Chapter 868 Flower Demon

The four holy spirits escaped from the dead, all excited and grateful to bow and salute to Su Dong and others.

“Thank you seniors for your help. We don’t have any treasures that we can get. These treasures are also obtained from a treasure, and I hope you seniors will accept it.” Baihe’s face was charming and his voice was also moving. He gave away many treasures. superior.

“No need.” Qinghou King Shura shook his head.

“Let’s put it away.” Jinshu Shenjun shook his head even more. He could kill Godjun Qin Jiang, and the Void God Court would have many rewards. As for the treasures of the Holy Spirit of Baihe, he really looks down upon him.

Su Dong’s fire lotus body only nodded slightly. Also confiscated any treasures.

Baihe Holy Spirit also knew that these four couldn’t admire their treasures at all, and could only salute them again and take them back.

Retracting, she glanced at the Golden Armor True Monarch secretly. She has a trace of admiration for the Golden Armored True Monarch, after all, she is the top eleventh Holy Spirit. And once had a fate.

With this glimpse, he could not help but catch the two jade charms that the Golden Armor True Monarch was playing with.

“Huh? That jade talisman…” Baihe moved slightly in his heart, and when he lifted his jade hand, a jade talisman also appeared in his palm.

The holy spirit’s eyesight is so high, and at a glance, it can be seen that this jade talisman is the same as the jade talisman in the hands of the Golden Armored True Monarch.

“Gold Armored True Monarch, I have a small gift to give.” Baihe Holy Spirit spoke, and immediately in the eyes of many holy spirits, she flew towards the golden armoured True Monarch.

“Give me a gift?” Su Dong Tuoshe smiled. He didn’t make a move just now. It’s hard to justify receiving gifts.

“It’s just a small gift.” Baihe Holy Spirit offered the jade talisman. She didn’t know the use of this jade talisman, it didn’t have the slightest breath of supernatural power, it was just harder.

Seeing that there are two pieces of Su Dong Tuo She’s body, he offered them.

The other holy spirits also saw the jade talisman, which was very ordinary, neither the Golden Tree God King nor Qinghou King Shura cared. Just a piece of jade charm, decorations are very possible.

“The third jade talisman?” Su Dong Tuoshe’s divine body lit up before accepting the jade talisman.

“I don’t accept your gift in vain.” When he received the jade talisman, he also sent Yishenjia over.

The god armor was directly submerged in the sleeve of the white river holy spirit.

Baihe Holy Spirit still wanted to refuse, but after seeing the God Armor clearly, he couldn’t say what he refused. She is indeed missing a top-notch body armor.

Can only be grateful to salute.

“With this body armor, even in the Snow Fiend Realm, it can withstand the impact of ice and snow.” Bai He secretly said in his heart.

Immediately in the eyes of the four holy spirits, Su Dong disappeared into the void. Their trip was to hunt and kill the wolf demon God, and the action in the middle was just an episode.

“Let’s go, this sacred mountain area is a stage for the strong, and we are still too weak.”

“When I saw the battle just now, I knew that my own was small.”

One by one the holy inspiration sighed. After experiencing a catastrophe, they all broke away from the joy of getting the treasure before, and once again recognized themselves. In the face of the top Holy Spirit, they didn’t even have the power to fight back.

Su Dong and the other four figures were shrouded in golden leaves, traveling through the void. As we move forward, in Su Dong’s core data space, three jade charms are suspended in front of the incarnation of will.

A piece of jade talisman is very usual. Two jade charms were a coincidence, and three jade charms were put together, and Su Dong became interested.

“This jade talisman is nothing but harder Bufan. What’s the use?” Su Dong subconsciously felt Bufan, but he couldn’t detect anything.

Will penetration also feels very normal.

“Keep it away first.”

The core area in the core area of ​​Wan Lei Palace.

The endless thunders spread and gathered here, and the terrifying thunder power ceased to erupt all the time, tearing the void into dust, and the layers of the void were shattered. In the darkest void, there was an Immortal Cave that seemed illusory.

In the endless thunder, King Shura of Changjiang Palace walked in the gap of thunder.

“Spent endless years, this is the moment I am closest to the opportunity of Domination Realm. I am born with the blood of Saint Qilin of Great Light, and control the Lightning Thunder… I can’t enter this Temple of Ten Thousand Thunders in Domination Realm, and the emperor can not even enter the Palace of Asking Dao. , This chance is mine.” Wang Shura of Changjiang Palace was extremely excited.

After becoming King Shura of the Ten Temples, my strongest desire is to further become the ruler, but the Three Tribulations of the Domination Realm has prevented too many top holy spirits, including him.

To have the power to dominate the realm, here is the greatest opportunity.

Also in Endless Thunder, the towering figure that showed the shadow of the world around was also moving forward. The terrifying purple thunder and black thunder continued to tear the shadow of the world, but they couldn’t stop the pace of this towering figure.

“I have broken through many secret realms in the void, and the final guide is here. I have the opportunity to become the master.” The gods of the world are also eager.

There are also figures, all working hard to move forward.

“Qinghou, you are also good at catching methods, plus the speed of the golden tree, can’t deal with a wolf demon Allah? You let him escape twice?” Su Dong’s fire lotus divine body said as he traveled through the void.

I saw Qinghou King Shura cast a purple ring to capture the god of Qin Jiang, this capture method is still extremely strong.

“In that wolf demon team, there is a Purgatory God, called the Demon God, who is proficient in Realm methods. In the Realm of the Demon God, the speed of the golden tree has dropped by 60%, not to mention my capture method, which is easily suppressed. You can avoid it.” Qinghou King Shura sighed.

Realm is very important. Like the previous Shenhuo suppression of Shenjun Qinjiang, how easy it was to capture him, if there were no Shenhuo suppression. That’s another situation.

“Fun demon… Wolf demon.” Su Dong nodded.

“There is also the flower demon. The main method of the flower demon is charm, purgatory life, and few who are proficient in charm. This flower demon is the weakest. It is not worth mentioning.” Jin Shu Shenjun laughed.

The ranks of Allah of the Wolf Demon are mainly evil demon, and the two major Allahs of Purgatory of Flower Demon are all ranked behind thirty.

No matter how many purgatory lives under his command, he would not even possess the threat level.

“It’s really not difficult.” Su Dong also felt relaxed.

In the core of the sacred mountain area, there is a sacred mountain range, which is covered with an endless black river. There are many Magic Treasures, corpses of the Holy Spirit, and corpses of purgatory beings floating in the river.

The Magic Treasures are broken and the body decayed.

At the edge of the river, a magical shadow shrouded in gray and halo appeared all over the body.

“This Flower Demon Allah is really confident. He completely occupies a sacred mountain area and relies on the Allahs under her control.” Allah the Stork sighed.

In general, the Void Holy Spirit, and even purgatory beings don’t know that, among Allah of Purgatory, the one with terrifying strength can even rank in the top ten…there is this Allah of Flower Demon,

It’s just that Allah the Flower Demon never takes action. She likes to control Allah Purgatory, just like the holy spirits seize their homes or clones. Allah Flower Demon specifically controls Allah Purgatory.

When fighting, just let the Allah of Purgatory who controls him fight, and she stays far away. This is her means of confronting the enemy.

Over time, Void Holy Spirit thought that this flower demon was of average strength, but the Purgatory Allah team she was in was often changed.

Allah of Purgatory in the team died again and again, but she was not dead.

The stork wheel Allah rushed down and into the black river.

In the sacred mountain, the tall and terrifying wolf demon, the insidious and cunning evil demon is devouring the Holy Spirit body, which should have been devouring with joy, but their eyes are unwilling, resentful, fearful and desperate…

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