I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 284 Return: A Day That Shocked the World [10,000 words]

The giant mouth of the Devouring Demon Whale closed, the sky turned black again, and the thunder waterspout disappeared.

The Dead Sea water around it instantly poured into this vacuum zone, making a rumbling roar.

The huge Devouring Demon Whale was suspended in the air, and its mouth was still moving constantly. This was not the Devouring Demon Whale chewing, but the Eagle Demon struggling, resisting, and fighting desperately.

A trace of lightning began to emerge from the Devouring Demon Whale, but it soon disappeared. It was obvious that the Eagle Demon had used up the thunder power between heaven and earth.

At the same time, it can be seen that many wind blades directly cut through the Devouring Demon Whale's skin and flew out, but under Mu Rufeng's blessing, the injuries were instantly healed.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The Devouring Demon Whale's body fell from mid-air into the sea, and the terrifying power directly caused the surrounding seawater to sink instantly, but soon the seawater gathered again.

"Bang!" There was a bang.

A hole exploded at the corner of the mouth of the Devouring Demon Whale, and then the Eagle Demon, which had shrunk into a spike, flew out from the hole.

When the Eagle Demon escaped, he also realized that he was at the bottom of the sea. At the bottom of the sea, it was the Devouring Demon Whale's home ground and his disadvantaged place, while the sky was his home ground.

With a flap of his wings, he broke through the sea surface without any hindrance with the huge waves and rushed straight into the sky.

But at this time, the Devouring Demon Whale also flew into the sky, opened his huge mouth, and directly bit one of the Eagle Demon's claws.

The Eagle Demon's face did not change, and the frequency of his wings vibrated higher and faster, and then he suddenly turned around, and his terrifying wings instantly cut into the body of the Devouring Demon Whale.

A large amount of flesh and blood was scraped off, deep into the bones, but the Devouring Demon Whale had no intention of letting go.

Because of its own weight, even the Eagle Demon could not take the Devouring Demon Whale to fly.

Both fell downwards.

The sky is the home of the Eagle Demon. As long as he flies up to the sky, the Sky Devouring Demon Whale will not be able to stop him with its strength.

Once it falls into the Dead Sea, the Eagle Demon will be at a disadvantage. There is a high probability that he will be dragged to death in the Dead Sea.

Thinking of this, the Eagle Demon also became ruthless, and his wings scraped against the big mouth of the Sky Devouring Demon Whale, trying to open its mouth again.

But this time it was different. The flesh and blood were scraped off, but the layer of sharp teeth bit the Eagle Demon's claws without moving.

At this moment, it has already fallen into the water, but because the Sky Devouring Demon Whale is too heavy, it smashed the sea water.

The Eagle Demon's eagle beak turned into a black light and pecked directly at the head of the Sky Devouring Demon Whale.

The Eagle Demon's mouth is the hardest and sharpest place. He didn't believe that the Sky Devouring Demon Whale would not let him go even if his head was pierced.

Without any hesitation, the Eagle Demon's eagle beak directly pecked through the skull of the Sky Devouring Demon Whale.

However, although the Devouring Demon Whale was seriously injured, its teeth still did not loosen.

After a while, multiple holes appeared on the Devouring Demon Whale's head, and black brain matter was still oozing out.

But the Devouring Demon Whale was not a normal creature, but a strange creature, and it did not die in this state.

The Eagle Demon also knew at this moment that if he did not give up something, he would definitely not be able to escape today.

However, he still wanted to make a last attempt, and saw the eagle's beak suddenly pecked a sharp tooth of the Devouring Demon.

"Dang!" With a crisp sound, the surrounding space was rippled, and the surrounding sea water was instantly shattered.

The eagle's beak was fine, and the teeth had cracks, but they did not break.

Seeing this scene, the Eagle Demon made a prompt decision and pecked again with the eagle's beak. This time, it was not the Devouring Demon, but his own eagle claw.

There was almost no hindrance, and the eagle claw was pecked off. The Eagle Demon, who had regained his freedom, instantly soared into the sky and soon disappeared in the sky.

"Hua La La~~~~!"

The Devouring Demon Whale bit a broken eagle claw and fell into the water, causing a huge wave.

"Damn it, he actually let him run away." The Devouring Demon Whale swallowed the claw of the Eagle Demon in one gulp.

At the same time, his injuries were healing rapidly under Mu Rufeng's treatment.

To be honest, if it was another Dead Sea Overlord Crab Demon, it would definitely be killed directly, but who let the Eagle Demon fly, so it could only watch it run away.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully clearing the parasite disaster and completing the clearance task]

[Return countdown 179, 178, 177, 176...PS: You can also return immediately]

Two prompt sounds appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

The task is completed, and he is going to return.

"Master Demon Whale, my task is completed, and I am going to return." Mu Rufeng said immediately.

The time is only three minutes, which is a bit tight, so I have to say it quickly, otherwise the generous gift of the Demon Whale will be gone.

"Are you coming back so soon? I wanted to talk to you more."

The Devouring Demon Whale immediately opened its mouth and spit out four sharp claws.

At the same time, he directly took Mu Rufeng out of his body.

"Take these four claws. They are the claws of the Eagle Demon. They are very suitable for forging powerful props."

"Thank you so much this time. Without you, I'm afraid I would really..."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. I said I would give you a big gift."

The next moment, a ball of light emitting black light flew out of the Devouring Demon Whale's body and then floated in front of Mu Rufeng.

"This is a talent that I condensed with the power of rules. It should be very helpful to you." said the Sky Devouring Demon Whale.

Upon hearing this, Mu Rufeng first put the four eagle claws into the inventory, and then reached out to grab the talent light ball.

[Swallow the Heaven and Devour the Earth]: The Sky Devouring Demon Whale condensed with its rule power. Once it is used, it can swallow the heaven and the earth, and swallow everything.

This is an attack-type talent.

Although the introduction is extremely simple, just looking at the words "Swallow the Heaven and Devour the Earth, and Swallow Everything" is enough to prove how powerful this talent is.

"Thank you, Master Demon Whale!" Mu Rufeng immediately learned this talent.

In an instant, Mu Rufeng felt that he had a terrifying skill.

He felt that this talent could definitely be compared with talents such as God rewards hard work.

"You have helped me so much, and I can only give you this little bit. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind, not at all." Mu Rufeng was very satisfied with these.

Moreover, the Soul Absorbing Gourd has absorbed hundreds of millions of soul units, which is totally worth it.

"You have refined my soul power and have been infected with my breath. In the Dead Sea, no strange creature dares to attack you, but you still have to be careful of the Eagle Demon and the Crab Demon."

"If there is anything in the future, come to the Dead Sea to find me. You can let out your breath and I will know." The Devouring Demon Whale said.

"Okay, Lord Demon Whale, by the way, Lord Demon Whale, I have a ship under my command, called the Gluttony Cruise. If you meet it, I hope you can help me." Mu Rufeng said hurriedly.

"Well, this cruise ship will be unimpeded in the Dead Sea." The Devouring Demon Whale said slowly.

Three minutes have passed, and Mu Rufeng's figure disappeared on the spot.

"I, finally, am alive!!!"

The Devouring Demon Whale roared to the sky, shaking all directions.


Real world.

January 5, 2024, 10 am.

Mu Rufeng woke up slowly and found himself back in the secret room of the Wancheng District branch.

"Another dungeon with great rewards." Mu Rufeng stood up and stretched his muscles.

Although the place he stayed in yesterday was a little inappropriate, Mu Rufeng still practiced the tiger's strength for several hours.

After all, the talent of getting stronger through exercise cannot be broken.

I haven't practiced yet today, but I'm not in a hurry.

Mu Rufeng silently recited the settlement reward.

[Congratulations to the player Mu Rufeng for clearing the special single-player dungeon: Parasite Disaster]

[The player successfully cleared all the parasites in the body of the Devouring Demon Whale, and the clearance completion rate was 5,000. He obtained the rule-based props: furnace, obtained the title: Parasite Nemesis, and obtained 5,000 soul coins]

[It was detected that the host had cleared the dungeon, the plug-in was uninstalled, and congratulations to the host for obtaining the plug-in legacy: Mind Communication]

[Furnace]: The furnace from hell.

Effect: Special rule props, two props can be put into it, there is a very small probability of fusion into a new prop, there is a high probability of fusion failure, and the props put in after failure will be destroyed.

Note: You can also put in a prop and spiritual material for fusion.

[Parasite Killer]: The player has completed a difficult feat and successfully obtained the recognition of the rules.

Effect: Wearing this title, you can find the location of parasites with 100% accuracy and can carry out precise strikes.

[Mind Communication]: You can communicate with any species mind, and you need to consume soul power to use it.

"Furnace? Isn't this the synthesizer in the game? I have a high luck value, so it should be very useful, right?"

A gambler's mentality slowly rose up, it should be very useful, right?

As for the parasite killer, how to say, under normal conditions, it is useless, but at certain critical moments, it is really useful.

As for the remaining plug-in, it is not weakened at all. It can still communicate with any species mind, that is, it needs to consume soul power.

And the previous telepathic communication in the dungeon consumed almost nothing.

However, Mu Rufeng is not short of soul power now, so he really made the right choice for this plug-in.

"However, I don't think I have used the inventory upgrade card I was rewarded last time?" Mu Rufeng suddenly remembered.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the card and then used it directly on the inventory.

[The inventory upgrade is successful, please check the upgrade properties by yourself]

Soon, Mu Rufeng figured out the properties of the upgraded inventory.

The inventory still has 999 slots, and the weight has been upgraded from 10,000 jin to 100,000 jin.

Apart from this, there is no other change.

But Mu Rufeng is still very satisfied.

Because now in the inventory, as long as the same things are placed in the same grid, the weight is the upper limit.

Now the upper limit is 100,000 jin, and the things in his inventory can almost be said to have increased tenfold.

Moreover, it is not just his inventory, but Xiaoying's inventory is also 999 grids and 100,000 jin.

If only the life ore is loaded, it can hold nearly 100,000 tons.

Mu Rufeng looked at the time, it was past ten in the morning.

Then Mu Rufeng left the secret room, said hello to Cheng Youlin and came to Changsha headquarters.

He marked the flesh and blood growth device and handed it to Zhou Wen.

Because of the increasing number of players, many players failed to pass the level, but they became disabled because of the login bracelet.

So, everyone is looking forward to Mu Rufeng's return.

Of course, Mu Rufeng will not enter the dungeon so frequently.

In any case, it is necessary to pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

Mu Rufeng decided to wait for three or five days before going to the next dungeon.

After spending some time, Mu Rufeng returned home.

After arriving at the training room, he began to practice the tiger power.

Two hours later, Mu Rufeng finished practicing, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then sat at the dining table.

Soon, a large table of food appeared on the food tablecloth.

While eating, Mu Rufeng took out his mobile phone and started to watch short videos.

While watching, suddenly, Mu Rufeng showed a strange look on his face.

In this video, a very familiar guy wearing a handsome suit jumped from a building dozens of stories high.

Then, like Spider-Man in the movie, he stretched out his hand and shot out a transparent silk thread that wrapped around the building, and then kept wandering between the buildings.

"Cheng Youlin? Wow, he's playing short videos now? More than two million likes, wow."

Yes, this guy is Cheng Youlin, and the weirdness of his contract is a thread ghost, which can swing between high-rise buildings like Spider-Man.

The name of Cheng Youlin's short video is very formal, called [Cheng Youlin, director of the Wancheng District branch of the relevant department in Changsha].

Mu Rufeng clicked on his homepage and saw that there were tens of millions of fans and more than 100 million likes, which was simply outrageous.

Mu Rufeng looked at the previous videos and found that they were all videos of Cheng Youlin showing off his skills.

There were also videos of catching criminals of the contract.

But the top video surprised Mu Rufeng a little.

When he clicked in, he found that the video was actually shot of him.

The scene inside was the video of Mu Rufeng going to Xinsheng Youxuan to put out the fire. This video had the most likes, reaching 10 million likes.

Mu Rufeng flipped through the comments again, all of which were 666 points, and at the same time, they were asking for Mu Rufeng's short video account.

"Haha, so it seems that if I open a short video account, won't I become a big internet celebrity?"

Mu Rufeng smiled and shook his head. Opening an account is impossible and completely unnecessary.

He just wanted to watch videos quietly.

After clicking a follow button on him, Mu Rufeng left and then watched other videos.

It has to be said that since the weird world has become well-known to the public, most of these short videos on the video platform are related to this aspect.

Even the most popular movie recently is about a new player entering a dungeon and using his wisdom to successfully pass the level.

There are also many TV series that are also very popular, and the plots are almost all about dungeons.

Not to mention, watching these short videos is really pretty, much better than the female anchors twisting their waists in the past.

"Ring, ring, ring~~~!"

Just at this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Mu Rufeng looked and found that it was the head of the headquarters, Ye Lin, and answered it immediately.

"Finally got through. I thought you would take several days to complete this copy." After the call was connected, Ye Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong? Something happened?"

"The United States regretted it, and they rebuilt the channel." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Well? Are you sure? I remember you gave them a lot of money, right? Why did you rebuild it again?" Mu Rufeng frowned slightly.

"Yes, I also signed a rules contract with Jason Morgan, the minister of the official department of the United States, but now Jason Morgan has been fired and replaced by a contractor named Sifu Morgan, Jason's brother." Ye Lin said.

"Huh, you are quite good at playing. Has the channel been rebuilt?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, it's been rebuilt. Just an hour ago, I just got the news that the comrade who spread the news should have died, and Jason asked you to absorb the vitality of the people this morning." Ye Lin said.

"So, now on the surface, Jason Morgan is still the minister, and he didn't announce it to the public. Want to paralyze us? And then make a fortune? It's really giving them face."

These foreign guys seem to have figured out that they are afraid of mushroom bombs, so they are a little unscrupulous.

"Didn't you sign a rules contract? Why did you violate it so easily?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"I don't know, but I don't see any changes in the contract." Ye Lin shook his head and said.

"It seems that I'm still too good to them, Ye Bu, don't worry about this matter, let me handle it." Mu Rufeng directly broke the chopsticks in his hand and said coldly.

"Okay, you handle it, I will release the news that they violated the contract immediately, you need the support of any country, our fleet and our army have also entered a state of combat readiness." Ye Lin said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, just a bunch of clowns. By the way, if they launch mushroom bombs, notify me immediately and tell me the location, I will go and deal with the mushroom bombs." Mu Rufeng said lightly.

"Okay!" Ye Lin was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded.

Ye Lin could guess that Mu Rufeng was preparing for a big fight, otherwise he would not have said that they would launch mushroom bombs.

But he also supported it. After all, the United States is really shameless.

Fight, fight hard.

"By the way, is the rebuilt channel still in the original place?" Mu Rufeng asked again.

"I don't know. The comrades who died only knew that it was rebuilt, but they didn't know where the rebuilt channel was located." Ye Lin said.

"Nothing, if I want to find it, it's also very easy. Hang up, I'm ready to leave."

Mu Rufeng hung up the phone and then stood up.

After tidying up the table, he directly used the ghost cave and arrived at a hidden farm in the suburbs in a short time.

This is the location of the channel that Scarlet Optimization cooperated with him.

Since the United States overturned the contract and rebuilt the channel, it means that it has connected with the Dead Xi Optimization.

At the same time, the interests are definitely given to the United States.

At the same time, if the Dead Xi Optimization wants to defeat Scarlet Optimization, it will definitely let the contractors of the United States destroy the real channel of Scarlet Optimization.

Once it really starts, it is likely to be destroyed.

After all, there are only two level 7 contractors sitting here.

Mu Rufeng did not hide his breath.

Therefore, when Mu Rufeng appeared in the farm, he immediately alarmed the two level 7 contractors.

Soon they appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

When they saw that the person coming was Mu Rufeng, they immediately reacted.

"Minister Mu!" Both of them shouted.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng responded, and without saying anything, he took out the seal of rules.

Since getting this seal of rules, it has not been used yet, and now it is just right to use it.

The duration is twelve hours, which is enough time for Mu Rufeng to return from abroad.

Mu Rufeng thought about it and finally formulated a rule.

[Supernatural power cannot be used in the shrouded area]

When Mu Rufeng formulated the rule, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed on the seal of rules, and then a force of rules flew out from it, sweeping in all directions.

Soon, the whole farm was shrouded by the rules, and supernatural power was prohibited here.

[The rules are successfully drawn up. Supernatural powers cannot be used here]

Almost instantly, Mu Rufeng felt that all the ghost energy on his body was sealed, including all his skills and inventory.

Even the bandage turned into an ordinary bandage, and the Qilin magic wand on his waist turned into an ordinary fire stick.

These are all supernatural powers, but Mu Rufeng's body is still there, and he will still be like a little superman.

"Huh? What's wrong with me?"

"My power, my ghost power, and the contract slot are all sealed."

The two level seven ghost generals changed their faces.

"Don't worry, I used props to draw up a rule. From now on, supernatural powers are prohibited here for twelve hours."

"I have transferred a lot of people here, and they should be here soon." Mu Rufeng said.

"Minister Mu, you drew up the rules? So, is someone going to attack here?" A contractor asked.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. I am just in case. Remember, stay alert in the near future, don't miss any details, and protect the channel for me." Mu Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Minister Mu!" The two responded immediately.

Mu Rufeng left the farm immediately. As soon as he left this range, the power that was sealed in his body was instantly restored.

Immediately, after determining the direction, he used the ghost to fly high into the sky.

Five minutes after Mu Rufeng left, more than ten armed helicopters, many Tuckers, missile armored vehicles, and dozens of military trucks arrived at the farm.


Changsha is more than 12,000 kilometers away from the United States. If you count the Wagner Farm, it should be more than 1,000 kilometers.

This distance is already extremely far.

Even if you take a plane, it will take 30 to 40 hours.

This time, Mu Rufeng did not fly by himself, nor did he use the ghost. Instead, he took out the sesame ball and turned on the mecha mode.

Then he asked it to turn on the Fiery Chariot mode and let it go towards the United States.

Mu Rufeng told Ma Qiu not to worry about the consumption and to go at full speed. In just three hours, Mu Rufeng successfully arrived at Wagner Farm.

In this way, the speed has reached more than 4,000 kilometers per hour.

Of course, this cannot be calculated according to the speed, because Ma Qiu used the ghost to shuttle through space.

Mu Rufeng did not hide his figure, so when Mu Rufeng appeared in the airspace of the United States, he was discovered.

Originally, people were going to be sent to intercept Mu Rufeng, but unfortunately Mu Rufeng was too fast. Before they could react, he had already appeared above Wagner Farm.

Mu Rufeng did not withdraw his figure, but instead used the Thunder Fire Armor again, making himself more powerful and domineering.

Mu Rufeng came to the channel where the previous Wang Xi was selected.

It was still a ruin, and some engineering vehicles were dealing with the ruins here.

"It seems that it has not been rebuilt on the original site." Mu Rufeng murmured, and then began to search in Wagner Farm.

In just ten minutes, Mu Rufeng ran through the entire Wagner Farm and did not find any channels for reconstruction.

Mu Rufeng thought about it, because the Wang Xi Preferred Channel must require a lot of blood and flesh, and human flesh is definitely impossible to supply in large quantities, so pigs, cattle and sheep definitely occupy the majority.

So, if the first largest farm has no channel, then it must be in the second largest farm, or the third largest farm.

Of course, it is also possible that it is in a more secret small farm, and then the flesh and blood are pulled from other places.

Since it is not in Wagner Farm, Mu Rufeng did not stay here for too long, and flew directly to the second largest farm.

After Mu Rufeng left, he saw many contractors and troops rushing over.

Among them was Jason Morgan, who had already resigned.

They were too slow and could not catch up with Mu Rufeng at all.

Half an hour later, Mu Rufeng ran through the second largest farm and the third largest farm in the United States, but still did not find any trace of the channel.

I think Mu Rufeng's guess is right, it must be in a secret place.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng fell to the ground and waited quietly for something.

It took only five minutes, and a black light flashed up.

Then two contractors appeared in front of Mu Rufeng.

The two were both level eight ghost kings, one was Jason Morgan who had just resigned, and the other was Sifu Morgan who had just taken office.

"Minister Mu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you going to absorb vitality?" Jason Morgan spoke first.

Although Jason had a vague guess, he absolutely could not point it out and could not say it.

"Haha, didn't you all overturn the contract with us? Absorbing vitality? Are you kidding?" Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

Jason frowned when he heard it. Sure enough, the spy still spread the news.

Sifu Morgan on the side immediately said: "Since you already know, please go back. This is our American territory and you are not welcome."

"Haha, do you think I will leave so easily? The contract clearly states that you are not allowed to rebuild the channel with Wang Xi Youxuan. Now you have breached the contract."

"Tell me where the channel is built." Mu Rufeng said slowly.

"Breach of contract? Oh, yes, you mean the contract signed between my brother and Minister Ye? Sorry, that's his personal behavior and can't represent our country."

"Besides, it seems that there is no problem with the contract. If there is no penalty in the contract, it is naturally not a breach of contract. If there is no breach of contract, where is the penalty?" Sifu Morgan said slowly.

"It's interesting. Since you said so, I have no worries. So, I'll blow up a goddess statue for fun."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, energy sprayed out from his feet and soared into the sky. Before the two of them could react, the ghost cave opened instantly and the man disappeared in the sky.

"Damn, how dare this guy? Hurry up, stop him." Sifu Morgan also reacted, black light flashed, and he also disappeared on the spot.


It only took a few minutes for Mu Rufeng to appear in Niuyou City.

As one of the most prosperous cities in the United States, Niuyou City has a large population.

At the same time, the goddess statue is also a landmark building, and there are many tourists who come to check in every day.

When Mu Rufeng appeared in the sky, he immediately attracted the attention of the tourists.

They all exclaimed and took out their mobile phones to shoot.

Some Internet celebrities even took out their mobile phones to live broadcast.

However, Mu Rufeng's next move was beyond the expectations of all tourists.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand at the statue, and suddenly a ghostly aura flew out, and finally turned into a huge tricky hand.

The tricky hand directly pinched the entire statue, and then gently pulled it up, directly grabbed the goddess statue, and then floated in the air under Mu Rufeng's control.

Because the tricky hand was relatively illusory, everyone could still clearly see the goddess statue held in it.

"Oh my god, what is that contractor doing?"

"No, no way, is he going to destroy the goddess statue?"

"Shit, shit, stop, stop!"

The group of tourists below shouted loudly.

As for being afraid? Just kidding, I'm not afraid, not at all.

"My God, family, did you see that? That contractor is actually going to destroy the goddess statue."

"I see this thunder and fire armor, it seems to be the same as that Minister Mu, but I don't know when he also wore a mecha?"

"So handsome, really too handsome."

A female anchor was shouting at the top, and on the side, an assistant was holding a mobile phone to broadcast the female anchor and Mu Rufeng live.

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, it exploded all of a sudden, with countless messages on the screen, and it was obvious that these people were extremely excited.

At the same time, the number of people in the live broadcast room also exceeded 100,000 from the initial hundreds of people, and it was still rising.


"Haven't you come yet? Too slow." Mu Rufeng frowned slightly. It's been two minutes, and they haven't arrived yet.

After another minute, Jason and Si Fu finally rushed over.

"Mu Rufeng, put down the goddess statue immediately. This is the United States, not the territory of your relevant departments." Jason immediately stopped him.

"Mu Rufeng, this is a terrorist attack. This will cause a serious diplomatic incident. Don't force us to take action against you." Si Fu shouted.

"Terrorist attack? Diplomatic incident? Haha, do you think I care?"

"You violated the contract signed with our relevant departments, so don't blame me."

After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, he saw the ghost hand exerting force, crushing the goddess statue into pieces in an instant, and then falling towards the sea below.

"I'm asking you again now, do you want to close or not close Death Xi's preferred channel? As I said before, three yuan per person and the 100 million soul banknotes still count." Mu Rufeng said coldly. .

"Hmph, you're just sending beggars away for that little money. Don't you know how profitable the channel is? It's impossible to close the channel. Jason signed the contract, and now I'm the minister."

"You should leave our territory immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Sifu said murderously.

"You're welcome? Haha, why are you so rude? Don't think you can escape the contract by letting Jason step down. Let me tell you, the channels must not be closed."

"Although I don't know the place yet, it doesn't matter. I'll play with you slowly and blow up a landmark building for you every once in a while."

"In ten minutes, I will blow up the Black Palace. Please inform the people over there to evacuate as soon as possible." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"Hmph, what a loud tone." Sifu snorted coldly, and a headless shadow slowly appeared behind him.

An extremely strong killing intent enveloped Mu Rufeng.

A knight's spear also appeared in Jason's hand. Obviously, the two of them were ready to take action together.

"Do it with me? Are you qualified?"

"Fire falls from the sky!"

Mu Rufeng pulled out the Kirin wand from her waist and waved it fiercely.

The white clouds in the sky suddenly turned red, and then quickly dissipated. Instead, huge meteorites slowly emerged one after another high in the sky.

As far as the eye can see, the entire sky is filled with huge meteorites.

The aura of terror spread down, and the tourists below saw the meteorites all over the sky and were extremely frightened.

Some of the timid ones even collapsed to the ground and peed in fear.

Not only these ordinary people were frightened, but Jason and Sifu who were suspended in mid-air and confronting Mu Rufeng were also frightened.

What skill is this, what ability is this? How could it be so terrifying.

But soon they thought of Mu Rufeng's information.

Mu Rufeng ranked first among the 100,000 people in the Wilderness Trailblazer dungeon at that time.

They recognized this skill at once. It was the mage's fire skill Fire Meteor Falling from the Sky!

I'm just saying, this is too exaggerated, isn't it? It's not like they have never seen a contractor perform the skill of Fire Meteor Falling from the Sky.

But the largest meteorite was only as big as a car. Looking at the Mu Rufeng meteorites, each one was as big as a building and covered the entire sky.

Such a gap is beyond description.

"Speak, do you want to take action? If you do, don't worry, I will definitely not hurt innocent people." Mu Rufeng said calmly.

Mu Rufeng was holding the wand high at the moment, and his body was glowing with thunder and fire, looking extremely domineering.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to provoke a war between the two countries?" Sif immediately scolded.

"Minister Mu, if you have something to say, please say it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Just use your skills." Jason quickly advised.

If these meteorites fall, they can avoid it, but Niuyue City will definitely not be able to avoid it, and there are tens of millions of people.

Interception? Are you kidding? It’s not just one, it’s an uncountable number.

Even if they don't fall into the city and fall into the sea, the tsunami will destroy Uyo City.

"Can you close the channel of the strange world?" Mu Rufeng said coldly.

"It doesn't matter. If you have the guts, let it go. I want to see if you dare to destroy Niuyue City and kill tens of millions of people." Sifu was unusually tough.

Yes, this is a super big city. As long as Mu Rufeng really dares to take action, this matter will have a huge impact.

Mu Rufeng said nothing, and then saw a meteorite fall from the sky and hit the sea in the distance.

The terrifying high temperature directly evaporated a large amount of sea water, and at the same time, the huge impact also made the earth shake.

A huge wave hundreds of meters high was set off, and then quickly headed towards the coastline.

"How dare you?" Sifu was furious when he saw this scene.

Jason frowned when he saw this scene, and then he appeared above the sea in a flash.

"Ice World!"

With a loud roar, the terrifying cold air burst out instantly, the sea surface was frozen instantly, and the cold air was still spreading rapidly towards the front.

Jason's strength was still very strong. The tsunami that was set off was immediately frozen, and the area within ten kilometers of the sea turned into a world of ice and snow.

"The strength is good, but unfortunately, it's just one." Mu Rufeng moved her fingers slightly, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth.

The four meteorites separated from the crowd and quickly fell downwards.

Before they even landed, the terrifying high temperature was causing the ice and snow world to melt.


Four meteorites landed on the ice one after another, instantly breaking through the ice and seabed, creating a huge crater.

The terrifying impact instantly cracked the surrounding ice, then turned into seawater under the high temperature and finally evaporated.

The ground was shaking constantly, as if an earthquake was coming.

The ice layer disappeared, and the seawater was blocked by four high-temperature meteorites. The seawater was evaporated by the high temperature before filling the seabed.

"So, is the channel closed or not?" Mu Rufeng looked at Sifu Morgan and asked again.

"No! Go ahead, as long as you do, we will definitely drop mushroom bombs." Sifu scolded coldly.

"Mr. Jason, is this the attitude of your country?" Mu Rufeng looked at Jason.

Jason didn't say anything, but the meaning was also very clear.

"Okay, okay, you think we are really easy to talk to and easy to bully, right?"

Mu Rufeng laughed angrily.

He waved his hand and scattered all the meteorites and removed the skills.

Although he was very angry now, he was not so crazy to destroy the population of a city.

"I'm not as crazy as you. I can't sell human flesh and destroy a city, but don't think I'm easy to talk to. The Black Palace can be destroyed. I said it."

Mu Rufeng snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

When Mu Rufeng appeared again, he had already appeared in front of the famous Black Palace.

Without any warning, or any words or pauses, Mu Rufeng raised his hand and saw a terrifying energy pack shooting out from his right hand.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The Black Palace was directly reduced to dust and became a ruin.

And outside the Black Palace, it was not affected at all.

"Next, the Wharton Monument! Also, from now on, China will stop exporting landing bracelets to the United States."

"All countries are not allowed to trade landing bracelets with the United States. Once discovered, they will be disqualified together." Mu Rufeng looked at the media reporters who had been waiting in the distance and spoke slowly.

The voice was not loud, but it was definitely heard by every media reporter.

When he finished speaking, Mu Rufeng's figure disappeared.

There was an uproar at the scene, and those media reporters kept taking pictures of the destroyed Black Palace.

"It's gone. The Black Palace was actually destroyed."

"Where are the people? Did the people inside escape?"

"Where is the old leader? Did the old leader come out?"

"He came out. I saw him before."

The crowd was talking about it. Today's scene was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Today was definitely a day that shocked the world.

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