I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 194 Return, settlement of rewards [ask for monthly tickets! ]

Mu Rufeng looked at the time. There were only two minutes left before the restrictions were lifted and he could return.

"The third finale item, and also the last item of this auction, is the Purple Emperor Fruit."

A fist-sized, purple fruit with special patterns on it appeared in front of them.

"Starting price, 100 million, each bid must not be less than 10 million!"

Xu He, who was below, looked at the fruit in Lu Xueqing's hand, and his face was full of excitement.

Although this fruit could not break through the Ghost Emperor 100%, if Xu He got it, combined with some of his background, there would be no problem with an 80% probability, not to mention 100%.

An 80% probability of breaking through, what kind of concept is this.

"200 million!" Xu He directly opened the bid.

"210 million!" At this time, Mu Rufeng also opened the bid.

"Mr. Mu, what are you doing..." Xu He immediately looked at Mu Rufeng, his face a little ugly.

He couldn't figure out why Mu Rufeng would compete with him.

Lu Xueqing also looked at Mu Rufeng with some doubts.

"Mr. Xu, let me take the photo. If I take the photo of the finale, I can complete more clearance points. Take the photo, and you can keep the item. Just transfer the money to me later."

Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

He still remembered that every time he bought an item, he could increase his clearance points by 100%.

At the same time, if he bought something, he could get a discount coupon of 10% to 90% off.

Even if it was the worst 90% discount coupon, Mu Rufeng could make 21 million by reselling it.

Hearing this, Xu He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Then Mr. Mu will take the photo." Xu He said with a smile.

He had no doubts about this because Mu Rufeng was the contractor.

"Two hundred and ten million for the first time, two hundred and ten million for the second time, and two hundred and ten million for the third time. Congratulations to Mr. Mu for taking the last finale item."

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the Tiandi Bank card and swiped it in the card slot in front of him.

[Congratulations to the host, buy the fifteenth lot, get a 60% discount coupon, pay 126 million]

Lu Xueqing also received the payment, and immediately handed the Purple Emperor Fruit to Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Xu, pay the money." Mu Rufeng smiled and threw the Purple Emperor Fruit to Xu He.

After Xu He took it, his face was full of excitement. He took out a jade box, put it in, and then put it away solemnly.

Immediately, he paid Mu Rufeng 210 million very happily.

Xu He had prepared enough funds, and was even afraid that the funds were not enough.

But he didn't expect that he only needed 210 million to buy it.

You know, the ninth-level group power and the ninth-level ghost emperor are extremely difficult to break through.

Mu Rufeng recharged the bloody train with an amount of 100 million before, and the train conductor said that if he was given a little time, the bloody train would be able to break through the ninth-level vehicle.

One hundred million yuan cannot make the Bloody Train break through the ninth level vehicle. The reason why it can is that the Bloody Train has been at the peak of the eighth level for many years.

What is lacking is the turnover and this amount of funds, not that only one hundred million yuan is needed to break through from the eighth level to the ninth level.

All the group forces want to upgrade, relying on passenger flow, turnover and other related matters.

[Your card with the last number 3318, transferred 210,000,000.00 yuan at 19:39 on August 13, and the balance is 5.147 billion yuan]

This wave, a net profit of 84 million yuan! ! !

Mu Rufeng looked at his balance and smiled happily.

Before, he had 5.124 billion in cash, and then he bought 15 items.

Among them, it included the rule prop slave bracelet bound to the eighth level ghost king, and the rule prop eternal oil lamp and other top props.

Then, he looked at his balance again. Wow, 51.47E. Not only did he not spend any money, but he also made 23 million.

"Master Lu, thank you for your help this time." Xu He bowed to Lu Xueqing.

Lu Xueqing smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, there is no need to do this. If you hadn't helped me today, I might not have survived today."

It was just a purple emperor fruit. It was not only Lu Xueqing's repayment of favor, but also an investment in Xu He.

Speaking of which, as the daughter of the general master of Baibao Building, Lu Xueqing had enough resources, but she still did not break through to the ghost emperor.

It was not that Lu Xueqing could not break through, but that her foundation was insufficient, and the time was too short. She needed to settle down. Then, she could naturally break through to the ninth-level ghost emperor.

"Then I will take my leave first. I also need to go back to prepare." Xu He said.

"Lilith, follow Mr. Xu." Mu Rufeng said to Lilith beside him.

"Yes, master." Lilith replied.

"Remember, work hard, don't cause trouble, and don't kill innocent people. If you don't understand something, you can ask Manager Liu Mei for advice." Mu Rufeng reminded.

"Yes, Master."

"Boss Xu, take care." Lu Xueqing nodded.

She didn't go out to see him off, because she had too many things to deal with.

"Master Lu, I borrowed 5 billion from you before. Should I pay it back now?" Mu Rufeng looked at Lu Xueqing and said.

"Mr. Mu, you borrowed for a month, and there was no interest within a month. Why are you so anxious to pay it back?" Lu Xueqing said puzzledly.

"After I complete this dungeon, I will be promoted to level 3. After LV3, the interval between dungeons will become one month." Mu Rufeng explained.

To be honest, if he doesn't pay it back now, and waits a month to enter the dungeon, will it be overdue?

He knows that it is written in the contract that even if it is overdue by one minute, it will be calculated as one day, and if it is less than one month, it will be calculated as a month.

In this case, Mu Rufeng can't bear to pay the interest of 500 million.

"That's good, you can just swipe 5 billion into the card slot, and the contract will be automatically invalidated." Lu Xueqing nodded and said.

Mu Rufeng didn't hesitate and swiped 5 billion into the card slot immediately.

[Congratulations to the host, buy the 16th auction item loan contract, get a 20% discount coupon, payment failed, and the host has a 10% discount coupon. Do you want to use it? ]

"???" Mu Rufeng was dumbfounded.

What's going on? This loan contract is also considered an auction item?

As for the 10% discount coupon, Mu Rufeng knew that it was the 10% discount coupon given for the 15th auction.

"Use it now!" Mu Rufeng shouted wildly in his heart without any hesitation.

[Congratulations to the host, purchase the 16th auction item loan contract, use the 10% discount coupon, and pay 500 million]

Mu Rufeng looked at the balance of his bank card, and there was still 4.647 billion left.

One word: cool!

"It's in the account, Mr. Mu, the loan contract has expired, you can check your contract." Lu Xueqing said.

Mu Rufeng nodded, and then took out the loan contract from his back.

Sure enough, the name and handprint signed by Mu Rufeng on it had disappeared, along with the contents inside, and it turned into a blank rule contract again.

"Well, it's expired." Mu Rufeng put the rule contract back behind him.

This rule contract can still be used in the future, so it can't be wasted.

Mu Rufeng looked at his return countdown, only 30 seconds left.

Then he slowly came to the fallen angel.

"Loronia?" Mu Rufeng looked down at the fallen angel.

The fallen angel was half sitting on the ground at this moment. When he heard Mu Rufeng's words, he looked up and looked at Mu Rufeng with disdain: "Bug, I will kill you when I get out of trouble."

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, but looked down at the huge capital of the fallen angel. It was this capital that made Mu Rufeng experience the facial cleanser well.

He was thinking that he had [Absolute Defense], although it could only be turned on for ten seconds a day.

However, could Mu Rufeng let Lu Xueqing kill the fallen angel when he was invincible?

Even if the damage occurred to Mu Rufeng because of the death of the fallen angel, he would be immune because of the invincible state.

However, Mu Rufeng was not sure whether he would die directly after his absolute defense failed?

After the death of the fallen angel, the damage was borne once, or as long as the other party was not dead, the death BUFF would continue to be triggered?

He didn't dare to gamble on the props of rules, so he could only be safe and wait for Baibaolou to deal with it.

I believe that Baibaolou has many ways to let the fallen angel remove the thread of connection.

It's really unpleasant to hand over this kind of life to someone else.

"Pah!" There was a sound.

Mu Rufeng hit his chest.

Lolonia hummed, and his chest seemed to have suffered a heavy blow, which made his capital tremble constantly, which could be described as turbulent.

"When one party is attacked, the other party can really suffer the same damage." Mu Rufeng said.

"Bug, you are looking for death!" Feeling the ripples in his chest, Lolonia's face was full of shame and anger.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, took out the butcher knife, and slashed towards Lolonia's chest.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng turned on the absolute defense.

Suddenly, a blood line appeared on Lolonia's milky white snow.

There was no wound on Mu Rufeng's chest.

Then he removed the absolute defense, and Mu Rufeng frowned immediately.

A blood line appeared on his chest.

Well, Mu Rufeng knew that his invincibility could only be delayed. As long as there was a wound on Loronia, even if he was invincible at the time, once the invincibility was withdrawn, the damage would reappear.

"Bug, you are looking for death, damn bug!!!" Loronia was going crazy looking at the scar on her milky white snow.

Although it recovered in just a few seconds, it was really too humiliating.

"Are you screaming?" Mu Rufeng said indifferently.

"Bug, I will definitely kill you, I will definitely kill you."

Loronia could never have thought that as a ninth-level ghost emperor, she, the president of the second largest branch of the Wart Tie Chamber of Commerce, was actually humiliated by a small second-level contractor.

And this was the third time she was humiliated.

Mu Rufeng did not speak, and at this moment he also found that the wound on his chest had healed. It was estimated that because Loronia's injury had recovered, he also recovered?

Thinking of this, Mu Rufeng immediately began to beat his chest with his fists.

Then, he saw that the milky white snow of Loronia suddenly surged like a huge wave.

"Bug, bug, kill you, bug, I will definitely kill you, kill you!!!"

Amid Loronia's angry roar, Mu Rufeng returned and disappeared on the spot.


August 14, 7:42.

Mu Rufeng appeared in the secret room of Yongcheng Branch.

Entered at 5:30, returned at 7:42, this instance took a total of two hours and twelve minutes.

Mu Rufeng rubbed his chest which was a little sore from the beating, and immediately started the reward calculation.

[Congratulations to LV2 player Mu Rufeng for clearing the special dungeon: Baibaolou Auction]

[Player successfully purchased 16 auction items and obtained 1,600% clearance. Player successfully completed the dungeon emergency special task and obtained 1,600% clearance]

[Player Mu Rufeng's total clearance is 2,600%, and he obtained the rule-based skill card: Cutting in Two, obtained a special item: a resurrection card, and 2,600 soul coins]

[Your level is upgraded to LV3]

[Unlock the following permissions: Item Bar +3, Contract Slot +1, and the next dungeon time interval is changed to one month]

[It is detected that the host has cleared the dungeon, and the plug-in has been uninstalled. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: 10% discount coupon]

[Cut in Two]: A rule-based skill. After it is used, it will definitely cut off the enemy's body. The part of the enemy that is cut off depends on the strength of both parties.

Note: Please recognize your own strength. If you attack the ninth-level ghost emperor, then nails and hair are also part of the body! Before using it, please use a knife, whether it is a kitchen knife or a watermelon knife, as long as it is a knife.

[Resurrection Card]: A special item. If you have this card, you can be resurrected with full health at the same place after death. You can customize the resurrection time within ten minutes after death.

Note: If you die in the dungeon, you can be resurrected at the same place or in the real world. If you are resurrected in the real world, there is no penalty if you fail to clear the current dungeon.

[10% discount coupon]: 10% discount, 10% discount on everything!!!

"This." Mu Rufeng looked at these things and was a little unresponsive for a while.

"Hu~~!" After taking a deep breath and then exhaling, Mu Rufeng calmed down his mood.

Cutting in two is very powerful. As long as it is used, it will definitely cut off the target's body.

Just say that you must not cut off the existence that crushes him in strength, otherwise, you will cut off the nails or hair.

And that resurrection card is even more powerful.

Having this resurrection card is equivalent to having an extra life. This time, Mu Rufeng's heart, which was hanging because of a thread, finally fell.

At the same time, the customizable resurrection time within ten minutes after death is also a very good effect.

For example, after encountering a strong enemy, you are killed by it, and then if you revive with full health, the enemy can kill you again, then this resurrection card is the same as not having it.

If it is within ten minutes, you can wait until the strong enemy leaves before resurrecting.

In addition, you can choose to revive in the real world, which is also very good. When you can't pass this dungeon, this function can be realized.

As for the third thing, the 10% discount coupon left by the plug-in, Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

"10% discount coupon? 10% discount for everything? What does this mean? It's impossible that I can get a 10% discount on everything I buy, right?" Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head.

"But maybe it's true, I'll try it later." Mu Rufeng murmured.

Then, Mu Rufeng opened his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV3 (0/4)

[Strength]: 171.5

[Spirit]: 157.6

[Constitution]: 154.6

[Contract Slot]: LV4 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 Bai Jingwei

[Ghost Power]: Level 4

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator]

[Skills]: [Life and Death] [You are a Pig] [Cut it off]

[Luck Value]: 4

Items: [Scarlet Optimized Shares Contract] [Qingshan Pig Farm Shares Contract] Contract】【Blood-drilling Hotel Share Contract】【Bloodthirsty Bandage】【Singing Mouth】【Tian Di Bank Black Gold Card】【Flame Vehicle Card】【Bloody Train Black Gold Membership Card】【Clown's Crazy Electric Saw】【Light Energy Flashlight】【Security's Electric Baton】【Boat Ticket】【Ferocious Butcher's Knife】【Gambler's Dice】【Draggy Sandbag】【Gourmet's Tablecloth】【Nameless Ghost Hand】【Draggy Van】【Small Electric Donkey Mahjong】...

Soul Coins: 4.647 billion

"Xiaoying and Bai Jingwei are both level 4? So fast?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

"Xiaoying, Bai Jingwei, have you gained new abilities?" Mu Rufeng asked.

However, the two did not respond to Mu Rufeng's words.

Mu Rufeng looked inside and found that they were actually in a deep sleep at this moment. Presumably, they had just broken through and were still in a deep sleep.

"Go take a shower first." Mu Rufeng was in the copy, and because of his chaotic emotions, he sweated a lot, sticky, and a little uncomfortable.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng opened the door of the secret room and walked out.

There were not many people outside, all upstairs.

Mu Rufeng came to the second floor below ground, randomly found an empty safe room, and then took a do not disturb sign and hung it on the door handle.

Immediately, he took off his clothes and went into the bathroom.

After a while, the familiar "Cherry Blossom Grass" came out from the bathroom.

After Mu Rufeng took a shower, his ghost power shook off the water stains on his body, and then he went outside.

Mu Rufeng came to the closet and began to look for pajamas. He got up at more than five o'clock this morning, so he must make up for his sleep.

However, there was suddenly some movement outside the door.

Then, the door was opened directly, and Messizi, who looked sleepy, walked in.

Mu Rufeng heard the noise and looked over subconsciously.

And Mei Xizi naturally saw Mu Rufeng next to the closet.

Mei Xizi was startled at first, but then reacted and looked at Mu Rufeng up and down with interest.

Mu Rufeng's mouth twitched slightly, and he immediately took out his pajamas and tied them around his waist.

"Captain Mei, didn't you see the Do Not Disturb sign I hung outside?" Mu Rufeng said.

Before he came in, he forgot to lock the door, but he didn't expect that Mei Xizi would open the door and come in directly.

"Sorry, I didn't expect there would be anyone here. I usually come to this room when I rest." Mei Xizi looked apologetic, but she had no intention of leaving.

"I said, can you please change a room? I want to rest in this room." Mu Rufeng said.

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