I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 331 The plug-in has arrived [Additional updates, double the monthly votes! ]

Every time he levels up, he can gain 20 points of spirit, which changes to 40 points at level 10, and so on. Defense and agility are cut in half.

The magic power is proportional to his spirit, 1:20.

In terms of skills, there is not much fancy, just an ordinary magic encyclopedia.

The magic encyclopedia records all the magic in the entire Bright Continent, and as long as his level reaches it, he can unlock it directly.

For example, he is now level 11, and he can release any magic that can be released at level 11.

With his current ability, one-on-one, he can completely kill the goblin leader with kite flying, or even kill the goblin leader with magic bombardment.

This is only level 11, this is the power of the hero.

As for the question marks at the end, it is probably because this data detection cannot detect Mu Rufeng's physical attributes at all, or it exceeds the upper limit.

So it simply displays only the data of the hero, and the physical strength that cannot be detected is directly displayed as a question mark.

While Mu Rufeng was thinking, the Goblin leader had already eaten the food offered by the Goblin team.

"Very good, Goblin Feng, I will grant you the right to mate now." The Goblin leader said lazily.

The right to mate, in the eyes of these Goblins, is a kind of honor, and this honor is controlled by the Goblin leader.

"Thank you, thank you, Lord Commander." Upon hearing this, the team leader, the big Goblin Goblin Feng, was immediately ecstatic.

Then, Goblin Feng rushed into a cave like the wind.

As soon as he came in, Goblin Feng saw those female creatures and drooled, and then something stood up directly.

Then, he grabbed a swamp lizard and made a shocking move.

Mu Rufeng felt that it was really eye-catching. The Asan tribe was not as good as the Goblin tribe.

"Forget it, destroy it."

Mu Rufeng flew out, then raised his hand and prepared to destroy the Goblin nest.

Just at this time, a prompt sound appeared in Mu Rufeng's mind.

[The host has entered the dungeon and the plug-in has been loaded successfully]

[Please select one of the following three plug-ins]

[1. Experience bonus: After killing a monster, you will get ten times the experience value]

[2. Level leap: Each time you upgrade, you will be upgraded by one level, with a maximum of LV99]

[3. Level reduction: The target can be reduced by ten levels]

"This plug-in is a bit weak." Mu Rufeng touched his chin and thought.

Finally, Mu Rufeng chose experience bonus.

After all, it is good to upgrade the level quickly. As for level leap and level reduction, no matter in this world or the plug-in legacy, they should not be as good as experience bonus.

After choosing the plug-in, Mu Rufeng immediately slapped it.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The goblin nest collapsed directly and was then slapped into the ground.

After a while, the thick land began to gurgle with scarlet blood.

[Kill LV3 Goblin, your experience value will increase]


[Kill LV38 Goblin Leader, your experience value will increase]


[Experience value is full, your level is increased to LV20]

With just a slap, Mu Rufeng solved the Goblin nest, and then directly upgraded to level 20, ten times the power, which is indeed powerful.

Mu Rufeng glanced and found that he had unlocked a lot of magic.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the Goblin Leader, completing the second stage of the task, and obtaining 300% clearance]

[The third stage of the task is open, please go to the capital of the Saint Dis Empire, Saint Dis City, and join the brave team]

"Saint Dis City? Join the brave team?" Mu Rufeng murmured, and then flew towards Saint Dis City.

According to the old man's memory, Saint Dis City is more than 500 kilometers away from them.

More than 500 kilometers, it only takes a moment.

Mu Rufeng flew away in the clouds, and the speed was not too fast.

He also wanted to see more of this world, and at the same time kill monsters and level up.

Originally, he thought there would be no accidents, but when Mu Rufeng passed a volcano with thick smoke.

He saw a huge flame breath coming out of the crater.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand lightly and dispersed the flame breath.

"Roar!" A roar.

Then a huge flying dragon flew out of the crater.

This is a western dragon, a flame dragon.

"Human, dare to fly over my head, you, irritate me."

The flame dragon was suspended in the air, its wings constantly waving, and a pair of dragon eyes stared at Mu Rufeng indifferently.

"Dragon? Speaking of which, I have never eaten dragon meat. Today, I am lucky enough to have a taste." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

He had already discovered the existence of the flame dragon, but he didn't have any idea.

But this flame dragon took the initiative to attack him, so there was nothing to say.

"Hahaha." The flame dragon laughed as if it heard a joke.

"Human, none of you Sword Saints of the Saint Dis Empire dare to provoke me. It seems that I have been asleep for too long and you have forgotten the reputation of Corres."

"In that case, after eating you, I will destroy a city to show my fame." Fire Dragon Corres said.

It seems that this giant fire dragon is similar to the evil dragon Smaug in "The Hobbit".

"Unfortunately, you probably can't do it." Mu Rufeng just moved and stood on Coris's head.

And Coris lost Mu Rufeng's trace in an instant. When he heard Mu Rufeng's voice, he knew that the human had appeared on his forehead.

The next moment, the knife fell, and a knife energy came out of the body and directly cut across Coris's neck.

Suddenly, a blood line appeared on Coris's neck.

Mu Rufeng didn't even make a move, just used his hand instead of the knife to cut the knife energy, so that he didn't have any reaction time, and cut off his head.

Coris's wings slowly stopped, and his body fell downwards.

Coris didn't lose consciousness yet, he said: "Who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a young man who has just become a brave man." Mu Rufeng said with a faint smile.

[Successfully killed the LV99 Flame Dragon Corris, your experience value is full, and your level is increased to LV21]


[Your experience value is full, and your level is increased to LV50]

Just this dragon directly allowed Mu Rufeng to reach level 50.

It must be said that only by killing monsters above the level is the fastest way to level up.

Then, Mu Rufeng directly put Corris's dragon head into the inventory.

Then, he grabbed Corris's body and fell into the crater.

His kitchen tools were too small, and this dragon was too big to cook, so he prepared to set up a pot in the crater.

Prepare to make a pot of dragon meat soup.

Mu Rufeng waved his hand, and saw a large number of gold coins flying out of a cave in the crater, and then they were kneaded by Mu Rufeng to form a huge golden pot.

Then Mu Rufeng engraved some strong and heat-resistant runes on it, making the golden pot harder and more heat-resistant, and not being melted by the temperature in the volcano.

Then Mu Rufeng placed the pot directly on the crater, and the size was just right.

Then Mu Rufeng led a large amount of river water from the nearby river into the pot.

The temperature in the crater was extremely high, and because it was covered by the pot, some flames even rushed out directly.

Looking at this situation, boiling water should be very fast.

Then Mu Rufeng dealt with the dragon's body, leaving half of it in the inventory, ready to take it back for his family to taste.

The remaining half, Mu Rufeng directly put into the big pot.

Then there were various elixirs, plus some precious spiritual medicines were put in by Mu Rufeng to increase the flavor.

Just when Mu Rufeng was stewing dragon meat.

A team of fully armed adventurers came to the foot of the mountain.

"Finally we've walked out of the Lost Forest."

"Yeah, it was shrouded in thick fog, and I almost thought I was going to get lost in it."

"Thanks to Princess Mumu."

"The evil dragon Coris is in the crater. This time, we must kill the evil dragon."

"Yes, kill the evil dragon, and Princess Mumu's level will definitely be raised to level 90."

A crowd surrounded a girl in armor and said flatteringly.

"The level of the evil dragon is above level 90. Even if we have the heart of the frost dragon, we must be extremely careful." Princess Mumu said.

"Let's get started without further ado."

"Well, let's do it."

A crowd nodded repeatedly.

Then they looked up at the crater.

At this moment, the crater was shrouded in thick smoke, and it was impossible to look down on the scene above.

Princess Mumu patted the magic bag on her waist, and the next moment, she took out a heart several meters long.

Then it was thrown on the ground.

Only the heart was left, but strangely, it was still beating.

At the same time, the originally bloody heart suddenly turned pale, and then an extreme cold air spread out.

Wherever the cold air passed, the ground was frozen.

"Quick, let's hide away."

The group quickly fled to the distance, and then plunged into the Forest of Confusion again.

There were only fifteen people in their group.

Among them, the leader Princess Mumu was at level 89, and most of the rest were over level 80.

You should know that the Flame Dragon is at level 99.

The reason why they dared to come and cause trouble for the Flame Dragon was because of the heart of the Frost Dragon.

The heart of the Frost Dragon is a great tonic for the Flame Dragon, and it is simply irresistible.

But because the Frost Dragon is of ice attribute, and the Flame Dragon Coris is of fire attribute.

As long as he eats the heart of the Frost Dragon, although it can also improve his strength, it will also make him fall into a weak state.

Even if it would enter a weak state, the Fire Dragon could not resist the temptation of the Frost Dragon's heart.

Because as long as it eats it, it can strengthen the Fire Dragon's bloodline and improve its strength, and maybe it can break through the limit of 99 levels.

Therefore, Coris could not resist it at all.

As long as it fell into a weak state, then they would attack it in groups and finally surround and kill it.

However, what puzzled these people was that the Frost Dragon's heart had been there for half an hour, and Coris did not come down.

"What's going on? Why hasn't Coris come yet?"

"Is Coris still asleep? So he can't sense the Frost Dragon's heart?"

"Impossible, Corris is irresistible even when he is asleep."


Mu Rufeng didn't know about the people below.

At this moment, he was casting an ice cover for the pot.

The pot was too big, and Mu Rufeng was going to stand on it to eat.

Soon, half of the pot was covered with a thick layer of ice, and the terrifying high temperature in the pot could not melt the ice.

Then, Mu Rufeng called Xiaolong out.

Originally, he was going to call everyone out, but unfortunately, Xiaoying and others were still asleep.

"Xiaolong, this is a giant fire dragon. It should be good for you if you eat it." Mu Rufeng said with a smile.

"Roar! It smells so good, thank you master." Xiaolong opened his mouth and roared, and then spoke.

His voice was a little dull, but he could finally speak.

However, the next second, Xiaolong suddenly shook all over, and he said: "Master, master, I feel the breath of the same kind."

The next second, Xiaolong spread his wings and quickly flew into the sky.

"Same kind?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned, and then his perception spread.

Immediately, he immediately found the heart of the frost dragon at the foot of the mountain.

"Strange, how could there be a heart here? Wait, there are people?" Mu Rufeng was slightly stunned.

"Huh? How could Xiaolong fly so far? Isn't it within a range of ten meters?" Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.


Xiaolong fell directly from the sky and landed next to the heart of the frost dragon.

"Woo woo woo~~!" Xiaolong whimpered to express his heartache.

Then, Xiaolong's face instantly turned into a look of joy, and then he bit directly on the heart.

Seeing the death of his kind, Xiaolong was very sad, but sadness is sad, that can't be eaten.

Now, there is only one heart left. If he eats it, he will become stronger, and naturally he is happy.

Those who lurked in the Lost Forest were also extremely shocked when they saw Xiaolong appear.

What's going on? Isn't this the territory of the fire dragon Coris?

Why did a frost dragon appear? Moreover, this frost dragon seems to be still in the growth stage.

You know, dragons are also hostile to each other.

Especially the existence of two extreme attributes, the fire dragon and the frost dragon.

It can be said that as long as the two sides meet, they must fight and then devour each other's flesh and blood.

Just like the owner of this heart, the frost dragon Mio, is the mortal enemy of Corres.

It is just that the frost dragon attacked the Saint Dis Empire for the first time more than ten years ago.

It was led by the Sword Saint and the legion of the Saint Dis Empire that successfully killed the frost dragon.

Of course, the Saint Dis Empire also suffered heavy losses. The 100,000 legions directly lost tens of thousands, and the Sword Saint was also severely injured.

It was only recently that he recovered from his injuries.

"Something may have happened to the Fire Dragon."

"No matter what, we can't let it eat the heart. It's still in the growth stage and its strength is not strong. Let's catch it and see if we can tame it. If we can tame it, then I can become a dragon knight." Princess Mumu shouted excitedly.

The group of people also became excited.

Princess Mumu is the first princess of the King of the Saint Dis Empire and the heir of the King.

She also has the title of [War Hero] and is one of the five great heroes.

If she has a frost dragon mount, it will be absolutely unimaginable. Not only can she more firmly establish her position as the heir to the throne, but also enhance her strength.

Although she is the first princess, she has an older brother.

His older brother is the direct disciple of the Sword Saint. He is extremely intelligent and has reached level 90, which is stronger than her, the War Hero.

That's why he wants to reach level 90 as soon as possible.

Once she reaches level 90, then her older brother will not be his opponent.

The gap of ten levels is still huge.

After a group of people appeared, they quickly distanced themselves, and then drew their weapons one by one to surround the dragon.

Another magician took out a net and threw it into the sky, and the sky was immediately covered by the net.

This magic item can prevent the frost dragon from flying away.

The rest of the people gathered on the periphery just to prevent the frost dragon from escaping.

The main target is naturally the warrior princess Mumu.

In an instant, circles of BUFFs flashed on Princess Mumu's body.

Yes, it was BUFF.

Several magicians on the side continued to cast blessing magic on Princess Mumu.

At the same time, she herself continued to cast the warrior's BUFF.

All of a sudden, the aura of this princess Mumu became extremely strong.

Xiaolong had just eaten two bites of the heart, and then he saw these people jumping out.

Especially the way these people looked at him, he was a little scared, and he immediately put the heart into his storage space.

Then he flapped his wings and flew high into the sky.

However, before he could fly very high, the magic item flashed with lightning.

Xiaolong was paralyzed by the electricity and fell directly to the ground.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Xiaolong fell to the ground and stared at Princess Mumu.

"So you can already speak. I am the first princess of the Saint Dis Empire, Sun Mumu, dragon, sign a contract with me."

Sun Mumu stepped forward and said domineeringly.

"You want to sign a contract with me? Then you have to ask my master first." Xiaolong was relieved when he heard that he was not going to be killed, but to sign a contract.

"Your master? You already have a master?" Sun Mumu frowned.

"Who is your master? I will ask him to cancel the contract with you." Sun Mumu said.

Just as Xiaolong was about to speak, he saw Mu Rufeng appear on the side.

"The first princess of the Saint Dis Empire? You seem to be a warrior?" Mu Rufeng felt the same breath from her.

"You are his master? I order you to cancel the contract with it immediately, and you can become my guardian knight." Sun Mumu said.

It sounds good, but becoming her guardian knight is actually just a subordinate.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng was a little happy: "Just you? You are not worthy of me becoming your guardian knight."

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