I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 21 The dormitory manager's secret candles [Please read on! ]

"Is there anything else you can say?"

"Temporary worker? Oh, I want to be a temporary worker too."

"Working here, the salary is getting lower and lower. If I had no way to leave my job, I would definitely go to Ghost Preferred."

"Haha, in this case, this living person might be assigned to my dormitory."

"Hehe, that's right..."

Mu Rufeng looked at the employee who explained his doubts.

This man is not very tall, only about 1.65 meters tall.

White bandages were tied all over his body, with only one eye exposed.

You can tell from her physique that she is a woman.

Although the voice was a bit hoarse, you could barely tell it was a female voice.

Mu Rufeng could also smell a strong burnt smell from her body.

From the looks of it, the employee maintained the same appearance as when he was burned to death.

"You're welcome." The bandaged woman replied, turned and left.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time and found that it was already six-twenty.

There are only forty minutes left until seven o'clock.

Mu Rufeng immediately took a lot of instant noodles and food from the vending machine.

The vending machine trembled and prepared five buckets of instant noodles for Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng did not sit at the dining table to eat this time, but sat next to the vending machine.

While eating, I learned the news about Scarlet Choice from the vending machine.

After dinner, Mu Rufeng was only eighty percent full, and then drank a bottle of Scarlet Eyeball, which made Mu Rufeng feel a little full.

Immediately, he walked towards the dormitory building carrying a 1.5-liter bottle of Scarlet Eyeball.

Although Mu Rufeng sold out all the products in the vending machine, she still kept some for herself.

The dormitory building is not far away, and it is only a three-minute walk from the cafeteria.

On the way, there were many employees heading to the dormitory like him.

Of course, there are also many people who feel that they are powerful and seem to be preparing to hunt at night?

It can be said that every night, the number of employees in Scarlet Premiere will be reduced.

In addition, the competition pressure is now high and it is difficult to recruit employees. Therefore, Scarlet Preferred recruits live people from the real world.

Moreover, this is just an experiment. If it is really feasible, the survivors will not be recruited one at a time.

These are all the information Mu Rufeng obtained from the vending machine.

Although there may be some inaccuracies, it is estimated that 80% of them are true.

Mu Rufeng also asked curiously: "Since it is so dangerous at night, how did you avoid those employees?"

The vending machine replied: "I am a vending machine. Unlike them, I can shut down my phone and go to sleep from one to seven o'clock. During the shutdown period, I belong to the public property of Scarlet Preferred."

"Even if it's night, they don't dare to damage the public property of Scarlet Preferred, otherwise..."

The staff dormitory building is a seven-story building with a large area.

They are all enclosed, even the first floor is completely enclosed by hard iron fences.

Mu Rufeng made a visual inspection and found out that there were twenty rooms on the first floor.

Moreover, from the looks of it, it seems that the doors open to opposite sides, which means that the number of rooms must be multiplied by two.

In other words, there are forty rooms on the first floor, and on the seventh floor, there are a total of 280 rooms.

He didn't know yet how many people lived in a room, but it was definitely not a single room.

At the entrance to the dormitory building, there is an extended L-shaped building.

Mu Rufeng ignored the looks of the employees and walked into the dormitory building.

There is a fence door at the main entrance of the dormitory building, but it is open now.

As soon as he entered, Mu Rufeng felt a gust of cold wind coming, which made Mu Rufeng's hair stand up.

He was not wearing a shirt right now. If he wasn't afraid of the cold now, he would definitely catch a cold tomorrow.

After entering, what comes into view is a dormitory room.

The window of the dormitory room faces the main door.

On the other side of the window, there was a fat aunt looking at Mu Rufeng.

"Are you a new employee? Come here." The dormitory aunt raised her plump hand and waved to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng responded and quickly came to the window.

This time, he saw it more clearly.

I saw that the lower body of this dormitory aunt was not her legs, but a plump ball of flesh.

Mu Rufeng sniffed, and a greasy smell filled her nose.

"Huh? Are you a living person? A temporary worker? Hehe."

"Let me see which dormitory to arrange for you."

The dormitory aunt licked her lips, then took out a booklet and began to read through it.

"By the way, you must have just settled your salary. Do you want to buy some candles?" the dormitory aunt said suddenly.

"Candle? Can you show it to me?" Mu Rufeng's heart moved and she quickly said.

"This is a good thing, it can save your life." The dormitory aunt quickly handed over a yellow candle.

[Secret candle made by the aunt in charge of the dormitory]: It is a candle made from the fat in the body of the aunt in charge of the dormitory.

Effect: After being ignited, it can exude the power of the dormitory aunt. During the ignition period, all weirdos that are weaker than the dormitory aunt will retreat.

Note: During the lighting period, there will be a certain probability of attracting the hostess to come.

Mu Rufeng only felt that her hands were greasy and a little disgusting.

It is said to be a good thing, and it is indeed a good thing, but it will attract the dormitory aunt to come over.

This dormitory aunt must be extremely powerful. It is estimated that as long as it is lit, safety will definitely be guaranteed.

However, if the dormitory aunt is attracted, what will happen next is unknown.

"Sister Liu, how do you sell this candle?" Mu Rufeng glanced at the tag carried by the dormitory aunt and asked.

"One piece is 100 yuan, three pieces are 10% off, and five pieces are 20% off." said the dormitory aunt.

‘Uh’ Mu Rufeng didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

One hundred dollars a piece? Is it expensive?

Very expensive.

One hundred yuan, the basic salary of these employees is only fifty yuan.

Only some specific positions have commissions, and most of them are a dead salary of fifty yuan a day.

With two days' salary to buy a potentially dangerous candle, Mu Rufeng felt that the business of the dormitory aunt must be very bad.

"If you don't have money, you can use your flesh and blood to offset it. Don't worry, even if you cut off your arm, I can help you heal the wound quickly."

The dormitory aunt said, it seems that this is his real purpose.

"Sister Liu, just give me five." Mu Rufeng took out the banknotes and handed them in through the window.

The dormitory aunt was stunned for a moment, then became ecstatic, and immediately reached out and grabbed the money.

"Okay, okay! Haha!" The dormitory aunt suddenly laughed happily.

"Come on, come on, this is your candle. I just opened my business today, so I'll give you one more for good luck. I hope you'll be lucky!"

The dormitory aunt took a plastic bag, put five candles in it, and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng immediately took it and put the candle in her hand into a plastic bag.

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