Mu Rufeng laughed and said, "Sister Chunni, you count, I'll talk to him."

"Well, go ahead, Xiao Mu, I'll count slowly." Chunni nodded.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng and An Lu walked out of the warehouse.

An Lu said coldly, "What are you going to do?"

"I didn't do anything?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Hurry up and take the goods. Tell me what conditions you have." An Lu said.

"One hundred yuan, as long as you give it, I will let Sister Chunni take the goods immediately." Mu Rufeng said straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"You're looking for death!" An Lu's tentacles suddenly spread out.

An Lu's figure also became unusually tall, and his mouth split directly under his ears, revealing dense and sharp teeth, which was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng was not panicked at all.

"If you want to do it, don't worry, I will definitely not fight back." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"I don't have that much money." An Lu suppressed his anger and returned to normal.

"How much do you have?" Mu Rufeng said.

"I only have fifty yuan." An Lu said,

"Fifty yuan? Haha, the truck drivers who have just come here for a few days have fifty yuan on them, and you, an old employee, tell me that you only have fifty yuan?" Mu Rufeng laughed.

"Here, food, clothing, housing and transportation cost money, and wrapping film also costs money. Moreover, I just went to see Manager Wang and I only have fifty yuan on me." An Lu said.

"Okay, okay, give me fifty yuan." Mu Rufeng thought for a moment, then reached out and took fifty yuan.

After receiving fifty yuan from An Lu, Mu Rufeng walked into the warehouse with a smile.

"Sister Chunni, have you counted enough?" Mu Rufeng walked to Chunni's side.

"Well, Xiao Mu, I'm almost done counting. Only the tail plate is left. I'll count it again." Chunni nodded.

After Chunni counted the quantity, she confirmed it on the list and handed the phone to Mu Rufeng.

"Come, sign your name and take a photo before you can store it." Chunni said.

Mu Rufeng nodded, took the phone, signed his name on it, and returned it with two ten-yuan bills in his hand.

"Sorry to bother you, Sister Chunni." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble." Chunni quickly put away the twenty yuan, and the smile on her face could not be stopped.

After taking the photo, Chunni said: "This is the goods. By the way, you also unloaded this blood flower beer."

"Yes, Sister Chunni, I also unloaded it. There are only two pallets left." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is that so? OK, you go and unload it. I will help you count the goods here first. When you finish unloading, you can directly receive the goods." Sister Chunni said.

"Okay, thank you, Sister Chunni."

"Hey, what's there to thank for this, go quickly."

Looking at the two people talking and laughing, Anlu felt furious.

When he passed by the two, he snorted coldly to express his dissatisfaction.

Just when the goods were received, an employee came out from the warehouse.

The employee took an electric forklift and directly dragged a plate of scarlet eyeballs away and walked into the warehouse.

Then a second one came out and also forked away a plate of scarlet eyeballs.

Seeing this, An Lu immediately placed his goods in the vacant position.

Mu Rufeng did not bother An Lu again, but pulled the remaining blood flower beer out of the truck.

With the delivery note given by the driver, the second truck of goods was also unloaded by Mu Rufeng.

"Sign it." Sister Chunni handed the phone to Mu Rufeng.

After Mu Rufeng took it, he signed his name, and after a photo was taken, the blood flower beer was also received.

"Sister Chunni, how many trucks of goods can come this day?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"We are holding an event these days, so there will be more cars."

"There will be at most four or five cars in the morning these two days, and more in the afternoon, about seven or eight cars."

"But you don't have to worry, anyway, we get off work at six o'clock, no matter if there is any cargo, you don't have to unload it."

"When the event is over tomorrow, there will be fewer cars. There is still some time until noon, you can take a rest on the platform." Sister Chunni said.

"Okay, Sister Chunni." Mu Rufeng smiled and nodded.


Time flies, and it is twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Ring ring ring--

A piercing bell sounded in the logistics park.

At the moment the bell rang, all the employees who were working put down their work at the same time, as if they had agreed, and walked straight in one direction.

Mu Rufeng just stood up from the ground, and saw An Lu jumping off the platform and heading straight towards the canteen.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng also stood up immediately and followed An Lu.

Speaking of which, when he came in, he had just finished dinner, so he was not hungry.

It was twelve o'clock, and Mu Rufeng's stomach was already rumbling with hunger.

After walking for only four or five minutes, he saw the familiar cafeteria.

It can be said to be familiar, but also strange.

Because the cafeteria here is too gloomy and a bit dark.

Mu Rufeng followed the crowd into the cafeteria.

The layout of the cafeteria is quite different from the actual preferred one.

There are many tables and chairs, and many employees, but there are only three windows for serving food.

There were long queues at these three windows.

Mu Rufeng did not queue up, but went directly to the window.

Sure enough, when Mu Rufeng saw the food sold here, he was numb.

There were not many varieties of dishes, only five

Each of them was served in a huge aluminum basin.

Just looking at the name of the dish, Mu Rufeng felt a little numb.

Mu Rufeng did not think that these names were false.

So where did these ingredients come from?

Mu Rufeng smelled the bloody smell coming out of the dish basin and swallowed unconsciously.

"Damn, I'm not a real zombie, I don't suck blood." Mu Rufeng forced himself to suppress the thought in his mind.

"Boy, these dishes taste very good. I see that you are so strong, so the taste should not be bad, right?"

At this time, the employee who was queuing on the side spoke sinisterly.

Obviously, he also recognized that Mu Rufeng was a human.

"I heard that the company recruited employees from the human world. Is this the third or fourth one?"

"It's the fourth one. I ate one. It tasted really good. It's much fresher than those in the cafeteria." An exceptionally tall man licked his tongue and said.

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