I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 245 Both sides increase their stakes, bold plan? [7,000 words]

Below, there are a large number of clones gathered, densely packed.

Because at this moment, the factory's production workshop is still producing clones at full capacity.

Those clones were originally in a state of silence because they had no goals. However, when Mu Rufeng appeared, they all went crazy.

It's just that they couldn't reach Mu Rufeng, but they started to stack up one after another, and the whole group quickly increased.

But it was useless, because their rising speed could not catch up with the flying centaur girl.

After a while, they had left the production area and directly entered the dismal passage that had been destroyed by Mu Rufeng.

In other words, it cannot be regarded as a passage at all.

There is still a large area of ​​magma on the ground, emitting terrifying heat.

It's been an hour, right? The magma hasn't cooled down yet.

Mu Rufeng turned around and saw that those crazy clones began to fill the magma with their bodies again at an extremely fast speed.

It was actually only three minutes slower than Li Lina's flying speed.

Soon, the two came to the door of the utility room.

The wall of the utility room is now covered with cracks.

There is also a huge crack from top to bottom, and the scene inside can be seen directly from the outside.

Although he was still unable to pass an adult, Mu Rufeng teleported again, and he teleported in directly with Li Lina.

He wanted to escape through the ventilation duct as he had done at the beginning.

Although the factory was attacked by Aoba Farm, causing huge damage.

But it doesn't matter. As long as everything is not blocked, there will be no hindrance to Mu Rufeng.

"Mr. Mu, what should we do now? Hide in the secret room?" Li Lina said.

"Who told you to hide? We need to escape."

Mu Rufeng raised his head and glanced at the twisted pipe, then flew up and pulled the iron net away and got in.

"Quickly, follow up." Mu Rufeng said.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Li Lina crashed directly into the pipe. Just because of her size, her upper body squeezed in and her lower body was stuck underneath.

"Mr. Mu, the hole is too small for me to get in, and the pipe seems to be too small."

Li Lina kept exerting force with her hands, trying to squeeze her body in, but it was all in vain. Instead, her body kept shaking.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng stepped forward, reached out and stuffed the edge of the pipe, and then suddenly tore it open, directly tearing a hole.

Immediately, Li Lina climbed in directly.

It’s just that because the pipe was too small, Li Lina could only bend her legs and kneel on the ground.

In this posture, let alone crawling away, it is difficult to move.

"Mr. Mu, it's so crowded. I can't leave at all," Li Lina said.

"It's simple, I just drag you away." Mu Rufeng said, and saw the bandage on her body extending out and quickly tied to Li Lina's body, or in other words, completely covering her.

Then, a thin fire coat appeared around Mu Rufeng, and then Mu Rufeng was suspended in the middle of the pipe.

The next moment, Mu Rufeng's body shot directly forward.

Behind, Li Lina, who was being pulled, also increased her speed instantly, but unlike Mu Rufeng, her lower body was constantly rubbing against the pipe.


Li Lina screamed immediately.

Because the speed was too fast and the pipe was too small, she had grown taller, and her body was constantly colliding and rubbing inside the pipe.

In addition, some pipes were twisted or broken, which made Li Lina's collision even more painful.

"It hurts. Slow down, Mr. Mu, slow down."

"You are a level four trickster. Why does it hurt? Besides, my bandage can also help you recover from your injuries." Mu Rufeng left a few words and then speeded up again.

There was a sound of "Boom!"

Mu Rufeng directly knocked open the blocked pipe and appeared in a clone warehouse.

There were no clones inside, and they had obviously all gone out to hunt down Mu Rufeng and the others.

Mu Rufeng immediately looked for the ventilation duct connected to it, smashed it open with a punch, and then entered.

About seven or eight minutes later, Mu Rufeng flew out of the ventilation duct on the roof.

There was a sound of "Bang!"

Li Lina fell heavily on the roof.


Li Lina suddenly let out a cry of pain.

Mu Rufeng pulled gently, and the bandage quickly flew back and wrapped around his body.

"Are you out?" Li Lina stood up and looked around excitedly.

Although it hurts, it is absolutely insignificant compared to the joy of escaping.

"It's not that simple." Mu Rufeng's voice was a little solemn.

I saw two huge nine-level groups appearing in the sky above the factory.

The tyrannical aura was constantly rubbing and colliding in the sky, causing the surrounding space to become distorted.

The terrifying momentum made it difficult for Mu Rufeng to stay suspended in the air and could only fall down.

Li Lina on the side was immediately frightened by the breath and fell to the ground, trembling.

Flying at this time is no different from seeking death, even with Mu Rufeng's current strength.

In addition, there is also the shadow of a ninth-level group on the side.

It's just much smaller than the two above.

It is a branch of Qingye Farm. At this moment, the factory director is controlling the branch and suppressing the clone factory branch.

The surrounding earth was cracked and collapsed, and it was obvious that it had suffered an unimaginable attack.

When Mu Rufeng appeared on the roof, the mobile phone that Mu Rufeng had stuffed in the bandage rang.

Of course, it was not Mu Rufeng's own, but the old-fashioned mobile phone that Mu Rufeng took from Li Lina.

After Mu Rufeng answered the call, Niu Ben's urgent voice came from inside.

"You finally came out. Did you get the things?"

"I got them, but how can I get out now?"

Mu Rufeng looked around. Except for the building where Mu Rufeng was standing, the other 19 buildings and factories had all been destroyed.

It can be said that now only the building under Mu Rufeng's feet is still relatively intact.

"Got them? Haha, that's great. It's worth my effort to save your building."

Niu Ben said with a big laugh.

Mu Rufeng understood immediately after hearing this.

No wonder their building didn't change except for the initial shaking for a while.

He thought it was the clone factory that resisted the attack of Qingye Farm.

Unexpectedly, it was Niu Ben who saved their building, otherwise, this clone branch would have been destroyed long ago.

"Just stand there and don't move. I will take you to my Qingye headquarters." Niu Ben said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng nodded and pulled Li Lina to his side.

Immediately, he stood there quietly waiting.

The next moment, a terrifying attack came instantly.

"Boom boom!"

A terrifying roar resounded.

The surrounding space was instantly twisted and then cracked. It was a deep darkness that even swallowed up light.

The Qingye branch attacked and destroyed the clone branch with one blow.

The collision caused by the two directly caused a large amount of space around to collapse.

However, under such a terrifying attack, Mu Rufeng was not affected at all.

There was a green energy around him that completely wrapped him up.

It was this energy that directly took all the attacks.

Mu Rufeng felt his thighs being hugged at this moment.

He looked down and found that Li Lina was lying on the ground, with her upper body raised, hugging his thighs tightly.

Her face was still tightly pressed against his body.

His whole body was trembling. It was obvious that Li Lina hugged him because of fear, as if this would make him feel more secure.

"Niu Ben, you are looking for death!!!"

A cold voice came from above.

"Looking for death? Haha, if you have the ability, just kill me." Niu Ben's laughter also came from above.

At some point, two huge figures appeared on the two huge level nine groups.

On the left side, there was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a well-tailored suit.

On the right side, there was a bald man about fifty years old, with a face full of flesh and a murderous aura.

The former was the general manager of the clone factory, Wan Yue.

The latter was the owner of Qingye Farm, Niu Ben.

"Are you ready to go to war with our clone factory?" Wan Yue said coldly.

"Yes, go to war. Anyway, my farm will go bankrupt if we don't go to war now. If we don't go to war now, do we have to wait for you to boil the frog in warm water?"

Niu Ben said with a sneer.

"Okay, very good, then today I will make your Qingye Farm completely disappear in history."

As soon as Wan Yue finished speaking, he saw him controlling the clone factory to crash directly into Qingye Farm.

Seeing this, Niu Ben also sneered, not afraid at all, and controlled the farm to meet it.

The two sides collided with each other.

The terrifying shock wave spread in all directions.

The earth cracked, the space collapsed, and the energy around Mu Rufeng became a little distorted.

Mu Rufeng was also a little scared when he saw it.

He was afraid that he would be killed by this shock wave.

This was not the first time that Mu Rufeng faced the collision of the Nine-Level Group, but every time he watched it, he felt scared.

Even though Mu Rufeng now has the strength of an eighth-level ghost king.

Of course, the ninth-level group also has strengths and weaknesses. Obviously, Xixi Optimal, Scarlet Optimal and Undead Optimal are much worse than the Clone Factory and Qingye Farm.

Under this terrifying attack, even the ninth-level ghost emperor can hardly resist it.

At this time, a special force emerged and began to pull the energy shield wrapped around Mu Rufeng.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng and Li Lina flew towards the direction of Qingye Farm.

Obviously, this is Niu Ben's method.

However, soon, a special force appeared in the opposite direction.

Mu Rufeng also thought that this must be Wanjun's method.

To be honest, it is impossible for Wanjun to destroy Qingye Farm.

He can only slowly suppress its business, and boil the frog in warm water. It is basically impossible to attack by force.

Even if this branch factory is destroyed, it is no big deal. If it is rebuilt, it will only waste a month or so.

However, once the cloning technology is stolen, especially by the mortal enemy Qingye Farm.

Then, the future situation will be really unimaginable.

Mu Rufeng was stuck in place, neither forward nor backward, neither up nor down.

"Contractor, destroy the cloning technology, and I will give you great wealth."

Wan Yue's voice floated in his ears.

At this time, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Ding! Side quest released]

[Side quest: Destroy the cloning technology on your body and get the gift from Wan Yue, the general director of the clone factory]

Mu Rufeng heard this and slowly looked up at Wan Yue above.

"I don't know what you mean by great wealth?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Whatever you want, soul money, powerful props, skill cards are all fine." Wan Yue said.

Before Mu Rufeng replied, Niu Ben's voice sounded: "Mu Rufeng, you still have a return mission, don't believe him."

"Haha, mission? If I guess correctly, you should have a login bracelet on you."

"As long as you destroy the USB data, I will give you one million soul money, plus a rule prop and a rule skill card." Wan Yue laughed and said.

"Mu Rufeng, I will give you double what he gave you. You should immediately activate the login bracelet to return. When you are in the next copy, use that phone to contact me, and I will give you enough rewards."

Niu Ben said immediately.

Niu Ben knew that there was no way to get the cloning technology today.

He was under great pressure now because he had to protect Mu Rufeng, so he was at a disadvantage.

But Wan Yue didn't care at all. As long as Mu Rufeng was killed, everything would be solved.

So Niu Ben chose to let Mu Rufeng return first.

In this way, as long as Mu Rufeng survived, Wan Yue would definitely find it difficult to find Mu Rufeng when he went to the next copy.

Mu Rufeng could contact Niu Ben with that phone.

Even Niu Ben could find Mu Rufeng's location through the location of the phone.

As for whether Mu Rufeng was willing, he thought he should be willing. After all, he had enough money to make up for any losses incurred by Mu Rufeng.

"Friend Mu, tell me your bank card number. As long as you destroy the data, I will immediately transfer 10 million soul notes to you." Wan Yue said.

"Ten million? Who are you looking down on? Mu Rufeng, show me your bank card and I'll transfer twenty million to you." Niu Ben was anxious and shouted.

"So much money." Li Lina, who was hugging Mu Rufeng's thigh, stopped shaking and kept muttering.

She worked so hard and only received one hundred thousand yuan from Niu Ben. Now she was going to give Mu Rufeng twenty million yuan for ten million.

This made Li Lina envious.

"I'm not short of money. Do I have any spiritual objects that can increase attributes?" Mu Rufeng said.

After this, both sides were silent.

"Yes, the milk produced by the cow king of my Qingye Farm can increase a lot of attributes for the first time, and if you take it every day for ten consecutive days, you can increase all attributes by +1, with no upper limit."

"As long as you go back now, I will take care of all the milk from the cow king in the future." Niu Ben said hurriedly.

"My puppet factory also has concentrated blood essence. The first time you take it, it can increase a lot of attributes. If you take it every day for seven consecutive days, all attributes can be +1, with no upper limit."

"You destroy the cloning technology now, and I will take care of all the concentrated blood essence, and I will pay for it." Wan Yue said.

"Humph, your concentrated blood essence has such a big side effect, who dares to eat it? And I grow a variety of spiritual objects on my farm. I can remember that there are ten kinds that can increase attributes. How can you compete with me?"

"Mu Rufeng, as long as you do what I say, I promise to send them all to you when you return next time." Niu Ben raised the stakes again.

"What a joke, those things of yours can also be bought in Baibaolou. What he can give, I can also give. As long as you agree, I will give you 10% of the shares of the newly built cloning factory in this city." Wan Yue said coldly.

"Fuck you, I will give you 20% of the shares of the Qingye Farm branch here." Niu Ben said with a heavy breath.

【Ding! The task reward will be increased by 20% of Niu Ben's shares in the Qingye Farm Branch and a certain amount of Cow King milk.

Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned when he heard this. He really didn't expect that there would be a task prompt.

Just when Mu Rufeng was about to speak, he saw the bottom of the factory that had been destroyed suddenly exploded.

Then, a huge black figure crawled out from the ground.

Mu Rufeng looked down and found that this huge figure was the black liquid that chased Mu Rufeng before.

At this moment, the huge figure formed by the black liquid actually exuded the breath of the ninth-level ghost emperor, which made Mu Rufeng's heart jump.

A mouthful of black mucus was instantly sprayed out and went straight towards Mu Rufeng.

Seeing this, Niu Ben immediately urged his own strength to try to stop the mucus.

However, it was directly blocked by Wan Yue.

This mucus successfully landed on the energy shield around Mu Rufeng.

The black liquid did not corrode the energy shield, but directly wrapped it up, and then a magical scene appeared.

Whether it was Wan Yue or Niu Ben's power, they were all felt.

And the layer of energy protecting Mu Rufeng was also being quickly devoured and digested.

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng's face changed slightly, and he looked at the landing bracelet on his hand and felt a little relieved.

Then he waited quietly.

It was impossible to activate it directly, at least Niu Ben had to try hard to see if he could save him.

At the same time, outside.

"Is this the Black Body Project? Did your research succeed?" Niu Ben looked at the huge black figure, his face full of shock.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the research to be successful." Wan Yue looked at the black figure and laughed.

"Damn, how could you succeed in your research." Niu Ben's face was full of disbelief.

"Our main factory hasn't figured it out yet, but I never expected that this branch factory would succeed." Wan Yue was also quite excited at this moment.

"Swish, swish, swish~~!"

A large amount of black liquid flew towards the two major groups in the sky like an energy ray.

Seeing this, Niu Ben summoned his strength and directly dispersed the energy ray.

However, the next moment, the dispersed liquid gathered together again and flew back towards the black figure.

As for Wan Yue, there was no obstruction at all, allowing the liquid to fly over, and then the ghost cave opened a hole and directly collected the black liquid.

Niu Ben thought about it, and also opened a hole in the ghost cave, and directly collected the black liquid that flew back.

The figure below seemed angry, and actually jumped high, ignoring the pressure between the two, and went straight to Qingye Farm.

Obviously, it was because Qingye Farm attacked first, so it became its first target of attack.

Mu Rufeng, watching the thinning energy shield, had a bad feeling in his heart.

There was no movement outside. Did Niu Ben not want to rescue him? Or was it impossible to rescue him?

"Wuwuwu, Brother Mu, what should we do? Are we going to die here?"

"Brother Mu, you seem to have a way to return to the real world. Wuwuwu, can you sign a contract with me? I don't want to die here."

The Centaur girl looked at Mu Rufeng with a sob.

"I do have a way, but I may disappoint you. I now have three contract weirdnesses." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Then I am really going to die here today, wuwuwu~~~!"

Hearing this, Li Lina was heartbroken and burst into tears.

"Why are you panicking? It's not the last moment yet."

Mu Rufeng immediately opened his mouth and blew out a breath of ice.

In an instant, the erosion speed of the black liquid outside suddenly slowed down.

"It really works."

This black thing is a liquid, and it can swallow up flames and other energies.

But if it is ice, it can also be swallowed, but it is extremely slow and can also slow down its speed.

Mu Rufeng was just guessing, but he didn't expect that it would really work after trying it.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng began to spit out a lot of ice breath.

After a while, Mu Rufeng found that the black liquid on the outer layer of the energy shield was directly frozen into ice.

"It's so cold" Li Lina on the side trembled all over, and the cold snot was frozen.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng waved the magic wand in his hand, and a stick directly hit the ice through the energy shield.

"Hua La La~~!"

The ice burst, and the black liquid frozen in the ice fell directly.

At the same time, the energy also opened an extremely small crack because of this blow.

It was also relying on this crack that Mu Rufeng pulled Li Lina and teleported directly outside.

Although it was difficult to close the crack with his strength, he could still create a crack even though it was so weak.

He could teleport out with teleportation.

Then he teleported to the outer edge of the ghost den of Qingye Farm.

It was at this moment that the ghost den suddenly expanded and swallowed Mu Rufeng.


A violent roar sounded, and the huge black figure was directly shaken apart by the terrifying power, turning into a rainstorm and falling below.

"Damn it!!!"

On the other side, Wan Yue saw Mu Rufeng entering Qingye Farm and suddenly became a little irritable.

Wan Yue immediately controlled the clone factory to continue the attack.

Unfortunately, Niu Ben did not give Wan Yue any chance at all. Before the attack came, the Qingye Farm headquarters turned into a phantom and disappeared.

All the employees of the Qingye Farm branch disappeared together.

Seeing this, Wan Yue was furious. He snorted coldly and turned around to destroy the Qingye Farm branch.

Then, he looked at the black liquid that was gathering below.

"Hmph, if the data is gone, it's gone. With this successful test product, the main factory's technology will be able to research it in a few days."

Immediately, Wan Yue controlled the main factory to fall directly, and then directly collected the black liquid with a crushing posture, and then slowly disappeared.


"Give it to me, quickly, give me the technical data." Niu Ben appeared in front of Mu Rufeng at some point, and his hands were tightly held by him.

"Boss Niu, what you just said, does it still count?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"It counts, of course it counts, 20 million soul notes, milk and various spiritual objects, where is the technical data?" Niu Ben responded repeatedly.

"Boss Niu, did you forget something, where is the 20% share of the Qingye Farm branch?" Mu Rufeng said again.

"This... the branch was destroyed, and it will take a long time to build a new one." Niu Ben said.

"Boss Niu, we have to keep our word. I even heard the mission. You can't cheat."

"If you really come, don't blame me for returning the cloning information to the director of the cloning factory."

"Besides, the black body plan you just mentioned seems to be very important, right?" Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Okay, I promise you, the nearest branch is in Shugui City, which is three cities away from here."

"I will transfer 20% of the shares of this branch to you." Niu Ben gritted his teeth and agreed.

"Then please let me sign the share transfer contract, thank you!" Mu Rufeng said.

Niu Ben heard this, and without much hesitation, he took out a share contract, then erased his name and threw it directly to Mu Rufeng.

"Just sign it and you can get this 20% share." Niu Ben said.

"It's better to be 20? Boss Niu, do you have 20% of the shares in the Qingye Farm headquarters?" Mu Rufeng asked with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, where is the technical data, one hand pays the money, the other hand delivers the goods, you hurry back, I can also study my data." Niu Ben said.

"Of course no problem." Mu Rufeng signed the contract on it immediately.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt that he had directly connected with a farm.

Mu Rufeng put away the share contract, then took out the USB drive directly and handed it to Niu Ben.

"Boss Niu, remember, you still owe me a favor." Mu Rufeng said.

"Of course I remember. If you need anything in the future, just contact me through that phone number."

Niu Ben held the USB flash drive, his whole face full of smiles, and he didn't care about what Mu Rufeng said.

Soon, he flipped his hand and took out a notebook, then inserted the USB flash drive into it and began to check the information.

Although he was not a technician, he could understand this technology a little.

After flipping through it a few times, he confirmed that this was indeed the information about cloning technology, and his smile became even brighter.

[The fourth stage mission is completed, congratulations to the contractor Mu Rufeng for completing the clearance mission]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176... PS: You can also return immediately]

[Get a secret, please check it]

"Huh?" Mu Rufeng was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that before returning, he actually got another secret.

However, Mu Rufeng did not check, but said to Niu Ben: "Boss Niu, where is the King Cow milk and those spiritual objects that increase properties that you mentioned?"

"Hurry and bring them here, I will be back in three minutes."

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