Chapter 1552

“Star?” The mountain giant praised the name, and then shook his head: “Nameless junior, how can my master have time to see you and leave quickly.”

Su Dong sighed, how long has it been, how long no one has said that he is an unknown junior. However, this mountain giant is a guard, although he is the master of the world, he should be the servant of Mengzu.

These are successful in the practice of dreams, because they can be easily guided, and they can quietly control the soul of the strong when they enter the dream. So there are many servants of the same level.

This is also the reason why few world masters dare to deal with powerful men such as Mengzu and Tianmenghe Realm Master. I’m afraid.

Su Dong smiled and said, “Please tell Mengzu, Mengzu knows that he will naturally show up.”

“Huh?” The mountain giant was angry. Master of this world, is this intentionally saying that he is shallow?

“Get out of here!”


The mountain giant raised his foot and slammed towards Su Dong.

“So bad temper?” Su Dong shook his head and raised his hand. A silvery white crystal layer with a touch of golden light appeared on the palm of his hand.


The soles of the extremely tall mountain giants are also made of special materials. They are extremely hard and contain powerful power at the moment. Su Dong appears small. The sole of the foot fell, but then burst…exploded.

It’s not that tiny Su Dong was trampled on. Instead, the soles of the mountain giant’s feet exploded directly, and the divine body flew upside down, banging down on the huge world rock behind him.

The mountain giant was startled and looked at Su Dong in awe, especially at his palm covered with crystal layer.

Slap it to pieces? It’s not a level at all!

“What a powerful divine body.”

It was surprised,

Suddenly a passage appeared in the mountain world behind it, and a palace appeared in the passage, and the palace floated out. At the same time, there was a hearty laughter from it: “Haha, it has been a long time since the world master has come to my dream mountain. It is rare that the Star Demon Lord has come today. welcome.”

The palace was surrounded by light, no figure was visible, only the voice came out, and at the same time a series of beautiful women appeared. These women looked like all human races, and even had a lot of modern dressing up.

Taking dreams as reality, Su Dong saw these women and knew that this dream ancestor was afraid to have sneaked into the world of Own Fall in the way of dreams!

The structure of the Fallen World is the first level after all, although it is based on seven rules, it is very rough.

“Meet the Star Demon Lord.”

“Star Demon Lord, please enter the hall.”

These beautiful women invited.

Su Dong nodded slightly, and flew over. As long as he didn’t enter the world, he would basically be fine.

Although he visits Mengzu, Su Dong will not enter Mengshan, just like when the two world masters visited him, he is also his external incarnation, and the inside of the world cannot be easily entered.

Of course, daring to enter the palace like this is already a test of Su Dong’s courage.

When he approached the palace, Su Dong saw a figure standing in front of the palace gate. This figure had a fair face, dressed in casual clothes, slippers, and a gold chain around his neck. There was an Azure Dragon tattooed on his arm, a picture of a nouveau riche. Social youth image.

Su Dong knew that this was also the incarnation of Mengzu, not his real body.

Just kidding… Now that at Consummation, any master of the world dare to appear in front of the Star Demon Lord.

“Haha, the devil, please come in quickly, my gatekeeper is a volcano in the source world, and he has become the master of the world with successful practice. It is inevitable that his temper will be irritable. Don’t blame the devil.” Mengzu laughed, a bold picture. appearance.

The mountain giant next to the palace listened and glanced at his master. He didn’t dare to say much. In fact, he just shot it. The master sent it to him and ordered him to do it.

How can Su Dong not understand.

At that time, the mountain giant heard him report his name and returned the product. During this time, it was the sound transmission that informed Mengzu, but his attitude changed drastically afterwards, and he was extremely irritable.

Obviously it was completely instructed by Mengzu.

Su Dong smiled and said: “It’s okay, guarding the mountain, just need to be more grumpy.”

Mengzu laughed, although he was smiling, there was a touch of jealousy in his eyes. Its mountain-guard servant, whose melee strength is not inferior to that of the swallowing world leader, with all his strength, it is entirely possible to force the Star Demon Lord to use his hole cards so that he can know what the Star Demon Lord’s ultimate move is.

Unexpectedly, Su Dong’s divine body was also terrifying, and he slapped the mountain servant’s foot to pieces with a slap, and the divine body overturned.

The best at being crushed, there is no need to fight anymore.

“This Star Demon Lord, I haven’t heard of him being famous for his divine body in the past. I didn’t expect the divine body to be so strong.”

It’s okay to have a strong god body, he has a lot of servants with a strong body, but at the same time he is good at Saber Technique, powerful technique, and weird tricks…this is terrible.

Mengzu invited Su Dong into the palace. Su Dong looked at the palace… Inside the palace there is a video wall, smart lights, and flowers, birds, fish and animals. There is a sofa in the center, and both of them are sitting on the sofa.

“Star Demon Lord, I have dreamed of your refining world many times. The world you refining is very special. After I entered, I didn’t want to come out…” Mengzu smiled.

“Mengzu’s Mengshan is very mysterious, but unfortunately I don’t dare to go in and watch it.” Su Dong smiled.

His core data, Yuanshen, needs to be scanned, and Mengzu will easily find it, of course he will not do it.

“Come on, serve wine and dishes, the devil will taste the delicacies I have tasted in many worlds…” Mengzu said.

There are many beautiful maids serving wine and delicacies, the aroma is very attractive.

But Su Dong didn’t move his chopsticks.

“I dare not eat Mengzu’s things.” Su Dong shook his head.

The smile on Mengzu’s face froze.

“Haha, the Star Demon Lord is indeed the Star Demon Lord.” With a wave of his hand, the food and wine in front of him turned into ashes. A little bit of emerald light emerged, and these emerald light dots were full of psychedelic colors. Very tempting.

Su Dong watched, this is the Meng Chong, one of Mengzu’s famous methods.

As long as a bug enters the divine body and touches the soul Hun and Po, it may be controlled by Mengzu and become Mengzu’s slave.

Mengzu’s laughter fell, his smile narrowed, and he said, “Star Demon Lord, come on, you come to my Mengshan, why are you here?”

Su Dong smiled. This was the first serious sentence the old guy said when they met. No wonder Source World said that Mengzu was famous for being weird.

Su Dong said, “I’m here because I heard that Mengzu has Dream Elixir in his hands…”

He didn’t settle down.

Mengzu suddenly smiled: “Haha, it turned out to be such a small matter, the dream essence, a drop of 3 billion cubic meters of world yuan liquid, how many drops of the magic?”

Su Dong shook his head: “Mengzu has the spiritual essence of dreams because I have mastered the spiritual tree of dreams. I am here this time to borrow a spiritual tree of dreams from Mengzu.”

Mengzu was startled.

The tree of dreams? He is almost the only one in the Source World, and is of infinite value. This Star Demon Lord, dare to speak with him?


Su Dong is not mad. What a status is the Lord of Tianmeng River. A few drops of the dream spirit will not attract him to appear, but a dream tree is different.

Mengzu took a deep breath, and his tattooed arms trembled, as if tolerating something. He stared at Su Dong: “Star Demon Lord is kidding?”

“No.” Su Dong shook his head.


The whole sofa burst suddenly, Mengzu stood up and looked at Su Dong with a cold face: “No, go wherever the Star Demon Lord is.”

For a while, a violent atmosphere filled the palace, but the surroundings of Su Dong were calm, and everything was intact. He smiled, “Didn’t Mengzu always want the big dream picture of the Lord of the Heavenly River? Borrow a dream tree, You can get the big dream picture, it’s worth it.”

When Mengzu heard this, the violent aura on his body suddenly subsided, and the anger on his face turned into disbelief. He looked at Su Dong and said, “What did you say?”

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