Who can the Fire Crystal be given to? Suitable for whom?

That must be the Queen of the Flame Eagle!

She is the earliest C-grade peak in Honolulu, and she can be regarded as one of the closest summoned beasts to Luoxia.

Moreover, having evolved her human form at the C level and possessing an elemental living body, who dares to say that her innate potential is not good?

At that time, when he defeated the Sycamore Tree King and the Lava Demon King, and exploded these two B-class supreme treasures.

For the use of the Bodhi Tree Heart, Luo Xia still has many doubts.

But the owner of the Eternal Fire Crystal was naturally determined a long time ago.

But other summoned beasts, such as the Moon Devouring Blood Willow, will give you all kinds of, sacrifices, and dog legs when they want something.

Another example is the earth spirit stone people, that is even more hungry, directly rushed up with you to eat the earth spirit crystal as a biscuit, thick skin is not embarrassed at all.

They call it milk.

As a result, you don’t scream, this is what I can do.

As the master, I can’t take the initiative to send you over, right? What a loss!

Luo Xia, who was in this mood, could only provoke Liexia helplessly.

As a result, in the face of Roxia’s words with obvious intentions.

Lie Xia was unmoved, she was still seriously preparing the meal.

“In this catastrophic war, Liexia failed to help the master in the slightest!”

“On the contrary, when facing the Lava Demon King, I was almost affected by it!”

“Liexia is not only useless, but has had! Under such circumstances, how dare you ask for luxury? ”

“If you say you want something, just ask the master to let me follow all the time, and don’t drive me away!”

Liexia said this very seriously.

It turned out that she was naturally arrogant, and she blamed and chagrined herself for her powerlessness in this disaster.

This made Luo Xia a little speechless, and at the same time, he felt more and more pity for this beautiful pet who was so well-behaved and all-round.

“Who said you didn’t contribute?”

“Aren’t you also one of the main forces in the battle of the Red Flame Demon Wolf?”

“Isn’t it a contribution for you to give us all a celebration banquet after the disaster?”

“Don’t be presumptuous, okay! Learn more about the blood wolf, the same is not helpful at all, not still faceless and skinless wagging his tail and waiting for food! ”

Luo Xia straightened his face, half reprimanded, half comforting.

At the kitchen door, he picked up a bone thrown by Luo Xia and gnawed the fragrant Swift Wind Blood Wolf: “Woof? ”

“It’s different! These are all things that Lie Xia should do as a guard! ”

Liexia was still stubborn and had already begun to serve the plate outward.

The hearty meal is ready, and Luo Xia and the beasts, who have just experienced a mental tension war, can rest and enjoy a wave, and then make plans for the future.

Luo Xia was a little sore: Is this beautiful summoning beast considered disobedient? Isn’t it time to teach a lesson?

“Then I must give you the Eternal Fire Crystal?”

“You will give me food today, and you will evolve for me tomorrow!”

Soft can’t work, Luo Xia decided to come hard, he didn’t believe that a summoned beast could withstand the temptation of evolution.

I thought that when Liexia was still in the state of a flying eagle, when he saw the heart of flame with a hot head, he almost choked himself on gluttony.

As a result, I didn’t expect that Lie Xia, the little broken bird, was stubborn and really resolute enough.

She really resisted the temptation.

“Nothing! I don’t want it! Ask the master to leave such peerless treasures to a stronger summoned beast! ”

Hearing this, Luo Xia was immediately ‘furious’.

“Okay, since you’re so stubborn!”

“Then let’s take this big meal today as a loose meal!”

“After eating, you will no longer be my summoned beast!”

“Where do you like to go, I don’t leave a weak chicken who will always stay in the C level and have no potential!”

Luo Xia’s decisive words frightened Lie Xia’s hands trembled, and she almost threw off the plate.

She quickly put the dish on the head of the Swift Wind Blood Wolf who was waiting on the side, turned around and begged to explain.

“Master, Liexia didn’t mean that!”

“I’ll try to evolve! I also have the confidence to break through the bottleneck of a handsome ferocious beast with my own efforts! ”

“I’ll get stronger and keep up with you! If you help you, it’s not too late for you to reward me! ”

Luo Xia grimaced and snorted coldly.

“What’s the use of getting stronger? A summoned beast that does not obey my orders, no matter how strong it is, it is also a hidden danger for me! ”

“How can I disobey… Liexia has always been only your orders from…”

“Then refine this Fire Crystal for me! Grow up at the fastest speed, increase my Honolulu heritage, and promote my Luoxia’s prestige! ”


Liexia still hesitated, and the arrogant bird was really stubborn at some point.


As a result, Luo Xia suddenly raised his hand and slapped her on the porpoise, forcefully interrupting her words.

“Listen to me! This is an order…”

Liexia’s face instantly turned red, so red that it almost dripped blood.

She glanced at Luo Xia with silky eyes, and her voice became delicate and gentle, and there was no longer the slightest intention of stubbornly resisting.

“Yes! Lie Xia obeys the master’s order…”

“That’s right!”

“Go, eat a celebration banquet together! Celebrate this victory in the war, celebrate Honolulu getting better, celebrate your upcoming advance! ”

Luo Xia laughed loudly and greeted enthusiastically, and also lost the coldness of pretending to be a little bit before.

Liexia’s face was still rosy, and her walking movements were a little weird, and she quickly moved to help bring various dishes to the table.


In the courtyard, tables with bamboo and rattan green leaves are filled with hot dishes.

The Tuling Stone People also temporarily stopped guarding the mountain gate.

At this moment, it is sitting at the table, tapping the dinner plate with a stone finger, shouting that it was reprimanded by Luo Xia when the meal was opened: Stupid, be careful to break the plate, take your belly to serve the dish today!

The Swift Blood Wolf had the dish on his head, and he tried to put it on the table with great difficulty, but almost knocked it over.

When it screamed anxiously and had no one to help, it almost became angry and turned into a werewolf on the spot and did it by itself.

Calling the rain furiously stood aside, saying that he did not eat any fish ‘kind’, but when Luo Xia forcibly poured a spoonful of fish soup, it was really fragrant on the spot.

Next to the noisy table, a tree vine secretly dragged away a rabbit leg, which was the Bodhi Moon Willow who cultivated and evolved and couldn’t help but come to make fun.

It who dared to steal the best piece of meat specially prepared for Luoxia, was naturally chased and killed by Liexia, and almost burned its head, but did not dare to resist Liexia, the Honolulu… Big sister, big lady?

[Borrow this celebration banquet in the book, once again wish everyone a happy new year! ] 】

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