I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 323: Controlling the dragon corpse and entering the strange world [10,000 words]

Time flies, two months have passed.

On this day, Mu Chengqian rarely appeared in front of the door of the Tianzi Treasure House.

Mu Chengqian pinched the magic formula, and the door of the treasure house slowly opened.

A figure appeared in Mu Chengqian's eyes.

"Meet the emperor, I am lucky to have fulfilled my mission and successfully broken through the divine realm!"

Mu Rufeng came forward and saluted Mu Chengqian respectfully.

"Good, good, you are only twenty-four this year, but you have already broken through to the divine realm. You are truly unprecedented and unparalleled. You should be a genius of all ages."

Mu Chengqian was also very happy and satisfied, and couldn't help but praise Mu Rufeng.

"Father, you are too kind." Mu Rufeng said with a smile: "Father, have there been any unusual movements in the ghost caves outside in the past two months?"

"The ghost caves in the five major domains have increased the speed of invasion again, but with the support of my Dali Dynasty, all the ghost caves have temporarily controlled the situation."

"However, this is completely a war of attrition. Once our resources are exhausted, we will find it difficult to resist." Mu Chengqian said.

"Father, how long can the resources be used?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Probably two or three hundred years." Mu Chengqian said.

"." Arrogant, really arrogant, it can actually be used for two or three hundred years.

"Haha." Mu Chengqian looked at Mu Rufeng's expression and couldn't help laughing.

"Father, don't be careless. I guess the weird world should have a countermeasure. Maybe they have gathered a large number of emperor evil ghosts or emperor weirdness in the ghost cave."

"Although I don't know how they will break the rules of the ghost cave, I have already thought of a way." Mu Rufeng said.

"Solution? What solution?" Mu Chengqian suddenly became serious after hearing Mu Rufeng's words.

"We just need to kill the evil ghost emperor, then cut up his body, and then take it outside the ghost cave. In this way, we can also achieve the effect of transforming the environment." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmm?" Mu Chengqian fell into deep thought after hearing this.

After thinking for a long time, Mu Chengqian found that this method might really work.

"It seems that you can't ascend the throne and get married. You need to go to the ghost cave to investigate immediately."

"It's best to start the action you said that can solve the ghost cave once and for all." Mu Chengqian said.

"Then I will go to Qinzhou first, and after getting the news, I will officially take action." Mu Rufeng said.

"Well, Eunuch Chen, you will follow Feng'er in the future." Mu Chengqian suddenly said.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this old servant Chen Jin has met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

When Mu Chengqian's voice fell, a white-haired eunuch appeared on the side.

"Meet Eunuch Chen." Mu Rufeng bowed respectfully.

"Go ahead, don't delay. By the way, you can go to Lingyan Pavilion to see your fiancée. No matter what, you have to comfort her." Mu Chengqian said again.

"Yes, father." Mu Rufeng clasped his fists and prepared to leave.

Then he thought of something and hurriedly said, "Father, have my seventh sister and Jian Feng got married?"

"They got married last month. Xia'er complained to me that I didn't call you out of the treasure house. Now they are both in Tianjianmen." Mu Chengqian said.

"Seventh sister is actually married, but she didn't have the wedding wine or the red envelope. It's a pity." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Okay, go quickly." Mu Chengqian waved to Mu Rufeng.

Soon Mu Rufeng left the palace, and then saw a cloud of mist suddenly rising under Mu Rufeng's feet.

After a while, Mu Rufeng was seen riding the clouds and mist to rise up, and quickly headed towards the Qinzhou Ghost Cave.

This was also the first time that Mu Rufeng used the innate magical power he had learned from swallowing the true dragon's blood: riding the clouds and mist.

It must be said that when he stepped on the clouds and mist and rose into the air, the feeling was really different.

He felt much better standing on the clouds and mist than standing on the Baidi Cloud of the Great Ancestor.

As for the speed, it was naturally not as fast as the Baidi Cloud.

After all, his cultivation was only in the God Realm, while the Great Ancestor was in the Emperor Realm.

However, judging from the current speed, it was also very fast, just a few steps slower than the Flowing Light Shuttle.

On the way, Mu Rufeng checked his attribute panel.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Age]: 24

[Level]: LV4 (4/5)

[Strength]: 32529

[Spirit]: 25000

[Constitution]: 32452

[Contract Slot]: LV5 Ghost Infant (Mu Guiying)/LV4 (Bai Jingwei)/LV4 (Mu Xiaolong)/LV5 (Huanxin)

[Ghost Power]: Level 8

[Realm]: God Realm

[Title]: [Crazy Driver] [Pig Killer] [Game Terminator] [Crazy Chosen One] [The Man of Gambling] [Demon Suppression] [Crazy Worker] [Parasite Disaster]

[Skills]: [Life and Death]...

[Talent]: [Potential Burst]... [God Rewards Hard Work] [Flying on the Clouds] [Lord of the Dragon Corpse]

[Luck Value]: 112

Items: [Scarlet Optimized Share Contract]...

Soul Power: 100 million

Soul Notes: 1520 billion

Bound Soul Notes: 8.645 billion

Points: 12145410

Soul Units: 350710550

When Mu Rufeng's spiritual attribute broke through the critical value of 20,000, his cultivation level directly broke through to the God Realm.

After he broke through to the God Realm, his strength and physique directly increased by 10,000 points, and his spiritual attribute increased by 5,000 points.

He was just entering the God Realm, but his attributes were already comparable to those in the late God Realm.

With Mu Rufeng's current strength, he could crush warriors, spiritual practitioners, demon emperors and other beings at the peak of the God Realm.

However, Mu Rufeng felt that he was not yet the opponent of the Emperor.

There was no other reason, controlling the rules was simply an unsolvable existence.

Unless he could possess some very special power.

He guessed that his rule suppression should also be regarded as a kind of rule control, but it was still too immature compared to the rules controlled by the Emperor.

After breaking through the God Realm, his realm also changed, but the ghost power level was still level eight, and it was extremely difficult for the ghost power to break through.

When Mu Rufeng arrived in Qinzhou, only two quarters of an hour had passed.

I have to say that the magical power of flying in the clouds is really amazing.

Not only is it concealed, but it is also so fast, and it can carry many people. Of course, when there are more people, the speed will not be fast.


A huge real dragon lies on the ground. After two months of absence, the originally brown-yellow body has now become somewhat golden.

In the past, it was obvious that this was a dragon corpse, but now it looks like a sleeping dragon.

Mu Rufeng came to the dragon head and tried to communicate with Ao Zhi, but did not get any response.

Mu Rufeng immediately became virtual and entered through its nostrils, and then came to Ao Zhi's mouth.

Still a large amount of ghost energy and evil ghosts are still emerging from the ghost cave, and all of them are swallowed up by Ao Zhi.

Mu Rufeng quickly entered the ghost cave, and then came to the underground space.

There was no change in the underground space, but there were many more blood eggs.

At first glance, there were more than ten.

Mu Rufeng knew that one blood egg was an emperor.

Looking at the ghost emperors around, there were thousands of them. Most of them were missing arms and legs.

Even our boss Niu was missing an arm at the moment.

There were quite a few intact ghost emperors, all of whom were related and acquired. Luck? Not true.

There were quite a few level eight ghost kings, and many of them were swallowed up. Many of them were modern ghost kings.

There were quite a few level eight ghost kings who were recruited but not eaten, and those who came later, Boss Niu had not recruited yet, or he didn't dare to go.

Because there were too many emperors.

There were fifteen blood eggs, and three emperors who had recovered their weirdness.

Mu Rufeng could see that every ghost emperor's face was full of some different emotions.

After all, the invasion battle hadn't even started yet, and their boss had eaten an arm first. Do you think they would have no emotions?

"Boss Niu, was your arm eaten?" Mu Rufeng parasitized on Niu Ben's body and then said.

"Brother Mu? Brother Mu, you are finally here. Those guys are too cruel. One emperor cut off the arm of a hundred ghost emperors."

"My arm was eaten, Brother Mu. I saw you haven't come for so long, and I thought something happened to you." Niu Ben heard Mu Rufeng's voice, not only was he not startled, but he was also unusually energetic.

"Boss Niu, what's the situation now? Why are there so many emperors?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Brother Mu, that dragon corpse is really powerful. It has been eating for two months and is still eating. The Buddhaless God has issued an order to let twenty emperors come."

"Then after the injuries of these twenty emperors are healed, a large number of level nine ghost emperors and those emperor evil ghosts will come."

"Then let these twenty emperors kill those emperor evil ghosts one by one, and use the flesh and blood of these ghost emperors and emperor evil ghosts as a guide to set up a formation in front of the ghost cave."

"Once this formation is successfully arranged, it can summon a full-strength attack from the Buddhaless God. They want to rely on an attack from the Buddhaless God to directly wipe out the dragon corpse outside."

"Even if it cannot be wiped out, it can be severely damaged so that it can no longer block the ghost cave." Boss Niu said hurriedly.

"Huh? It can be like this?" Mu Rufeng looked slightly surprised.

If it is really the same as what Boss Niu said, then the dragon corpse problem will really be solved by Weiyi.

"We are the slowest here. We still have two emperors who haven't come yet. It will take six days."

"It will take a few more days to set up the formation and kill the evil ghost emperors. It will take at least half a month in total."

"As for the other ghost caves, I estimate that they should be able to break through the restrictions of the outside world in these few days." Niu Ben said.

"Why?" Mu Rufeng asked hurriedly.

"They also let the emperors go, but not as many as us. They are now killing the evil ghosts. They want to throw the corpses and flesh of the evil ghosts out of the ghost cave."

"Even if the corpse of the emperor is burned by your bead, it will be difficult to destroy it in a short time. They need to receive the corpses of the emperor and the evil ghosts and transform them quickly."

"This way, they can accommodate their Emperor Weirdness. Once the Emperor Evil Ghost is released, the humans in the other ghost caves can't stop it at all."

"That's why they are definitely slow to avoid the invasion of the Weirdness from other ghost caves, so these Emperor Weirdness who come here are all cursing, have bad tempers, and eat Weirdness at any time." Niu Ben told Mu Rufeng one by one.

"It seems that the situation is really not optimistic." Mu Rufeng said.

"Hey, hey, hey, brother Mu, don't be so calm, didn't you say you have an idea to defeat the Weird World? If you don't take action, you will lose." Niu Ben said.

"What are you panicking about? I can take action anytime I want, but I'm thinking about how I should act now." Mu Rufeng said.

"Really? Great, brother Mu, how are you going to act?" Niu Ben asked hurriedly.

"I have a question, what will happen if I go in from that vortex now?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, you can't get through." Niu Ben shook his head and said.

"Can't get through? Why? Don't worry about being discovered. It's okay if you're discovered." Mu Rufeng said.

"It's not a question of whether it will be discovered or not, but I learned from the conversations with those emperors that this teleportation vortex is always in one direction."

"You can understand it as, now you can only come from the strange world, but not from the ghost cave to the strange world."

"But the formation can be reversed. Once reversed, the vortex will be the opposite. You can only go from the ghost cave to the strange world, but not from the strange world to the ghost cave."

"This formation can only be operated there, so it's impossible to get through." Niu Ben said.

Mu Rufeng frowned when he heard this. If this is the case, then his plan can't be implemented at all.

"Boss Niu, is there any way to reverse the formation?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Then we can only ask those weird people who control the formation in the weird world. However, unless there is any danger, it is better for these emperors to go back."

"But this is basically impossible, because the emperors of Tiandao Continent cannot enter the ghost cave, so how can they encounter danger?" Niu Ben said.

Mu Rufeng frowned slightly when he heard this and fell into deep thought.

But soon, Mu Rufeng thought of something and said, "I have some ideas. I'll leave first. By the way, it may be a little dangerous later. Don't worry."

Mu Rufeng left directly after he finished speaking.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng came to the outside of the ghost cave.

Then he came out from the nostrils, stood on the dragon head, and lifted the virtualization.

Mu Rufeng leaned down and put his hand on the dragon corpse.

Mu Rufeng felt the situation inside the dragon corpse. He had a feeling that he could control the dragon corpse.

This was the credit of the innate magical power [Lord of the Dragon Corpse] that Mu Rufeng had comprehended.

He has a part of the control of the dragon corpse master, which is not just ordinary control. Once he uses this magical power, he can merge with the dragon corpse.

It is similar to the dragon soul Ao Zhi, who can control the dragon corpse.

Once it is used, Mu Rufeng can temporarily gain control of the dragon corpse.

Of course, if Ao Zhi doesn't want to, he can easily deprive Mu Rufeng of control, because Ao Zhi has more authority than him.

The solution to the ghost cave that Mu Rufeng mentioned before is related to the dragon corpse, and this idea came to him after he comprehended this magical power.

According to his idea, because of the restrictions of the rules, the emperor of the Tiandao Continent cannot enter the ghost cave. The emperor cannot enter, and the god is naturally impossible.

But, the dragon corpse is just a corpse.

The corpse is naturally not restricted by the rules?

Can't shrink? It doesn't matter, Mu Rufeng can put it in the inventory.

The storage ring definitely can't be put in, the inventory, there is absolutely no problem.

His idea was to first put the dragon corpse into the inventory, then enter the ghost cave, and then enter the strange world through the vortex.

Once in the strange world, Mu Rufeng directly took out the dragon corpse, then merged himself with it, and controlled the dragon corpse to fight with the Buddhaless God.

This was also the best way Mu Rufeng could think of, moving the battlefield to the strange world.

Even if he couldn't kill the Buddhaless God, it would be fine to destroy the formation, which would also destroy their plan, and also successfully put the hundreds of years of hard work of the strange world to waste, so that it could not continue to invade.

This was also a disguised successful resistance to the invasion of the strange world.

He didn't know how strong the God was, even if he was going to die, this was the best way Mu Rufeng could think of.

It was also the greatest power that Mu Rufeng could exert.

But now there is a biggest difficulty that is that it is impossible to enter the strange world through the teleportation vortex.

But he also has an idea, that is, to use the Nether Flower Poison to infect all those emperors with the Nether Flower Poison.

In this way, if those emperors don't want to die, they can only go back and ask the Buddhaless God to rescue them.

Mu Rufeng doesn't believe that the Buddhaless God will watch his subordinates die directly.

After all, those who can be sent here are all the peak emperors, and they are definitely the useful generals of the Buddhaless God.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out all the netherworld flowers in his inventory and placed them on the open space in front of the dragon's mouth.

Then Mu Rufeng immediately displayed his innate magical power [Lord of the Dragon Corpse].

Instantly, Mu Rufeng felt that he was in a strange state.

Then his vision changed, and he seemed to have merged with the dragon corpse, because his vision was the dragon corpse's vision.

The dragon corpse's eyelids moved, and then opened directly, and the scene in front of it came into view. This feeling was very mysterious.

At this time, a very strong feeling of hunger came over him, making Mu Rufeng want to eat.

He could also feel that food was constantly entering his stomach, but it was not enough to satisfy his hunger.

No wonder, Ao Zhi said that he had no problem eating for hundreds of years.

"It smells so good, is this the fragrance of the netherworld flower? It smells so good." Mu Rufeng sniffed it, which made him salivate.

However, Mu Rufeng suppressed the hunger in his stomach and did not swallow the netherworld flowers.

He closed his eyes and quietly felt the terrifying power of the dragon corpse.

He also felt that he could use all the power controlled by the dragon corpse.

There are many innate magical powers, as well as learned martial arts and secrets. One of them is actually the magical power of changing size, and the most important one is the rules of control.

It’s just that this rule of control seems to be different from what Mu Rufeng imagined. The rules are directly integrated into the body of the dragon corpse.

The dragon corpse seems to have the power of rules in every move it performs.

Mu Rufeng guessed that the emperor controls the rules and then uses the rules to fight the enemy, while the god refines the rules into himself, and every move will carry the power of rules.

Of course, this is just Mu Rufeng’s guess, there may be other ways.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng’s vision changed again, and he returned to his original human vision.

Mu Rufeng found that he appeared in a different dimension.

Mu Rufeng looked around and found that this seemed to be a soul space.

Mu Rufeng was standing on a super giant ship, and there was a huge lake around him.

Outside the lake, it was not a void space, but a cracked earth.

It was as if there was originally a vast ocean here, but it dried up, leaving only a large area of ​​cracked land.

And now new seawater is pouring in, but it only gathers into a lake, which looks lifeless.

Below, Mu Rufeng also saw a five-meter-long golden dragon.

At first glance, this dragon seemed to be a smaller version of a dragon corpse.

"Ao Zhi?" Mu Rufeng called out.

Ao Zhi's eyelids moved slightly, and then slowly opened.

"Mu Rufeng, why are you here?" After Ao Zhi opened his eyes, he immediately found Mu Rufeng, and then quickly flew up, and then landed beside Mu Rufeng.

"Huh? Why do I feel that you smell good, and it smells almost the same as mine." Ao Zhi sniffed Mu Rufeng and said in surprise.

"Didn't you give me a drop of real dragon blood? After I ate it, it became like this, and I seem to be able to control the dragon corpse." Mu Rufeng said.

"It seems so, otherwise you can't enter this place." Ao Zhi nodded.

"Ao Zhi, I want to use the body of the dragon corpse to go to the strange world to kill the Wufo God who invaded the Tiandao Continent. I wonder if you are willing." Mu Rufeng said straight to the point.

"Sure, you are my good friend. If you want to use the dragon corpse, go ahead, or I can go with you and help you kill the Wufo God."

"It's so strange, I obviously don't know Wufo God, but when I mention this name, I really want to kill him." Ao Zhi suddenly said.

"Thank you, you continue to sleep, I'm going out." Mu Rufeng heard this and was happy, and then thanked him.

"Well, if you have anything, you can also come here to find me, you can come in at any time." After Ao Zhi finished speaking, he flew down, then landed in the lake and continued to sleep.

Then Mu Rufeng's mind moved, and he saw that his vision turned into the vision of the dragon corpse again.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng opened his mouth, sucked all the Netherworld Flowers into his mouth with a slight inhalation, and then swallowed them into his stomach.

A strange feeling emerged in his heart again, and the Netherworld Flower poison was instantly refined, and then the terrifying poison actually went directly to the dragon head along the flesh and blood in the dragon corpse.

However, the Netherworld Flower poison was not contaminated on the flesh and blood, but directly immersed in the evil Netherworld Flower mark on the forehead of the dragon corpse.

Mu Rufeng knew at once that he could control the poison in the Netherworld Flower mark to fight the enemy at any time.

Anyone who was contaminated would be poisoned, even if it was weird.

Because the Netherworld Flower poison can not only poison the body, but also the soul.

Mu Rufeng slowly opened the dragon's mouth, and then moved his body backwards, and directly released the ghost cave from his mouth.

When Mu Rufeng did not bite the ghost cave, the evil ghosts and ghost energy in the ghost cave suddenly gushed out and scattered around.

Some evil ghosts came directly under Mu Rufeng, opened their bloody mouths and bit him madly, but they couldn't break through the defense at all.

All the evil ghosts that came out did not leave, all surrounded Mu Rufeng and started biting him.

Some even wanted to fly to Mu Rufeng to bite him, but Mu Rufeng couldn't tolerate them, so he shook his whole body and burst out with terrifying power.

The evil ghosts around were killed instantly.

[Trigger successful, kill the ninth-level evil ghost, physical fitness +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]


[Triggering successfully, killing the ninth-level evil ghost, strength +0.1, ghost power +0.1%]

Seven or eight more prompt sounds suddenly appeared.

Obviously, there are many evil ghosts in the divine realm among these evil ghosts.

Mu Rufeng did not waste any more time, slowly lowered the dragon head, and then opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of poisonous gas containing the poison of the netherworld flower.

He did not use too much power, just the power of the ninth-level divine realm.

Because once the limit is exceeded, the power will be weakened to the divine realm.

The terrifying poisonous gas sank into the cave without hindrance, and the evil ghosts were contaminated wherever the poisonous gas passed.

The poison was extremely strong, and the evil ghosts froze in place in an instant, and then fell to the ground one by one, completely unable to move.

They did not die so quickly, but they lost their strength in their bodies and were directly suppressed to an extremely weak strength, and they could not even move.

The poison continued to spread, and all the evil ghosts fell to the ground wherever they passed.

Soon the poison invaded the underground space.

The movement here was soon discovered by the ghost emperors.

Because the poisonous gas is visible to the naked eye, and all the evil ghosts will fall to the ground wherever it passes, it is difficult not to notice it.

"Lord Emperor, it's not good, what do you see?"

"Lord Emperor, it seems that there is poisonous gas erosion, and those ghost emperors and evil ghosts have no resistance."

Some ghost emperors and ghost kings shouted loudly.

Gluttony and other three emperors whose cultivation has recovered also woke up at the first time.

When they looked at the poisonous gas, their eyes were slightly startled, but they didn't care.

Because they felt that the upper limit of the power of this poisonous gas was only the ghost emperor, and they were emperors.

Then they saw Gluttony waved his hand, and a powerful force burst out, instantly dispersing the poisonous gas.

However, the poisonous gas was only dispersed, and after being dispersed, it became even larger, just a little thinner.

Even so, the evil ghosts also fell to the ground wherever the thin poisonous gas passed.

Because the attack of Gluttony made the poison gas spread faster.

Gluttony saw this scene, and condensed slightly, then a black light flashed in his hand, and he stepped forward.

A special force emerged, and finally evolved into a huge Gluttony Mouth in front.

The Gluttony Mouth sucked a lot of poison gas into it.

It's just that after sucking for more than a dozen breaths, the poison gas behind did not decrease at all. On the contrary, the Gluttony Mouth has become a little black, and it is even a little overwhelmed.

Gluttony's face became more solemn, and then released multiple Gluttony Mouths to swallow.

And the first Gluttony Mouth also collapsed directly.

When the Gluttony Mouth collapsed, his face changed drastically: "Not good, this toxin can actually corrode the power of rules."

"What are you still watching, take action immediately, otherwise it will be troublesome if we are contaminated with toxins."

The other two emperors heard the strange words, and they also took action to resist or dissipate the poison gas.

At this moment, outside the ghost cave.

Mu Rufeng let the dragon corpse keep spitting poisonous gas, then he separated from the fusion state and restored his body.

Then he immediately used the ability of virtualization, and then Mu Rufeng resolutely faced the poisonous gas of the netherworld flower and entered the ghost cave.

Although there was a risk of being contaminated by the netherworld flower toxin, he had to enter because he had to make sure that the evil ghosts had to go to the strange world.

Mu Rufeng thought he would be poisoned, but he found that after entering the ghost cave, he was bathed in the poisonous gas of the netherworld flower, and he did not feel any discomfort.

It seemed that the poisonous gas of the netherworld flower avoided Mu Rufeng, but Mu Rufeng did not think it was because of virtualization.

He guessed that it was probably because he swallowed the essence of the real dragon and comprehended the innate magical powers.

After a while, Mu Rufeng came to the underground space.

Those emperor evil ghosts were still resisting the poisonous gas.

But it can be seen that the poisonous gas is extremely tenacious, and even the power of rules they exert can corrode it.

It is only a matter of time before the poisonous gas covers the entire underground space.

Mu Rufeng came to Niu Ben silently, and then attached himself to him.

"Boss Niu, don't be so scared. This poison will not kill you directly, but will make you weak. If you are poisoned, I will detoxify you." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brother Mu? You are here again? Did you cause the poison?" Niu Ben was shocked and asked hurriedly.

"Well, do you think these emperors will notify the other side and go back in order to avoid being contaminated by the poison?" Mu Rufeng said.

"This should be possible, right?" Niu Ben said uncertainly.

"Then they will, let's wait, this poison is not so easy to solve." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

"You two hold on for a while, I will study the poison."

Gluttony immediately reached out and grabbed an evil ghost.

The evil ghost was limp at this moment, unable to move, but his eyes were fixed on Gluttony, as if he wanted to devour it.

"Flower? Why does this flower look so familiar?" Gluttony murmured a few times while looking at the strange flower on the forehead of the evil ghost.

"Sir, Sir Gluttony, that flower is exactly the same as the flower on the forehead of the dragon corpse." At this time, Sun Shi shouted.

"Hmm? Are you sure?" Gluttony looked at Sun Shi suddenly, staring at him with a pair of big eyes.

"I am sure, very sure." Sun Shi nodded repeatedly.

"Damn it, this must be the trick of that dragon corpse. Wake up, wake up quickly."

Gluttony waved his hand violently, and multiple ghost auras came out of his body, hitting the fifteen bloody eggs directly.

Soon, the blood eggs shattered, and the emperors were revealed one by one.

"Gluttony, why did you wake me up?" An emperor looked at Gluttony and asked slowly.

"Look, the dragon corpse has taken action. The poison is very strong and can corrode the rules." Gluttony said, pointing to the blocked poison gas in front of him.

Everyone frowned slightly when they heard this, and when they looked at the poison gas, their faces looked a little ugly.

"Dragon corpse takes action? Is there a way for dragon corpse to escape the restrictions of the rules?" An emperor frowned and said.

"Rules? Don't you feel it? The power of this poisonous gas does not exceed the divine realm, so why can't it get in?" Gluttony said.

“We have to think about what do we do now?”

"Inform the Lord God, this dragon corpse was beheaded by the Lord God." said an Emperor.

Although the poisonous gas was temporarily blocked by them, they also knew that they could block it for a while, but not for a lifetime.

If the poisonous gas is present, they won't even be able to implement their plan.

After some discussion, these emperors finally decided to inform the Buddhaless God.

Because they have no choice now, they have to take responsibility for their own lives.

Soon Gluttony used the communication stone to contact the Buddhaless God.

"What's the matter?" The voice of Lord Wufo came slowly.

"Lord God, there is a situation..."

Gluttony immediately told him about the poison gas.

"I didn't expect that the dragon corpse could actually use this method. This is Nether Flower Poison. You'd better not be contaminated by it."

"Once contaminated, your cultivation will be suppressed and you will eventually become a useless person, but it is not fatal." God Wufo said.

Everyone looked shocked when they heard this.

Are you kidding me? Not fatal?

If their cultivation is suppressed, they are extremely deadly. For people like them, as long as their cultivation is reduced, there will be many opponents who will add insult to injury.

If you are poisonous, they may not dare to eat you, but they will definitely kill you.

In this world of the jungle, if you have low strength, that is the original sin.

"Lord God, what should we do now? Can this poison be cured?" Gluttony said quickly.

"I can't cure this poison. When I was poisoned, I cut off my arm as soon as possible to prevent the poison from spreading." Lord Wufo shook his head and said.

The emperors looked shocked when they heard this, and then quickly increased their efforts to block the poisonous gas.

After being poisoned and their cultivation level lowered, they really didn't dare to get infected.

"Lord God, do we still want to continue our plan?" Gluttony said slowly.

At this moment, everyone looked at Gluttony, quietly waiting for the next words of the god.

"With the poisonous gas, your plan cannot be completed. Come back first, and we will make long-term plans then." The god said slowly.

When everyone heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although your strength will be damaged if you go back, it doesn't matter, it is much better than being infected by this ghost flower toxin that cannot be detoxified.

Mu Rufeng was also happy. In this case, his plan could be implemented.

"Boss Niu, you leave later, I'll go out to get something." After Mu Rufeng finished speaking, she quickly walked out of the ghost cave.

Not long after, Mu Rufeng left the ghost cave directly.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Rufeng transferred all the items in the inventory to the storage ring on her hand.

When he left the imperial city, he took several storage rings with him.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng reached out and touched the body of the dragon corpse.

Mu Rufeng had a thought in her mind and wanted to put the dragon corpse into it.

However, what frightened Mu Rufeng was that the dragon corpse could not be collected.

Suddenly, Mu Rufeng's expression changed drastically.

But soon, he smiled again. The reason why he couldn't take it in was because the dragon soul Ao Zhi was in his body, so he couldn't take it in.

If you want to earn income, you need to let Ao Zhi come out of the body.

Just as Mu Rufeng was about to go to the soul space, he saw a stream of light flying out of the dragon's corpse, and then disappeared directly into his mind.

Mu Rufeng suddenly appeared in his soul space.

Mu Rufeng looked forward blankly, because Ao Zhi was actually here, sleeping deep in the ocean.

Mu Rufeng shouted a few words, but received no response.

Mu Rufeng thought for a while, and it seemed that his soul space and Ao Zhi's soul space seemed to be connected together.

He can enter Ao Zhi's soul space at any time, and Ao Zhi can also enter his soul space.

Ao Zhi, who was sleeping inside the dragon corpse, seemed to sense Mu Rufeng's thoughts, so she directly entered Mu Rufeng's soul space.

Immediately, Mu Rufeng left the soul space, and then tried to put the dragon corpse into the inventory again.

However, the dragon corpse remained motionless.

Mu Rufeng knew that the dragon corpse was too big and heavy, exceeding the upper limit of 50,000 tons in his inventory.

His inventory has 999 spaces, and the upper limit for each item is 100,000 kilograms, which is nearly 100 million kilograms, or 50,000 tons.

Obviously, the body weight of the dragon corpse exceeds 50,000 tons.

Also, the weight of a body that is thousands of feet long is not low.

Mu Rufeng was not anxious and immediately used the magical power of [Lord of Dragon Corpse] again to merge with it.

Having controlled most of the magical powers of the dragon corpse, Mu Rufeng immediately used magical powers that varied in size.

Then, the dragon corpse began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a three-hundred-foot dragon, which was about ten times smaller.

After Mu Rufeng released the fusion, he tried to put it into the inventory again.

This time, the dragon corpse was directly put into the inventory.

Sure enough, the dragon corpse became smaller, and the size became smaller, and the weight naturally became smaller.

Mu Rufeng took a look and found that it occupied about five hundred grids.

It must be said that even a three-hundred-foot dragon corpse weighed more than 20,000 tons. It is hard to imagine how strong the muscle and bone density of the dragon corpse is.

After putting the dragon corpse away, Mu Rufeng entered the virtual state again, and then quickly entered the ghost cave.

When he came to the underground space, Mu Rufeng found that most of the emperors were still healing, and two emperors were blocking the poison gas.

Mu Rufeng could see that there was one less emperor.

Mu Rufeng understood that if he went back to the weird world in the opposite direction, there would also be restrictions on the emperors, one every three days.

Presumably, this is why the injured emperors continued to heal.

Mu Rufeng could also see that the ghost emperors, ghost kings, and ghost generals began to return through the transmission vortex one after another.

The divine realm was almost invisible, with only a few ghost emperors left there to maintain order.

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