Chapter 1339 The Fifth Magic City…

Not many people know the news that the rain girl has come back, but even if someone knows, it is not too much for ordinary players. In their perception, they are just a group of lucky people who came to Xinghai earlier than them. That’s it, there are fewer and fewer intersections now.

In the past, new equipment or new training room functions appeared in the main base. Everyone can join in the excitement. Now it is managed by the city owner. Even the most active strategy master Lu Grandpa has disappeared for almost half a year. The group is loved by people. Le Dao’s old player gradually faded out of sight.

However, the news that broke out of the headquarters the next day suddenly ignited the enthusiasm of the entire Mars…

That is, the New Territories that have been closed for a few months will be reopened within a few days, and the New Territories will be opened and a new starry sky battlefield will be opened at the same time. There are more land and more resources waiting for new players to explore and conquer. As soon as the news came out, The entire Xinghai, both old and new players are in ecstasy…

For the old players, these months of blockade are considered to be the most frustrated months for them. Although other new players cannot go out and develop, they are making money in the city, but they are losing money. …..

A lot of people, accommodation, and food are all money. Except for a few lords who have taken over the big order of city construction, most of the lords and players are now idle…

The key is that the people under their hands need to eat…..especially those agricultural players who raise high-level orcs and griffins. After the land is gone, all the food has to be purchased from the city, which is not considered to be an upgrade. The soldiers need money for medicine…..

Every day I go out with a lot of money and money. Many lord players feel distressed, and I finally realize the mood of the boss who allows employees to take paid vacations…..

If you don’t go out and let your subordinates do things, many lord players say they are going to go bankrupt…..

Needless to say, new players have long been longing for Life where they can lay down their own territories and become the lord. Many players who meet the standard have long been impatient, and the channel is closed. They can only compete with other novice players. Continue mining the same…..

Many times I feel like this new world is not tricking them into absenteeism…

At this time, as soon as I heard it was about to reopen one by one, it was like a Chinese New Year, and the streets and alleys of the six major cities were caught in a carnival…

Including the most serious internal division of the city today…the fifth city…


Fifth city:

Nowadays, which city has the most rejection of players in Central China is the fifth city. The players who were attracted by Beimi’s free villas and high-paying jobs can now be said to be miserable.

The fifth city does not have the obvious racial protection mechanism like the first city. This makes it easy for players in Central China to occupy the market. The players in Central China are more efficient in the absentee field, and the elf players in Central China on the farm have better natural talents. , The products that are grown are better, the Huazhong elves are more friendly in the pasture industry, and the elements and pastures that are cultivated are also better.

Not to mention the handicraft industry. The owners of many restaurants, blacksmith shops, and industrial estates are obviously more inclined to recruit more efficient players in Central China. This makes many foreign players who are already unbalanced in their hearts become more dissatisfied, and racists take the opportunity to pick things up. The shareholder group is isolated, and the fifth city with the largest foreign population slowly began to completely isolate the player group in Central China.

If the mining efficiency is not enough, just take turns to seize the pit. The number of people is agreed to continue to occupy the pit, and the number of places is not allowed to let the players in Central China have the opportunity to work. The same is true of the ranch and farms, and every time the players in Central China are not angry with some other players. After disputes and scuffles broke out, urban law enforcement officials also favored white players.

This has caused most white players to become more unscrupulous. Nowadays, mines and ranches are almost occupied by white players, and they are becoming more and more exaggerated.

The city officials are biased towards white players, and other ethnic groups have also turned to white players. The situation is that Asanyi and some other ethnic population players usually work in absenteeism occupied by white players and turn in a certain share every day. Filial piety, so as to be completely supported, and completely excluded players from Central China…

Now in the fifth city, players in Central China who want to earn points can only go to the city service industry or handicraft industry…

At this time, on the night when the news of the opening of the New Territories broke out, a group of tall green titans gathered in a remote and concentrated location around a bonfire, seeming to be discussing something.

If you listen carefully, you will find that these Green Titans all speak Mandarin Chinese…

“The salary is cut again. The Tabasco Blacksmith Shop in Dog Day. When will we get the money to go to the New Territories? Now that the New Territories are about to open up, my cousin who is in China City said he has already You can set off at any time when you are ready, Ma Dan, labor and capital can come three months before him, and now they have not even collected half of the money!!”

Among a group of players, one of the Titan players burst into swearing, and his whole body was violent. It seemed that he was irritable and wanted to find someone to fight…

“Calm down, Amin…” In the fire, a slender elf gave him a blank look. If he was here, he would be able to recognize him from the silhouette of the opponent. This was the one who followed him all the time. Police Constable Yang Rui…..

“How to calm down?” The Titan Urn called Amin said: “They are already unscrupulous!”

“They have been unscrupulous a long time ago, did you know today?” Yang Rui rolled his eyes and said: “You didn’t unite in the city loan financing for business, and you have lost your last chance!”

Everyone was silent after hearing this…

Yang Rui’s prediction two months ago is now true, but now it’s too late to say anything…

The owner of the fifth city first started to promote the creation of a free economic city. As a result, the loan first cultivated some capitalists…..

Originally in the early stage of the city, with the exception of the high-level players in China City, individual players didn’t have the capital to open shops and the like, but the fifth city issued loans in the early stage for commercial support, and the target of lending was not surprisingly natural. It is the former high-level capital family of Beimi!

The city owner’s reason is still very valid, saying that the city’s resources are limited, and a small number of resources should be given to experienced and more likely people to drive the economy. Loans to corporate elites must be more efficient than loans to a diaosi, right? You don’t believe that giving money to a dick can drive the economy, do you?

The elites get loans, first establish a part of advanced industrial product manufacturing, build competitiveness externally, and provide more jobs internally that earn points. Isn’t it multiple actions?

Doesn’t it sound wrong?

But think about it carefully, if you don’t pay anything, then the old world elites can get loans out of thin air to build an advantage before other players. So what’s the difference between everything and before?

It was so obvious that a leaky argument was supported by a group of players at the time, including a lot of rice-style Huazhong players…..

The result is now…

After obtaining loans, some capital families rely on the design drawings in the R&D center to produce a lot of newly-built industrial products, which are exported to the other four major cities, and even flow into the D-ball black market for auction at sky-high prices.

Can these profits have anything to do with ordinary player gross?

According to the survey data of the headquarters, among the 156,445 players in the fifth city, 70% of the city’s wealth is actually concentrated in the hands of less than 200 players… The newly established city is a brand-new platform that everyone yearns for. In less than half a year, the gap between the rich and the poor has been widened so much. I have to say that the fifth city owner, the old capitalist…

But it’s all okay. If most ordinary players are squeezed in this way, everyone can still have fun, but even among the squeezed, it’s also seriously engulfed. Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps, and Nowadays, the status of Huazhong players in the fifth city is similar to that of Xiami…

The white players openly occupied the mines and ranches under the eccentricity of the city law enforcement officers to obtain points. The Asanyi and other ethnic minorities took the form of licking dogs and turned in their shares to obtain a certain chance of survival. Of course, there were also players in Central China who didn’t want to cheat at all. I also licked the dog and went to the mine to hand in the filial piety money to people. The key is to be bullied by some Asanyi players even if they are wronged to that point….

Of course, it’s not completely dead. At least the handicraft managers run by the big capitalists need better-qualified players in Central China. After all, the manual efficiency is higher…..

But this has not made the players in Central China feel better. Because of the discriminated and isolated market, the factory owners can also unscrupulously squeeze them, and continue to deduct wages. Your efficiency and technology are good, but I just want to suppress your wages. You do it. Don’t do it? What you don’t do is some people do…

This is the current status of the Fifth City…It is very magical…The Fifth City that claims that every breath is free air…

And now, Yang Rui and a group of Huazhong players gathered together to discuss matters after the opening of the New Territories, because after the opening of the New Territories, it may be their last chance…

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