"What else do you say will protect me well, and will try to make me have fun..."

Xiaoji was walking alone on a certain street in Yuncheng, pouting, in a very bad mood.

The old trick is gone.

"You're such a big brother, you can still get lost while shopping, big liar!"

Walking alone on the street, he didn't feel scared.

Although Subtotal has been blackened by the death of his parents, there is one thing that was common sense in his day.

That is the territory of Daxia, which is very safe.

He didn't know where he was going, because the old trick took him to many places, but he didn't take him back to his home in this era.

Unconsciously, many people wearing strange masks and robes appeared on the street.

"Is this the dress of the future? It's ugly."

The subtotals are all marked.

Finally, the slightly better mood dissipated because of the sudden disappearance of the old trick.

He doesn't see anything pleasing to the eye now.

The masked people were in a hurry, and there were quite a few pedestrians in normal clothes, so the subtotal didn't care at first.


"What are you doing!"

An angry voice interrupted Xiaoji's thoughts.

He looked up and saw that a young man was being surrounded by several masked people, and those masked people had no good intentions at first glance.

"what happened?"

The subtotal was stunned.

Although he was only five years old, he already knew a lot, after all, he had been living alone for some time in his time.

When Charles was caught, he had just entered the orphanage and had just finished being bullied.

"I respectfully invite Yuncheng Law Enforcement Tianjun..."

The young man roared.

Before he finished speaking, the three-inch-tall Law Enforcement Tianjun suddenly appeared, raised his hand and restrained the young man in place.

young people:"???"

The masked people who besieged him sneered: "Calling God in front of my cult? Banmen get an axe!"

The young man was shocked: "You are illegal! The Law Enforcement Division will not let you go!"

"Department of Law Enforcement? Now that the Department of Law Enforcement is too busy to take care of itself, how can I still have the energy to take care of you? Be honest with me!"

The young man was stunned.

One of the masked people said coldly: "Check with the instrument! The data shows that the qualified bearers are nearby. The local envoy said that the target is young men. Give me snacks, don't let one go!"


With the emergence of more and more masked people, young people on the street have suffered, and the elderly have inconvenience in their legs and feet. Although they are not the main target, they are also frightened.

Fortunately, compared with young people, these elderly people have a stronger "power background".

They have a lot of 'old friends'.

As a result, the old people began to invite friends and companions. In just a moment, there was a sound of breaking wind, and a zombie with green face and fangs attacked from all directions.

"Old Zhang! Help! These guys are from a sect! The law enforcement Tianjun enshrined in that guy's house is under control!"

an old man shouted.

What he called 'Old Zhang' was a second-order zombie.

"it is good!"

Lao Zhang let out a low roar, his corpse energy was extremely condensed, and his physical body was extremely strong.

Its method of running the zombie battle, the corpse is practiced horizontally in an instant, and it is invulnerable to fire and water!

"Zombie in a mere...respectfully invite Jiutian Yingyuan thunder to universalize Tianzun, subdue the power of thunder, and purify evil!"

A masked man opened his eyes and muttered words. The next moment, dozens of dazzling thunder lights fell from the sky, pulled by the strong yin and corpse qi on the zombies, and fell on the attacking zombies with precision.

Of course, it is impossible for him to truly universalize Tianzun in response to the thunder of the Yuan Dynasty. After all, he is the righteous **** of Leibu. Even if the entire worship of the gods works together and is devout, it is unlikely that they will be worshipped.

So although he said that, in fact, it was just a few thunderbolts.

However, those thunderbolts are not ordinary. In addition to the heavenly power they carry, there are also traces of divine power, as if they were descended from the real God of Thunder.

Thunder to Yang, the existence of zombies that mainly rely on yin to act, is extremely lethal.

Only one round of lightning strikes knocked the zombies to the ground. Although they didn't "die" again, they couldn't move again in a short time.

"Old Zhang!"

The eyes of the old people who used to "call friends and lead companions" were split.

"You wait, we'll call a helper!"

This time, they called ghost friends.

It's good for people to live for a long time. Many relatives and friends have died. Whether it is a zombie ghost, they can talk.

Ghosts can move much faster than zombies and ignore collisions per unit volume.

The zombies still have to cross the road normally, and the ghosts directly penetrate through various impenetrable terrains, and various means—

Another masked man stood up and said coldly: "The underworld messenger listens to my orders! Hold the soul!"

In an instant, the yin wind suddenly rose, and the yin qi that was more intense than the ghosts, also mixed with a little divinity, suddenly descended. They held thick chains with striking barbs on them.

With a flick of the chain, the ghosts were bound and pierced into the body, and the ghosts let out a miserable wailing sound.

"Good grandson!"

An old man looked at a young ghost with a painful expression, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Ah! Grandpa, run away!"

The young ghost endured the pain and roared.

The masked people said in a cold voice, "The goal of my teaching is not you. If you still dare to make trouble, I will arrest you and give us food for the blood of my gods!"

Subtotal was terrified.

No matter how precocious he is, he is only five years old now.

Moreover, there were no zombies and ghosts in his era. Finally, because of his old-fashioned efforts, he accepted a little of the things of this era, and now he has been completely shattered by the sudden action of worship.

In a panic, Subtotal turned around and ran away.

Fortunately, the target of those masked people is not him, or in other words, their target is not children.

The young people on the street resisted, but to no avail, they were forcibly checked.

The practice of martial arts has been transformed into the system of immortal Taoism, and the difficulty of practice has been reduced, but the personal strength of the same realm has also declined.

When the whole people are practicing martial arts, there are always some people who cannot practice martial arts for various reasons. The whole people's cultivation of immortals has no shortcomings in this regard, but all individuals can practice.

After all, to this day, the affinity between human beings and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is already very high.

Maybe not everyone's physique is suitable for martial arts, but absolutely everyone is suitable for cultivating immortals.

Breathing in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a little more complicated than breathing.

After cultivating immortals to improve their physique, if they have the will, they can also switch to martial arts.

"Huh? Why has the value decreased? Obviously the bearer has not been found yet..." A masked man with a strange instrument suddenly asked in surprise.

"What's the matter... Oops, the local envoy said that the bearer will use a special method to confuse cognition, I'm afraid it won't change into another appearance and run away!"

"What do you say now?"

"These old men and old ladies also check it out!"

"it is good!"


"Stupid brother!"

Liang Shijing quarreled with Liang Shixian again.

She kept her mouth shut at the moment, walking on the street alone.

Just now, Liang Shixian said that he wanted to invite her to eat. She said that she didn't want to eat, but she still decided to give her brother a chance to show.

After all, she is not an unreasonable person, and it is true that Liang Shixian cannot be completely blamed for what happened when she was a child.

As a result, when the payment was made, Liang Shixian couldn't get the money...

Yes, Liang Shixian forgot that when he just came to this era, he didn't have a penny on him.

So Liang Shijing paid the bill himself, and with his familiarity with this era, he ran away in a fit of anger.

She didn't want to leave for long, she walked alone, and she would go back when her anger subsided.

No matter what, Liang Shixian is also her brother.


"Eh? You weren't the one just now..."

Liang Shijing noticed something next to the trash can in the alley beside him. He looked closely and found that it was a child he had just seen.

"Kid, what are you doing here alone? Where's your father?"

Although the person who was holding the sub-ji before was too young, but now that everyone is cultivating immortals, it is not difficult to stay in the face.

Therefore, Liang Shijing thought that Lao Ji was the father of Subji.

"Dad..." The flustered Subji didn't realize that Liang Shijing was asking the old trick, thought she was asking the real parents, and said in a low mood: "Dead, all dead... .."

"Ah? That was just now?"

"That's not my dad..."

Is it my brother?

No wonder they look so similar.

Liang Shijing suddenly said, "What about your brother? The one with you just now."

"He suddenly disappeared."


Subconsciously, Liang Shijing wanted to say "every good brother is a good brother", but when the words came to his mouth, it became: "He may be in a hurry, and he may be back soon.

How can a brother leave his younger brother and sister behind and never come back.

So don't worry, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how far away, he will definitely come back to you. "

Liang Shijing silently added in his heart: Even if you need to travel through time.

Subto didn't speak, he still felt that the scene just now was terrifying.

"By the way, kid, what are you doing hiding here? Are you afraid of meeting bad people? Don't worry, this is an urban area and it's very safe."

"Safe... no, it's not safe..." Subtou shook his head into a rattle.

Maybe it's Liang Shijing's soft-spoken and gentle tone, or maybe Liang Shijing is really good-looking, in short, the subtotal soon let go of some of his guards... One thing to say, careers such as front desk only recruit beautiful people Ma'am, it still makes sense.

Although he has let go of some of his guards, Xiaoji still feels scared. After all, he has no acquaintance in this era.

"It's not safe at all here, just now..."

With trembling, the subtotal briefly described the situation just now.

Because he was scared and still young, he couldn't remember too many details. He only knew that a lot of bad people suddenly appeared, and even zombies and ghosts were not their opponents.

There is also the little toy-like incense god, who also listens to those bad people.

Liang Shijing was stunned when he heard the words.

Murder on the street? How could such a thing still happen in the summer of this era?

Liang Shijing's first reaction was absurd.

But Xiaoji was afraid that it would be like this, and Liang Shijing couldn't pretend that he didn't see it.

Even if she didn't believe it in her heart, she still said: "Then, kid, do you think this is okay? I'll send you to the Law Enforcement Department and let the law enforcement uncles help you, how about it?"

They were unfamiliar with each other, but Liang Shijing's first reaction was to help the subtotal.

I have to say that the tutoring of Liang Shixian's family has always been possible.

"Okay, okay, thank you big sister..."

Liang Shijing took the subplot and said, "My name is Liang Shijing, little brother, what's your name?"

"I, my name is Ji Ruo..."

"Ji Ruo? That's really good... eh?! Wait, what did you say your name was?!"

Liang Shijing's eyes widened.

She has known why her brother disappeared for twenty years for no reason.

Liang Shixian and the others traveled through time and space to the future.

It's a bit outrageous, but it's the truth.

Then why cross?

Not for...

Liang Shijing grabbed Xiaoji's arm excitedly and said, "Ji Ruo, how old are you this year!"

Subtotal was frightened, but said subconsciously, "Five, five years old."

"Hahahahaha!" Liang Shijing laughed loudly: "The useless brother, it's not the first Miss Bingxue who is smart to find it, hahahahaha!"

"Sister you... I'm afraid."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm just too excited, Ji Ruo, do you know someone is looking for you? I'm the younger sister of one of them, no ill intentions, come and follow me home!"

Liang Shijing excitedly pulled the subtotal and went home.

Subtotal resisted, but to no avail.

At his age, even if he was practicing martial arts, he had only just come into contact with him and was completely powerless to resist.



Several masked people appeared not far away, and said sternly, "Stand still, let's check!"

"Master God, the data has reached its peak again!" A masked man suddenly said excitedly: "There are only two of them here!"

"Really?" The 'God Envoy' was overjoyed: "I didn't expect such a good luck today, let's do it! Take it back!"

"Who are you!"

Liang Shijing vigilantly guarded Xiaoji behind him: "This is Yuncheng, what do you want to do!"

"Yuncheng? Of course we know this is Yuncheng, follow us obediently, otherwise—"

"Sister Liang, they are the bad guys I said!"

Subtotal shivered with fear.

"Don't be afraid, my sister will protect you!"

Recalling what Xiaoji said just now, Liang Shijing was also a little flustered.

She is only sixteen! I haven't fought in any battles, and cultivating immortals has no basic combat requirements!

But with the subtotal behind her, she couldn't retreat, couldn't run, and couldn't show fear.

"Sister protect you, don't be afraid..."

Liang Shijing's mind changed, and the believers were getting closer and closer, and she was nervous.

At the next moment, Liang Shijing's spiritual power turned and activated the spell he was best at—

"Spiritual Light Technique!"

The dazzling light of inspiration suddenly appeared, and several believers were caught off guard. They were blinded by flashes at close range, screamed in agony, covered their eyes and staggered back.


Liang Shijing bent down, picked up the subtotal, and ran wildly.

She remembered what the subtotal said before, these people can control the law enforcement Tianjun, so they can't call gods.

"Brother, brother, where are you? I found it for you, but come and save me!"

Liang Shijing kept thinking about it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Damn it! Don't go!"

"Incense Dragon Vein, the gods here, listen to my orders, and quickly manifest!"

They mobilized the secret method and temporarily stole part of the authority of the incense dragon veins here, and forced the incense **** to appear in the world.

"Catch those two guys!"

The magic whip seems to have no distance limit, and it is drawn towards Liang Shijing from a distance.

Liang Shijing looked back and was so frightened that she almost subconsciously hugged him tightly, protecting him with her body.

The next moment, the burning pain came from his back, and Liang Shijing couldn't help screaming.


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