Under the gaze of countless people.

Luo Xia and Miao Wanzhou walked in from outside the door.

The two men are handsome and beautiful, radiant.

The most important thing is that both of them are young, and they have the strong strength of a high-level martial artist.

Luoxia Martial Master Seventh Order, many days of intensive cultivation after the war, has even pushed his cultivation to the point of almost the eighth order of Martial Master.

And Miao Wanzhou is a stable martial artist of the ninth order.

She comes from a famous family, and she is carefully taught by her sister Miao on weekdays, so she has the strength of the eighth order of martial arts.

In this war, she single-handedly controlled the entire city array, and the experience and pressure of almost controlling a domain also gave her a lot of insight in the spatial field.

Therefore, after the war, she seized the opportunity to cultivate hard, and she also came directly to the ninth order of martial arts.

If she is given enough time, it may not be impossible for the Miao sisters to directly become two grandmasters.

But now time is urgent, and the foreign Zhao family, resisting the power of Wuzun, wants to play a trick on Donghai City.

Therefore, the two sisters of the Miao family can only move Luoxia, a guy whose strength cannot be measured by common sense, out of the town.


“Luo Xia, you are here! Let me introduce you…”

“These two are the grandmasters who guard Triumph City, Triumph Alliance Lord Zhao Zunxin, and Zhao Men Zuo Zhiyuan Liu Guangyuan!”

“They are all Xuan-level elders of the Martial Alliance, and in the future, if we stay in Donghai City, we will still work together!”

Miao Yufeng stood up, still doing his best to introduce everyone with the ‘friendship of landlords’.

“This is the Beast Taming Master Luoxia I mentioned to everyone in Triumph City!”

“He is the main combat force that we can hold Donghai City this time! It can be said that he is the great benefactor of the entire Donghai City! ”

“Now, my Donghai City Martial Alliance elder is missing, and I am preparing to absorb him into the Martial Alliance and increase the combat power of my headquarters!”

Miao Yufeng and Luo Xia glanced at each other.

Her eyes, which had always been resolute and unyielding, were full of grimness at this moment.

This made Luo Xia realize the importance of the matter.

What they want to grab is probably not just the dominance of Donghai City…

That being the case, for Donghai City, for the Miao family sisters who have a good relationship with themselves, and for Luoxia himself.

This Xuan-level elder, he should be determined.

“Guys, don’t come unharmed!”

“After the battle, I gained a lot!”

“So I hurriedly went back to the mountain retreat to break through, so I delayed this honorary elder’s matter until today!”

“Trouble everyone, forgive me!”

Luo Xia made a decision in his heart, and naturally entered the role.

He cleverly transferred his promotion to the elder of the Martial Alliance into something that the Martial Alliance of Donghai City had already decided.

What was planned was naturally to prevent outsiders who had not participated in the Donghai City War at all from interfering.

“Now that disaster is at stake, it is naturally the most important thing to cultivate! Congratulations to Mr. Luo Xia for his refinement! ”

“You have done your deeds to save the whole city! For your praise and preferential treatment, no matter how long it drags on, Wu Meng will definitely honor it! ”

“I will be working with Elder Luo in the future, this is my honor to wait!” The old man congratulated in advance! ”

The elders of the East Sea City Martial Alliance naturally understood Luo Xia’s meaning in seconds.

They echoed one after another, as if they were about to give Luo Xia the matter of promoting him to an honorary elder.

Zhao Zunxin stood up.

After he became a Martial Venerable, he was a Grandmaster-level powerhouse himself.

Although the disaster was not handled very well, so that Triumph City was lost, how could he be willing to succumb to others?

Not to mention, in his mind, he also thought that Donghai City was stained with his father’s light this time.

“Stop saying those polite words! Today’s meeting of the Martial Alliance is not here to recognize people! Idle people, etc. do not need to be introduced. ”

“I don’t care how much credit you have before, nor how prestigious this outsider is!”

“Let me just say one thing, since the history of the Martial Alliance, whether it is the General Alliance or the Xuan-level elders of the major sub-alliances, the first condition for promotion is to cultivate to reach the Martial Dao Grandmaster level, right?”

“How? This tradition is useful in the General Alliance of the Martial Alliance, but there is a special case in your Donghai City Branch? ”

“As a Xuan-level elder, the real-name system agrees with your promotion of Huang-level elders! But the Xuan-level … This is not something you can decide with your lips! ”

Zhao Zunxin’s attitude was very tough, and he said it to death as soon as he came up.

The reason why he agreed to Luo Xia’s promotion to a yellow-level elder was because even if Luo Xia was promoted.

Donghai City and his subordinates also tied at most.

At that time, if they cannot decide on their own, this matter will definitely continue to be reported.

As long as he stabs the matter to the top, and then troubles his father again and lets his father be the master, the dominance of this new Donghai City will still fall into his hands steadily.

His strong attitude made everyone in the Miao style frown.

You, a second-generation official who fled, are so tough before you take office, if you really gain dominance.

Then you will still treat us, the elders of the original team, as people?

At present, Miao Yufeng and others also fought for reason.

“Luo Xia has the rank of the seventh rank of martial artist at a young age, and it is almost inevitable to be promoted to grandmaster in the future!”

“And his current overall combat strength is already enough to suppress the handsome lava demon king!”

“He is a tamer, and his combat effectiveness cannot be taken at face value. He obviously has the combat power of the grandmaster level, and even defeated the fierce beast of the grandmaster level! ”

“This kind of strength, this kind of merit, can’t give an honorary elder of the Martial Alliance? Then is our Martial Alliance also a little too old-fashioned? ”

“If the Martial Alliance is always so exclusive, then was the original intention of Lord Martial God to establish the Martial Alliance to unite all the Terran combat forces?”

He Zhao Zunxin took the headquarters of the Martial Alliance to pressure people, and Na Miao Yufeng and the others directly moved out of the Martial God, that legendary S-class bigwig.

This made this meeting of the Armed Forces Alliance just begin, and it entered a white-hot stage of debate.

Luo Xia and Miao Wanzhou were still standing there, and when they saw this scene, they were a little speechless, and a trace of anger rose in their hearts, ready to say something.

In Luo Xia’s ears, a system prompt suddenly sounded.

“Shh, prompt host, your exclusive summoned beast Moon Devouring Blood Willow has devoured the experience and power of Bodhi Muxin, and successfully evolved into a B-level summoned beast Bodhi Moon Willow!”

“Congratulations, with 30% bloodline sharing, your wood attribute affinity has been greatly improved!”

After several days of devouring cultivation, Bodhi Moon Willow was finally enough to compete for qi, and he was actually promoted at such a critical moment!

This undoubtedly provided Luo Xia with great confidence support, making him more confident in this debate.

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