Chapter 891

The Lord of Nightmare looked at that figure, his face changed slightly.

“Gold Armor True Monarch, are you looking for death?” He couldn’t help but roar. This jade talisman is related to his three top Magic Treasures artifacts.

In his heart, the Golden Armor True Monarch ranked eighth in the Holy Spirit Record, and the gods of the ten thousand realms ranked second. Although the gods of the gods did not rank, they were only strong but not weak. In the presence of these two gods, they seized his jade talisman. This Golden Armor True Monarch is crazy?

“Gold Armor True Monarch?” Gods of the Ten Thousand Realms and Gods of Huntian looked ugly.

“I feel that I can find the jade amulet here. I can. It seems that I have good luck, the nightmare god, thank you.” Su Dong smiled lightly. The thunder beast he had previously bred found this nightmare god, and there was Heavenly Stems next to him. Corpse… The Lord of Nightmare is good at sneak attacks. He has been taught. Divine Soul attacks can easily make people fall into dreams. If you think with your knees, the Lord of Heavenly Stems must have been killed by the Lord of Nightmare in a sneak attack.

Seeing that the nightmare god is about to trade the jade amulet to the god of the world, it is a pity that Su Dong is here. Baby Calabash is still strong.

“Crazy, this golden armor True Monarch is really rampant, the god of the worlds, this golden armor True Monarch dares to snatch your treasures without knowing whether to live or die.” The nightmare god hurriedly looked at the gods of the world and said anxiously.

“Shut up, if you gave me this jade amulet earlier, this will happen?” The god of the world coldly swept away the god of nightmare.

The nightmare god suffocated.

The gods of the world and the gods of Huntian looked at each other. This nightmare god idiot had never seen the true strength of the Golden Armor True Monarch, but they had seen it. The Saber Technique was as strong as any of them.

“The Golden Armor True Monarch originally had three jade charms, plus this one, it would be four.” The faces of the gods of the ten thousand realms and the gods of the gods were ugly. One jade talisman is three magical medicines, four, that is a total of twelve magical medicines, a total of only 72 jade amulets…

“If I get four jade talismans, I will be able to become a master.” The god of the world is eager.

The jade talisman, the jade talisman within reach, was cut off by this golden armoured True Monarch.

“Golden Armor, I didn’t expect you to come too.” The god of the world said, with a strange smile on his face. The Huntian Shenjun next to him was much colder.

“This jade talisman was first obtained by my Void God Court. You can snatch it like this, isn’t it?”

“Joke, the two gods of the Void God Court also told me that snatching is not good.” Su Dong couldn’t help but smile.

The nightmare god was listening, and he could also see it, as if the gods of all realms were a little afraid of the golden armor True Monarch, he couldn’t help but secretly surprised.

The god of the world is notoriously overbearing and arrogant, and his reputation is extremely stinky. How can he be jealous of this golden armor True Monarch?

“Gold Armor True Monarch, are you determined to fight against me?” Hun Tian Shenjun said.

He rarely speaks, and he carries a Killing intent as soon as he speaks. Although the gods of the Ten Thousand Realms are famous, they are famous for their bad temper, and the gods of the gods are different. The gods of the gods are famous for being warlike.

“Too lazy to tell you more, the jade talisman got in hand and left.” Su Dong smiled.

“Hahaha, it’s crazy,” Huntian Shenjun let out a loud laugh. The entire sacred mountain void shook with it, “Go? I see where you can go.”


Huntian God Lord’s body soared, the original three-meter-high body turned into a giant in the blink of an eye, and a trident appeared in his hand, his divine power surged, his figure flashed and blocked Su Dong’s path, his eyes were cold and he looked at Su. Dong.

“Golden Armor, you are too rampant, don’t block Bodhisattva’s suppression of the world view. Today, you can hand over all the four jade charms on your body.” The god of the world also shot, and the phantoms of the world behind them shrouded in the past.

Some of the world’s phantoms are full of torrential rivers, others are raging fires, and there are endless world-destroying thunder and First Stage heavy mountains.

The shadow of the world enveloped the surrounding void,

Su Dong’s figure hasn’t moved yet. It feels like the First Stage’s heavy power is coming down, the surrounding space is distorted, and the world’s phantom has many fierce dragon heads. Each dragon head has a Magic Treasures in its mouth. The gods of the world held the palm of the hand and held it. The great axe, that great axe has two blades, one blade is filled with fire, and the other is covered with frost.

They talked politely before, and they all shot in a blink of an eye.

Su Dong’s eyes were calm. Knowing that these two gods would make a move, with a wave of the same hand, a golden long knife appeared in his hand, and his divine power flowed into his hand.

“The gods of the Ten Thousand Realms have a lot of methods, and the gods of Huntian are extremely powerful. These two work together and it is difficult to deal with.” Although Su Dong was confident in his heart, he did not dare to be careless.

after all…

The gods of the world and the gods of Huntian, both can break the wrist with King Shura of Changjiang Palace. Although he had previously resisted the three siege of Guanshi Bodhisattva and others.

But firstly, Guanshi Bodhisattva is good at suppressing it, but he still takes a long shot. Secondly, Guanshi Bodhisattva is not as good as the God of God! The Eight Snake Thunder Holy Spirit and Wujiao Great Demon King are also inferior to the gods of the ten thousand realms.

“But come on, my Saber Technique breakthrough, I haven’t had a real battle yet. This battle is just to see my Saber Technique power.” Su Dong’s heart was full of war. At their level, it is not easy to kill each other, and it is also difficult to be killed.

“Pick me a halberd.” God Lord Huntian hummed coldly. His voice shook the sky. When the voice sounded, the trident halberd in his hand turned into a phantom, tearing the void and swept across Su Dong directly.


Su Dong held a golden long knife and cut it out with a single knife. The bright and colorful light of the knife emerged. The moment he saw the light, he scared the Lord of Nightmare.

“That sword…it’s terrifying.” Just seeing it made him shudder.

This golden armor, True Monarch, when did it become so strong.

Su Dong’s sword is the tenth second stage of Saber Technique in Tianwaitian. Well, the colorful and dazzling light of the knife tore the void and slashed directly in front. The entire void was divided into two, instantly matching the trident of the god Huntian. collision.

The black light circulated on the trident, as if heaven and earth swept across.


When the two collided, the trident divine halberd was trembling as the sword light smashed, and the god Huntian Shenjun’s body also trembled. The golden long knife in Su Dong’s hand is still moving forward.

“This Golden Armor True Monarch Saber Technique is terrible, and the magic sword in my hand is also Bufan. On the Magic Treasures, I actually suffered a loss.” God Lord Huntian immediately realized. Head-on head-to-head, he was slightly at a disadvantage.

“My Saber Technique is strong enough, and I use Dantian’s mobile phone’s magic Treasures. It only has the upper hand?” Su Dong was slightly shocked. This god of the gods is worthy of the perfect holy spirit known as the God of War.

“Take me a trick.” The attack from the god of the ten thousand realms also arrived.


Suddenly a giant ice and fire axe appeared in the floating world. If Huntian God’s attack is more domineering, the attack of the gods of the world is even more weird. The ice and fire giant axe quietly appeared behind Su Dong, as if a The Phantom slashed towards Su Dong.

“The sky is everywhere.” Su Dong’s body wraps around the river of time.


At the same time, he swiped the knife, and saw that the bright and colorful light of the knife suddenly became extremely introverted and weird.

Then the phantom of the world shattered layer by layer, only to see a silent blade of light tearing many worlds apart. When the knife light instantly tore the phantom of the nine-layer world.

Suddenly there appeared the figure of the god of the world with a panic and holding a huge axe. The blade of light appeared in front of him, and he did not hesitate to cut it down.

“Not good.” The god of the world trembled, and a layer of strange crystal light appeared on his body quickly. Crystal light emerged, transforming into a heavy armor.


With a single slash, the terrifying power directly smashed the gods of the world. After flying for a hundred miles, he stopped, and looked at Su Dong in disbelief.

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