I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System

Chapter 92: Can your iron sand palm cook rice?

As the praise continued, a student suddenly came over and said with red eyes: "Ji Ruo, you sing really well, thank you, you are right, I don't want to be a coward, as long as I have a breath, I will definitely hold my breath. Double fist! Thank you!"

Another student plucked up his courage and stepped forward, wiping his tears hard: "I won't give up, I want to practice martial arts, I want to become stronger, and I want to protect others!"

They were like a switch, and more and more students came to thank Ji Ruo.

Some students who were unfortunately handicapped were also encouraged, and said loudly that they wanted to become a logistics worker in the future, and even if they couldn't go to the front to kill the enemy, they would still contribute their part.

That song really touched their hearts.

"This song is so good, classmate Ji Ruo, what's the name of this song?"

Ji Ruo smiled slightly: "Chasing dreams with a pure heart."

"Chasing the dream of a pure heart... good song!"

One by one, the students came to reassure Ji Ruo, and some people came to ask about the details of Ji Ruo Wu’s exam.

"Actually, you don't have to promise me anything. Doing is more important than talking." Ji Ruo didn't answer them directly, but asked with a smile, "Are you hungry?"

The students were stunned.

Ji Ruo said, "If you're hungry, I'll get you something to eat. I used to cook when I was in the Myriad Beasts Mountain."

With that said, Ji Ruo turned around and went back to the flag-raising platform, pushing her little cart.

"Line up for food!"

The teenager waved to Liang Shixian: "Squad leader, can you help me if I'm okay?"

Everyone looked at him blankly.

This young man, he just said such terrifying words, he just sang such a touching song.

But he didn't seem to be affected at all and was so happy from start to finish.

The boy didn't seem to say anything, and it seemed like he said everything.

Liang Shixian wiped away a handful of tears and laughed: "Come here!"

Little Rosie jumped off the top of Ji Ruo's head, asked Ji Ruo to wrap her little paws in plastic wrap, crouched beside a small pot and quietly switched her talents, her illusion skills were full, and she hid her little movements.

Then, he quietly took out the ingredients from the Vientiane mirror and washed them in the basin.

The students stared blankly at the two people and one cat who were already busy, feeling that their behavior was incompatible with the atmosphere at the moment, but inexplicably appropriate.

Yeah, is it guaranteed to work? Gotta do it!

A student suddenly rushed to Ji Ruo's booth and took out ten yuan: "I'm the first! Classmate Ji Ruo, get me first. Yesterday, I saw everyone in the circle of friends was so happy, and I couldn't be envious of me. Eat your first bowl!"

Ji Ruo smiled and said, "Okay, the first bowl!"

Only then did the other students react, with tears still on their faces, and scolded with a smile: "It's too much to take the first place!"

"I'm also in line, I'm second, don't fight me!"

Ji Ruo looked at the students who still had tears on their faces, and happily cooked rice with iron sand palms.

He has been human in two lives, and he was also an orphan in his previous life.

But so what?

The past life has vanished, and the memories of the two lifetimes have long since merged.

Sometimes, Ji Ruo really can't tell whether the so-called previous life was a real dream.

He didn't know why he crossed over, nor did he know what the end of his 'last life' was.

The first memory is vague, and the last memory is also vague.

As if he woke up from sleep, he came into this world.

Recalling everything in the 'dreamland', that world, that country... Ji Ruo was a little dazed.

Looking at the students and teachers in the audience, Ji Ruo suddenly felt that the previous life was a "dream" or something, and it didn't seem to be particularly important.

Now he is truly alive in this world.

If the past life was really just a dream, it must have been a beautiful dream.

The so-called 'past life and this life' are extremely blurred.

It's a bit confusing, but that's ok!

Now he is very happy!


Not far away, the teachers watched students crouch on the flag-raising platform with fried rice and describe their childish-sounding dreams to each other, eliciting bursts of good-natured laughter.

Happy face.

The problem that had plagued them for so many days was just solved.

It doesn't seem that complicated.

"Headmaster, look at this picture."

A teacher suddenly said that he sent a photo he saw in the circle of friends to the teacher work group.

"It was taken by the students yesterday. It was really good."

The principal glanced at the photo that was full of humanity and joy. The white-haired boy in the center of the photo was coaxing the kitten on his shoulders. The smiles on everyone's faces came from the heart.

"It was a really good shot."

The principal smiled and said, "How about we discuss with Ji Ruo later, let's take this photo out and hang it in the teaching building?"

The teachers around were stunned.

"Headmaster, is this appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate?" The principal asked with a smile, "Isn't that what schools should do to teach and educate people? Why isn't it appropriate to put up pictures of happy students?"

"I think it's appropriate." Li Bindao said with a smile: "I really like this kid. Even if I don't hang it up in the teaching building, I plan to print out the photo and hang it in my classroom."

"I also want!"


Ji Ruo was busy for half an hour, he was curious about the newly unlocked exchange module by the system teacher, but it seemed that he was not suitable to leave now.

But, really curious!

Ji Ruo was very tangled, and wanted to secretly find a place where no one was there to exchange a little something to come and have a look, but it seemed that he couldn't leave for a while.

The teachers have come to help a long time ago. After all, with so many students, we can't just let Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian keep busy, right?

Even the kittens are helping to wash the vegetables, how can these elders watch from the side?

Li Bindao was helping collect the money. Seeing Ji Ruo's expression becoming more and more strange, he couldn't help but ask curiously, "Ji Ruo, what's the matter with you? Is there something urgent?"

"I, I want to go to the toilet." The intense curiosity suffocated so much that his face flushed.

"Going to the toilet?" Li Bindao was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "You kid, just go to the toilet if you want."

"But so many students haven't eaten yet..."

"With us here, what are you afraid of? Hurry up and hurry up." Li Bindao said with a smile: "Teacher Fried Rice can also, I'll copy it for you."

"Ah, thank you teacher then." Ji Ruo couldn't wait for a long time, and took Rosie to the toilet in a hurry~www.readwn.com~ Liang Shixian glanced at Ji Ruo's leaving back, he started I didn't think much, but suddenly I thought of something, so I told the teachers, got up and followed Ji Ruo.

Li Bindao took the pot and said to the students, "Classmates, Ji Ruo has gone to the toilet. Next, I will cook you some rice. I hope you don't dislike it."

"Haha, don't dislike it, don't dislike it."

Li Bindao smiled hey hey, and weighed the pot like he did.

"Mr. Li, can you also use iron sand palms to fry rice?" the student at the front of the line asked curiously.

"Iron Sand Palm can do it, but I can't cook rice..." Li Bindao looked down at the cart, and was suddenly stunned.


How can he fry iron sand palm fried rice?

Ji Ruo didn't even prepare a spatula!


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