I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 268 Ten trillion soul notes, financial freedom [ask for monthly votes! ]

Seeing this, Mu Rufeng inserted the half-pull-out latch back in.

The good thing about this grenade is that even if the latch has been pulled out, as long as the handle is not loosened and the latch is inserted back, it will not explode.

Stationmaster Xu came outside and began to count the goods.

Mu Rufeng didn't even let Mu Rufeng do anything. Instead, she moved all the goods and counted them one by one.

"I've finished counting. Can this grenade be taken back?" Stationmaster Xu said.

Unfortunately, none of the grid sites could enhance his strength, so he could only be slaughtered by Mu Rufeng.

Of course, he can communicate with the undead to gain power and then kill the enemy, but if it is used to kill the deliveryman, then he, the webmaster, will not be able to do it.

"I will naturally take it back after the handover is completed." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"Where did this fourth-level contractor get the fifth-level grenade? This grenade is not cheap. I am reluctant to buy it." Stationmaster Xu muttered in his heart.

In a blink of an eye, the time reached eight o'clock in the evening.

Already off work.

There is still one hour of free time, of course, limited to the logistics park.

They must return to the dormitory before nine o'clock, otherwise, day shift drivers like them are not protected by the logistics park rules.

And those who are not protected by rules, such as delicious living people like them, will be the prey of all weird things.

Mu Rufeng had already eaten in the car before, so she did not go to the cafeteria but went directly to the dormitory building.

There were a lot of weird things around, and they all followed Mu Rufeng and looked at Mu Rufeng with greedy expressions.

Obviously they all hope to be assigned to the same dormitory as Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng came to the door of the dormitory room and handed her work permit to the dormitory aunt.

"Please help me allocate a room." Mu Rufeng said.

The dormitory aunt glanced at Mu Rufeng, and her eyes instantly became a little intriguing.

"One hundred dollars, I'll put you in the contractor's room." said the dormitory aunt.

Mu Rufeng threw out a thousand yuan and said, "Can you give me a single room?"

"Yes, of course." The dormitory aunt's eyes suddenly lit up, she took a key with a 404 number on it and handed it to Mu Rufeng.

"No one lives in this room, it belongs to you now." The dormitory aunt put the soul money away and said with a smile.

For the dormitory aunt, whether she is a contractor or a weirdo, if she has money, she is the boss.

Mu Rufeng immediately took the key and walked to the fourth floor.

The weird ones behind them all looked disappointed.

Obviously they didn't expect that Mu Rufeng would actually spend a thousand yuan in soul money to get a single room?

After a while, Mu Rufeng arrived at room 404.

After locking the door, Mu Rufeng turned on the light. The light was soft, but it illuminated the room brightly.

This is a standard quadruple room, very small, with two beds on the left and right. Going forward is a small balcony with a messy washbasin.

On the right side of the small balcony is a toilet.

There was a faint stench in the air, and Mu Rufeng was used to it.

The environment here is already very good compared to the staff dormitory of Scarlet Preferred.

Mu Rufeng searched for a while and finally found a note under the mattress of a bed.

[Notes on dormitories]

1. Please keep quiet at night, except for snoring and other bad sleeping habits.

2. Please do not go out of the dormitory after turning off the lights. Please lock the doors and windows inside the house.

3. After lights out, if someone knocks on the door, do not open the door under any circumstances.

4. The dormitory is absolutely safe.

After Mu Rufeng read this note, she immediately closed and locked the door of the small balcony.

Then he took out his bedding and pillows, remade a bed, and then lay on it.

Then he took out his mobile phone and set the alarm clock for twelve o'clock in the morning, but the alarm clock only vibrated.

I looked at the time, it was now half past eight, and I could still sleep for three and a half hours.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Drowsily, Mu Rufeng felt someone knocking on the door, but he ignored it and continued to sleep.

"Buzz buzz~~!"

I don't know how long it took, but there was a buzzing and vibration in my chest.

Mu Rufeng woke up instantly and turned off the alarm clock immediately.

I looked at the time, it was exactly 12 o'clock in the morning.

Mu Rufeng stood up, stretched her muscles and then opened the door of the small balcony and came to the small balcony.

"One night is almost enough for me to go there."

Mu Rufeng immediately minimized her presence.

Then he turned over and jumped directly from the small balcony.

But before Mu Rufeng landed, he disappeared in mid-air in an instant. When he reappeared, he was already under a dim streetlight in the distance.

After a few flashes, Mu Rufeng came to the shadow of a warehouse.


The roar of the truck engine rang out, and a trailer more than ten meters long passed by on the side of the road.

This is a trailer for a farewell city station that works day and night, so to speak.

Originally, Undead Preferred had people working 24 hours a day, and the warehouse was brightly lit.

However, because business was squeezed by Scarlet Preferred, the night shift was cancelled.

However, recently, the night shift has been restarted, but it only occupies half of the warehouse.

Apparently, it was the best choice to merge and then spend money to build new pick-up outlets, so the night shift was started.

Mu Rufeng immediately turned into a black shadow and sank directly into the bottom of the large trailer.

After a while, Mu Rufeng followed the large trailer and successfully left the Undead Logistics Park.

After following the large trailer for several hundred meters, Mu Rufeng got out from under the car and then ducked to the side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Rufeng took out the sesame ball.

"Go to the Life Mine." Without waiting for Ma Qiu to speak, Mu Rufeng straddled him and gave the order.

"Okay, Master, let's go now!"

Ma Qiu responded quickly, and then quickly headed towards the mine.

"Drive faster. When you go to the wilderness and try out a new ability, you will probably like it very much." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really? Okay, master, it's up to me." Ma Qiu immediately increased his speed.

"Of course it's true." Mu Rufeng said with a smile, and secretly said in her heart: "Not only will you like it, I also like it very much."

Because there were fewer vehicles at night, Ma Qiu's speed soared so fast that he left the city in just half an hour.

After entering the wilderness area, Mu Rufeng immediately used her mecha transformation ability.

[Do you want to transform into a mecha? Target, level 3 vehicle, ball]

"Yes!" Mu Rufeng nodded.

The next moment, a white halo bloomed from Mu Rufeng's body, and then the hemp ball was also wrapped in it.

Three seconds later, a mecha that looked like Iron Man appeared in the wilderness.

The mecha is three meters tall and is covered in blue. On its chest, there is an energy ball emitting white light.

Mu Rufeng looked inside and found that his body was inside the mecha, but his spirit was already connected to the mecha.

He seemed to be integrated with the mecha. Whenever he moved, the mecha would move with him.

At the same time, Mu Rufeng suddenly had many more ways to use abilities in his mind.

They are energy rays, energy cannons, flying, laser light shooting from the eyes, and they also have power blessings.

This kind of power blessing means that when attacking, energy will spurt out from the side of the arm to boost and increase strength.

He could feel that his strength had increased again.

He has now raised his strength to level eight, and he can actually become one point stronger, which is already very powerful. Besides, Ma Qiu is only a level three vehicle.

If he transformed into a higher-level mecha, would he be more powerful?

"Wow wow wow, master, master, why have I turned into a human? I feel so powerful. How could I become so tall?"

Ma Qiu's voice sounded in Mu Rufeng's ears.

"Ma Qiu, can you control your body now?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Master, I can't control it. I need your authorization. It's amazing. This surprise is great." Ma Qiu was extremely excited.

"Okay, I've given you permission, you can go to the mining area first." Mu Rufeng said.


Ma Qiu's feet instantly ejected fierce blazing energy, quickly flying into the sky.

"Wow wow wow~~ It's flying, it's really flying."

"So fast, so fast." Ma Qiu shouted excitedly.

"It's flying quite steadily," Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

The ball seemed to know how to fly naturally. After playing in the air for a while, it flew towards the mining area.

However, just after flying for a few minutes, a terrifying roar came from the distance.

Ma Qiu paused for a moment: "Master, there is an evil ghost one kilometer ahead, with a strength of level eight. Should we avoid it?"

"No need, it has already arrived, just destroy it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah?" Ma Qiu was shocked when he saw a huge black tiger over five meters appearing below.

Although it is said to be a black tiger, it is actually more like Cthulhu.

The human head, the body of a tiger, the limbs are human hands and feet, and the tail is actually an arm. The sight of it is chilling to the bottom of your heart.

"It's disgusting. What are you still doing? Get rid of it." Mu Rufeng said.

"Yes, Master."

Ma Qiu nodded, then opened his hand and aimed at the human tiger below.

Ma Qiu has been authorized by Mu Rufeng, so he can control the mecha, and can also mobilize some of Mu Rufeng's powers that can be integrated with the mecha.

The human-tiger had already opened its bloody mouth and pointed upward.

A blood-red ray burst out from Renhu's mouth and hit Mu Rufeng.

However, an energy ray that was more than three times thicker fell from above.

The two were attracted by each other's energy and crashed into each other.

The white energy ray crushed the blood-red ray with a devastating gesture, and then penetrated the entire tiger body from the human-tiger's mouth, and then sank into the ground.


The human tiger screamed miserably.

But before the man-tiger could escape, two more red laser beams fell, cutting the man-tiger in half.

However, even so, there is still no prompt to kill.

As expected, he is worthy of being an eighth-level ghost king. He has become like that and yet he is still alive.

"Master, I have become so powerful. I can kill an eighth-level evil ghost so easily." Ma Qiu said excitedly.

"It's not dead yet. Let's fix it with a knife and use the power of thunder to beat it into pieces." Mu Rufeng said.

"Ah? Not dead yet? Okay, Master, watch me."

Ma Qiu smiled, and a large number of energy cannons wrapped in thunder fell from the sky.


Amid a series of explosions, the prompt sound in Mu Rufeng's mind rang.

[Trigger successful, kill the eighth-level evil ghost, spirit +0.5, ghost energy +0.5%]

Eighth-level evil ghost and eighth-level weirdness, the former is not afraid of death and attacks crazily.

The latter has its own consciousness and ideas, and can also use various props. Compared with the two, Mu Rufeng is naturally more willing to deal with the former.

With Mu Rufeng's current strength, it is actually quite difficult to kill an eighth-level ghost king in seconds, because each eighth-level ghost king is not so easy to kill.

Even if you break his body, it can still recover.

However, Mu Rufeng has the power of thunder, and the weirdness and evil ghosts killed by the power of thunder are difficult to recover at all, and can be killed easily.

"Dead, the eighth-level evil ghost just died like that? Master, you are so awesome." Ma Qiu got excited again.

"Okay, let's go to the mining area quickly. I'm a little rushed tonight." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, Master."

Ma Qiu responded, and then quickly flew in the direction he was looking at.

At the speed that Ma Qiu was driving on the road, it would take at least an hour and a half.

But now that he has the ability to fly, and it is extremely fast, in just five minutes, he actually arrived outside the mining area.

After landing, Mu Rufeng directly released the mecha state.

The next moment, the mecha turned back to Ma Qiu, and Mu Rufeng also rode on Ma Qiu again.

Mu Rufeng immediately walked down and then put Ma Qiu into the inventory.

Originally, when Mu Rufeng flew over, the two security guards were as if they were facing a great enemy, and even Liu Xiang, the guard, came here as soon as possible.

But when they saw that the tall mecha finally turned into Mu Rufeng, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Rufeng immediately stepped forward and pressed his palm on a palm print reader next to the gate.

"Beep! Identity confirmed!"


The gate slowly opened and Mu Rufeng walked in directly.

"Mr. Mu, you are here." Liu Xiang and the two security guards shouted.

"Well, you all go and get busy. I'll go to the factory to take a look." Mu Rufeng said, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Soon, Mu Rufeng came to the outside of the factory.

After recognizing his identity again, Mu Rufeng went directly into the factory.

The factory was still brightly lit, but strangely, the fifteen production lines were not started.

In the corner, many cardboard boxes were stacked there, which should be filled with login bracelets.

It has been about four days since Mu Rufeng left last time, because the scrapping time of the production line is about seven days.

And Mu Rufeng had been here for six days at that time.

On the day Mu Rufeng left, the first five production lines were scrapped.

Then in the next three days, the remaining ten production lines were scrapped one after another.

If you count, there are only 10 million login bracelets at most.

Just then, there was a noise in the office not far away.

The door of the office was pushed open, and a woman in pajamas walked out.

"Mr. Mu Mu? Why are you here?" The woman looked at Mu Rufeng in surprise.

"Well, I came to get the login bracelet. By the way, I brought some production lines." Mu Rufeng said with a big hand, and 30 production lines were arranged in order and placed on the other side of the factory.

"The production line is ready, and the only thing missing is the ore. Have they delivered the ore from Baibaolou?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Mr. Mu, it has been delivered and placed in the ore warehouse. A total of 220,000 tons. As for the money, Baibaolou said that you only need to pay before the end of the month."

"Well, I know." Mu Rufeng nodded.

Because in a few days, it will be the second year, and the second year Baibaolou needs to do an inventory, so the payment must be made before the end of the month.

Otherwise, the elders will find out. Such a huge amount of money will punish even the head of the building, Lu Chengfeng.

Mu Rufeng knows all this, because the branch owner of Qingshan City Baibaolou told him.

220,000 tons, because of the rush to receive the goods, the price is a little higher, and the price sold to Mu Rufeng is 300,000 per ton, and this is after the discount.

Baibaolou also needs to make money, otherwise the elders will not be able to justify it.

Mu Rufeng is also very satisfied with 300,000 per ton. As for the price, it is 66 billion.

It is 16 billion more than the 50 billion that Mu Rufeng told Ye Lin before.

There is no way, who made the price increase a little, and the quantity is also a little more.

But now Mu Rufeng is not worried, because he will not be short of money soon.

"You go to bed, I will turn on all the machines." Mu Rufeng said.

"Boss Mu, I'm not sleepy. How about I do it?" Xiao Yan said.

Xiao Yan is Lilith's capable assistant. After Lilith's test, she should be considered her confidant.

That's why she was sent here to take charge of the mine.

In addition to Xiao Yan, there are several weird employees who are also trustworthy.

"No, I'll do it myself." Mu Rufeng didn't want to hand over the technology of the login bracelet to others.

Except for the USB flash drive in his hand, no one else could find any technical information from the production line.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng had all the data sorted out, and then filled the material bins in front of each production line.

After a while, the thirty production lines began to rumble.

Then, Mu Rufeng took out a large number of robots, hundreds of them.

"You should take care of these robots, because they will be scrapped almost every ten days." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, don't worry, I have bought some second-level prop conversion liquid from the Treasure House, and I have converted the robots you sent last time into second-level props."

"As long as it is charged, it can be used all the time, but it still needs to be maintained with some soul money every three months." Xiao Yan said.

"Very good, then you buy more and convert these two hundred robots. By the way, do you have a higher-level conversion liquid?"

"If possible, convert these production lines into high-level props, so that they can be used longer." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, there are higher-level ones, but I don't have the authority to buy those above level three."

"I also want to wait until you come to the mining area to tell you." Xiao Yan said.

"Okay, I will go to Baibao Building to order some and send them over. You deal with the robots, I'll go to the warehouse to take a look."

"Okay, Mr. Mu."

Mu Rufeng left the mobile factory and went directly to the warehouse.

A large amount of life ore has been placed in this warehouse.

But the warehouse is still not full.

Mu Rufeng came to one side and took out all the other metal materials needed for the landing bracelets he had brought from the real world.

He took a lot, enough to maintain production needs for one or two months.

Then Mu Rufeng began to collect life ore.

Large tracts of life ore disappeared, and soon half of them were collected.

Mu Rufeng directly took away 170,000 tons of life ore, leaving only 50,000 tons.

This 170,000 tons of life ore, Mu Rufeng is going to take it back to the real world for the relevant departments to use for production.

As for this side, there is no need to worry too much, because Baibaolou will continuously transport the acquired life ore.

There are a total of 30 production lines, which can produce 30 million landing bracelets a day, and consume about 600 tons of life ore.

50,000 tons can also support production for more than 80 days.

Mu Rufeng returned to the factory again, took away the landing bracelets, and then said hello to Xiao Yan and left the mining area.

After flying for a distance, Mu Rufeng created a large area of ​​magma on the ground.

Immediately, let Mu Xiaolong come out and summon the Gluttony Cruise with his black gold card.

When the Gluttony Cruise appeared, without waiting for the ladder to fall, Mu Rufeng appeared on the deck in a flash.

"Boss Mu? When did you come to the weird world again? Are you going back to the real world this time?" Zhao Xize saw Mu Rufeng appear and immediately went to meet him.

In the past few days, he has been a little numb to Mu Rufeng's summons.

There was no objection, but it was very good. After all, every summoning was charged.

Especially for this kind of trip between the real world and the weird world, Gluttony Cruise always made a lot of money.

"No, take me to the indescribable city this time." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"The indescribable city? Boss Mu, you said"

"Well, the coin you gave me, I have something to do in that city." Mu Rufeng said.

"Boss Mu, we passed by once a few days ago. If you want to go there again, you need to deduct one million soul notes from the fare."

"Even if I am the captain now, you are a shareholder and a member of the Black Gold Card, but this amount of money cannot be reduced."

"Because this one million is not for us, but for that city." Zhao Xize said.

"No problem, just deduct it, one million is nothing." Mu Rufeng waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Well, Boss Mu, if we go there, it will take about ten minutes." Zhao Xize said.

"Well, I'll just stand here and wait."


Ten minutes passed in a flash.

The Gluttony Cruise emerged from the void and appeared on the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea in this area was filled with fog that was difficult to see through.

"Woo woo woo~~~~!"

The huge whistle of the Gluttony Cruise sounded.

A magical scene appeared. The fog in front quickly dispersed, and then a huge golden city appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

However, the next second, a large amount of fog gathered again, covering the golden city, leaving only a huge golden door.

"Mr. Mu, we have arrived at the dock. You can get off the ship. You only need to follow the golden road at this dock to enter the golden city through the golden door." Zhao Xize said.

This place is already within the scope of the Golden City, so the three words "Golden City" can be said.

"Well, then I'm leaving. If you have anything, find Lilith." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.

When Mu Rufeng reappeared, he was already standing on a road below.

This was the dock, a road made of gold leading directly to the gate of the Golden City.

Mu Rufeng walked slowly forward, looking at the surrounding sea, and found that there were a lot of golden carp swimming in the water.

They looked like living creatures, without any strange creatures.

It was indeed the Golden City. Except for the lack of gold inside, the gold outside was full.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the golden gate.

Mu Rufeng thought that the golden gate would open, but found that above the gate, a small door about three meters high slowly opened.

A sturdy and strange man in a suit looked at Mu Rufeng and said respectfully: "Welcome to the Golden City, guest, please come in."

Mu Rufeng nodded slightly, and then strode in.

When he entered the Golden City, he looked back and found that the golden gate had disappeared.

He was standing under a staircase at the moment, and above the staircase was the real entrance to the Golden City.

The layout here is exactly the same as when Mu Rufeng came here for the first time, even the two security guards standing at the door were the ones he had seen last time.

This time, the two security guards did not have hostility towards Mu Rufeng, because they could also clearly sense the aura of the eighth-level ghost king on Mu Rufeng, the contractor.

Last time, Mu Rufeng was only a third-level contractor. How could a third-level contractor enter here? That's why they locked onto Mu Rufeng, and only when he took out the Golden City coin did they eliminate their hostility.

Mu Rufeng walked up the steps and then really entered the interior of the Golden City.

The layout is still exactly the same as last time.

Now, several women in evening dresses came up, and without exception, all asked Mu Rufeng if he needed a guide.

It was just like when Mu Rufeng came here for the first time, Zhao Tian came to the door.

Mu Rufeng glanced over and found that there were a few familiar faces here, that is, the weird ones who mocked Mu Rufeng, Zhao Tian and Murong Qingqing at that time, and then bet against and lost a lot.

Murong Qingqing and Zhao Tian were not among them. After all, they had earned a lot because of Mu Rufeng, enough to be promoted to the eighth-level ghost king.

"No, thank you." Mu Rufeng politely rejected the requests of the beauties.

Those weirdos also left with disappointment.

Mu Rufeng glanced at the window for exchanging soul coins, and then walked over with big strides.

"Sir, what business do you need to handle?" A woman in a professional suit asked weirdly behind the window.

"Exchange soul power for soul notes." Mu Rufeng said.

"Okay, sir, how much do you need to exchange?" The weird employee said expressionlessly.

"10 billion."

"10 billion? Sir, are you sure you want to exchange so much?" The weird employee was a little surprised when he heard this.

After all, it is rare to see a person exchange 10 billion soul notes.

Which weirdo with 10 million soul power, don't they all keep it well and then refine it slowly.

"Yeah." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Okay, sir, please place your arm on this machine." The employee took a machine and pushed it out of the window, motioning Mu Rufeng to press it.

The Soul-Absorbing Gourd appeared on Mu Rufeng's right hand. He was not worried about being discovered, because he was now covered in black fog, with only a vague human figure.

At the same time, he used the ability of forgetfulness to minimize the presence of the Soul-Absorbing Gourd. If it were an ordinary ninth-level ghost emperor, he might subconsciously ignore it.

Mu Rufeng stretched out his hand and pressed the Soul-Absorbing Gourd on the machine.

One hundred million units of soul power were instantly transformed into ten billion soul power, and then directly immersed in the machine.

Then, Mu Rufeng took the gourd back.

"This is my bank card number, just transfer it directly."

Mu Rufeng took out his Tiandi Bank Black Gold Card, and then placed it at the window, saying lightly.

"Okay, sir, I will transfer the money to you right away, I~~~! Ah~~~!" The weird employee suddenly screamed.

"One hundred billion?" The strange employee was shocked by the amount displayed on the machine and was speechless.

"How could it be ten billion, sir? Is there something wrong with my machine?" The strange employee looked at Mu Rufeng tremblingly.

"Well? I said, I want to exchange ten billion, isn't there ten billion there? I'm in a hurry, can you transfer the money quickly?" Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"What happened? Why did such a large amount of soul power suddenly enter the account?" The mayor of the Golden City suddenly appeared behind the strange employee.

"Lord, this gentleman told me that he wanted to exchange ten billion soul notes, but now the machine shows that ten billion soul power has been entered." The employee immediately stood up and reported to the mayor Zhao Chen.

"Mr. Mu, it's been a long time since we last met. I didn't expect that you would give me such a big surprise when we met for the second time."

"Mr. Mu, where did you get this ten billion soul power?" Zhao Chen saw through Mu Rufeng's identity at a glance.

"So it's City Lord Zhao, what's up? Are you still asking about the origin of soul power? Or do you not have that much soul notes to exchange with me?" Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Haha, of course I won't ask about the origin, I'm just curious, 10 billion soul power, according to the ratio, is 10 trillion soul notes."

"But Golden City can't take out so much in a short time, and I only have more than 600 billion in cash."

"The rest of the funds are stored in the East Tiandi Bank and the West Angel Bank. To transfer large sums of funds, you need to make an appointment three days in advance."

"If you are not in a hurry, I will make up the remaining funds for you in three days." Zhao Chen said with a big laugh.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then spoke.

"Although it is only three days late, the interest issue of 4 trillion funds still needs to be considered."

"In this way, I will give Mr. Mu a talent, plus a share contract of the eighth-level group, how about it?" Zhao Chen suddenly said.

"Oh? What talent?"

Zhao Chen waved his hand, and a ball of light emerged, and there was a share contract, floating in front of Mu Rufeng.

[Chenggang Machinery Group Share Contract]: Located in Yinfeng City, XX District XX Road, No. XX Chenggang Machinery Group Share Contract.

Effect: Special rule contract, sign your name, and you can own 20% of the shares of the eighth-level group Chenggang Machinery Group.

[Exercise will make you stronger]: Exercise! Exercise! Exercise! Life lies in exercise! As long as you exercise, you will continue to enhance your own attributes. Exercise for one hour a day for thirty days, and all attributes will increase by 30. Based on thirty days, if you interrupt, you need to restart. After each year of persistence, the amount of exercise will increase by one hour, and all attributes will increase by an additional 30 every thirty days, with a maximum limit of ten years.

"I see that your body is very strong. How about this talent? It should be quite suitable for you. There is no upper limit for this. As long as you live long enough, your strength will become stronger and stronger." Zhao Chen said.

"I like this talent very much." Mu Rufeng had a faint smile on his face and directly put away this talent and the contract.

This talent only requires one hour of exercise every day, which can increase all attributes by 1 point every day.

If there is no interruption during the period, starting from the second year, all attributes can be increased by 2 points every day, but the amount of exercise must also be increased to two hours.

If it is the third year, all attributes will be 3 points a day, and the amount of exercise is also three hours, and so on.

The maximum limit is ten years, that is, the maximum increase of all attributes per day is ten points.

This is really getting stronger and stronger. If you live for thousands of years, all attributes will reach an amazing level.

Of course, you have to exercise for ten hours every day, and there are a total of twenty-four hours a day, so ten hours have been spent here.

No wonder Zhao Chen is willing to give this seemingly powerful and actually very powerful talent to Mu Rufeng.

If the amount of exercise does not increase, a little attribute point every day is actually nothing.

It is also possible that Zhao Chen has a stronger talent.

"Okay, the funds have been credited, a total of 6 trillion funds, and the remaining 4 trillion funds will be deposited into your card on time in three days." Zhao Chen said.

When Zhao Chen's voice fell, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[Your card with the last number 3318, transferred 6000 billion at 15:45 on August 10, and the balance is 6 trillion]

"Well, I received it." Mu Rufeng looked at the arrival information and smiled.

No longer short of money, truly achieved financial freedom.

Including Huaxia has also achieved financial freedom.

At the same time, he could clearly feel the black mist on the bank card, and a strong ghost energy emanated.

But it soon subsided.

"Mr. Mu, I recently traded some wood spirit tea from the wood spirit clan. Why don't you come to my office and taste it?" Zhao Chen said again.

"Then I'd rather obey than be respectful." Mu Rufeng nodded after hearing this.

It just so happened that he also wanted to discuss something with Zhao Chen.

"Please!" Zhao Chen's figure appeared beside Mu Rufeng.

Soon, Zhao Chen and Mu Rufeng went to the office on the top floor.

When they sat on the sofa, a woman with a charming figure, beautiful face, and wearing a green cheongsam had already brewed the wood spirit tea.

Surprisingly, the woman who brewed the tea had pointed ears and green hair.

She exuded a clear grassy fragrance.

"This is the wood spirit clan. Wood spirit tea is only delicious when brewed by people from the wood spirit clan." Zhao Chen said with a smile.

The woman from the Muling tribe smiled at Mu Rufeng and poured him a cup of Muling tea.

However, after the tea was poured out, he could not smell any tea fragrance.

"Although you cannot smell the fragrance of this Muling tea, it makes your mouth water after drinking it. If it is the first time to drink it, you will exude a faint fragrance of Muling."

"Mr. Mu, try it." Zhao Chen took a sip of the teacup with a faint smile on his face.

Mu Rufeng was not polite, took the teacup, and drank it all.

Suddenly, a strong fragrance filled his mouth, then his nose, and finally he felt that his whole body was emitting bursts of fragrance.

[Take Wood Spirit Tea, all attributes +10, affinity with plants increased by 100%, get Wood Spirit BUFF]

[Wood Spirit BUFF]: lasts for seven days, all attributes +20, recovery increased by 100%, can communicate with plants, can extract the vitality of plants to recover from injuries.

"This tea is really good." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"If Mr. Mu likes it, then I'll give this box to you!" Zhao Chen said, taking out a wooden box emitting a green halo and placing it in front of Mu Rufeng.

"Then I won't be polite." Mu Rufeng immediately took the wooden box in his hand and then put it directly into the inventory.

"Mu Qing, you can leave first." Zhao Chen said to the woman of the Wood Spirit Clan.

"Yes, City Lord Zhao." Mu Qing responded and then bowed and left.

"Mr. Mu, I remember that you only got 100 million soul power in Golden City last time. Why can you take out 10 billion soul power to exchange this time?"

"This is a huge fortune. I think you should know it very well."

"This is soul power, not soul money. It only exists in human and weird bodies. In the entire weird world, only our Golden City can trade soul power."

"If there is no special method, it is difficult to swallow the soul even if it is directly eaten by humans or weird. Mr. Mu, although it is a bit presumptuous, I still hope you can help me solve the doubts."

Zhao Chen said, picked up the teapot, and personally poured a cup of Wood Spirit Tea for Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng didn't say anything, a smile appeared on his face, and then he picked up the teacup and took a sip.

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