Zhao Zongfeng back then, as the lucky one who controlled the Demon Township Tower, used the battle method to summon all kinds of fierce beasts, which was still more logical.

But what he summoned… This is another aura + fierce soul condensation, and it is also summoning void monsters, and the number is really a bit much.

This caught Luo Xia a little off guard.

Fortunately, fighting this kind of thing has never been the one who has the most numbers and who is awesome.

Luo Xia, as a decent beast trainer, although he was crushed in terms of quantity, his quality was high.

Not to mention that on the attached battlefield over there, Lie Xia led all the beasts and used the characteristics of the five elements to cooperate closely with each other.

With a slightly weaker overall strength, press the gang of fierce souls and fierce beasts that only have souls left, full of tyranny and madness, and fight without order.

It’s just this group of void monsters that Luo Xia faces.

He is also completely crushed, the kind of crushing that does not need to be touched.


Zhao Zongfeng seemed to be in a hurry, and he activated the Void Tree Seed in his body like crazy.

The whole person was wrapped in black-purple energy, and even the skin faintly mutated into purple, becoming less and less human-like.

He was feeding on his own flesh and aura, offering sacrifices to summon those void monsters to come…

The dark void passage with an extremely strange aura was stretched up bigger and bigger.

Among them, there were also monsters with a strange breath and very peculiar appearance.

Among them are black octopuses attached to the sky, among them are ancient xenomorph two-headed wolves, and there are thousand-eyed spiders with dense phobias…

Because he was proficient in the art of summoning, the Void Monsters summoned by Zhao Zongfeng were extremely numerous, hundreds of them, although their strength was uneven.

In the end, the strongest one that popped out was a huge monster with a mouth that accounted for most of its body!

This is…… Void Eater?

Oh yes, after it was pierced by Ying Long’s mouth, it painfully left the battle.

But it did not die, and the early injury exited the field, so that it luckily avoided Ying Long’s last frost outbreak and luckily picked up a life.

This kind of void monster does not look like a fragile type of life itself.

So…… Is this a comeback?

What Luo Xia hates the most is to make a comeback!

With these thoughts circulating in his mind, Luo Xia also slowly narrowed his eyes, and there was anger condensation in his eyes.

He clenched the dragon sword in his hand, his momentum was constantly rising, and the dragon sword with the dragon head as the hilt seemed to feel the anger that Luo Xia was about to erupt.

A blue and white dragon shadow, with a low roar, broke away from the dragon sword, twisted and circled all the way up Luo Xia’s arm, came to his shoulder, and stared coldly at this group of void monsters with him!


“Little bunny! You forced me! ”

“I haven’t used such terrifying power in years!”

“That’s because Lao Tzu doesn’t want to do things too well! Everyone who has seen this power in me is all dead! The dead are clean, not a single one is left! ”

“And you guys! Everyone here, don’t think about leaving today! ”

His expression became crazy, and his appearance was like Zhao Zongfeng, who had turned into an alien, and roared ferociously and tyrannically.

The increasingly overflowing void energy in his body finally escaped and condensed into a pair of sharp bone wings on his back.

Sharp horns grew on his forehead, and he eventually became like the legend of Western mythology… Demon gargoyles?

He himself has also turned into a most powerful, Martial Venerable-level Void Monster…

He has all the characteristics of the Void Monster, decaying, evil, and destructive, and he has made the name of a traitor.

In addition, with his own strength skyrocketing and backed by countless void monsters, Zhao Zongfeng seemed to have the capital to kill everyone present.

However, the Void and Void Monsters behind it, which provided him with infinite confidence, did not think so.


The dragon head on Luo Xia’s shoulder was roaring lowly, and the dragon power around Luo Xia’s body was condensed to the extreme.

This powerful force that once burst the Void Devourer and almost killed it in seconds can be described as unforgettable.

Driven by its excitement that it felt like it could be devoured after descending into the real world, the roar that had just half roared stuck in its throat.

It lowered its head cautiously and glanced at Luo Xia cautiously.

Kindness…… It’s an acquaintance.

Kindness…… Is it Ying Long!!!


The Void Devourer fiercely closed its newly opened mouth, and then covered its mouth with its completely disproportionate small short hand, as if afraid that Luo Xia would give it another mouthstorm!


It screamed anxiously, as if it was eagerly informing some intelligence.

After the notification.

It quickly turned around, as if fleeing for its life, and burrowed back into the void passage, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

The remaining void creatures also felt the ultimate Ying Long power on Luo Xia’s body.

They who were in the Void and attached to the branches next to the Void Tree body naturally knew about the previous battle.

The Void Tree’s tree spirit doppelganger was all killed by this terrifying Ying Long.

Countless void monsters that were originally in the void and were considered immortal were all wiped out in the battle against Ying Long, and the dead could no longer die.

Such a strong enemy that even the Void Tree itself does not want to touch easily.

What qualifications do these Void Monsters have to commit murder?


In an even more panicked and sharp hiss, the remaining Void Monsters also scrambled, as if they were afraid of being left behind into the Void Passage.

They fled en masse.

Even, even the energy that escaped in the void channel pulled back a part of the void, causing the larger and larger black-purple space to shrink by more than half.

Zhao Zongfeng, this summoning Liuwu Venerable, just spent a lot of money, and the number of combat power completed crushed the advantage…

was frightened by Luo Xia’s eyes.

Zhao Zongfeng, who was shouting madly, was stunned: “??? ”

The people who paid attention to the main battlefield either worshipped or looked sad: “…”

Miao Yufeng and Miao Wanzhou sisters opened their rosy little mouths: “…”


Well, it seems that the previous battles were not all in vain, and they still have a little deterrent effect.

The anger in Luo Xia’s eyes dissipated a little.

“What do you say? The Void Helpers you summoned seem to be a little afraid of me?” ”

The moment the words sounded, Luo Xia turned into a thunder shadow again, and quickly appeared in front of Zhao Zongfeng like thunder.

So…… Is this the end of it?

The dragon sword and the dragon soul burst out in unison, and Luo Xia’s dragon sword pulled out thousands of thunders, and no longer gave Zhao Zongfeng any chance to slash down.

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