I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 240 The third stage of the mission begins

A group of people waited quietly in the dark.

Time passed slowly.

"Time is up." Li Lina suddenly said.

"Shall we go out now?" a contractor said.

"Keep waiting, wait until the factory is in chaos, everyone be ready." Li Lina said.

A few minutes later, the ground suddenly began to shake.

No, not just the ground, the walls around began to shake.

[The third stage of the mission is open, assist Li Lina to close the main valve of the clone factory, the mission fails, the copy fails, and the bomb in the body will explode]

Mu Rufeng raised his eyebrows when he heard it. Sure enough, they really have a bomb in their body?

He immediately said: "The mission has been issued, let's go."

"Action, you all follow closely." Li Lina nodded and immediately opened the door of the utility room.

The others seemed to have known that there was a bomb in their body, so they reacted quickly.

A group of people ran out quickly.

When Mu Rufeng went out, he immediately jumped to the top and hid directly on the side of the pipe.

If you don't come to the right side and turn on the light, you really can't see where Mu Rufeng is.

The group was frightened by Mu Rufeng's move again, but seeing Li Lina running fast, they didn't dare to delay and followed quickly.

"Da Da Da~~!"

The rhythmic footsteps of Li Lina rang in the quiet corridor.

It must be said that running on four legs is fast. Even if those contractors didn't try their best, they were getting farther and farther away from Li Lina.

"Lina, slow down, they are almost falling behind." Mu Rufeng said to Li Lina below.

"Okay." Li Lina had to slow down after hearing this.

When Li Lina's speed slowed down, the contractors caught up immediately.

The group kept running in the corridor at this speed.

They ran through many office areas and some experimental areas, and there was no one inside. Obviously, it was not working hours now, and no one stayed inside.

After running for about seven or eight minutes, they came to a huge alloy iron door.


A violent explosion sounded from above, and the surrounding walls shook even more severely.

Li Lina ignored it, took out a small ball, and threw it directly on the electronic screen on the left.

"It takes three minutes to unlock the password. During this time, the security inside will definitely be alarmed. Everyone, be prepared for the battle." Li Lina said.

"Miss Lina, what level of weirdness is the security inside?" Sun Guo asked.

"Don't worry, they are all level three security guards, and the security supervisor is level five, but he is not at work today." Li Lina said.

"The password is 775680." Mu Rufeng suddenly said.

"Ah?" Li Lina was a little confused.

"The password is 775680, and the security supervisor is at work. He is now in the office of Supervisor Anna." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Sir, is it true? If the security supervisor is here, it will be troublesome." Li Lina's face became a little ugly.

"Leave it to me, stop talking nonsense, hurry up." Mu Rufeng said coldly.

Li Lina hesitated for a moment after hearing this, then took down her password-decrypting machine and put it away, and then entered the password.

"Chi~~!" A sound of disappointment sounded.

Immediately, the alloy door slowly opened to the right.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The whole earth shook violently, and it was even a little unstable to stand on the ground.

At this time, a lot of weird people in uniforms suddenly emerged in the passage opposite.

One of the leaders was the security director mentioned by Li Lina.

"Humph, as expected, the factory director said that there would be spies tonight, but I didn't expect it to be you, Li Lina." Anderu snorted coldly, staring at Li Lina with his eyes fixed.

"Sir, it's up to you." Li Lina was only a level 4 weird. Facing the level 5 Anderu, she really had no chance of winning.

The most important thing was that she didn't know what went wrong. The boss of the factory actually knew that someone would take action tonight?

Was there something wrong with her boss, or what?

Mu Rufeng fell from above, waved the magic wand in her hand, and saw a huge fireball coming in an instant.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The fireball exploded directly, and the terrifying flames instantly swept the entire passage.

When the contractors saw the flames coming, they reacted very quickly and retreated to the back at a rapid speed.

However, when the flames approached Mu Rufeng, they quickly gathered together to form a fireball, which was suspended in Mu Rufeng's palm.

[Triggering successfully, killing the fifth-level weird, strength +0.3, ghost power +0.3%]


After a wave, strength +0.5, constitution +0.3, spirit +0.5, a fifth-level security supervisor, ten third-level security guards.

Then, a large number of items fell on the ground, and even soul notes.

Mu Rufeng stepped forward and, under the traction of the ghost energy, all were collected in the item column.

The others stared at this scene in a daze. They could never have imagined that Mu Rufeng could kill so many monsters in one move?

That's not all. What the hell are those things that exploded on the ground? Are they dropping things when killing monsters?

At this moment, they suddenly thought of Mu Rufeng's moves. Isn't it the skill of the fire mage in the [Wild Pioneer] dungeon?

Even Sun Guo and another contractor both have a skill, but it's not a fire mage.

"What skill is this?"

"So powerful, this fire skill is too strong, isn't it?" The two contractors were shocked.

These two contractors obviously only reached level 3 recently and did not participate in the [Wild Pioneer] dungeon.

"This is the fire skill in the [Wild Pioneer] dungeon, but why is it so strong?" Sun Guo was shocked.

It's not that she hasn't seen fire skills before, but even if her companions were upgraded to a high level and wore high-level red equipment, the fire skills they used were not so strong.

"This doesn't seem to be a game dungeon, why can things still be exploded? This is too outrageous, isn't it?" Another contractor was also a little shocked.

"Don't stand there, hurry up." Mu Rufeng scolded.

"You want to leave, have you asked me?" A fat woman slowly walked out of the office next to her.

"Director Anna? That's not right, don't you fall into a deep sleep at night?" Li Lina was shocked again.

This supervisor Anna is a level 6 weirdo, and her strength is even stronger than that of the security supervisor.

"Today, the boss specifically told me not to sleep tonight. I drank a bucket of coffee, and I am very energetic now."

"Not bad, very good, so many men, and contractors, this is much more fun than that guy Anderlu." Anna licked her lips and looked at Mu Rufeng and others greedily.

"Li Lina, it seems that your boss's plan has been leaked." Mu Rufeng said.

"That. Sir, can you handle it?" Li Lina said in a low voice.

"It's just a small level 6 weirdo." Mu Rufeng's voice fell, and his figure suddenly flashed and appeared directly in front of Anna.

Mu Rufeng waved the wand in his hand and went straight to Anna's head.

Seeing this, Anna not only did not dodge, but sneered: "If you use the previous fire skills, you can still hurt me, but you actually-"

Before Anna finished speaking, Mu Rufeng's wand had hit her temple.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Anna's head exploded directly.

However, the prompt sound did not sound, and Anna was not dead.

As expected, Anna's body retreated instantly, and then, Anna's head swelled up again, but Anna's fat body was smaller.

"You are quite resistant, you have some skills." Mu Rufeng looked at Anna and praised her.

Anna did not speak, but she shook her whole body and a strong breath burst out. This was the power of the factory, which directly promoted her to the seventh-level ghost general.

"You--" Anna looked contemptuous and was about to speak, but she saw Mu Rufeng knocking over with a stick.

"Bang!" With a loud bang.

Mu Rufeng's magic wand knocked a big hole in the ground.

It's not that Mu Rufeng didn't hit it, but it went straight from the top of Anna's head all the way down, and then hit the ground.

Anna's whole body exploded directly, and blood and flesh splashed in all directions.

Even though Mu Rufeng was covered in blood, he didn't care, because it was absorbed by the bandages directly.

However, to Mu Rufeng's surprise, the blood and flesh gathered together quickly, and then Anna appeared in front of Mu Rufeng again.

However, this time, she was no longer fat as before, but a tall and beautiful blonde.

The most important thing was that because her clothes were blown up, she was completely naked.

"Don't kill me, I don't know anything." Anna covered her chest with her hands, her face full of fear, and ran quickly into the office next to her.

She even locked the door, obviously, she was afraid of Mu Rufeng.

She was a level 6 weird, and later had the strength of a level 7 ghost general, but she was killed twice by a contractor without any resistance.

She was obviously just a level 3 contractor, but she looked like a level 7 or even level 8 contractor.

Mu Rufeng didn't want to let her go, so he kicked the door open and released a fireball inside.

With a violent explosion, a prompt sounded in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Triggering successfully, killing level 6 weird, physical fitness +0.4, ghost power +0.4%]

"Li Lina, lead the way." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, sir." Li Lina responded immediately and rushed forward quickly.

Mu Rufeng followed closely behind, completely ignoring the things that the dead Anna supervisor had exploded.

Several contractors looked at each other and quickly followed.

Only Sun Guo hesitated for a moment and quickly entered the room with high temperature.

After a while, Sun Guo came out with an excited face and quickly chased after Mu Rufeng and the others.

Fortunately, there was no fork here, and following the traces they left behind, they still caught up with Mu Rufeng and the others.

At this moment, Mu Rufeng and others were standing in front of a huge valve.

This valve had a turntable with a diameter of half a meter. Obviously, if you want to open this valve, you need to turn this turntable.

And this turntable is very easy to turn.

However, Li Lina's face became a little ugly.

"Damn it, the boss didn't tell me that this valve is like this?" Li Lina looked very unhappy.

"What's wrong?" Mu Rufeng was a little confused.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" The other contractors were also confused.

"This kind of valve needs to be turned 100 times to move forward one click. I observed that this valve has 100 clicks."

"That is to say, we need to turn 10,000 times to open this valve, and this valve has five!"

"Damn it, I was cheated out of 100,000 yuan, damn it, damn it!!!" Li Lina kept cursing.

"How long will it take?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"It will take at least half an hour to arrange five people to turn around." Li Lina said.

"Half an hour? What kind of valve is this? It takes so long to open it?" Qi Wei spoke without waiting for Mu Rufeng to speak.

Sun Liancheng and Zhao Mai also looked at Li Lina, wanting to get an answer.

At this time, Sun Guo said, "I know, this valve is indeed like this. We are contractors, so we are faster."

"If an ordinary person comes, it will take at least more than an hour."

"Have you seen the movie "The Heroes of Fire"? And do you know about the XXX explosion on July 16? Eighty thousand turns, six hours of rotation."

Mu Rufeng heard this, looked at Li Lina, and said, "Is there any other way?"

"I only know this method." Li Lina said.

"Then what are you waiting for, you five people turn quickly, don't stop for a moment." Mu Rufeng immediately issued an order.

After hearing this, several people were silent for a moment, and then quickly took their positions, and then turned circles crazily.

At this moment, the movement outside had long ceased, and the shaking and roaring sounds had disappeared.

Mu Rufeng didn't know how the boss Niu Ben acted, but if he didn't hold back the factory director of the ninth-level ghost emperor.

Then, what awaited Mu Rufeng and the others must be the result of mission failure and failure to pass the copy.

"Li Lina, give me your phone, my phone has no signal." Mu Rufeng said.

Li Lina immediately threw an old phone over.

Mu Rufeng immediately followed the prompts of the attributes, operated it for a while, and pulled out a long antenna.

Then he opened the address book and dialed the number called the boss.

The phone rang for only three seconds and was connected.

"Li Lina, how is it, have you reached the valve position?" Niu Ben asked.

"You are Boss Niu Ben, right?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Who are you? Where is Li Lina?" Niu Ben said after a silence.

"Who am I? Why, you sent me in as a clone, have you forgotten?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"You are a contractor? How is this possible? Li Lina was killed by you?"

"Kill? No, no, no, how could I kill her, say something." Mu Rufeng said to Li Lina.

"Boss, I'm Li Lina. You've screwed me over for this 100,000 yuan." Li Lina said with a bitter face.

"Li Lina, are you being held hostage by the contractor? Also, who are you, and what is the purpose of your call?" Niu Ben asked.

"My purpose is very simple. Where is the bomb implanted in my body? When was it implanted?"

"Also, what is your ultimate goal?" Mu Rufeng asked.

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