The Tianyan spark that fell from the sky detonated the entire Aura Giant Eagle.

The extremely violent monstrous fire instantly shattered the earth tornado that was condensed to the extreme, instantly melting the ice field.

As for Meng Qiu’s desperate death, the golden lock condensed with his own body basically did not cause any difficult impact to Luo Xia.

As soon as the furious flame of the Flame Eagle burned, Luo Xia crushed him into a pile of pieces with a little more force.

Although this old fellow, in the end, Tuo Gu’s will is quite extraordinary.

But will cannot erase the gap in strength.

In the midst of a fire that is getting stronger and stronger.

A red figure with wings behind his back appeared ghostly behind Zhang Yi.

“Can even use an old friend’s orphan?”

“Even the right to summon beasts to give birth to offspring must be deprived?”

“You garbage like you… It’s not a pity to die. ”

At the same time as the words sounded, Zhang Yi suddenly froze in place.

His pupils dilated, and a large amount of blood gushed out of his mouth as it continued to open and close, but he could no longer say anything.

The fire fist penetrated the chest and burned the heart.

Zhang Yi, die!


In the pool next to it, there was a strange sound.

Luo Xia frowned and turned his head to look, and saw that the ice carp king had rushed out of the water, and its mouth kept opening and closing with a sound, like a fish about to die of thirst.

“Master, it… Also supporting orphans. ”

Liexia, who was able to communicate with Luoxia normally, played the role of translator.

“Private fights are prohibited in Donghai City!”

“Battle warrior stop quickly!”

In the distance, a monitoring team of the Armed Forces League arrived, and the loud cheers alarmed most of the Beicheng District.

After Luo Xia quickly dealt with the fate of the carp king, his wings trembled behind his back and soared into the sky.

Above the burning giant fire eagle.

A wisp of crimson figure rose up into the sky, and then disappeared like a light, and finally there was no trace.


The Wumeng supervision team soon arrived and blocked the Beast King Mountain Villa, which was almost completely burned.

Except for saving many guards who didn’t understand what happened tonight, there was nothing to gain.

Near the villa, countless people were alarmed, watching the bustle near or far, resulting in more chaotic scenes.

Countless people are talking about it.

“Lying groove, who is so awesome? Directly ordered the Beast King Villa? ”

“I remember, there is a martial artist and the combat power of a C-class ferocious beast in the mountain villa, right? There are also countless guards, plus monster beasts at all levels… The people who came here were also too fierce. ”

“Well burned! That dog day Zhang Yi, under the guise of taming beasts, robbed Lao Tzu to summon beasts, not to mention, and also used his power and money to fool my mother-in-law…”

“Hold the grass, brother and this? Say it and make us happy… Ahem, scold for you! ”

So, it seems that even the lively ones have been done.

This neighborhood is also becoming more and more chaotic.

In the chaos, a man in a black trench coat is leisurely shopping with a girl in a red dress.

“Master, this fish tank is just right for that little fish.”

Liexia held a fish tank and smiled like a flower.

Luo Xia picked up a string of shell bracelets from the stall and chuckled indifferently.

“Oh, this is for you, a reward for a good performance tonight.”

After paying the money to the vendors on tiptoe and craned their necks to look at the lively vendors over there in the villa.

Luo Xia put a fish with a red top, red whiskers and white body into the fish tank.

The system panel, which gives its specific information.

【Mutant Koi】

Grade: Grade D

Life Species: Aquatics, Fish.

Combat skills: water archery, water control, beginner luck

Introduction: The little life that has experienced ups and downs in the incarnation will be blessed by the luck of the underworld, and everything will be smooth in this life.

Because the waiting time is too long, the king carp is not born with a fish egg, but directly as a fish.

Because of the combination of drugs, time, aura, mutation and other factors, the cub of the king carp is a koi with a white whole.

Unexpectedly, today’s journey also had unexpected gains.

Luo Xia thought of this, and felt out a bone ring refreshedly.

The fish tank in his hand flashed and disappeared.

This bone ring was Zhang Yi’s, which was made of the bones of some kind of ferocious beast that controlled the power of space.

So the interior comes with a small space, just like the legendary storage ring.

It stored a large amount of Zhang Yi’s wealth and materials, which was another windfall for Luo Xia.

Luo Xia stuffed the ring back into his pocket and did not get carried away and put it on the spot.

And Lie Xia, who had just put on the bracelet and was smiling, also held his arm.

The two carried the monstrous fire on the side of the Beast King Villa, and walked leisurely in the opposite direction, like a couple of immortals walking in the chaotic world.

“Hey, I have to praise you again, this evolution is perfect! The Heart of Flame didn’t eat in vain…”

“Heehee, it is Liexia’s greatest honor to help the master!”

“Okay, let them check! Let’s go back to the mountains, we haven’t come out to sleep in Honolulu tonight… Understand? ”

“Hmm… Slightly understood. ”

“I hope this koi can bring us good luck.”

Side by side or even after a battle together.

Luo Xia and Liexia got along intimately, and there was no such sudden embarrassment.

[Ask for flowers, ask for tickets, ask for tips, roll all kinds of requests.] 】

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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