Paying the price of a house, curbing the ambitions of the gang of people who fled Triumphal City.

Overall, Miao Yufeng and others are completely acceptable.

After discussing the specific resettlement of refugees and the planning and construction of the new city, the meeting was declared a successful conclusion.

The others dispersed in turn, disseminating and carrying out various orders.

Luo Xia is an honorary elder of the Xuan level, who has a respected status, but is not really within the system, and has no mission in a non-critical moment.

Therefore, he naturally followed the two sisters of the Miao family and came directly to the alliance master’s office.

This makes countless people envious.

Hey, this handsome man and beautiful woman, and they are all geniuses, and they have just helped solve big trouble, will there be something to thank the plot?

Ahem… Of course not.

First of all, it was not mentioned that Luo Xia did not have this intention at all, and the stern looks of the two sisters made Luo Xia have no desire to play.

This incident is obviously not just a matter of transferring rights in a city.

Wu Zun’s interference in the management of a city was obviously for other purposes.

“Luo Xia, thank you for your help! It’s really bothering you today! ”

“From now on, the Martial Alliance will give you offerings according to the highest standards of Xuan-level elders!”

Miao Yufeng said while also handing Luo Xia a list of offerings.

Credit points 500,000 / month, attribute spar 30 pieces / month, solid pill 10 / month, Pei Ling Pill 15 / month, Wumeng forging room and Wumeng latent cultivation room free of charge for 15 days/month…

The benefits that the Martial Alliance gave to the honorary elders were still quite a lot, and even the unified martial arts uniforms issued by Yu had functions such as affinity aura and increased defense.

This made Luo Xia very satisfied.

“It’s okay, it’s just to show my face! I also don’t want to change the leader of Donghai City, which I just got acquainted with! ”

“Moreover, I can’t get used to this kind of thing that is obviously a dog who lost his family, but still has a thick skin to plunder the fruits of others’ victories!”

Luo Xia expressed his condemnation, but his words also implied the meaning of inquiry.

He was wondering what kind of background this master who could be so domineering was.

He is not afraid of getting into trouble, but he is afraid that after getting into trouble, he will be kept in the dark by his own people.

Miao Yufeng obviously also heard the hidden meaning in Luo Xia’s words, and she was still thinking about how to say it.

Miao Wanzhou had already preempted and set it out.

In her mind, Luo Xia is her own family, and people have just helped a lot with thunder, so naturally they can’t hide it.

“Speaking of which, this can also be regarded as a high-level power struggle in our East China Military Region, which has affected us little shrimp!”

“This matter has to start with Zhao Jia Wuzun…”

Just like the name Zhao Zongfeng, he coincided with the troubled times, and the highest realm he had imagined after becoming a martial artist and changing his name was only a martial arts grandmaster.

He went through that chaotic dark age and struggled all his life, and finally promoted to grandmaster at the age of seventy.

At this point, because he is too old, his promotion road is basically over, and the loss of blood qi and the fact that the realm does not retreat are the limits of what he can do.

So, in order to pave the way for the benefit of future generations.

Zhao Zongfeng set his sights on the Martial Alliance and the official forces.

When he entered the officialdom with his own strength and rose all the way, he happened to collide with the father of the Miao family sisters, Miao Qingshan Zhenglu.

The two fought for three years for the post of supreme commander of the East China Military Region.

In the end, Miao Qingshan, who was younger, had more potential, had more merits, and had joined the Martial Alliance since the beginning of the warriors, so he was well-rooted, won the victory.

Miao Qingshan became a prefecture-level elder of the Wu League, became a town general of the East China Military Region, responsible for coordinating against the demons of the Qinling Mountains, and also commanding millions of warriors in East China.

Because of the darkness he experienced in his early years, Zhao Zongfeng only joined the Wu Alliance halfway to fight for the country.

Therefore, after losing the battle, he has been working under Miao Qingshan, developing his network and cultivating his descendant family.

Time flies by.

Miao Qingshan has made meritorious achievements in resisting demons, and has secured the position of the first general of the town, not to mention, but also fought more and more bravely, and finally reached the peak of the martial arts grandmaster, only one step away from entering the realm of martial arts!

And Zhao Zongfeng, who was already seventy-five years old at that time, even if he was supported by the countless resources of the Martial Alliance, he was only in the seventh realm of Grandmaster.

Such a huge gap in strength and status makes the battle between the two have long lost any suspense.

Even, the vast majority of warriors gradually forgot the time when the two had taken the throne.

Zhao Zongfeng heard the name of the Fire Crystal, took a trip to Donghai City, and met the Lava Demon King at his peak.

One man and one fierce beast, fighting the sky darkly.

Zhao Zongfeng wasted half his life, and even bet on his famous weapon, the Treasure Jade Linglong Pagoda, to suppress the Lava Demon King.

This battle was fought very hard, and after sealing the Lava Demon King, the old Zhao Zongfeng himself had no breath left.

The fact is not at all like the mouths of the warriors of Donghai City.

The big man of the Martial Zun Realm suppressed the lava demon king with one palm, but forgot to kill it, so it was as simple as leaving behind the calamity.

At that time, Zhao Zongfeng was lucky to survive.

And the reason why, in this legendary story, the name of Wuzun will be mixed with it is because…

When the support of the Wu Alliance arrived, he prepared to treat Zhao Zongfeng, who had been seriously injured in the intelligence.

Zhao Zongfeng stepped out of the current Pagoda Mountain Range in one step, and his figure stood dashingly in the air.

Not only did he not have the appearance of being seriously injured in the intelligence, but he also crossed the three major realms of Grandmaster at the age of seventy-five and directly promoted to the realm of Martial Venerable.

At this point, Zhao Zongfeng was like an unlucky supporting role that had bottomed out, not only had a longer lifespan, but also became a real high-level and alternative heaven-level elder of the Martial Alliance headquarters!

With stronger strength and a greater name, he has developed the wings of the Zhao family more and more aggressively over the years.

He renamed his son Zhao Zunxin, intending to give birth to the second Wuzun of the Zhao family.

He also missed his early rival Miao Qingshan.

But because Miao Qingshan had outstanding achievements, and now he was just over fifty years old and had already reached the peak of the Grandmaster, he also had the potential to enter the Martial Venerable.

Therefore, Wu Meng naturally couldn’t suppress such a Tianjiao meritorious minister because of one, to be honest, Wu Zun, who had a somewhat strange way to be promoted.

After Wushen appeared to mediate and gave Zhao Zongfeng and the Zhao family more favorable treatment, the matter was completely settled.

Zhao Zongfeng did not make any other major moves except to stuff his son into the East China region to serve as the city lord of a city.

It wasn’t until this disaster struck that Triumph City was destroyed a little too easily, and the contradiction between the Miao Zhao family was provoked again.

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