I have a cheat and I kill through the dungeon world

Chapter 332 3S-level mission and the strange team of brave men [Double monthly tickets requested! ]

He is a powerful god, not only does he want to send Xiaolong away, but also wants to become her subordinate? What a joke.

"I am not worthy? What a joke, I am the first princess of the Saint Dis Empire, level 89, and a warrior. Do you think I am not qualified?" Sun Mumu looked at Mu Rufeng with a contemptuous look.

"Sorry, you are indeed not qualified." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Let's go, Xiaolong, let's go to eat." Mu Rufeng took Xiaolong and disappeared directly on the spot.

Completely ignored Sun Mumu and others.

When Mu Rufeng and Xiaolong disappeared, Sun Mumu's face was slightly shocked.

She didn't even see how they left.

"Princess Mumu, what should we do now?" A knight asked.

"Find them, find them for me, they must not have gone far!!!" Sun Mumu said coldly.


Back to the crater, Mu Rufeng and Xiaolong stood on the ice, and cut off a piece of dragon meat and placed it in front of Xiaolong.

Then he cut off another piece of meat and ate it himself.

"Master, it's so hot here, I'll go in and eat." Xiaolong said, biting the piece of dragon meat and entering the contract slot directly.

Mu Rufeng didn't care about it and started eating meat and drinking soup.

After eating almost half of it, Mu Rufeng was full.

Then he packed up all the rest and put them all into the inventory together with the golden pot.

After packing up, Mu Rufeng continued on his way and headed towards the Saint Dis Empire.


The capital of the Saint Dis Empire, Saint Dis City.

This is a very typical ancient Western building.

Based on a mountain, a huge castle was built. This is the residence of the king of the empire, which is also the so-called royal palace.

Under the castle, a tall city wall was also built, and outside the city wall was a moat.

With the moat as the dividing line, layers of buildings were superimposed outward.

Here is the inner city.

The inner city also has a tall city wall, and outside the city wall is the outer city.

The outer city is the largest and is also the residence of ordinary people in the empire.

The outer city walls are also extremely tall, and there is also a huge moat.

This is a strong city, a huge city with millions of residents.

Mu Rufeng came to the city gate.

A huge suspension bridge spanned the moat of dozens of meters.

Mu Rufeng walked on the suspension bridge and looked down. He could see many monsters and beasts in the moat.

There were many people coming in and out around, and even carriages coming in and out.

After Mu Rufeng entered, he sighed at the prosperity of the city.

However, for some reason, Mu Rufeng always felt strange.

This is an indescribable feeling.

Mu Rufeng took the medal given by the magician before, followed the breath on it, and came to a building.

There was also a gorgeous plaque hanging on the door, saying: Magician Guild.

Mu Rufeng immediately entered it.

There are many people inside, many of whom are taking assessments inside, or filling out some information.

It seems that this should also be a place for magician certification.

"Knight, what are you doing here?" A woman in a magic robe came over.

Mu Rufeng took out the medal and said, "A magician asked me to come and see him. His name seems to be Wang Zheng."

"Wang Zheng? Ah, you mean the vice president? This medal seems to be the medal of the reserve hero."

"You are the hero of Muta Village?" The female magician was shocked when she heard it.

When this was said, the eyes of the people around were also attracted, and they talked about it one by one.

"My God, that is the hero of Muta Village who won the title of hero, the hero of magic?"

"The hero of magic finally appeared, so the five heroes have appeared."

"But why does the hero of magic wear armor? And carry a big sword?"

"Yes, shouldn't the hero of magic wear a magic robe and hold a magic wand?"

Everyone talked about it.

"It's me." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

The receptionist did not reply, but waved the magic wand in her hand.

The next moment, titles appeared above the heads of the people in the Magician Guild.

At first glance, most of them were titles of magician apprentice, initial magician, etc.

Even the title of primary magician appeared above the head of the female magician.

And above Mu Rufeng's head, the golden title of [Hero of Magic] appeared directly, which blinded the magicians.

"Really, it's really the Hero of Magic!"

"The Hero of Magic has finally appeared."

Seeing the title appear, these magicians suddenly fell into a frenzy and excitement.

Mu Rufeng frowned when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that his title of Hero of Magic would appear automatically without his consent.

Fortunately, his other titles did not appear, otherwise, I'm afraid these people would be scared to death.

The female magician seemed to know Mu Rufeng's doubts and immediately explained: "Mr. Brave, in the Magician Guild, as long as a small spell is cast, the title of the magician can be revealed."

"The Warrior Guild, Priest Guild, etc., are also the same."

"I see." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"Hero, my name is Fan Ruo, a LV19 junior magician. Please follow me. I will take you to see the vice president." After introducing himself, Fan Ruo led Mu Rufeng to the second floor of the Magician Guild.

Soon, Mu Rufeng arrived in front of an office.

"Knock, knock!"

"Vice president, the hero of magic is here." Fan Ruo knocked on the door and said.

"Come in!"

Fan Ruo pushed open the door and the two walked in immediately.

"I remember I left in the morning, right? It's not dinner time yet, and you're here?"

"Are you level 10?" Wang Zheng looked at Mu Rufeng and asked.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded slightly.

"The upgrade is fast. Originally, the five heroes gathered to go to the palace to meet His Majesty, but unfortunately, the Warrior of War went to hunt the fire dragon Coris."

"You can stay in the city first. You can also go outside the city to kill monsters and upgrade when you have time. When the Warrior of War comes back, you can go to the palace together." Wang Zheng said.

"Okay, Vice President." Mu Rufeng nodded in response.

"Fan Ruo, take him with you to familiarize yourself with the guild's procedures, and then take him to the Adventurer's Guild and let him join the Warrior Team. If there is any suitable task, you can also take it." Wang Zheng said again.

"Okay, Vice President." Fan Ruo responded.

Then Fan Ruo took Mu Rufeng out of the office.

After leaving the Magician's Guild, Fan Ruo took Mu Rufeng directly to the Adventurer's Guild next door.

The Adventurer's Guild is a larger guild than the Magician's, Warrior's and other guilds.

There are adventurer teams and lone rangers in the Adventurer's Guild, but most of them are adventurer teams.

Because only adventurer teams can fight monsters better.

Magicians serve as long-range and firepower main attackers, priests are used for treatment and buffs, assassins can move or attract monsters, and raid.

Warriors are MT meat shields plus melee attacks.

Knights can attack from a distance or at close range.

Swordsmen have extremely powerful swordsmanship and can be used as main attackers.

Almost all guild members will join the Adventurer's Guild.

Because the Adventurer's Guild has the largest task bar system.

Soon, the two came to the Adventurer's Guild.

The Adventurer's Guild is located in the center of the outer city, covering a large area. Surrounding it are guilds such as magicians and warriors.

There are naturally a lot of people inside. In order to prevent being watched, Fan Ruo directly took Mu Rufeng to a VIP box.

There was no surprise. Mu Rufeng successfully joined the Brave Team.

There is no need to ask other heroes to come, just because he is a hero of magic.

Then Fan Ruo took him to the Adventurer's Guild's announcement task list and began to explain it.

The task column here is all the tasks assigned by some people in the royal capital, from the lowest level F to the highest level 3S, a total of nine levels, which seems to correspond to the nine watersheds of level 10-99.

As for those below LV9, sorry, they are not qualified to accept tasks.

The people who issued the tasks include princes and nobles, wealthy people, and ordinary people, and they all paid for themselves.

"Sir, I have something else to do. You can take a look here by yourself. Although you have joined the team, you can also accept tasks in your own name."

"If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time." Fan Ruo said.

"Okay, thank you Miss Fan." Mu Rufeng smiled and thanked him.

After Fan Ruo left, Mu Rufeng began to look at the tasks on the task bar.

Mu Rufeng was too lazy to look at those below level A.

He directly looked at the S level and above.

Most of them are to kill some powerful monsters, or to kill some powerful adventurers or bandits who have committed heinous crimes.

The 3S-level task at the top made Mu Rufeng's eyes light up.

[Task Specification]: 3S

[Task Requirements]: Kill the Flame Dragon Coris

[Task Reward]: 100,000 gold, Dragon Slayer Title, Level Crystal X5, LV90 Level Sword.

[Task Method]: Single adventurer or team, the average level of the team must be above LV90 to accept the task.

If you want to accept the task, it also depends on your strength plus your level.

After all, it is impossible for an adventurer of more than 20 levels to take this 3S task, wouldn't that be ridiculous.

If Mu Rufeng remembered correctly, the Flame Dragon he killed seemed to be called Coris?

100,000 gold? Mu Rufeng didn't care, not to mention that he had gold on him.

For example, when he ate the giant fire dragon and left, he swept away all the treasures in his cave, and there were at least millions of gold coins.

You know, he still had millions of gold coins left after making a huge golden pot.

So he was not interested in the 100,000 gold, but was very interested in the title of Dragon Slayer plus the five level crystals.

Level crystals, it seems, are used to increase experience points?

And the title of Dragon Slayer, actually gave a title directly, which surprised Mu Rufeng.

Is it a title with special attributes or just a title of Dragon Slayer in name?

Thinking of Fan Ruo's ability to make his title appear, and the role of the title of the Brave Warrior of Art, Mu Rufeng felt that the title of Dragon Slayer should most likely have special attributes.

As for the last LV90-level sword, it is most likely a level 9 item?

Then, Mu Rufeng looked at the other tasks again.

As long as there are level crystals and titles in the rewards, Mu Rufeng found them one by one.

[Task Specification]: 3S

[Task Requirements]: Go to the Lava Sea and kill the Lava Giant

[Task Reward]: 300,000 gold, level crystals x3, LV90 magic wand.

[Task Method]: Can be a single adventurer or a team. The average level of the team must be above LV90 to accept this task.

This one only has level crystals, and Mu Rufeng doesn't care about the rest.

[Task Specification]: 3S

[Task Requirements]: Go to the deep sea and kill the deep-sea whale

[Task Reward]: 500,000 gold, the title of Abyss Gazer, level crystal x5, LV90 optional weapons and armor, can be hired as the honorary vice president of the Adventurer Guild

[Task Method]: Can be a single adventurer or a team. The average level of the team must be above LV90 to accept the task.

After Mu Rufeng remembered the three tasks clearly, he immediately walked towards the task center.

However, Mu Rufeng could see that there were people lining up there, but there were also a few windows on the other side with fewer people.

Even the place on the far right was not a window, but an office.

A VIP task office.

Mu Rufeng said nothing and directly pushed open the VIP door of the office.

When Mu Rufeng entered, many people outside cast their eyes over.

They were all guessing who Mu Rufeng was and why he could enter the VIP door to hand in the task.

You know, those who can enter that VIP door are at least level 80 or above.

After Mu Rufeng entered the room, the people inside immediately stood up from their seats and greeted him with a flattering face.

"My Lord Knight, I wonder which task you want to hand in." A middle-aged man came forward and said.

However, when he approached and saw Mu Rufeng's face clearly, his face changed all of a sudden.

Because he didn't know Mu Rufeng, you know that he knows all the people who are capable of entering the VIP room to handle the task.

However, even if he didn't know Mu Rufeng, he didn't ask.

"Is the lava giant in a sea of ​​magma?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"Yes, Lord Knight, do you want to take the task of killing the lava giant?"

"My Lord Knight, to accept this task, you need to be at least level 90. I wonder what level your Lord Knight is," Li Ming asked.

Mu Rufeng didn't answer him, but took out a heart about one meter long.

This heart was still burning and beating at the same time, which was extremely magical.

"This is the heart of the lava giant. I have killed him. I have completed the task. Take the reward." Mu Rufeng said.

"Is this the heart of the lava giant?" Li Ming was shocked.

"Sir Knight, please follow me. We will have a special person to identify it." Soon, Li Ming calmed down and said.

"Okay." Mu Rufeng responded.

He took Mu Rufeng out of the other side door of the room.

This door leads to the second floor.

Li Ming took Mu Rufeng to a room on the second floor and left.

Waited for about three minutes.

Li Ming came over with two people.

"Huh? Is it Mr. Mu?" The person who came actually called out Mu Rufeng's name.

The person who came was none other than Wang Daoer, the vice president who received and handled it after he joined the brave team.

"Vice president, this is the heart of the lava giant. I have killed it. Where is my reward?" Mu Rufeng threw the heart to Wang Daoer.

"It's true. This is really the heart of the lava giant. I didn't expect Mr. Mu to be so powerful after becoming a hero." Wang Daoer was a little surprised.

Mu Rufeng smiled slightly and didn't say anything.

"Do you have the magic crystal of the lava giant?" Wang Daoer asked again.

"Of course there is." Mu Rufeng said, taking out the magic crystal of the lava giant.

"Quick, go and get the reward." Wang Daoer hurriedly ordered his subordinates.

"Yes, Vice President." The subordinate responded and prepared to leave.

But he was stopped by Mu Rufeng.

"You can also bring the task reward for killing the fire dragon Coris. I also killed it."

Mu Rufeng said, and took out a dragon head that was many times taller than him and placed it on the ground.

Fortunately, the room on the second floor is relatively large, otherwise it may not be able to accommodate the head of the fire dragon.

When Mu Rufeng took out the heart of the lava giant, Wang Daoer was already very surprised.

Now the fire dragon head of Koris appeared, which completely shocked him.

That was the fire dragon Koris, and even the sword master could not do anything to the fire dragon.

However, he could also feel the breath emanating from the dragon head.

"Go, go quickly, and bring the rewards of the two tasks." Wang Daoer hurriedly said to his men.

After Wang Daoer finished his instructions, he came up and kept observing and investigating the dragon head.

After checking, Wang Daoer found that this was really the head of the fire dragon Koris.

At the same time, he also found that the magic crystal was still in Koris's head.

He really couldn't imagine how Mu Rufeng killed this LV99 fire dragon Coris.

He looked at the dragon's head with excitement.

But soon he thought of something and said, "Mr. Mu, a few days ago, Princess Mu Mu led her men to kill the fire dragon Coris. Did you meet Princess Mu Mu?"

"Yes, but they came too late. I have already killed the dragon." Mu Rufeng replied.

"Wait, Mr. Mu, you said, you killed it alone? Not with Princess Mu Mu?" Wang Daoer widened his eyes at this moment.

He is a LV92 magician, and his strength is also extremely powerful.

But when facing the fire dragon Coris, he can only seek death.

"Yes, it's just a reptile lizard. How could it need help from others?" Mu Rufeng said calmly.

"Um, Mr. Mu, may I ask, what is your current level?" Wang Daoer asked.

He knew that the Hero of Magic had only appeared today, and he also knew that Mu Rufeng did not seem to be awakened by an ordinary person.

Therefore, he also knew that Mu Rufeng was powerful, but he did not know what level Mu Rufeng was.

After all, he was just responsible for receiving guests just now, and then went out to do his work, and he did not know Mu Rufeng's level at all.

Mu Rufeng heard this and said, "Level 80."

Originally, his level was not high, but he also killed a lot of monsters along the way.

The most representative ones are naturally the fire dragon Coris and the so-called magma giant.

Wang Daoer was slightly startled when he heard this, and murmured, "Level 80, it's so fast that it's level 80."

"Vice President, the rewards are all here." At this time, the subordinate who went out before came over with two boxes.

The rewards for the tasks are all locked in the magic box.

Low-level magic boxes can be opened by multiple people, but for 3S-level tasks like this, only the vice president or the president can open them.

The vice president took the magic box, opened the two boxes directly, and then handed all the things inside to Mu Rufeng.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining level crystals x8, level nine props: Light Blade, level nine props: Sage's Foot, title: Dragon Slayer]

[Level Crystal]: It is transformed by rules and is extremely precious.

Effect: Special props, after swallowing, it can be upgraded by one level, and the upper limit is LV99.

Note: Do you want to upgrade quickly? Do you want to become stronger quickly? Then use it!

[Light Blade]: ...

[Sage's Foot]: ...

[Dragon Slayer]: With a human body, do dragon slaying things, this is the proof that you killed the fire dragon Coris.

Effect: After wearing it, all attributes +100, you can ignore the dragon's power, and the lethality to Western dragons is increased by 20%.

"It actually directly upgraded to a level." Mu Rufeng was a little surprised.

He thought it was just to increase the experience value, but he really didn't expect that a level crystal could be directly upgraded to a level.

In this way, Mu Rufeng's level can be directly upgraded to level 88.

The title of the dragon slayer has pretty good attributes, after all, it can also increase 100 points of three-dimensional attributes.

After getting the things, Mu Rufeng immediately put away the heart of the lava giant and the dragon head of Coris.

"Wait, Mr. Mu, you can't take these three items away."

Seeing Mu Rufeng put away the heart, magic crystal and head, Wang Daoer hurriedly stopped him.

"Huh? Why?" Mu Rufeng frowned.

"Mr. Mu, we need to send these two things to the place where the task is issued to confirm the authenticity of the death of Coris and the lava giant." Wang Daoer explained.

Hearing this, Mu Rufeng fell into deep thought.

These two things are excellent ingredients, he can't bear to give them to them, and the magic crystal should also have a significant effect.

After thinking about it, Mu Rufeng took out something else.

"This is the root of the lava giant. This thing should also prove it, right?" Mu Rufeng said, taking out an object more than three meters long.

"Ah? This... is fine, but it would be best if there is a magic crystal, because the employer who offered the bounty for the lava giant is a lady." Wang Daoer was stunned for a moment and said.

"I have a use for the magic crystal, and the head should be fine, but it was blown up by me." Mu Rufeng said.

"Mr. Mu, you need to give us the magic crystal." Wang Daoer said.

"Then I'll add this one." Mu Rufeng said and took out another huge leg bone.

This leg bone also exudes a meaty aroma, which makes people salivate.

"This." Wang Daoer was a little confused about this thigh bone.

"This is the hind leg bone of the fire dragon Coris. It happened that I boiled a pot of soup, so it has a bit of meaty aroma."

"Wait a minute, I forgot to eat the bone marrow inside." Mu Rufeng finished speaking, and directly tapped on the bone, and immediately hit a hole.

Then Mu Rufeng opened his mouth and sucked, and the soft, glutinous and oily bone marrow flew out instantly and then sank into Mu Rufeng's mouth.

When the bone marrow came out, it was accompanied by a very strong fragrance, which really made them all a little greedy.

"This thigh bone should be okay? If not, then take this one too." Mu Rufeng said, and took out two more dragon horns.

These two dragon horns are from the head of the giant fire dragon Corris, and they emit a burning breath. They are probably also very important alchemical materials.

When Wang Daoer saw the two dragon horns being taken out, his eyes widened a little.

Obviously, he was also a little greedy for the dragon horns.

"Of course, no problem." Wang Daoer responded repeatedly, and then put away all those things.

He didn't care if he couldn't get the magic crystal, because the things wouldn't reach him anyway.

"By the way, I also accepted the mission of the deep-sea giant whale." Mu Rufeng said again.

"Deep-sea giant whale? Mr. Mu, there is really no need. The deep-sea giant whale is a top existence of LV99 level, and it still lives in the deep sea."

"Even three LV99 sword masters can't kill it."

"Unless your brave team has reached LV90, you should be able to try it." Wang Daoer said.

The deep sea is too shameless. Even when the demon king invaded, there was no way to deal with the deep-sea giant whale.

Mu Rufeng smiled and waved his hand and left here.

After watching Mu Rufeng leave, Wang Daoer immediately said to his subordinates: "Xiaolu, take this dragon horn and thigh bone to find Duke Yuris."

"For this object, you go to the Duchess of Qingshan and tell them that the two bounty tasks have been completed. Also, if they ask about the magic crystal, you say that Mu Rufeng took the reward and ran away."

The subordinates were stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "Yes, Vice President."

After the order was completed, Wang Daoer left happily with a dragon horn.


Mu Rufeng also knew where the sea was from the memory of the old man in Muta Village.

It must be said that the old man was also a figure when he was young, and he almost traveled all over the empire.

His strength was not low, more than 50 levels, but later because he offended a big man, he was abolished by him.

Coupled with the problem of injury, the level gradually dropped below level 10, and finally fixed at level 8.

The old man who suffered a major blow could only return to the village to live a miserable life.

The sea is far away from here, more than 800 kilometers away.

The area of ​​the Saint Dis Empire is very large, almost as large as China.

Some small countries also occupy some.

Then there are various intelligent creatures.

Of course, the monsters actually occupy the most territory.

After all, monsters are powerful, numerous, and reproduce quickly.

Yes, this world is not only a human intelligent species.

Not to mention anything else, even the goblin race can be regarded as an intelligent race.

Mu Rufeng learned from the old man's memory that there are also elves, mermaids, orcs, etc.

Mu Rufeng's figure flashed and disappeared directly on the spot.


After Mu Rufeng left the Adventurer's Guild, he immediately drove the cloud towards the sea.

On the way, Mu Rufeng killed many monsters, but because the level was too high, low-level monsters had no experience.

Only monsters of level 70 and above had experience.

He killed all the way and only raised his level to level 81.

Standing in front of the sea, Mu Rufeng thought about it and took out the level crystal and threw it directly into his mouth.

[Swallow the level crystal, your experience value is full, and the level is raised to LV82]


[Swallow the level crystal, your experience value is full, and the level is raised to LV89]

Mu Rufeng glanced at his attributes.

[Name]: Mu Rufeng

[Occupation]: Hero of magic, with extremely powerful magic ability.

[Level]: 89

[Spirit]: 8980 (???)

[Defense]: 4490 (???)

[Agility]: 4490 (???)

[Magic]: 179600 (???)

[Skills]: Spells

This is also an extremely powerful attribute.

However, the most important thing is that his magic power is extremely high now.

At the same time, 90% of the magic in the spells have been unlocked.

Mu Rufeng can now be said to be a human-shaped forbidden spell releaser.

This sea is very large, and it can be said that it is no less than the sea in the real world.

Mu Rufeng wants to find a deep-sea giant whale in it, which is like looking for a needle in a haystack. No, it should be looking for an iron rod in a haystack.

Mu Rufeng immediately took out the soul-sucking gourd.

The last time he was looking for a mermaid in the sea in the real world, the ghost of the soul-sucking gourd helped him a lot.

One day later, Mu Rufeng successfully killed the deep-sea giant whale.

However, because of its huge size, Mu Rufeng's upgraded inventory could not fit it.

Helplessly, Mu Rufeng only cut off half of it in the end.

Mu Rufeng ate the remaining half happily.

Of course, he could not finish it, so he had to leave it in the sea.

When a whale falls, everything comes to life.

This is not without reason.

Before Mu Rufeng left, a large number of sea monsters came and began to bite it.

Mu Rufeng even saw the mermaids.

The mermaids naturally have both men and women, and the women are basically beautiful and have beautiful figures.

As for the mermaids, although their body shapes are similar, their faces are uneven, and you can't find a handsome one among a hundred.

"Sir, I am Yu Jiaojiao, the leader of the mermaid tribe. Thank you for getting rid of the deep-sea giant whale."

A very old mermaid with more than a dozen mermaids surfaced, swam over, and knelt down to Mu Rufeng.

"Mermaid tribe?" Mu Rufeng looked at the mermaids, feeling quite emotional.

I didn't find mermaids in the real world, but I found them here.

"Yes, sir, we are the mermaid tribe, and we are deeply persecuted by the deep-sea giant whale. I don't know how many of our people have been eaten."

"Now, sir, you have killed the deep-sea giant whale. We, the mermaid tribe, will worship you forever. I don't know where you are from. What is your name?" The patriarch asked respectfully.

"Mu Rufeng, the brave warrior of magic." Mu Rufeng said.

"Brave warrior, are you the brave warrior of magic?" The patriarch was shocked.

"Yes." Mu Rufeng nodded.

"Great, the brave warrior of magic finally appeared. That's right, only the brave warrior can kill the deep-sea whale."

"Brave warrior, this is a gift from our mermaid tribe, please accept it." The tribe leader took out a red flower, threw it gently, and flew directly to Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng reached out to take it, and after looking at the attributes, he nodded with satisfaction.

[Jiaozhudan Huarui Flower]: Jiaozhu Huarui Flower is a peculiar spiritual plant. It usually grows in the extremely cold land deep in the ocean, and a large number of mermaid pearls need to be buried before it can grow.

Effect: A ninth-level spiritual object, this flower only blooms very rarely. Once it blooms, the fragrance will attract a large number of monsters. Just touching it will have a huge healing effect, and it can also purify the filth in the body. After swallowing it, it can revive the dead and purify toxins.

The appearance of Jiaozhudan Huarui Flower is like a radial red flower, with a black mermaid pearl in the center.

According to the mermaid chief, the place where this flower is located is not only a place with rich magic power, but also a large number of mermaid pearls and the bodies of mermaids.

And the growth rate is extremely slow and rare, so it is extremely precious.

"I accept it, and this deep-sea magic whale is given to you. Do I need to get rid of these monsters?" Mu Rufeng asked.

"No, no need, brave man, these monsters are all on good terms with our mermaids, and we will share food with them." The mermaid chief said hurriedly, but there was still a strange look on his face.

"In that case, I will take my leave first." Mu Rufeng said, and silently put away his phone.

The video was finished, and it was time to leave. Seeing the mermaid, Mu Rufeng was still very surprised, so he took out his phone to record and take pictures.

A day passed, and the Princess Mu Mu Xing must have returned to the capital.

Mu Rufeng was not traveling fast, but not slow either. After about an hour, he returned to the capital of Saint Dis.

As soon as he came back, he saw the medal of his brave team glowing.

Mu Rufeng took it out of his pocket with some curiosity.

"The brave warrior of magic, you are finally back. Come to the palace quickly. We want to meet His Majesty." A pleasant female voice sounded.

"Who are you?" Mu Rufeng asked.

I have to say that this medal is quite good. It can actually communicate with the team members. As for the distance, it is probably about ten miles.

"I am the brave warrior of healing, You Lili." The girl said.

The brave warrior of healing, Mu Rufeng guessed, should be a priest, a brave warrior who restores blood and adds buffs.

"Hello, I am the brave warrior of magic, Mu Rufeng. Where are the others? Are they all here?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Hmph, we're only waiting for you. Since you're here, why don't you stay here and run around? We've been waiting for you for a day." A young male voice sounded.

The words were full of dissatisfaction and arrogance.

"Stop talking nonsense, come quickly, at the gate of the palace." Another impatient female voice sounded.

"Okay, okay, we are all partners, don't be so unfriendly when talking." A familiar voice sounded.

Mu Rufeng heard that this was Sun Mumu, the first princess of Saint Dis, and also a warrior.

When Mu Rufeng joined the warrior team, he also learned that the boy should be the sword warrior Yurio.

At the same time, this sword warrior Yurio and the healing warrior Yulili are siblings, and they are the legitimate son and daughter of Duke Yuris.

The other impatient girl should be the arrow warrior, Tian Mali.

Yes, the arrow warrior, the weapon is a bow and arrow, and he is responsible for the long-range attack in the team.

"I'm already in front of the palace. Where are you? Why haven't you arrived yet?" Mu Rufeng said.

"Huh? You're here?"

"So soon?"

"Then wait."

Soon, the other three heroes came in a hurry.

The way they came was quite cool. For example, the sword hero came directly on a sword, which was really handsome with his majestic armor and face.

Yulili cast a flying magic on herself and flew directly over. There were stars all around her, which was also very gorgeous.

And the arrow hero Tianmali came directly on a griffin.

"Are you the magic hero?" Yurio looked at Mu Rufeng with contempt.

Mu Rufeng glanced at Yurio and didn't bother to pay attention.

Tianmali on the side said coldly: "You, a magic hero, don't wear a magic robe, but wear armor? And carry a big sword? Where is your magic wand?"

Mu Rufeng still ignored him, but asked: "When are we going in?"

"I'm talking to you, didn't you hear me?" Tian Mali's tone became even colder.

Mu Rufeng still ignored him and strode towards the palace.

"You are such a lowly person, you are so brave. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson." Tian Mali finished speaking, bent his bow and drew his arrow, and shot at Mu Rufeng's ankle without hesitation.

However, before he could get close, he was crushed by the invisible aura around Mu Rufeng.

Mu Rufeng stopped, turned to look at Tian Mali, then looked at Yurio, and finally his eyes fell on Tian Mali: "You want to fight me?"

"You are lucky to be a hero, and you dare to show your displeasure here."

"Today, you kneel down for me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Yurio didn't like Mu Rufeng's look, so before Tian Mali could speak, his right hand slowly grasped the hilt of the long sword at his waist.

"Brother, Sister Tian, ​​don't do this, we are all heroes, fighting is not good." Yulili hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade.

"Sister, step back, don't worry, with my sister's healing ability, no one will die." Yurio smiled and looked at his sister and said.

"Okay, be gentle." You Lili said, stepped back a few steps, and then looked at Mu Rufeng: "Mu Rufeng, don't be impulsive, let them beat you up, I will heal you, it won't be dangerous, it will just hurt."

Mu Rufeng looked at You Lili in surprise.

Originally, he had a good impression of You Lili, but now it seems that they are all a bunch of garbage.

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