Chapter 1279 This time I listen to you!

“Yeah… the expected collision didn’t happen…”

After Andrew looked at the sky and the blue and black tips were actually retreating from each other, there was a hint of surprise in his voice: “This new guy is really unpredictable…”

“Um…really?” Andrew frowned on the side: “Maybe it’s just a test that I can’t hold it…”

“Then it has to have capital…” Andrew smiled: “That’s a wounded dragon. You can test if you want? You can leave if you try?”

Diana was silent, and she understood the other party’s meaning very well. To get this, at least the size is not low, and the ability to retreat after testing proves that she has enough strength.

Suddenly, she became more and more confused. There were so many things encountered in this incident. Can the Emerald Dream really exist?

“What do we do now?” Diana looked at each other: “Where are we going?”

“Two places…” In the black mist, Andrew stretched out a pair of pale fingers: “Where do you think we should go?”

“Two places?” Diana was taken aback: “What do you mean?”

“Hey…” Andrew sighed slightly, “What the hell did Ysera teach?”

Diana: “……..”

Andrew: “In the original plan, we divided our troops into five and destroyed the five main cores. If we achieve the goal, we will win all five. The Emerald Dream will temporarily stagnate due to the destruction of the main core. Side effects will definitely break out. In that case, neither the Emerald Dream itself nor the strange demon are considered for the time being. We see each other’s truth and decide the outcome internally, and the winner can enjoy the final. The fruits of victory…”

“Is the situation different now?” Diana frowned, “Although it could not be completely eliminated, the strange demon must have been greatly injured. At this time, its threat is obviously not as good as before. By then, it will not be an internal decision. Victory?”

“Different…” Andrew shook his head: “This strange monster is more important than you think. Even if it only controls half of the core, it is no small matter. Our loose alliance is not necessarily an opponent…”

Diana was taken aback when she heard the words, so powerful?

But if you think about it, one can infect the Emerald Dream in such a short time, and infect it without Ysera’s consciousness. This strange monster is definitely extraordinary…

“Then the point of decisive victory is different…” Andrew smiled: “In the previous situation, it was just that they saw the truth, but now it is different. Two unresolved cores will become the points of contention.”

Diana: “You said two places were infected?”

“Yes…” Andrew nodded: “The damaged core needs to be repaired, and it cannot be completed in a short time. Even restarting the Emerald Dream in the future requires temporarily training other star points to replace the damaged core and restarting. This is a big project. Even if I have a professional team, it would take millions of years, but the remaining two are not the same. Although these two cores are infected, they can temporarily control the Emerald Dream. Just master With them, you will be able to take the initiative later…”

Speaking of his pale fingers drawing a star map in the air, the huge emerald dream was actually completed by his hand in an instant. Looking at the whole star map, Diana pursed her mouth.

“The Emerald Dream is made by imitating the Federation star map, with the center and the five cores at the four corners of the south, east, and northwest. The cores we destroyed represent the middle star region, the south star region, and the north star region. The remaining two star regions happen to be They are in a straight line and are not close, so we can only go to one place and only have time to try to grab one of them…”

“Um… Which one is more certain?” Diana asked in a daze.

“I don’t know…” Andrew shook his head: “My disciple Vogu is in charge of the one in the Western Star Territory. He didn’t know if his strength was not allowed or he didn’t take it deliberately to create this situation… .”

“You don’t know the strength of your disciple?” Diana immediately found a complaint: “It seems that you are a very ordinary teacher…”

“I’ve been dead for a long time…” Andrew faintly said: “And my disciple is very talented. There are so many people in this world. I haven’t seen him for so long. I don’t know what his strength is. unusual?”

“You really have your own misconceptions in everything…” Diana not only complained: “Then you are also your disciple anyway, you should be more sure about it, right?”

Andrew: “It’s bigger, but he’s not the only one…”

Diana: “Who else?”

“The two fairies…” Andrew pointed to the sky: “One of them is the guy who cut that sword just now…”

Diana followed her eyes when she heard the words, and she twitched the corners of her mouth slightly when she saw the sky that was still being cut apart and not recovered: “Are they in the same group?”

“I think it is…” Andrew said quietly, “If my apprentice hadn’t provided coordinates all the time, how could that guy keep up every time I open the entrance to the dead world?”

“Is that so?” Diana glanced at the cut sky again: “Uh…what about the other one?”

“The other one is also very troublesome…” Andrew said quietly: “The two high-level mercenaries are both agile, and they are very restrained from undead like me. There is also a master who is proficient in space arcane arts at any time. , The most important thing is that little lord…”

“You mean the little guy with the helmet?” Diana frowned.

“Um…” Andrew nodded: “A very troublesome guy. He has a killer trick. Although he doesn’t know what it is, it is enough to kill me…” After a pause, he said in an accentuated tone: “Let me The kind that can’t come back!”

As soon as he said this, Diana was taken aback, her expression turned a little horrified…

The kind that can’t come back?

She has never been in the Emerald Dream, and has never seen undead before, but she also knows the meaning of this sentence. Normally undead will not die. They can only be forced to disperse and force them to return to the dead.

But if the opponent’s soul can be hit hard enough that even if it returns to the dead world, it will not be able to reconsolidate consciousness, then even if it is a true death, the dead will be directly absorbed by the dead world and become a part of the dead world ahead of time!

Dead…. Naturally, I can’t come back…

This is generally difficult to do, at least one level higher than the power of the undead!

But he is Andrew, one of the Ten Great Liches, what is the power a level higher than it? Ten lords? Or the top life-level bosses behind those royal families?

“Are you kidding?” Diana frowned.

Andrew: “I never make such a low-level joke…”

Diana: “……..”

What kind of monsters are these people?

“Don’t be in a daze…” Looking at Diana with a confused look, Andrew urged: “Hurry up and choose, this time…I’ll listen to you!”

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