I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 362: Hello future...something seems wrong

【My achievement system is very problematic】【】

Daxia, Shangxuanyuan.

"What about Ji Ruo? Didn't they come back with them?"

The war was over, any door was closed, and the warriors could no longer watch the show.

But only Ji Xiaoxiao and Bai Mao came back, so Tang Dong asked curiously.

"Old guy he..."

Ji Xiaoxiao's voice was a little low: "They..."

Before finishing a sentence, Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly lowered his head, covered his mouth, and his body trembled, looking very sad.

Tang Dong's face changed: "What happened? Didn't they all win? Those children have also gone home, and the General Affairs Department also called on a fantasy creation to help erase the impact, how could it be... just now In the end what happened!"

"It's Charles' dying counterattack..." Ji Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "Old guys, they... can't come back."

"This..." Tang Dong couldn't accept it.

Luo Chenghuan suddenly asked, "Don't you wait a while, don't I remember that you are his inner demon? Then what happened to him, why are you still here?"

Without waiting for Ji Xiao to open his mouth, Tang Dong helped explain: "The demons condensed by the fantasy creation of 'hospice care' will not die with the main body, so..."

For a moment, the Supreme Court fell silent.

The white cat looked left and right, a little puzzled.

She doesn't quite understand the current atmosphere.

So it fell silent.

Tang Dong sighed: "It was fine just now, why suddenly... alas."

"What about their corpses? Didn't the 'Underworld Martial Dao' have already researched some results? If you can bring them back, it should be possible to resurrect them, right? Besides, don't you still know the goddess of death from the mother continent? "

"It can't be done." Ji Xiaoxiao shook his head slightly: "Old guy, they didn't leave a body."

"Ah this..." Tang Dong opened his mouth.

No bones left... Was the situation so serious at the time?

She wanted to comfort Ji Xiaoxiao.

Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly said: "Let's set up a tomb for them, it can be regarded as letting their fallen leaves return to their roots, in the future I will be Ji Ruo, I will live well for the old guy!

And the squad leader... Sister Tang, please help the squad leader to get a life-size bionic robot. "


The turning point of this topic was a bit blunt. Tang Dong subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Also, there is still a bit of finishing work left on Earth Mother Continent. Sister Tang, I would like to borrow a few main gods from the Xuanyuan Academy for the time being."


Seeing Ji Xiaoxiao who suddenly became polite, Tang Dong felt even more wrong.


The kingdom of dreams.

"Your Majesty, although I really want to help, I'm sorry, I'm now..."

The God of Different Gold Mines and other gods collapsed to the ground with a hollowed-out expression on their faces.

Their previous consumption was too great, and they almost drained their divine power—regardless of the cost, refining a large number of divine crystal cards, so that the living beings have the ability to protect themselves in the face of disasters, this is not a joke. .

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【My achievement system is very problematic】【】

Emily shook her head slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, I can still persevere."

Those adventurers and ordinary people are also helping, but the life of the entire continent has been pulled away from the source, Emily wants to protect, the workload is too much.

At this time, Ji Xiaoxiao brought several Elemental Lord Gods. They have undergone the thought transformation of the Xuanyuan Academy, and now they have changed their minds and become gods again... Although they have not signed a contract with Ji Ruo because of their high realm contract, but just come back to do a favor, it won't take long, and nothing big will go wrong.

The arrival of the elemental gods has shared a large part of the pressure on Emily, but there is still no way to make up for the missing origin of the living beings, so Emily's heart is stunned, and she simply makes the living creatures transform under Ji Xiao's suggestion. Another special life form...

As for the ordinary humans on the Mother Earth...because they participated in the fusion, they were not affected.

The living are rebuilding their homes, and the dead are awakened by Sheila and join the rebuilding of the Mother Earth.

In the process, some people were injured and some were sick.

So Tim opened up his "search magic", allowing people to search for knowledge through prayer.

People are gradually no longer ignorant, and although there are no more creatures on the Mother Earth Continent, there is a thriving scene.

Gods and mortals join hands to rebuild a beautiful home.

In addition, because of Ji Ruo's relationship, the Mother Continent, led by the Adventurer's Guild and the surviving gods, established friendly diplomatic relations with Daxia.

The mother continent is rich in mineral resources, and the gods are also very functional.

Daxia, on the other hand, has a strong scientific and technological force, and the two sides hit it off.

Of course, that's all for later.

After all, there are more important things to do now.


"Finally finished!"

Ji Ruo wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Ji Ruo, this is... what?"

"A time machine!"

"Is it really a time machine?" Liang Shixian looked suspicious of life. He watched Ji Ruo abruptly create a so-called 'time machine' with tools such as a small hammer and a small saw that looked very cartoonish.

And, most importantly...

"Why is the time machine this style?"

Liang Shixian pointed at the 'time machine' that Ji Ruo said, and said with a tangled face: "No matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary table, right?"

"This is not an ordinary table, this is in Wang Wei's poem... ahem, in short, don't care about these details, the time machine should be like this."

With that said, Ji Ruo hugged Rosie who fell into a coma and opened the drawer: "Stop gossip and go!"

He rolled over, jumped into the drawer, and disappeared.

Liang Shixian looked around and found that there was a cave in the small drawer, and Ji Ruo was sitting on a strange instrument, waving at Liang Shixian.

"The squad leader comes down quickly, if you want to leave, hurry up!"

So Liang Shixian gritted his teeth and jumped in.

"Destination, the future in twenty years!"

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【My achievement system is very problematic】【】

Ji Ruo shouted excitedly, started the instrument, and galloped towards the future in the space-time tunnel.

Liang Shixian looked at everything around him in shock, countless pictures regressed rapidly, and time was accelerating frantically.

Turns out, it's really a time machine!

"Ji Ruo, drive slower, drive slower!" Liang Shixian nervously grabbed the corner of Ji Ruo's clothes: "This is too fast!"

"Just kidding, we're traveling in time now!" Ji Ruo drove the time machine and stepped on the accelerator to the end, his face full of excitement: "Time flies like a shuttle, how can it be slow! Don't be nervous, I'm a good group of cars!"


Liang Shixian took a deep breath and managed to stabilize his emotions.

Xu Shiruo's excitement infected him, and Liang Shixian gradually stopped panicking.

What will the future hold?

Liang Shixian suddenly began to look forward to it, and he didn't know what kind of person he would be in the future...

At this time, the two of them didn't know that they had been 'dead' in Daxia.

"By the way, Ji Ruo, have you taken your driver's license?" Liang Shixian asked casually.

"Driver's license? No."

"You drive so fast without a driver's license!"

"Oh, don't worry, there will be no traffic police here." Ji Ruo said carelessly, "Wait for me to see where Yuncheng will be in twenty years..."

Ji Ruo raised his foot and threw out the shoe, but it might be because Ji Ruo was too hard, or because the space-time tunnel was too narrow, the shoe did not fall, but went straight through the tunnel's barrier and fell into an unknown space-time. .

"Fuck?! My shoes!"

Ji Ruo was startled, and hurriedly planned to 'car' to find shoes, and then he found it.


Liang Shixian was stunned for a moment, and said subconsciously, "What brake?"

"I think I forgot to put the brakes on the time machine!"

"What?!" So Liang Shixian also panicked: "Then what should we do? How can we stop?"

"...Don't be afraid, I have a way!"

"any solution?"

"Squad leader, you have the body of King Ming Fu, and I have the magic of King Kong Indestructible. Wait a minute, it's time to test what we usually learn!"


That's the way it is!

"Ji Ruo, can you be more reliable!"

"Why am I so unreliable? This is a time-space tunnel. It's my first time here. I don't know what will happen!"


Amidst the noise of the two, the out-of-control time machine drifted farther and farther, galloping away toward the unknown future twenty years later.

And the sneakers with the feature of "recognizing the way" did not return to Ji Ruo's feet as usual, and I don't know which time and space they went to.


And just when Ji Ruo just set off.

After helping Emily, the elemental gods returned to their respective domains.

Afterwards, they will go back to Daxia to continue their 'advance study'. This time, they just came back to help, and they just went home to have a look.

The other main gods are not mentioned for the time being.

Fire Realm—

The Lord God of Fire Elements fell into a long silence as he looked at the dark and bare earth in front of him, without the slightest bit of vitality and heat.

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【My achievement system is very problematic】【】

"Am I going to the wrong place?"

The Lord God of Fire Element, who was unwilling to accept the reality, was silent for a moment, and performed the teleportation technique again.

The figure flickered, and the Fire Elemental Lord God remained in place.

"Is there something wrong with the magic? Or is my posture wrong?"

The Fire Elemental Lord God was a little flustered.

She kept teleporting, using a variety of gestures.

But the scene in front of me has not changed at all - the realm of flames, there is really no flame at all...

"Where's my home?!"

The Lord God of Fire Element, who had no choice but to accept the reality, collapsed a little.

Now when she thinks of the heroic Rang Ji Ruo who "mined casually" at that time, she can't help but want to give herself two big mouths.

This is so special, that guy named Ji Ruo is really not polite at all!

Afterwards, the depressed Fire Elemental Lord left the Earth Mother Continent and returned to the Profound Academy.

"Why did you come back so soon? Everything is resolved?" a researcher asked curiously.


"Then you can go home and have a look. You haven't been home for a long time, haven't you? Don't you want to go back?"

"No, I actually want to go home. It's good here, but it's too cold..."

Those magma and the bursting fire element will not make the fire element master stronger, but it will make her stay more comfortable.

As the supreme **** of the fire element, she likes a high temperature and heat environment.

The researchers were puzzled: "Then why..."

The Fire Elemental Lord God said with a melancholy face: "The main reason is that the home is gone and I can't go back."



Because I was in a hurry, Ji Ruo was a little rushed when it came to making a time machine.

There are many buttons on the console of the time machine, which is full of technology at first glance.

But in fact, most of these buttons are just decorations and have no practical effect.

However, the simple time positioning function can still be achieved, so Ji Ruo knows where the "twenty years later" is, but he is not sure about the specific location of Yuncheng.

Throwing shoes to ask directions is also temporarily useless. In the time-space tunnel, once the shoes are thrown out, they will not come back.

So Ji Ruo was actually planning to find a place to "get off" in "twenty years from now", and then go back to Cloud City through any door.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Just when the time machine was about to reach the location of "twenty years later", Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian suddenly sensed a familiar atmosphere.

"So familiar... Is that our breath?"

"It seems so." Liang Shixian said uncertainly, "Could it be us in the future?"

Ji Ruo's eyes lit up: "It's possible!"

"Then we..."

"It's time, squad leader, jump out of the car!"


The familiar aura that suddenly appeared was like a road sign guiding the two of them.

Ji Ruo didn't even hesitate, and jumped directly towards the position where the breath was.

Liang Shixian gritted his teeth and jumped down.

So the two 'smashed' the space-time channel, and came to the future in embarrassment.

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【My achievement system is very problematic】【】

The time machine that was out of control continued to gallop in the time-space tunnel, and then was retrieved with a smile by a white-haired boy in a place that Ji Ruo and the two could not see.

"Hello in the future... Something seems wrong? Wait, where is this?"

Lying in the unfamiliar and familiar narrow dark space, Ji Ruo was a little dazed.

He subconsciously reached out and pushed it, but he didn't push it, as if something was pressing on it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Divine Consciousness Sweep-

"The future me, how can I lie in the coffin?!"

Ji Ruo was a little stunned, but the force was running, and the coffin board was overturned with the soil on it, and Ji Ruo climbed out.

He looked at the words "The Tomb of Ji Ruo, Ji Xiao Xiao Li" written on the tombstone, and his teeth hurt.

The clothes in the coffin had begun to decay, and no bones were found.

"So that breath is my tomb..." For a while, Ji Ruo didn't know whether she should thank Ji Xiaoxiao now.


Liang Shixian, who was also bound in the coffin, had no consciousness and was unaware of the situation. He thought that the two were in danger at the moment, and subconsciously launched an attack on the coffin.

Liang Shixian's grave exploded, and he jumped out of it with a look of vigilance, and hurriedly asked, "Ji Ruo are you all right? Where are we now?"

"We are now at... Yuncheng Cemetery." Ji Ruoya said in pain, "Squad leader, you just blew up your own grave..."

Liang Shixian: "???"

He was about to say something when suddenly, the graves of the tombs next to the two of them trembled, and one rotten arm broke out of the ground.

"Who's there! Damn, you guys are here to steal the body in broad daylight?! Stop for me!"

An old man with a face full of anger came with his sword. Judging from his clothes, he should be the tomb keeper here.

"We're not..." Liang Shixian wanted to explain subconsciously.

"Let's run first, squad leader, I can't explain it!"

Ji Ruo pulled Liang Shixian, stepped on the shadow step, and turned to flee.


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