I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 86: Teacher, preaching, teaching and demystifying

"Classmate Ji Ruo, it's not right for you to set up a stall like this."

Li Bindao said seriously: "Teacher knows that your iron sand palm has become superb, and the temperature is so high that there is no longer a problem of unsanitary health.

But these students don't know the problem!

They only see that you are frying rice with your hands, and they use raw rice to fry mature rice without using water.

So what would they think? Your rice is fried with sweat!

Classmate Ji Ruo, think about it, if you really want this, no matter how fragrant this fried rice is, can you eat it? "

Ji Ruo thought for a while following Li Bindao's train of thought, and couldn't help shivering: "If you can't eat it, that's too disgusting!"

"Right!" Li Bindao said, "That's where your problem lies. Your classmates think your fried rice is unclean and unsanitary. You have to prove it! Once this is dealt with, it's your signature, and others can't imitate it. , your business will only get better and better!"

Others would definitely not be able to imitate it. Li Bindao was already convinced that Ji Ruo's iron sand palm had reached the point of 'artificial skill and self-generating characteristics'. Just fried rice.

Although both fried rice and fried rice can be eaten, they are indeed different.

Ji Ruo thought: "Then teacher, what should I do?"

"Simple." Li Bin asked, "Your iron sand palm should be able to generate flames from the void now, right?"

"That's alright."

"This is how you prove it." Li Bin said, "Go, cast Void Flame in front of your classmates."

"oh oh."

Ji Ruo obediently raised his hands in front of his stall, and a blazing white flame rose from his palms, the temperature was so high that it even distorted the air.

That Bai Yan jumped on Ji Ruo's palms, but there was no sign of pain on Ji Ruo's face.

The students onlookers exclaimed.

Li Bindao went to the flower bed and broke off a small branch, and stretched it out into the flames in Ji Ruo's palm.

The branch was ignited in an instant, Li Bindao lifted the branch and said loudly: "Take a look at it! This little boss's iron sand palm is already superb! Thousands of degrees of high temperature, disinfection and sterilization is not a problem! Absolutely clean and hygienic!

Classmates, have you ever seen an iron sand palm at the level of sophistication? Have you ever eaten fried rice with iron sand palm?

Haven't eaten? Don't miss such a great opportunity now!

Personal experience, delicious and affordable! "

Ji Ruo was stunned to see Li Bindao standing in front of the booth shouting loudly for himself, his brain buzzing.

Those students originally disliked Ji Ruo's hand-fried rice, but when Li Bin said that Ji Ruo's iron sand palm had reached a level of perfection, everyone suddenly became excited.

If the water in the wild is boiled to a hundred degrees, it is considered to be sterilized, even if this iron sand palm has a high temperature of thousands of degrees!

Moreover, it is a superb iron sand palm!

"Boss! Your iron sand palm is really amazing?"

"Give me one! I just said that this rice fried with martial arts looks so handsome, how can it be unsanitary?"

"I want me too!"


For a while, Ji Ruo was very busy, smiling all over his face.

Holding a small stick, Rosie walked through the crowd, meowing to maintain order.

Xiao Huwang... After this child came to the door of No. 1 Middle School, he carried the rice bowl by himself and went to practice iron sand palms a little further away.

Li Bindao cheerfully helped plan Ruo.

This time, it's not just to infect others, it's the happiness of others that infects Jiruo.


When it was a little closer, Ji Ruo finally sold out the last fried rice.

"Student Ji Ruo, remember, if you run into a similar situation in the future when you set up a stall, you must throw out your selling points as soon as possible. Also, I think you are a very sensible cat...

If I remember correctly, you brought this little guy out of the secret realm, right? Then it shouldn't be an ordinary cat, and the teacher doesn't ask much, but there is one thing you must remember. Although this little guy is obedient and cute, he looks like an ordinary cat after all. When cooking, don't let the kitten. Well blended.

Otherwise, some people will feel disgusted in their hearts, and always feel that there is cat hair mixed in with the fried rice.


Li Bindao took the trouble to point out Ji Ruo's many shortcomings in setting up the stall this time, and he looks like a stall king who has been in the business for many years.

Ji Ruo hesitated for a moment and asked, "Teacher, how do you know this so well?"

Li Bindao looked at Ji Ruo and suddenly smiled: "I'm a teacher, I don't understand a lot, how can I teach students? If a student asks me something and I can't answer it, is it not a joke?"

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment: "Is it too?"

"Haha, alright, alright, that's all, classmate Ji Ruo, will you come this afternoon?"

"Come on, why didn't you come?" Ji Ruo smiled and said, "How fun is it to set up a stall, hehe."

"Then teacher will continue to help you in the afternoon?" Li Bindao joked with a smile.

"Okay, teacher, don't dare to say anything else, you must have enough food!"

Li Bin laughed and scolded: "Do you really think of me as your employee?"



in the school.

Li Bindao recalled the scene just now, and suddenly remembered Ji Ruogang's embarrassed appearance when he came back two days ago.

This boy seems to be very happy all the time.

"I'm looking forward to what Ji Ruo classmates will do tomorrow... Wait, are you happy?"

Li Bindao was suddenly stunned.

He originally planned to let Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian go back to school to share their 'exam experience' with the students. He thought Ji Ruo came to set up a stall at the school gate just on a whim.

But if you think about it carefully, you don't have to come to the school gate to set up a stall, right?

Also added elixir and monster meat...

This is probably what Ji Ruo wanted to express, right?

Li Bindao suddenly realized that Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian's experience in the secret realm may not have much reference value for other students. Ji Ruo must also know this, so he chose to explain it in this way, right?

Not arrogant or impetuous, always innocent and always happy.

The young man didn't seem to say anything, and it seemed like he said everything.

He looked back at the direction of the school gate and suddenly laughed.

"What a nice kid."

After thinking for a while, Li Bindao took out his mobile phone and made a phone call: "Hello? Principal Cai, do you remember the plan from our class? Right, right, the one who came back from Wan Beast Mountain two days ago~www .readwn.com~ Aren't we going to let the students go back to school tomorrow to hear them share their experiences? Well, I think..."

"I think so, the experiences of those two children may not be suitable for other classmates to refer to, what students need now is not preaching... Yes, that child is still here in the afternoon... Well, then I will Did you notify other colleagues in the work group?"

Hang up the phone.

Li Bindao sighed with emotion and began to write announcements in the teachers' work group.

In his description, Ji Ruo seems to have become a perfect good boy.

Both parents died and living in financial constraints, but his grades are still among the best in the grade, and he passed the martial arts exam without injury...

In short, Ji Ruocun didn't mention the large amount of scholarship that he used to go to college. A polished group announcement made other teachers moved.

During this period of time, the entire senior three students of Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School showed a strong disgust with martial arts. If the student named Ji Ruo is really as good as Li Bindao said, he is definitely the best 'teaching material'!

"The child is still here in the afternoon?" a teacher asked in the group.

Li Bindao replied, "Yes, I'll be back in the afternoon."

"Okay, I'll inform the students in our class and let them come to study in the afternoon. I'm so worried about this time. I want to comfort but I don't know how to comfort... Lao Li, you are a good student!"

Li Bindao replied cheerfully, "It's all about the child's own efforts, and it has nothing to do with me."

After thinking about it, Li Bindao also informed the students in his class.

Liang Shixian was not informed. After all, the child had just had an operation, so he still needed to rest.


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