For unknown reasons, Yuncheng's network was disconnected, and Ji Xiao's mecha only had the most basic action functions.

Ji Ruo didn't have much mood to continue staying in this future, so he should go back soon after finishing his work... Now there is one thing that bothers him, the time machine is gone.

Just because I forgot to put the brakes on the time machine, after jumping out of the car, the time machine didn't know where it went...

Just when Ji Ruo was distressed, he received a distress message from Hu Wang.

"Huh? Why is there still a problem with the Law Enforcement Division? Is the harm of disconnection so great?"

Ji Ruo was a little confused.

Ji Xiaoxiao made a serious analysis on the side and said: "That's impossible to say. Now is the information age, and the network is very important. When it is not guaranteed, because of a little network delay, a eucalyptus may be misjudged and misjudged."

Ji Ruoyi raised his eyebrows: "So, you understand very well?"

"That's not it, anyway, I'm twenty years older than you, I'm called brother!"

"You're fat and you're still breathing?"

Ji Ruo hummed twice and pulled out any door in the street.

The law enforcement officer has been there, just open the door.

In an instant, the two came from the street to the interior of the Law Enforcement Department.

At this moment, the interior of the Law Enforcement Department was in chaos. Ji Ruo habitually gave himself a set of "sneak" magic skills, and then he got busy with the big guys.

During this process, Ji Ruo gradually realized what had happened.

"Hu Wang is crazy?" Ji Ruo was a little surprised: "No? When he sent me a message just now, it was just a little ugly, so it wouldn't be crazy, right?"

Ji Xiaoxiao said, "Look at it again?"

Rosie suddenly said, "Master, there is a strange feeling here."

"How do you feel?"

"It seems like, illusion?" Rosie said uncertainly, she sniffed, and hesitantly said, "The taste is not right, I'm not sure."


Ji Ruo smiled helplessly: "Your recipe is really getting wider and wider."


"I'm not complimenting you!"

Ji Ruo put Rosie on her head angrily, and then Rosie switched her talents and forced to "break the illusion". @ Essence\/Book Pavilion*First update~~

One thing to say, as an assistant, Rosie is definitely the best.

After a while, Ji Ruo and Ji Xiaoxiao came to the room where Hu Wang was being held.

"Hu Wang? Are you okay?"

Ji Ruo stuck his head out from the door and looked at Hu Wang, who was bound and guarded by the five flowers inside.

"You wicked man! Don't expect to hear the slightest bit of information from my mouth!"

Unexpectedly, Hu Wang saw Ji Ruo, not only was not happy, but even more angry.

If it weren't for the shackles full of strange runes that kept him imprisoned, Hu Wang would have rushed out and slapped Ji Ruo twice.

Thinking about Xiao Xiaole: "You can't take my younger brother's eyes. It's much worse than me. I think that when Xiao Ye was in the heart of the devil, saying one is one and two is two!"

Ji Ruo was too lazy to pay attention to him and carefully observed Hu Wang.

He found that although Hu Wang's eyes were full of anger, they were not focused at all.

He was clearly looking at himself, but the anger did not seem to be directed at him.

"Sure enough, he was charged, tsk, Director."

Ji Ruo shook her head slightly and snapped her fingers: "Rosie, release the control."


Rosie rushed out immediately, turned into a black electric light, and circled wildly around Hu Wang.

The voice of Kacha Kacha was incessant, not only the invisible and intangible illusion that affected Hu Wang, but even the rune chain that bound Hu Wang was also bitten and swallowed by Rosie.

Seeing this, Ji Xiaoxiao asked curiously, "Rosie, how does that stuff taste?"

Rosie responded immediately: "Crispy pinch!"

"Really? I'll try...well, liar, I can't bite at all!"

"Little master's teeth are not as good as mine!" Rosie grinned, revealing a small set of white teeth.

Ji Ruo could not laugh or cry.

On the other side, Hu Wang, whose control was released, was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes returned to clarity.

"Boss? When are you.

come? Forget it, this is not important, boss, something big happens, please help me! Hu Wang scratched his hair in distress: "I can't think of anyone who can help me now. Those who worshipped the gods, entrusted a different kind of incense **** who could control the network, and interrupted all the connections between Yuncheng and the outside world!"

If there is such a big problem, the above will definitely find something wrong, but when they react, those guys who worship the gods don't know how much trouble they will make..."

At this time, a law enforcement officer passed by and was suddenly shocked: "Not good! The director is out of trouble, everyone come quickly!"

Hu Wang: "???"

The next moment, the law enforcement officers who stayed behind the Law Enforcement Department swarmed up in Hu Wang's confused expression.

Ji Ruo saw that the situation was not good, and subconsciously pulled Ji Xiaoxiao back two steps and gave up his position.

Law enforcement officers repressed the unknown Hu Wang.

Hu Wang was not dissatisfied. Although he didn't know what happened, he saw that everyone had bruised noses and bruised faces. Even if they were pressed to the ground, he couldn't help but say with grief and indignation: "Damn **** worship, How could they treat you like this? It's all like this... just come at me if something happens! Colleagues, I..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

A law enforcer said angrily, "Don't you all beat us like this! Why, you won't admit it after the fight?"


Hu Wang was dumbfounded.

"I, did I hit?"

He really has no memory of that.

He had a fight before, but it was those who worshipped the gods... eh.

Hu Wang subconsciously looked at Ji Ruo, who was squatting next to Ji Xiaoxiao with a black cat on his head. The two of them and the cat seemed to be out of their shells. They tilted their heads and looked at him, even tilting their heads all the same.

He finally came back to his senses: "Boss, I just fell into an illusion?!"

Ji Ruozheng was about to nod his head when Ji Xiaoxiao suddenly said solemnly, "I think it's Zanwangdao, all this is Zanwangdao's conspiracy!"


Hu Wang was full of question marks: "What is Zanwangdao?"

"Don't remember? If you don't remember, it proves that you have succeeded in sitting and forgetting the road. Damn... eh young!"

Ji Ruo angrily raised his hand and gave Ji Xiaoxiao a slap, interrupting his speech.

Then he said: "You are indeed caught in an illusion, yes, when I came just now, you even wanted to fight me."

"Ah this..."

During the conversation, Hu Wang had already been picked up by his subordinates, and he took the rune chains and tied them up again.

"Be honest! Even if you are the director, you can't make a fool of yourself in this situation!"

Hu Wang: "..."

He took a deep breath: "Liu, I have returned to normal..."

"Huh! It's all a lie?" Xiao Liu first sneered, and then he reacted: "Wait, Director, what did you just call me?"

"Little Liu."

"You, you, you recognized me?!" Xiao Liu was shocked: "So, Director, have you recovered?"


Hu Wang glanced resentfully at Ji Ruo, who didn't seem to intend to help explain, and then said to his colleagues, "If you don't believe me, you can ask my boss, who helped me recover..."

"What boss?"

The law enforcement officers looked left and right, puzzled.

A law enforcement officer couldn't help but touched Ji Ruo with his elbow and said, "Brother, do you think our director has recovered or not? How can there be his boss here?"

Ji Ruo's [camouflage] + [sense of being replaced] made these law enforcers treat him as a colleague, and they didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

At this moment, the existence of Ji Ruo is normal.

Hu Wang: "..."

Ji Ruo couldn't help laughing, and then the effect of the skill was released, and his existence suddenly became abrupt in the eyes of others.

"Wait, you are..."

Ji Ruo hurriedly explained, and Rosie also took out her license to enhance her persuasion - although it seemed that she couldn't.

Almost there.

The explanation is mainly based on Ji Ruo's title of [Diplomatic Spokesperson], and everyone can easily believe it.

After explaining it clearly, Hu Wang quickly entered the working state and mobilized the law enforcement officers in the cheese.

Ji Ruo naturally listened to the command and uniform arrangements—professional things were left to professional people to do, Ji Ruo has always been clear.

It is impossible for a layman to lead an expert. Law enforcement is not football after all.

A series of orders were issued by Hu Wang, and the Law Enforcement Division, which had been slightly scattered before, soon began to operate at high speed like a sophisticated instrument.

Hu Wang clearly remembers what each law enforcement officer in the division is good at, where he is familiar with... and so on.

Ji Ruo is a little relieved, that stubborn child back then can now be on his own.


Ji Ruo suddenly felt a little melancholy.

Thinking of Hu Wang in the past, Ji Ruocai realized that what happened to the five-year-old self in this time and space at the moment. Error free update@

The death of his parents is indeed a big blow to a five-year-old child...

I don't know where he is now. Now that Yuncheng is in chaos, he should be fine at the age of five, right?

Ji Ruo was a little worried.


"Brother! That's what you mean by pointing the way?!"

Liang Shixian held the sub-count and fled wildly with Liang Shijing.

Here, is the temporary base camp of worship.

Nearly 1,000 believers from all over Daxia who have been teleported by magic are building rituals and ceremonies here.

It's like they hit the gun at once.

"No, how can this be wrong!"

Liang Shixian couldn't accept it: "Ji Ruo, Ji Ruo are you here?!"

"Stop shouting! How could Brother Ji Ruo be here!"

Liang Shijing said angrily: "I just said, throwing shoes and asking for directions is not reliable at all!"

"But it's Ji Ruo who throws his shoes and asks for directions! How can you be wrong!"

Liang Shixian was also numb.

The subtotal feels a little guilty: "Or, I will throw it again?"

Liang Shixian: "Okay! Throw it well this time, and throw it seriously!"

Liang Shijing went mad: "So why do you keep trying to ask for directions? There is no scientific basis for this kind of thing!"

"I don't believe in throwing shoes for directions, I just believe in Ji Ruo!"

Liang Shixian turned around and punched, causing the void to vibrate, and several followers who caught up immediately vomited blood and flew backwards.

He looked down at Xiaoji and said seriously, "Subji, believe in yourself, you can do it!"


Xiaoji stared blankly at Liang Shixian's eyes.

He hadn't seen such eyes since his parents died.

That indescribably strong trust is like a parent who unconditionally believes that their child will definitely be the best.

People grow up three times in their lifetime.

For the first time, it was when I realized that my parents were not the center of the world.

The second time is when I realize that I am not the center of the world.

The third time, when I realized that my child is not the center of the world...

Subtotals are relatively precocious.

The death of his parents made him experience his first "growing up" early.

But until now, until Ji Ruo can defeat the supreme **** of another world, until he can travel through time, he has never experienced the second "growth".

No matter what time period it is, it is naive to think that oneself is the center of the world, and this kind of thinking will become more and more intense as time goes on!

At this moment, the strong trust in Liang Shixian's eyes made Xiaoji seem to be infected and nodded seriously.

Others believe in him, why doesn't he believe in himself?

It is childish to ask for directions, but so what?

I am the center of the world!

With unreasonable pride in his heart, Xiaoji endured the turbulence in Liang Shixian's arms, took off his shoes, and threw them into the sky.


A beam of light lasing from behind, scorching light.

Burn the shoe in an instant.


"Everyone! That guy is good at hard skills, and ordinary means can't hurt him! Shoot!


Liang Shixian: "???"

He couldn't help but complain: "What kind of sect are you? Why do you still have laser guns! Is this reasonable!"

The believers behind him sneered: "The wisdom of mortals can't imagine how great our religion is!

I'm not afraid to tell you, dish electronic Buddhist beads, knock virtual wooden fish, see Mecha Buddha, and get the true scripture of cyber!

What's so difficult about mere technological weapons? "

Liang Shixian's face flushed, and after holding it for a long time, he finally said, "...It's outrageous!"

"Hehe, ignorant! Stay!"

The believers have pulled out a variety of technological weapons, laser guns, kinetic energy guns, sonic guns... and other guns.

The rest was fine, Liang Shixian was able to withstand it without much effort.

But that is, the sonic gun is area damage, Liang Shixian can hold it, but Subji and Liang Shijing are very painful.

So Liang Shixian didn't have time to think about it, he raised his hand and called out a belt.

Liang Shijing endured the pain and widened his eyes: "Brother, is this?!"

"Yes, my Vajra armor!"

Liang Shijing was eager to try.

Unexpectedly, Liang Shixian shoved the belt directly into Xiaoji's arms, and while he was still in a daze, he shouted: "Transformation!"

Cool light effects appeared, mechanical synthesizers sounded, and the set of diamond armor, which had become a legend in this era, appeared again.

This diamond armor is Liang Shixian's external godhead. Although it is not as magical as that set, it can also adapt to his body shape.

Moreover, because it is a godhead, the armor's defense actually follows Liang Shixian's own strength.

It is more than enough to defend against the attacks of these technological weapons.

"Okay, so handsome..."

"When you find Ji Ruo, let him wear it for you, his suit is more handsome!"

Liang Shixian said, not forgetting to take care of his sister.

When his martial arts supernatural power, King Fudoming, he had referenced a lot of hard skills when he had an epiphany.

Among them is the golden bell.

As for the martial arts of the golden bell cover, after a certain level of practice, the golden bell can be separated from the body.


Liang Shijing, who was still pouting at first, was a little unhappy when he saw Liang Shixian put his immovable King Ming body on him and shrouded himself, and suddenly panicked.

"Brother! You gave me this, what do you do?!"

"Don't worry, your brother and I are strong." Liang Shixian grinned and slammed his fists together.

The dark energy turned into strange cloud patterns, clinging to the surface of the body, setting off Liang Shixian a little evil, but adding a sense of majesty. Error free update@

"I've been chased and run all the time, but I can't, I've been running and running, I'm getting used to running..."

Liang Shixian stepped forward. UU reading www.

The visible shock force turned into steps, lifted Liang Shixian up, and took off step by step.

The shocking force not only played a role in supporting Liang Shixian, but also brought a strong suppressive force.

In this world, because of the strong shock, the void became extremely thick, and the air seemed to suddenly turn into a rock, binding all the followers who were chasing in place, and the masks on their faces were even shaken out a little. crack.

"King Ming—"

Liang Shixian climbed high in the sky, and suddenly sat down with his knees crossed, his hands clasped together, his face wrapped in strange cloud patterns was not angry and arrogant.

"Bliss falls!"


! "

............ .

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