I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 2 The Invisible Umbrella [Happy National Day! ]

"Is it true? How did the driver die this time?" Mu Rufeng asked hurriedly after hearing this.

"My wife told me at noon, it was a car accident." Lao Wang said in a low voice.

Lao Wang's wife is a receiver in the wine warehouse.

"Is the Feng Shui here bad?" Mu Rufeng muttered twice.

"That's right, and there's something else, I tell you, when the two drivers died, they seemed to have an umbrella beside them." Lao Wang said in a low voice.

"Umbrella?" Uncle Liu and Mu Rufeng were a little confused after hearing this.

"Yes, it's an umbrella, very strange, my wife..."

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you three doing? Hurry up and unload the goods, there is another truck waiting to be unloaded over there."

Just then, a man in a red vest walked out of the warehouse.

The three heard the words, turned their heads and found that it was the warehouse supervisor. They muttered a few words, put down the water and drinks in their hands, and walked into the trailer.

Mu Rufeng came to the goods, moved a piece of goods, and began to stack the goods.

The cargo on this truck was 1.5-liter Nongfu Spring, with 12 bottles in each package, and the total weight of the water alone was 18 kilograms.

Because the weather was hot, he didn't wear gloves, and Mu Rufeng's hands were a little swollen and painful after only unloading half of the truck.

"Lao Liu, Lao Wang, and Xiao Mu, don't chat nonsense, okay?" Supervisor Ma Jun came to the three of them and said.

"Yeah." Lao Liu responded.

"Got it, Brother Jun." Mu Rufeng also nodded.

"Hey, Brother Jun, is the umbrella thing really weird?" Lao Wang was fearless and asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask about this, don't ask around, and don't talk nonsense, the leaders above have given a death order."

"Hurry up and unload this truck, there is another truck of Yibao water to unload over there." Ma Jun said, and then left.

After Ma Jun left, the three of them didn't talk about this topic anymore.

Young Mu Rufeng couldn't hold back his temper. He was very curious and asked Uncle Wang again.

Uncle Liu didn't say anything, but he was also very gossipy.

After all, loading and unloading is boring and tiring. Having a topic to talk about can also relieve fatigue.

"My wife heard all this. She told me last night. I told you not to spread it around, so that Ma Jun wouldn't complain." Uncle Wang said.

"Don't worry, I'm always very tight-lipped." Mu Rufeng patted his chest and said.

Soon, Uncle Wang started talking.

The two drivers who died were both delivery drivers for the wine warehouse.

The first driver died in the early morning of Monday this week.

The driver in the same dormitory went back to change his clothes and saw the body of this driver.

He died miserably, with irregular gaps all over his body, and it looked like he was bitten by a wild beast.

Mu Rufeng had never seen this photo. Although he posted it in the group, it was deleted in less than an hour.

The subsequent investigation has not yet produced any results.

When the company leader came to deal with the matter, he found an umbrella in the room.

The leader didn't care and thought it belonged to someone in the dormitory.

The second driver died last night.

He was directly hit and killed by another truck reversing under the platform.

There are rumors that the driver had died before being hit.

The leader behind came to deal with the incident again.

The weird thing happened. There was also a black long-handled umbrella next to the dead driver.

The leader asked others to pick up the umbrella, but the people around said they didn't see the umbrella.

The leader seemed to know something and immediately issued a gag order to prevent the matter from spreading.

However, although the gag order was issued, everyone was bored and gossiped, and it spread completely.

"Okay, okay, it's scary to hear it, let's unload the goods quickly." Uncle Liu took a puff of cigarette, then threw away the cigarette butt and continued to unload the goods.

"Yes, unload the goods." Mu Rufeng nodded and started to work.

He actually didn't feel anything in his heart. After all, as a socialist successor, how could he believe these things?

When Mu Rufeng and the other two unloaded the truck of Yibao water, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

The sun had set, but the sky was not dark yet, or rather, it was still very bright.

"Let's go and have dinner first. After dinner, there is another truck of Wanglaoji." Uncle Liu said.

"Well, I'm also hungry and my hands and feet are weak." Mu Rufeng felt that he could eat a cow now.

"You go, my wife brought me food." Uncle Wang waved his hand and said.


Mu Rufeng and Uncle Liu walked towards the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is not close to the wine and beverage warehouse, it is three hundred meters away.

As a local community group purchase in Hu Nan, it directly rented the entire logistics park as a transit warehouse.

Not to mention anything else, their wine and beverage warehouse alone is as large as 10,000 square meters.

The entire logistics park has wine and beverage warehouses, grain and oil warehouses, home appliances, daily necessities, fruits and vegetables... boutiques, return warehouses, and many more.

Unfortunately, due to the squeeze from Ugly Group, the traffic was snatched away and the business plummeted.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Mu Rufeng saw an umbrella lying quietly on the cement ground in front of him.

This umbrella was black and had a long handle, and it was placed on the cement ground several meters away.

Mu Rufeng was very sure that he had not seen this umbrella just now, and it seemed to have appeared suddenly.

Mu Rufeng paused.

"What's wrong?" Uncle Liu also stopped and asked.

"Uncle Liu, there is an umbrella there." Mu Rufeng pointed at the umbrella and said.

However, Uncle Liu's next words made Mu Rufeng's heart jump violently.

"Umbrella? Where is the umbrella?" Uncle Liu glanced and said with a puzzled look.

"Uncle Liu, there is clearly an umbrella there." Mu Rufeng swallowed his saliva and stared at the umbrella.

"Xiao Mu, you are scaring your uncle Liu, where is the umbrella? Let's go quickly, if you go too late, there will be no food."

Uncle Liu waved his hand, thinking that Mu Rufeng was joking with him, and strode forward.

Even, Mu Rufeng saw Uncle Liu stepping on the umbrella.

It was a very strange scene. Uncle Liu's foot actually passed through the umbrella and stepped on the ground, as if the umbrella did not exist.

And Uncle Liu did not notice anything.

Mu Rufeng admitted that he was a little panicked.

In particular, he recalled what Uncle Wang said earlier.

It was the same black long-handled umbrella, but no one else could see it, only one person could see it.

Mu Rufeng took a deep breath and calmed down.

As the successor of socialism, he bypassed the umbrella and quickly caught up with Uncle Liu.

He decided to pretend that he didn't see the black umbrella.

He was just an ordinary person. When he encountered something he couldn't understand, the best choice was to ignore it.

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