dragon were blown off a lot.

Ji Ruo was also a little angry: "We all said that we will leave, and we kindly remind you to pay attention to safety. It's fine if you don't listen, and you dare to spit at us?! Who gave you the courage!"

Yes, the reason why [Rebound] works is because the action of spitting dragon breath is very similar to spitting. To some extent, it can also be regarded as an insult to oneself...


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