I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 196 The Strange Affairs Bureau produces: Login bracelet [ask for monthly votes! ]

"Girls should be gentle. How can you get married in the future if you are like this?"

Mu Rufeng pinched the woman's cheeks hard, and the woman almost cried.

"However, there must be someone who wants you. Then you can go downstairs with your brother to keep each other company."

Mu Rufeng pinched the man's hands and twisted them violently.

"Ah~~!" He was thrown directly out of the window with a scream.

"Okay, Mr. Deputy Commissioner, now your men have been dealt with by me. You can choose how to teach yourself a lesson." Mu Rufeng clapped his hands and walked slowly towards Yang Qingfeng.

"What do you want to do? I am the deputy commissioner of the Weird Affairs Bureau of the Beijing Headquarters."

"Do you know what you are doing now? Stop right now."

"Don't come over. You are attacking an official appointed by the court. Do you know what this crime is?"

Yang Qingfeng was frightened by Mu Rufeng approaching step by step and took a step back unconsciously.

But there was a sofa behind him, so he fell on it.

"Haha, what a loser, why did the headquarters' Bureau of Strange Affairs send such a loser." Mu Rufeng looked at Yang Qingfeng who was trembling with fear and smiled and shook his head.

"No way, who let this guy have connections, his wife is the niece of Deputy Minister Wang."

"Xiao Mu, you should not know, his wife is a fat pig weighing more than 200 pounds, haha." Tian Lin laughed.

"Haha, I really didn't expect what it feels like for Deputy Commissioner Yang to drive a tank?" Mu Rufeng also laughed wantonly.

"You dare to humiliate me like this." Yang Qingfeng was immediately furious.

"Okay, Xiao Mu, you should be hungry too, go eat first, and then come to the fourth floor after eating, the people from the Bureau of Strange Affairs will be waiting for you there." Tian Bu said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded, turned around and left the office immediately.

After Mu Rufeng left the office, he could still hear Yang Qingfeng's roar from inside.

But he didn't care. With his current strength and Tian Bu's support, there was really no need to be timid.

After Mu Rufeng came to the first floor, he saw the two brothers and sisters lying unconscious on the ground.

Even though there were many employees watching, no one went up to help.

These two people have been here for more than ten hours. Relying on the fact that they are from Beijing and are contractors, they are bossing everyone around.

Let's say they have lunch at noon. They don't eat the dozen dishes in the cafeteria, but want to eat Beijing's special dishes.

What do you say? The dishes in small places are all slop, which is not for people to eat.

These people all over the city packed food for them and brought it back, which made them full of resentment.

Now, seeing these two people like this, it is extremely relieved, and no one will come up to help.

"I say, these two garbage are blocking the road here, won't you sweep them to the side of the road?"

"Forget it, I'll do it." Mu Rufeng shook his head, and then walked forward, one by one, and kicked them to the side of the road.

After doing all this, Mu Rufeng walked towards the cafeteria in a swagger.

When the crowd saw this scene, they were very happy, and their favorability towards Mu Rufeng rose sharply.

When Mu Rufeng arrived at the negative fourth floor, it was already ten minutes after eight.

There were quite a few people waiting here, and there were almost more than ten people in total.

Among them, there were also acquaintances of Mu Rufeng.

Tian Bu, Captain Laohei, Captain Zhou Wen, and Qu Lianhong.

Oh, there were also the brother and sister who were taught a lesson, Yin Han and Yin Li, plus Yang Qingfeng who was looking at Mu Rufeng with anger.

The remaining five people should all be people from the Weird Affairs Bureau.

One of them was a middle-aged man with a straight figure and a strong breath, which made Mu Rufeng more concerned.

This man was a little unusual, and he was actually a level 5 contractor.

And the three people behind this middle-aged man, there was also a level 4 contractor, and the other two were ordinary people, probably technicians.

There was another person standing next to Yang Qingfeng, who was also a level 5 contractor and should be the second-in-command.

"Team Tian, ​​Captain Zhou, and Sister Hong, everyone is here. I've been waiting for a long time." Mu Rufeng said apologetically.

After hearing this, several people nodded to Mu Rufeng.

Only Qu Lianhong, the little sister, glared at Mu Rufeng fiercely, as if to say, try calling her Sister Hong again!

"Are you Mu Rufeng?" The level 5 contractor standing next to Yang Qingfeng said.

"It's me, who are you?" Mu Rufeng looked at the man.

"Mu Rufeng, this is Wang Ren, the deputy director of the Bureau of Strange Affairs." Yang Qingfeng immediately scolded.

"Oh." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"You" Yang Qingfeng was immediately angry.

"Ahem, it seems that Mr. Mu is still a bit eccentric." Wang Ren's eyes flashed with displeasure, but he did not show it, but coughed twice and said with a smile.

"Mr. Mu, let me introduce myself. I am Zhou Zhen, the deputy director of the Bureau of Strange Matters, and the person in charge of this visit." Zhou Zhen introduced himself with a smile.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Zhou Zhen. There were actually two deputy directors who came this time.

"Hello, Director Zhou. I am Mu Rufeng." Mu Rufeng greeted him with a smile.

Zhou Zhen is also from Tianbu, so he naturally can't show his face.

"I'm being arrogant and calling you Little Mu."

"No problem, it's just a name." Mu Rufeng didn't care much.

"I heard from Tabe that in the dungeon of Baibaolou, two rules items were used on you by the ninth-level Ghost Emperor Falling Angel. One of them was connected to your life, and the other was to ban your inventory. , right?" Zhou Zhen said.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Haha, seal, that sounds nice, but I've never heard of such a regular item. I think you just don't want to hand over the meteorite." Yang Qingfeng said.

"Wu Wu, you, an ordinary person, should not get involved in the contractor's affairs." Mu Rufeng glanced at Yang Qingfeng and said calmly.

"Deputy Commissioner Yang, how much do you know about the weird world? Just because you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean you don't have it. This time, there are even props to delay the return of our contractors. It's not surprising that the props are banned from the inventory." Tabe said slowly.

Everyone present also knew about the props used to delay the return.

This was not said by Mu Rufeng, but by the other contractors in the Baibao Tower.

"Whether it's true or not, you can find out after some research." At this time, Wang Ren said.

"Then Deputy Director Wang, you come first." Zhou Zhen said to Wang Ren.

Wang Ren didn't say anything, took out a pair of glasses and put them on.

Then, he stared at Mu Rufeng for ten seconds.

After a long time, Wang Ren took off his glasses and said slowly: "He is right. The inventory is indeed blocked by the rules and props, and his life is also connected to another person."

"Director, is he really..." Yang Qingfeng quickly asked, but Wang Ren glanced at Yang Qingfeng, who immediately closed his mouth.

"Haha, it seems that our trip was in vain." Zhou Zhen said with a smile.

Zhou Zhen also put away a certain prop in his hand.

Obviously, Zhou Zhen also checked Mu Rufeng's current state clearly.

"Yeah, it's a wasted trip." Wang Ren said with some pity.

"Director, if that's the case, why not bring Mu Rufeng back to the headquarters in the capital? The headquarters has many capable people and props, so we can always open this ban." Yang Qingfeng said.

"Haha, let me tell you, Deputy Commissioner Yang, to be honest, you are an ordinary person, and you should stop getting involved in the weird world." Mu Rufeng said with a sneer.

"Regular props, do you know what this means?" Captain Lao Hei said slowly.

"Yes, I really don't know, but my conspiracy..." Yang Qingfeng still wanted to speak, but his arm was held by Yin Han beside him.

"Commissioner Yang, stop talking, rules-based props are unsolvable," Yin Han said.

Even if you are a contractor, you all know what the rules-based props are.

Only an ordinary person like Yang Qingfeng who knew nothing could say such a thing.

Even if you use another rule item, there's probably nothing you can do, and at most it'll just be a BUG.

When Yang Qingfeng heard this, he finally understood why those people looked at him so weirdly. It turned out that after talking so much, he actually looked like a clown.

"Deputy Director Zhou, I still have something to do here, so I will take the people away first. Let's go!"

Wang Ren said goodbye and strode towards the door.

And several people on the side quickly followed.

When passing by Mu Rufeng, Yin Li gave Mu Rufeng a vicious look.

If looks could kill, Mu Rufeng would have been whipped to death.

Mu Rufeng gave Yin Li a standard smile, making the latter walk faster.

"Now that the matter is over, we will go back." Zhou Zhen said.

"Director Zhou, don't you want to stay one more night? We'll leave tomorrow morning, it's already so late," Tabe said.

"No, there are still a lot of things to do in the Secret Bureau." Director Zhou waved his hand, said goodbye to everyone and left.

"Mu Rufeng, did I tell you, stop calling me sister, I'm younger than you." Qu Lianhong came up and said.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, Qu Lianhong, Qu Lianhong, I remember, I will definitely not call you sister next time." Mu Rufeng said apologetically.

"Humph." Qu Lianhong snorted coldly and stopped causing trouble to Mu Rufeng.

"Tabe, what was the surprise you mentioned on the phone earlier?" Mu Rufeng looked at Tabe and asked.

"Haha, this is it." Tabe immediately took out something similar to a bracelet.

This is the latest good thing developed by the Bureau of Secrets, and it is the largest scientific research result in the Bureau of Secrets in history.

"Oh? What is this?" Mu Rufeng suddenly became interested.

"You will know after you see it for yourself." As he said that, Tianbe handed the bracelet to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng took the bracelet, and after reading its properties, her expression suddenly changed.

[Login Bracelet]: The Secret Bureau spent five years developing it with painstaking efforts. It is the largest scientific research achievement in the history of the Secret Bureau.

Effect: A special prop. After wearing this bracelet, you can know the relevant information of the next copy ten minutes in advance. In the dungeon, you can forcibly return to the real world. Once you return, the bracelet will be damaged and cannot be used.

Note 1: If you forcefully return to the real world and fail to clear the dungeon, you will be punished by the dungeon. An arm will be erased randomly. If there is no arm, the thigh will be erased. If there is no thigh, it will be erased directly.

Note 2: Ordinary people wearing login bracelets are eligible to enter the strange world.

"Can the Secret Bureau also research this kind of prop?" Mu Rufeng asked in shock.

After reading the properties of the login bracelet, Mu Rufeng was really shocked.

With this bracelet, doesn't it mean that the contractor's survival ability is greatly improved?

Mu Rufeng really couldn't believe that this thing was actually developed by the Weird Affairs Bureau?

"When I got this login bracelet, I was more shocked than you." Tian Bu said with a smile.

"I was also surprised, but with this, we at least have one more life, and the cost is just an arm." Captain Lao Hei said.

"Anyway, this login bracelet is really amazing." Zhou Wen also nodded.

"The Weird Affairs Bureau is really amazing, does everyone have it?" Mu Rufeng put the login bracelet on his hand as soon as possible.

The originally loose bracelet actually shrank instantly, and then he felt a tingling pain.

[Binding successful, binding identity level 3 contractor Mu Rufeng, once bound, it cannot be untied]

After the binding is successful, the login bracelet will be directly transformed into a tattoo and branded on its left hand.

At this moment, he already had two tattoos on his left hand, one for the login bracelet and the other for the slave bracelet.

"Of course we have one too." Qu Lianhong smiled and raised his hand to show it to Mu Rufeng.

As expected, Mu Rufeng also saw the tattoo on Qu Lianhong's hand.

"Does that mean that with this login bracelet, those reserve players are ready to enter the dungeon world?" Mu Rufeng said.

"No, the login bracelet has only been studied for a short time, and the production is limited."

"First, it will be supplied to contractors of level three and above. When the subsequent production increases, it will be slowly distributed to all contractors, and finally to those reserve players." Tianbe said.

"I thought you were at level 2, so I made an exception and gave you one. I didn't expect you to reach level 3, so I don't need to make an exception."

"Director Zhou Zhen brought 200 bracelets this time. There are so many city branches in the entire Hunan Province, and there are quite a few at level 3."

"The rest will be stored in the prop library. As long as you reach level 3, you can apply for a landing bracelet." Tian Bu said.

"That's enough. It seems that mass production is not far away." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"It's difficult. Don't even think about it within a few months." Tian Bu shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Captain Lao Hei asked.

"The most important material for making a landing bracelet needs to be obtained in the wilderness of the strange world. Although it can be purchased in the Baibao Building, only a few people can go to the Baibao Building."

"In addition to the limitation of the inventory, not many can be brought each time, so the production is strictly limited." Tian Bu explained.

Originally, this was considered a secret, but who made him have someone above him? When Tian Bu asked, Zhou Zhen did not hide it.

"These are all confidential. Just keep them to yourself. Don't leak them out." Tian Bu said.

"Don't worry, we are very tight-lipped." Qu Lianhong nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, Tian Bu, then what do you think, will those group forces..." Zhou Wen suddenly said.

"Hehe, group forces? We don't have enough people ourselves, give them? You're dreaming."

"But I guess they will also unite to negotiate with the headquarters of the relevant departments. I guess they will bleed heavily."

"Oh, yes, and the official personnel and capital groups of various countries in the world will bleed heavily." Tian Bu smiled very happily when he said this.

Mu Rufeng also smiled when he heard this.

Yes, the country's Weird Affairs Bureau has developed such a powerful login bracelet. It can be said that as long as there is a contractor, there is no one who doesn't want it.

Not to mention, it can directly allow ordinary people to become players.

Let's not talk about the domestic situation, just talk about foreign countries. Some powerful and wealthy people must want to enter the weird world and become contractors.

Especially for those who are about to die of old age, becoming a contractor can really prolong their life.

And those high-level contractors, who have a landing bracelet, are equivalent to having four lives.

If you use some special props or spiritual objects to restore the erased hands and legs, you will never die.

Of course, this is on the premise that the erased arms can be restored.

"By the way, there is one more thing, that is, these landing bracelets must be sent to the branches in various cities in Hu Nan immediately before the news spreads."

"Most of those who are in charge of a branch are level three, and they can't leave, so we need to send them over."

"Lao Hei and Zhou Wen have to stay, so only Xiao Mu and Xiao Hong will be left."

"Cheng Youlin, Wang Tianlong, and Zhang Xin, the three of them have already set off with the bracelets." Tian Bu said.

Cheng Youlin, Wang Tianlong, and Zhang Xin, the three of them also successfully upgraded to level three during this period.

From level one to level three, the time to enter the dungeon is greatly extended, and there is enough time to handle affairs.

As Mu Rufeng reached level 3, some contractors who were originally level 2 also reached level 3.

Of course, there were actually quite a few contractors who died.

Coincidentally, Mu Rufeng knew Wang Tianlong and Zhang Xin, who were in the dungeon where they entered the IF center and played the mini-game together.

There was also Zhao Rong, who was only one dungeon away from reaching level 3, but she had already entered the dungeon the day before yesterday and had not come out yet.

"No problem." Mu Rufeng agreed immediately.

It's still a month before he enters the dungeon next time, and he's just worried about having nothing to do.

Oh, that's not right, Mu Rufeng remembered that he still has a ticket for the Gluttony Cruise.

The date is September 1st, and today is August 14th, so he can enter the next dungeon in half a month.

"I don't know what's going on with the conductor, he hasn't called me back." Mu Rufeng sighed in his heart.

Thank you Chang Yu Peizhi for the 5,000 points! Thank you Yong Ye Xiang Feng for the 500 points! Thank you Xin Ni Yi Jiao and The Count of Monte Cristo 1980 for the 100 points! Thank you all for your monthly tickets and subscription support!

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